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NiCVMatch3D | |
▼NStemmer | |
►NCvb | |
►NAsync | |
CAcquisitionExtensions | Async wrapper methods for IAcquisition objects. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Async contains extension methods for Driver.IAcquisition types (like Device Driver.Streams) to use it with async /await . |
►NBarcode | |
►NConfiguration | |
►NBaseClasses | |
CGrader2DConfigurationBase | Base class for 2D grading configurations. |
CGraderConfigurationBase | Base class for Barcode grading configurations. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode.Configuration.BaseClasses contains base classes for the different symbology-specific barcode reader configurations. These classes are usually abstract and not intended to be used directly but only through their derived classes which are located in Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode.Configuration . |
CReader2DConfigurationBase | Base class for all 2D reader configurations. |
CReader2DWithQuietzoneConfigurationBase | Base class for 2D reader configurations that support a quiet zone check. |
CReaderCommon1DConfigurationBase | Configuration class that aggregates the most common 1D code reading settings. |
CReaderConfigurationBase | Base class for Barcode reading configurations. |
CReaderEanUpcConfigurationBase | Base class for EAN and UPC configurations. |
CReaderFourStateConfigurationBase | Base class for Four State codes. |
CReaderPlanetPostnetConfigurationBase | Base class for Postnet and Planet codes. |
CReaderWithBooleanCheckDigitConfigurationBase | Configuration based on the common 1D settings with added eval check digit flag. |
CReaderWithQuietzonConfigurationBase | Base class for all reader configurations that support quiet zone checking. |
CReaderWithTransmitStartStopConfigurationBase | Configuration based on the common 1D settings with added flag for transmission of start/stop digit. |
CBarcodeGrading | Grading configuration for 1D Barcodes. |
CBase | Base class for all Barcode reader configuration objects. |
CCodabar | Reader configuration for Code93 |
CCode11 | Reader configuration for Code11. |
CCode128 | Reader configuration for Code128 codes. |
CCode32 | Configuration for Code32 reading. |
CCode39 | Reader configuration for Code39 |
CCode93 | Reader configuration for Code93 |
CDataMatrix | Configuration for DataMatrix Code reading. |
CDataMatrixGrading | Configuration settings for data matrix grading. |
CDiscrete2Of5 | Reader configuration for Discrete 2 of 5 codes. |
CEan13 | Reader configuration for EAN13 codes. |
CEan8 | Reader configuration for EAN8 codes. |
CFourStateAustralian | Reader configuration for Four State Australian Codes. |
CFourStateKix | Reader configuration for Four State KIX Codes. |
CFourStateRoyalMail | Reader configuration for Four State Royal Mail Codes. |
CFourStateUsps | Reader configuration for Four State USPS Codes. |
CInterleaved2Of5 | Reader configuration for Interleaved 2 of 5 codes. |
CMicroPdf417 | Configuration for MicroPdf417 reading. |
CMsiPlessey | Reader configuration for Msi Plessey codes. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode.Configuration contains what is necessary to define a configuration for either barcode reading or barcode grading (see ReaderConfig and Reader). |
CPdf417 | Configuration for PDF 417 reading. |
CPharmaCode | Configuration for Pharma Code reading. |
CPlanet | Configuration for Planet Code reading. |
CPostnet | Configuration for Postnet Code reading. |
CQR | Configuration for QR code reading. |
CQRGrading | Configuration settings for QR grading. |
CRSS | Configuration for RSS code reading. |
CSonyCode | Configuration for Sony Code reading. |
CUpcA | Reader configuration for UPC A codes. |
CUpcE | Reader configuration for UPC E codes. |
NProperties | |
CGradeResult1D | Grading result for 1D codes. |
CGradeResult2DBase | Base class for 2D grading results. |
CGradeResultBase | Code grading result base class. |
CGradeResultDataMatrix | DataMatrix grading results. |
CGradeResultQR | QR grading results. |
CNamespaceDoc | The types implemented in the namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode and its sub namespaces expose the features of the CVCBarcode.dll in Cvb.Net. |
CReader | The actual barcode reading functionality. |
CReaderConfig | Barcode reader object. |
CReadResult | Common result components of a barcode read operation. |
CReadResult1D | Read Result of a 1D code. |
CReadResult2D | Read results for matrix codes. |
CReadResultCode128 | Read results for Code 128. |
CReadResultCode39Code93 | Read results for Code 39 and Code 93. |
CReadResultDataMatrix | Read result for DataMatrix codes. |
CReadResultPdf417 | Read result for Pdf417 codes. |
CReadResultQR | Read result for QR codes. |
CReadResultSonyCode | Read result for Sony codes. |
CReadResultUpcE | Read results for UPC-E codes. |
CResultAnalysis | Extension functions for analyzing Barcode results. |
CSymbologyAnalysis | Extension methods to analyze symbologies |
►NCollections | |
►NGeneric | |
CCollectionExtensions | Extension methods for use with generic collections |
CInfoCollection | Generic collection of information objects. |
CLicenseCollectionExtensions | Extension methods for use with generic collections of license information. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Collections.Generic contains type definitions that make working with generic containers from System.Collections.Generic that hold objects specific to Common Vision Blox easier. |
CReadOnlyCollection | Read-only, generic collection of elements. |
CReadOnlyDictionary | Read-only, generic collection of key/value pairs. |
CReadOnlyDictionaryBase | Base class for read-only, generic collection of key/value pairs. |
►NColor | |
NProperties | |
CClassifier | Color classifier object. |
►NDnc | |
►NSearch | |
CFinder | DNC finder used to perform a search on a PointCloud. |
CSearchParameters | Definition of search parameters. Search parameters strongly influence the search results. Likewise, they have great influence on the timing of a search operation. |
CSearchResult | Single result of a Finder.Find(DensePointCloud,SearchParameters) operation. |
CTeachParameters | Parameters for teaching a Dnc finder. |
►NDriver | |
►CAccessToken | Parsed (partial) access token. |
CDevice | A GenTL producer device. |
CGenApiFeature | Contains the triplet of NodeMap identifier, Node name and value. |
CInfo | Info properties of a module layer. |
CInterface | Represents an interface module of a GenTL producer. |
CNode | Base element of the module layers. |
CParameter | A GenTL Producer dependent parameter to set. |
CTransportLayer | Represents a GenTL Producer. |
CVin | Represents a vin driver module. |
CBuffer | A simple contiguous block of memory. |
►CBufferImage | Stream image that is returned when no IRingBuffer interface is available. |
CImageLayout | Contains the buffer layout of a Image for fast BufferImage creation. |
CCompositeStream | Stream that returns composites. |
CCompositeStreamBase | Base class for streams that work with composites. |
CDeviceControlCommand | A specific command to send to the driver. |
CDeviceEventArgs | Event argument for notifying a device change. |
CDeviceImage | Special device image. |
CDeviceNodeMapDictionary | NodeMapDictionary for Devices. |
CDiscoveryInformation | Stores information on a discovered device/node. |
CDiscoveryInformationList | Contains all results from a discovery run. |
CEmuDevice | A Device representing an image stream based on single image files. |
CEmuImage | Image of a CVB emulation object. |
CGenICamDevice | Device supporting typed composite streams. |
CIAcquisition | Interface for all streaming devices |
CIBuffer | A simple contiguous block of memory. |
CIDeviceControl | Driver specific get or set operations on a Device. |
CIDeviceInterface | Base interface of all Device interfaces. |
CIDigitalIO | Digital I/O operations on a Device. |
CIImageRect | Image rectangle query and change operations. |
CImageStream | Stream that delivers images. |
CIndexedStream | A stream with a finite number of images, which can also be accessed via an IndexedStream.ImageIndex. |
CINotifyObservable | Observable of of the INotify interface. |
CIPfncBuffer | A Buffer that has GenICam layout information available. |
CIRegPort | Enables direct memory access on the device. |
CIRingBuffer | RingBuffer operations on a Device. |
CISoftwareTrigger | Software trigger interface to trigger image acquisition from the application. |
CIStream | Base class for all device streams. |
CMultiPartImage | A StreamImage that can have more Parts associated with it. |
CNamespaceDoc | The types in the namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Driver expose part of the functionality covered by the CVCDriver.dll. |
CNodeMapDictionary | Device dictionary holding all node maps. |
CNodeMapNames | Contains all known node map names. |
CNonStreamingDevice | A Device representing a device without any streaming capabilities. |
CNotifyDictionary | Read-only collection containing all INotify events of a Device. |
CNotifyEventArgs | Event argument for notification events. |
CPfncBuffer | A Buffer that has GenICam layout information available. |
CPointCloudStream | Stream that delivers PointClouds. |
CRingBufferImage | Stream image that is returned, when the IRingBuffer interface is available on a device. |
CStream | Represents one acquisition stream of a Device. |
CStreamImage | Base class of all stream related images. |
CStreamNodeMapDictionary | NodeMapDictionary for Streams. |
CStreamStatistics | Gives access to stream related statistics. |
CVideoBufferImage | Acquired image in a video stream. |
CVideoDevice | A Device representing a video stream from the hard disk. |
CVideoImage | Image of a video. |
CVinConnectionInformation | Contains the board and port information of a Device or its access token. |
CVinDevice | A Device representing a video interface driver (vin). |
CVinImage | Image of a CVB Virtual Interface object. |
►NExtensions | |
NProperties | |
CDrawingExtensions | Extension methods for the members of the System.Drawing namespace . |
CImageExtensions | Extension methods on the Image object. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Extensions contains static classes with extension methods that make cooperation with other APIs like System.Drawing . Please note that the assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Extensions.dll is dependent on other assemblies that may not be present on all supported platforms. |
►NForms | |
►NComponents | |
CErrorEventArgs | Event arguments containing an Exception. |
CImageEventArgs | Event arguments containing one StreamImage. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Components contains visual components that may be used for creating Windows Forms applications in the Forms Designer. |
CStreamHandler | Helper component to handle acquisition on a stream. |
►NControls | |
CArea2DDragEventArgs | Event argument class for both Rectangular AOI related events |
►CDisplay | .NET display control for Common Vision Blox |
CZoomState | Class that memorizes a Display's zoom state for the purpose of later on restoring that state. |
CGenApiGrid | GenICam GenApi Grid control. |
CLabelEventArgs | Event argument class for label-related events |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls contains the GDI and DirectDraw/Direct3D based Common Vision Blox display and the GenApi grid as components that may be used in Forms applications or inside a FormsHost container or in the Visual Studio Forms designer, along with supporting type definitions. |
COverlayEventArgs | Event argument class for overlay-related events |
COverlayPluginEventArgs | Event that refers to overlay plugins. |
COverlayPluginMouseOverEventArgs | Event that refers to overlay plugin mouse over notifications. |
CRectDragEventArgs | Event argument class for both Rectangular AOI related events |
CRubberMeasurementEventArgs | Event argument class for measurement-rubber-related event |
CStatusLineUpdatedEventArgs | Event that indicates a change in the status line of a display. |
CUserOverlayEventArgs | Event that refers to user overlays. |
CUserOverlayMouseOverEventArgs | Event that refers to user object mouse over notifications. |
►NOverlays | |
►NPluginData | |
CArcPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the Arc plugin |
CBitmapPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the Bitmap and the FixBitmap plugins. |
CCompassPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the Compass plugin. |
CImagePlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the image-in-image plugin. |
CNamespaceDoc | This namespace contains all the plugin data structures used internally. Library users will usually not interact directly with these objects. |
CPenStylePlugInData | Plugin data for pen styles. Recognized by Area, Circle, Crosshair, FixCircle, Line, Rectangle and RotatedCrosshair plugin. |
CPixelListPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the PixelList plugin. |
CPolyLinePlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the PolyLine plugin. |
CRotatedRectPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the RotatedRect plugin. |
CTargetPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the Target plugin. |
CTextOutPlugInData | Plugin Data structure for the TextOut plugin. |
CArcOverlay | An arc zoom factor |
CArea2DOverlay | An overlay object representing an Area2D object on a Display. |
CBitmapOverlay | A "target" - in principle a stack of crosshair plugins |
CCircleOverlay | An circle overlay. |
CCircularTargetOverlay | Target overlay consisting of stacked circles |
CCompassOverlay | Compass plugin, indicating text and optionally an angle. |
CCrossHairOverlay | A simple Crosshair overlay. |
CDisplayLabel | Display Label. |
CDisplayObjectList | A Collection class for displayable object collections |
CExtendedOverlayPluginBase | Base class for all overlays that come with a plugin data structure |
CFixedSizeBitmapOverlay | A "target" - in principle a stack of crosshair plugins |
CFixedSizeEllipseOverlay | An ellipse overlay that does not change size regardless of the display's zoom factor |
CImageOverlay | A picture in picture display of a CVB image by means of an overlay. |
CLineOverlay | A simple line overlay. |
CNamespaceDoc | The overlay plug ins (based on the *.opi files of the Common Vision Blox installation) that may be used with the Display control are located in the namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Overlays . |
COverlayBase | Base object for all displayable objects (currently labels and overlay plug in objects) |
COverlayDictionary | Dictionary that provides access to the list of installed CVB overlay plugins. |
COverlayList | Label collection object. |
COverlayPluginBase | Overlay plugin object |
COverlayPluginInfo | Object gathering all relevant information about an installed overlay plugin. |
CPenStyleOverlayPluginBase | Base class for all overlays that use pen width and pen style through a TPenStylePluginData structure. |
CPixelListOverlay | A pixel list overlay that marks each pixel individually. |
CPolyLineOverlay | A polygon overlay. |
CRectangularTargetOverlay | Target overlay consisting of stacked rounded rectangles |
CRectOverlay | An overlay representing a Rect object. |
CRotatedCrossHairOverlay | A simple Crosshair overlay. |
CRotatedRectangleOverlay | A Rotated Rect. |
CSmartRectOverlay | A rectangle object |
CTargetOverlay | A "target" - in principle a stack of crosshair plugins |
CTextOverlay | A label with selectable font properties (note: not all available font attributes are supported...). |
CUserOverlay | User-definable overlay. This type of overlay does not use a predefined appearance, but needs to be user-drawn using a subset of the GDI functionality exported by the Stemmer.Cvb.Aux.Drawing.UnmanagedGraphics object. |
CUserOverlayPaintEventArgs | Paint arguments for UserOverlays. These are basically identical with the PaintEventArgs objects from the auxiliary DLL, with the addition of the drag handle index. |
NProperties | |
►NVisualTools | |
CNamespaceDoc | Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.VisualTools contains base class definitions for interactive tools that are visible and movable on a Display control and whose execution logic is to be implemented in a derived class. |
CVisualArea2DClassicToolBase | Base class for Visual Tool objects that work on a Rect. |
CVisualArea2DToolBase | Base class for Visual Tool objects that work on a Rect. |
CVisualLineToolBase | Base class for Visual Tool objects that work on a line. |
CVisualRectToolBase | Base class for Visual Tool objects that work on a Rect. |
CVisualToolBase | Base class for all Visual Tool Objects. |
CVisualToolErrorEventArgs | Error Event arguments class used by VisualToolBase- derived objects. |
CVisualToolEventArgs | Event arguments class used by VisualToolBase-derived objects. |
CClipboard | Mimics the class System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard by additional static functions. |
CFileDialogs | Container class for utility functions for file dialogs. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Forms contain the GDI and DirectDraw/Direct3D based Common Vision Blox display implemented in the CVCDisp.dll as well as the GenApi grid implemented in CVGenApiGrid.dll. It also gives access to the Common Vision Blox overlay plug ins from within Cvb.Net. |
►NFoundation | |
►NOpcUa | |
►NNamespace0 | |
CFolderObjectId | Folder IObjectNode NodeIds. |
CObjectTypeId | IObjectTypeNode types NodeIds. |
CReferenceTypeId | ReferenceType NodeIds. |
CVaribleTypeId | IVariableTypeNode types NodeIds. |
CBrowseFilter | Option object to filter IClientNode.Browse results. |
CClientFloatNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient floating point variable node. |
CClientIntegerNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient integer variable node. |
CClientMethodNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient method node. |
CClientNodeBase | OPC/UA node created by a OpcUaClient. |
CClientNodes | IClientNode access. |
CClientObjectNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient object node. |
CClientObjectTypeNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient ObjectType node. |
CClientStringNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient string variable node. |
CClientVariableNodeBase | Base class of OPC/UA OpcUaClient variable nodes. |
CClientVariableTypeNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient VariableType node. |
CGuidNodeId | A NodeId with a Guid identifier. |
CIClientMethodNode | Callable OPC/UA OpcUaClient method node. |
CIClientNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient node. |
CIClientVariableNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient variable node. |
CIFloatNode | OPC/UA floating point variable. |
CIIntegerNode | OPC/UA integer variable node. |
CIMethodNode | An OPC/UA callable node. |
CIMethodParameter | One input or output parameter of an IMethodNode. |
CINode | Interface for all OPC/UA nodes. |
CIObjectNode | OPC/UA object node. |
CIObjectTypeNode | OPC/UA ObjectType node. |
CIServerMethodNode | Callable OPC/UA OpcUaServer method node. |
CIServerMethodParameterCollection | Parameter collection for ServerMethodNode ServerMethodNode.InputParameters and ServerMethodNode.OutputParameters. |
CIServerNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer node. |
CIServerVariableNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer variable node. |
CIStringNode | OPC/UA string variable. |
CIVariableNode | OPC/UA variable nodes that store data. |
CIVariableTypeNode | OPC/UA VariableType node. |
CMethodCalledEventArgs | Event arguments for a called OPC/UA MethodObject. |
CMethodParameter | One input or output parameter. |
CNodeBase | Base class for all OPC/UA nodes. |
CNodeId | Unique identifier for a single NodeBase. |
CNumericNodeId | A NodeId with an integer identifier. |
COpaqueNodeId | A NodeId with a byte array identifier. |
COpcUaClient | OPC/UA client to enumerate and access OPC/UA NodeBases. |
COpcUaServer | OPC/UA server to provide access to NodeBases for clients. |
CServerFloatNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer float variable node. |
CServerIntegerNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer integer variable node. |
CServerMethodNode | OPC/UA OpcUaClient method node. |
CServerNamespaceList | Manages the OPC/UA namespaces of the OpcUaServer. |
CServerNodeBase | OPC/UA nodes created on a OpcUaServer. |
CServerNodes | IServerNode access |
CServerObjectNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer object node. |
CServerObjectTypeNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer ObjectType node. |
CServerStringNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer string variable node. |
CServerVariableNodeBase | Base class for OPC/UA OpcUaServer variable nodes. |
CServerVariableTypeNode | OPC/UA OpcUaServer VariableType node. |
CStringNodeId | A NodeId with a string identifier. |
NPInvoke | |
NProperties | |
NUtilities | |
CAddNoise | Collection of functions that add noise to Cvb Images. |
CAlignment2DResult | Result of a curve alignment. |
CAlignmentSettings | Settings to configure the Curve.Align method. |
CAnalysis | Collection of miscellaneous image analysis functions. |
CAQS12DensePointCloudSegmentor | Segmentor for face segmentation of an AQS12 calibration piece on dense point clouds. |
CAQS12Piece | Aggregates the data that describes the AQS12 calibration piece. |
CAQS12RangeMapSegmentor | Segmentor for face segmentation of an AQS12 calibration piece on range maps. |
CArithmetic | Collection of arithmetic functions from the Foundation Package. |
CBayerConversion | Functions for converting images with a Bayer pattern. |
CBitwise | Collection of bit-wise operations on images. |
CBlob | Blob search and binarization methods. |
CBlobFilter | For building filters for the Blob.Search. |
CBlobFilterBuilder | Helper to build filters for a blob search. |
CBlobResult | Container for a blob analysis result. |
CCalibrationConfiguration | Stores the configuration for the calibration. |
CCalibrationLineScan | Collection of calibration line scan functions. |
CCalibrationPattern | Methods for CVB calibration pattern handling. |
CCalibrator3DExtensions | Extension methods for the Calibrator3D. |
CConvert | Class with various image conversion functions. |
►CConvertColorSpace | Color space conversions supported by the Foundation Package. |
CColorTwistMatrix | Matrix defining color transformations. |
CCorrelation | Collection of functions that calculate different kinds of correlation values. |
CCurve | 2D curve functions. |
CCurveExtensions | Extension methods for a curve (Point2Dd array). |
CDensePointCloudSegmentor | Base class for configuring and computing segmentation on dense point clouds. |
CEdge | Collection of functions for Edge detection. |
CEdgeDetectionResult | A set of parameters that stores the result from an edge detection. |
CEdgeResult | Edge Search result |
CEdgeResultPair | A pair of found edges. |
►CFft | Collection of FFT functions. |
CFilter | Creation functions for FFT filters. |
CFftImage | Cvb Image representation in the Fourier domain. |
CFilter | Collection of Filter methods supported by the Common Vision Blox Foundation Package. |
CGaussianPyramid | Functions implementing a Gaussian pyramid approach. |
CHistogram | A single histogram result. |
CHistogramAnalyzer | Functionality for analyzing the Histogram of images (previously found in the LightMeter tool). |
CHistogramExtensions | extends the long[] class by methods that help analyze a histogram. |
CHuMoments | Results of Hu Moment calculation. |
CImageExtensions | Extension methods the Foundation Package adds to Image objects. |
CImageMoments | State object for calculating various image moments. |
CLineScanCalibrationConfiguration | A set of parameters, which is used to configure line scan calibration. |
CLineScanCalibrator | A set of parameters that stores the result of line scan calibration. |
CLut | Lookup table functions. |
CLutLevel | Struct that pairs a LUT level and the value assigned to this level. |
CMetric | Metric calibration routines. |
CMorphology | Morphological filter operations available from the Common Vision Blox foundation package. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation holds all classes and definitions that expose functionality of the Common Vision Blox Foundation Package. The Foundation Package comprises the following DLLs:
Note that a valid Common Vision Blox Foundation Package license is required to use this functionality unrestricted. If no license is available, function-specific restrictions apply. |
CNonLinearTransformation | Object implementing the non linear polynomially approximated transform implemented in the CVB Foundation Package. |
CNorm | Functions for calculating different norms over the gray values of an image. |
CPerspectiveTransformation | Perspective transformation coefficients. |
CPolarization | Functions and type definitions of the CVPolarization library. |
CProjection | Projection that the Edge analysis of Common Vision Blox is using. |
CProjectionValue | Single projection value. |
CRangeMapSegmentor | Base class for configuring and computing segmentation on range maps. |
CRegression | Various regression functions. |
CScale | Class with various image scaling functions. |
CTestImages | Functions for test image generation. |
CThreshold | Thresholding functions in the Common Vision Blox Foundation Package. |
CTransform2D | Collection of 2D transformation functions (most of them linear). |
CZxBarcode | Functionality of the ZXBarcode.dll. |
CZxBarcodeReadResult | ZXing bar code read result. |
►NGenApi | |
CBooleanNode | Node representing a true /false value. |
CCategoryNode | Node that logically groups other nodes. |
CCommandNode | A node that can be executed. |
CEnumEntryNode | One entry in an enumeration. |
CEnumerationNode | A node that presents a choice of values. |
CFloatNode | Represents a floating point number. |
CFloatRegNode | Floating point value register. |
CGenApiVersion | Version information for GenICam related objects. |
CIBooleanNode | GenICam GenApi node with a bool value. |
CICategoryNode | GenICam GenApi node grouping other INode objects. |
CICommandNode | GenICam GenApi node that is executable. |
CIEnumEntryNode | GenICam GenApi node representing one enumeration entry. |
CIEnumerationNode | GenICam GenApi node containing named values. |
CIFloatNode | GenICam GenApi node that has a double value. |
CIIntegerNode | GenICam GenApi node that has a long value. |
CINode | Generic GenICam GenApi node. |
CINodeMap | Read-only dictionary holding all INodes of a device or module. |
CIntegerNode | Represents a floating point number. |
CIntRegNode | Integer value register. |
CIPortNode | GenICam GenApi node that enable read/write access to e.g. a device. |
CIRegisterNode | GenICam GenApi register node. |
CISelectorNode | GenICam GenApi node that can select others. |
CIStringNode | GenICam GenApi node that has a string value. |
CIValueNode | GenICam GenApi node having a value. |
CNamespaceDoc | The types in the namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Driver.GenApi expose and implement the functionality covered by the CVGenApi.dll. |
CNode | Basic GenApi node for device feature access. |
CNodeMap | Contains all nodes of a device or module. |
CPortNode | Port nodes are the connection to the remote device. |
CRegisterNode | Untyped register access (only memory). |
CSelectorNode | Groups Nodes, that are dependent on this one |
CStringNode | String value node. |
CStringRegNode | String value register. |
CValueNode | Base class for all Nodes, that have a value. |
►NGeometry2D | |
CCircle | Class representing a circle (for the purpose of regression and other calculations). |
CEllipse | Class representing an ellipse (for the purpose of regression and other calculations). |
CLine | Object representing an infinite line in 2 dimensional space. |
CLineSegment | A line segment between two points. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Geometry exposes some elementary geometrical primitives that one or more modules of Common Vision Blox are working with (e.g. for regression purposes). |
►NGeometry3D | |
CPlane | A plane in 3D space in Hessian normal form. |
►NGevServer | |
CBooleanNode | GenApi.BooleanNode that is configurable. |
CCategoryNode | Node that groups other nodes. |
CChunkImageBufferDescription | Describes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer with possibly additional data. |
CCommandNode | GenApi.CommandNode that is configurable. |
CEnumEntryNode | An entry for an EnumerationNode. |
CEnumerationNode | GenApi.EnumerationNode that is configurable. |
CFloat32RegNode | An float typed, configurable IRegisterNode. |
CFloat64RegNode | An double typed, configurable IRegisterNode. |
CFloatBaseNode | Base class for all float based nodes. |
CFloatNode | GenApi.FloatNode that is configurable. |
CFloatRegNode | A floating point typed, configurable IRegisterNode. |
CGenApiEvent | Identifies a GenApi event that can be sent via a GevServer's MessageChannel. |
CGevServer | Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server implements a GigE Vision camera in software. |
CGevServerStateChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for GevServer state changes. |
CIConfigurableCategoryNode | A ICategoryNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableCommandNode | ICommandNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableEnumEntryNode | IEnumEntryNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableEnumerationNode | IEnumerationNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableFloatBaseNode | Base interface for all configurable float nodes |
CIConfigurableFloatNode | IFloatNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableFloatRegNode | IConfigurableRegisterNode for float registers. |
CIConfigurableIntegerBaseNode | Base class interface for all configurable integer nodes. |
CIConfigurableIntegerNode | IIntegerNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableIntRegNode | IConfigurableRegisterNode for integer registers. |
CIConfigurableNode | Configurable INode. |
CIConfigurableNodeMap | An INodeMap that can be configured. |
CIConfigurableRegisterNode | IRegisterNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableSelectorNode | ISelectorNode that is configurable. |
CIConfigurableStringNode | Base class interface for all configurable string nodes. |
CIConfigurableValueNode | Configurable IValueNode. |
CImageBufferDescription | Describes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer. |
CInt32RegNode | An Int32 IntRegNode node. |
CInt64RegNode | An Int64 IntRegNode node. |
CIntegerBaseNode | Base class for all integer based nodes. |
CIntegerNode | GenApi.IntegerNode that is configurable. |
CIntRegNode | An int typed, configurable IRegisterNode. |
CIntSwissKnifeNode | Read only node to calculate formulas on the client side with integer arithmetic. |
CISwissKnifeNode | Interface for GenICam GenApi SwissKnife nodes of type TNode. |
CLogicalNetworkInterface | An IP network interface the GevServer can be bound to. |
CMessageChannel | The message channel to create and send GenICam GenApi events. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer contains interfaces and classes for using the Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server in Cvb.Net. The Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server presents a CVB image source as a GigE Vision camera. For additional information see the GEV Server part in the Common Vision Blox Online Reference. |
CNode | Base class of all server nodes. |
CNodeDictionary | A dictionary holding dependent nodes of a Parent node. |
CNodeDictionaryBase | Base class for all GevServer node dictionaries. |
CNodeMap | GevServer NodeMap. |
CReplyStatusEventArgs | Notify the remote client about the success of the event operation. |
CSelectorNode | GenApi.SelectorNode that is configurable. |
CStream | The stream to send Images or other data. |
CStringNode | GenApi.StringNode that is configurable. |
CStringRegNode | StringNode that is a register. |
CValueNode | Node having a value. |
CValueVariant | A variant stores one value of either type T1 or T2. |
►NManto | |
NProperties | |
►CClassifier | Manto classifier object. |
CClassInformation | Information about one of the classes in a Classifier. |
CClassInformationCollection | Collection for classifier-based class information. Classifier-based class information is a bit more scarce because it lacks the sample list. |
►CClassifierFactory | Learner object that creates a classifier from an image list. |
CLearnProgressEventArgs | Arguments for the LearnProgress event. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Manto contains the classes and definitions needed for using the Common Vision Blox Manto tool. |
►CSampleImageList | Class that wraps a Manto SIL |
CClassInformation | Base class for providing SIL class informations |
CClassInformationCollection | ClassInformationCollection helper class for MantoSampleImageList |
CSampleInformationCollection | Collection of samples inside a class of an SampleImageList. |
CSearchResult | Results provided by Manto classifier searches. |
►NMatch3D | |
CAlign | Functionality of the CVMatch3D.dll. |
CAlignmentParameters | Parameters to configure the Align.DownsampledPointClouds(PointCloud, PointCloud, AlignmentParameters) algorithm. |
CAlignmentResult | Result of a Match3D alignment operation. |
►NMinos | |
NProperties | |
►CClassifier | Minos classifier object. |
CModelInformation | Information about a Minos classifier model. |
CModelInformationCollection | Collection of model informations. |
CClassifierFactory | Learner object that creates a classifier from an image list. |
CConsistencyCheckEventArgs | Event data for the ConsistencyCheckProgress events on various objects. |
CCorrelation | Correlation functions that come with the Minos library. |
CFilter | Filter functions that come with the Minos library. |
CImageAddedEventArgs | Event data for the TrainingSet's TrainingSet.ImageAdded event. |
CImageRemovedEventArgs | Event data for the TrainingSet's TrainingSet.ImageRemoved event. |
CInstanceAddedEventArgs | Event data for the TrainingSet's TrainingSet.InstanceAdded event. |
CInstanceRemovedEventArgs | Event data for the TrainingSet's TrainingSet.InstanceRemoved event. |
CLearnParameters | The set of parameters that controls how a classifier is being learned from a training set. |
CLearnProgressEventArgs | Arguments for the LearnProgress event. |
CModelAddedEventArgs | Event data for the TrainingSet's TrainingSet.ModelAdded event. |
CModelRemovedEventArgs | Event data for the TrainingSet's TrainingSet.ModelRemoved event. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Minos contains the classes and definitions needed for using the Common Vision Blox Minos tool. |
CSearchResult | Search Result as returned by Minos |
►CTrainingSet | A Minos Training Set from which a classifier can be generated. |
CImageInfo | Image that has been added to a training set. |
CImageInfoCollection | Class that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set. |
CImageInstanceInfoCollection | Instance information collection that is attached to a training set image. |
CInstanceInfo | InstanceInformation that has been added to a training set. |
CInstanceInfoCollection | Class that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set. |
CModelInfo | InstanceInformation that has been added to a training set. |
CModelInfoCollection | ModelInformationCollection class that aggregates the collection of Models inside a Minos Training Set. |
CModelInstanceInfoCollection | Instance information collection that is attached to a training set model. |
CTrainingSetObject | Base class for all objects that can be inside a training set. |
CTrainingSetObjectInfoCollection | Additional inheritance level of the InformationCollection object from the Image Manager wrapper that specifies stronger constraints on the TInfo generic parameter |
►NMovie2 | |
NProperties | |
►NRecordingEngine | |
CDirectShowSettings | Settings for the DirectShowEngine. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Movie2.RecordingEngine contains the settings objects for the different available recording engines. |
CRawVideoSettings | Settings for the RawVideoEngine. |
CRecordingSettings | Settings for a IRecordingEngine. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Movie2 contains the classes and definitions needed for using the Common Vision Blox Movie2 tool. |
CRecorder | Movie2 recorder for writing video files to disk. |
►NPolimago | |
NProperties | |
►NTesting | |
CClassificationTestResult | Classification test result object. |
►CConfusionMatrix | Representation of a confusion matrix. A confusion matrix is a matrix that gives detailed information about the kind of mistakes that occurred during a leave-out or sample test. |
CPredictionResult | The information contained in each cell of the confusion matrix. |
CHoldoutTestResultFactory | Factory object for holdout tests. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago.Testing contains classes and definitions that help testing a given training set versus either a test set or versus itself by means of a leave-out-test. |
CRegressionTestResult | Regression test result object. |
CSampleTestResultFactory | Factory object for running a sample test in which all the elements of a training database are classified with a given classifier. |
CTestResultBase | Abstract base class for all Polimago Test Results. |
CTestResultFactory | Base class for test factory classes. |
►NTraining | |
CClassificationPredictorFactory | Predictor factory for classification predictor. |
CEndProgressReportEventArgs | Progress report stage terminated. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago.Training contains classes and definitions needed for generating classifiers from training data collections. |
CPolimagoFactoryException | Exception type thrown by the Polimago factory classes. |
CPredictorFactoryBase | Base class for classifier factory classes. |
CPredictorFactoryBaseEx | Common base class for classifier factories for regression and classification classifiers. |
CProgressReportEventArgs | Progress step report. |
CProgressReportEventArgsBase | Event argument base class for progress reports. |
CRegressionPredictorFactory | Factory class for regression predictors. |
CSearchPredictorFactory | Factory class for the generation of search predictors. |
CStartProgressReportEventArgs | Start progress report event argument |
CClassificationPredictor | Predictor to classify patterns with. |
CClassificationResult | Polimago classification result container. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago contains the classes and definitions needed for using the Common Vision Blox Polimago tool. |
CPolimagoExtensions | Extension methods for the Stemmer.Cvb.Polimago library. |
CPolimagoFactoryCreatedObject | Base class for Polimago objects created by one of the factory classes. |
CPolimagoRefCountedObject | Base class for Polimago's reference counted objects. |
CPredictorBase | Base class for Polimago predictors. |
CPredictorBaseEx | Base class for all Polimago predictors. |
CRegressionPredictor | Polimago Regression predictor. |
CSearchPredictor | Predictor that may be used for searching objects. |
CSearchResult | Search results as provided by a Search Classifier. |
NProperties | |
►NRuntime | |
►NInteropServices | |
CIntPtrUtilities | Several utility functions that make interfacing managed and unmanaged DLLs easier. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Runtime.InteropSerices contains classes and definitions internally used for implementing CVB.Net. |
COperatingSystem | Makes Operating System information accessible at runtime. |
CPixelListConversion | Conversion functions from unmanaged PIXELLIST objects to managed lists. |
CProcessing | Utility functions used for marshaling processing function calls. |
CSafeBarcodeReaderConfigHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Barcode readers (which for some reason do not follow standard reference counting). |
CSafeColorClassifierHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Color Classifiers (which for some reason do not follow standard reference counting. |
CSafeColorFilterHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Color Filters (which for some reason do not follow standard reference counting. |
CSafeColorTrainingSetHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Color TrainingSets (which for some reason do not follow standard reference counting. |
CSafeCvbObjectHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are pseudo COM objects released through ReleaseObject |
CSafeIntPtrHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources. |
CSafeMantoClassifierHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Manto Classifiers (which never were proper IUnknown objects) |
CSafeMantoImageListHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Manto Classifiers (which never were proper IUnknown objects) |
CSafeMinosClassifierHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Minos Classifiers (which are not proper pseudo on the 32 bit plaform since CVB 7.2.1) |
CSafeMinosTrainingSetHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Minos Classifiers (which are not proper pseudo on the 32 bit platform since CVB 7.2.1) |
CSafePolimagoObjectHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Polimago search classifiers. |
CSafeShapeFinderClassifierHandle | Safe-destruct handle wrapper for IntPtr-based resources that are Minos Classifiers (which are not proper pseudo on the 32 bit platform since CVB 7.2.1) |
CStringUtilities | Several utility functions that make interfacing managed and unmanaged DLLs easier. |
►NSampleDatabase | |
NProperties | |
CFringes | Object describing the fringes that are available around images in a sample image list. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.SampleDatabase contains the classes and definitions needed for using the SIL.dll |
►CSampleClassificationImageList | Classifier type that operates on images. |
CImageClassificationInfoCollection | Collection of class information inside a classification sample list. |
CImageClassificationLabelInfo | Classification label information |
CSampleDatabaseExtensions | Extension methods for use with generic collections |
►CSampleImageList | Classifier type that operates on images. |
CImageCollection | Collection of image samples |
CImageLabelInfo | Base class for providing SIL label information. |
►CSampleList | Base class for sample lists. Sample lists can serve two different purposes: Classification or Regression. For each case, a separate derived class has been implemented (SampleClassificationImageList and SampleRegressionImageList), while this class contains those elements that are common to both types of classifier. |
CILabelInfo | Interface for label information. |
CISampleListChild | Interface for anything that is child of a native sample image list (i.e. has a handle to the parent list through which the managed calls may be routed). |
CLabelInfoCollection | Information collection for class labels. |
CSampleCollection | Collection of data samples. SampleImageList. |
CSampleListDataType | Base class for image list data type descriptors. |
CSampleListImageDataType | Descriptor for image data to be digested by an image list. |
►CSampleRegressionImageList | Classifier type that operates on images. |
CImageRegressionInfoCollection | Collection of regression information inside a regression sample list. |
CImageRegressionLabelInfo | Regression Label Information. |
►NShapeFinder | |
NProperties | |
CClassifier | ShapeFinder classifier object. |
CClassifierFactory | Object that holds methods for generating ShapeFinder classifiers. In case of ShapeFinder 1 the learner contains only static methods as no complex state aggregations are required here. |
CClassifierObject | Base class for ShapeFinder classifiers. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinder contains the classes and definitions needed for using the ShapeFinder functionality from SF.dll. |
CSearchResult | Search result obtained with a ShapeFinder (1) classifier. |
►NShapeFinder2 | |
CClassifier | ShapeFinder2 classifier object. |
CClassifierFactory | Object that aggregates the learning parameters and produces a ShapeFinder2 classifier |
CFilter | Filter functions exported and used by the ShapeFinder library. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinder2 contains the classes and definitions needed for using the ShapeFinder 2 functionality from SF.dll. |
CSearchResult | A single ShapeFinder2 search result. |
►NSpectral | |
CContinuousCube | Cube owning a continuous buffer. |
CCube | Base class for cubes. |
CCuboid | Range struct for cubes. |
CLinearAccessData | Linear access to a Cube. |
CLinearNonOwningCube | Linear cube that doesn't own a buffer. |
CMappedCube | Cube mapping the memory of another cube. |
CMetaData | Meta information attached to a Cube. |
CStackedCube | Cube owning a non-continuous buffer. |
►NUtilities | |
CLicenseInfo | Information about CVB licenses. |
CMagicNumberEntry | A single Magic Number entry. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Utilities contains classes and definitions based on the functionality from the CVCUtilities.dll, namely high performance counters and system parameter queries. |
CRateCounter | Frame Rate Measurement counter with selectable averaging window. |
CStopWatch | Speed measurement object with selectable accuracy, based on the functions exported by the CVCUtilities.dll. |
CSystemInfo | Provides information about the CVB installation on your System. |
CUsTimeSpan | Time span with micro second granularity. |
►NWebStreaming | |
CConverter | Base class for all converter. |
CJpegConverter | Converter for sending JPEG converted image data. |
CRgbaConverter | Converter for sending RGBA converted image data. |
CServer | A WebSocket server for sending image data. |
►NWpf | |
►NAdorners | |
CArea2DMoveThumb | Thumb that rotates the Area2D overlay |
CContentAdorner | Adorner hosting any FrameworkElement. |
CDisplayCanvasThumbObject | A thumb that is tailored to the requirements of the Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.DisplayCanvas object. |
CImageInfoAdorner | Adorner to show image stats. |
CMeasureLineAdorner | Adorner with which pixel distance and angle regarding the x-axis is calculated. |
CMouseOverInfoAdorner | Mouse over info adorner. |
CMoveThumb | Semi-Generic move thumb for ImageOverlays |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Adorners contains adorners that may be used with CVB's WPF display. |
CRectangleAdorner | Adorner that simply displays a rectangle. |
CResizeThumb | A resizer thumb, tailored to the requirements of objects living on a DisplayCanvas. |
CTextAdorner | Base class for all adorners displaying text. |
CZoomAdorner | Display adorner that shows a zoom slider. |
►NBehaviors | |
CLimitedOverlayAOI | Behavior that restricts an overlay's coordinates to a certain region. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Behaviors contains definitions of behaviors to use in WPF objects. |
►NBitOverlays | |
CBitOverlayBase | Base class of all overlays painting in the overlay bit of an overlay image. |
CBrushBitOverlay | Drawing brush for draw/erase overlay bits. |
CFillBitOverlay | Fill tool for flood filling overlay bits. |
CLineBitOverlay | Drawer to draw a single line in the bit mask. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.BitOverlays contains classes and definitions to work with the CVB bit overlays. |
►NControls | |
CDisableableMouseWheelScrollViewer | A scroll viewer on which mouse wheel handling can be disabled. |
CDisplay | Displays images with optional overlays and zoom control. |
CDisplayCanvas | This canvas displays an image in the background and arranges its children according to the pixel coordinates of the image. |
CDisplayZoomEventArgs | Event arguments for all display zoom related events. |
CGenApiGrid | Property grid control to show all GenICam GenApi feature Nodes from a NodeMap. |
CIDisplay | Common CVB WPF Display interface. |
CImageEditor | A display control with support for drawing in the overlay bit-plane of an image. |
CImageSourceChangedEventArgs | Bubbling event to inform about image source changes. |
CMeasureLine | Defines a measure line with display of the control's width/height. May be used inside a grid to display another control's extent. |
CMeasureLineExtensions | Extension methods for types involved in the implementation of MeasureLine. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls contains controls for use in WPF applications. |
►NConverters | |
CBoolInversionConverter | Converter that inverts a boolean value. |
CBoolToVisibilityConverter | Converter that takes a bool value and translates it into a visibility. |
CComparisonToVisibilityConverter | Converter that takes a bool value and translates it into a visibility. |
CGlowConverter | Converter that converts a brush into a slightly brighter and more transparent version of itself. |
CMathConverter | Converts the binding values according to the mathematical expression in the parameter. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Converters contains controls for use in Bindings in WPF applications. |
CNoEmptyStringConverter | Converter that inverts a boolean value. |
CProductConverter | Converter that builds the product of an arbitrary number of input values or over an input value and a constant. |
CTernaryEqualityCheckConverter | Compares the binding values 1 and 2. If both are equal (or not equal, depending on the parameter value...) then value 3 is returned, otherwise value 4 is returned. Any value beyond 4 will be ignored. |
CThicknessComposeConverter | Composes a Thickness value from 1 or more input values, potentially doing calculations on them as defined by the converter parameter. |
►NImageEditorTools | |
CIApplicable | Interface for tools which have an Apply step. |
CImageEditorToolBase | Base class for all ImageEditor tools. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.ImageEditorTools contains editor tools that may be used on an Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls.ImageEditor. |
►NImaging | |
CBitmapSource | BitmapSource for Image objects. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Imaging contains utility classes and definitions for adapting CVB to WPF bitmap sources. |
NMathParser | |
►NOverlays | |
CArea2DOverlay | Interaction logic for Area2DOverlay.xaml |
CControlOverlay | Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls.Display overlay placed on the display canvas. |
CCrosshairOverlay | This overlay paints |
CExtentIndicator | Interaction logic for ExtentIndicator.xaml |
CFeatureOverlay | Combines LabeledRectOverlay with a CrosshairOverlay like the ModelRectOverlay. |
CHorizontalRulerOverlay | Interaction logic for RulerOverlay.xaml |
CImageOverlay | Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls.Display overlay placed on the displayed image. |
CLabeledRectOverlay | Like a label that adorns a rectangular area instead of a point. |
CLabelOverlay | Interaction logic for Label.xaml |
CModelRectOverlay | Combined CrosshairOverlay for model anchor points in an LabeledRectOverlay. |
CMovableImageOverlay | An overlay that can be dragged, resized at its borders, or both. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Overlays contains overlays that may be used on Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls.Display objects. |
CNonClippingImageOverlay | Base class for image overlays that should not be clipped (i.e. that extend beyond their definition). |
COverlayBase | Base class for Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.Controls.Display overlays. |
COverlayCanvas | An overlay canvas is a canvas for overlays which is on top of the DisplayCanvas in the visual tree. |
CRectangleOverlay | Overlay simply showing a rectangle that is optionally movable. |
CRectSelectOverlay | Interaction logic for RectSelectOverlay.xaml |
CTextImageOverlay | Base class for readable (shadowed) text overlays on a display. |
CTrackerBox | Interaction logic for TrackerBox.xaml |
NProperties | |
►NRuntime | |
NInteropServices | |
NShapes | |
CClickDetector | Utility class for detecting mouse click events on controls that do not exhibit a MouseClick event. |
CClipboard | Copy a Image object to the clipboard. |
CFileDialogs | Container class for utility functions for file dialogs. |
CImageExtensions | Collection of extension methods that involve the type Image. |
CImageToImageSourceConverter | Converts a Stemmer.Cvb.Image into an System.Windows.Media.ImageSource. |
CMiscExtensions | Collection of miscellaneous extension methods that did not fit in anywhere else. Image. |
CMouseClickEventArgs | Arguments for the mouse click event. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf contains definitions for a display for WPF applications and overlays to go with that display. |
CPropertyChangeNotifier | Helper to not root (keep alive) the target object if registering on value change events. |
CRectExtensions | Extension methods for the Stemmer.Cvb.Rect. |
CVisualTreeHelperExtensions | Extends the VisualTreeHelper class. |
CAffineMatrix2D | Compacted affine matrix for 2D operations. |
CAffineMatrix3D | Compacted affine matrix for 3D operations. |
CAnalyze | A collection functions available in the Common Vision Blox Image Manager for analyzing image content. |
CAngle | Object for convenient and type-safe handling of angles. |
CAngleMath | Provides trigonometry functions that work with Angle objects. |
CArea2D | Structure that represents an area of interest in the image. |
CAtCalibrator3D | Calibrator to create point clouds from Automation Technologies cameras. |
CCalibrator3D | Object used to reconstruct point clouds. |
CComponentsPointer3D | Point components of a point cloud. |
CComposite | Aggregates multiple CVB objects under a common Composite.Purpose. |
CConnectionStateChangeEventArgs | Event arguments of the Device.ConnectionStateChanged event. |
CConvert3D | Conversion functions for 3D objects. |
CConvertColorSpace | Simple color space conversion routines that are covered by the CVB Image Manager license. |
CCuboid | 3-dimensional range construct. |
CCvbException | Base exception for all Stemmer.Cvb exceptions. |
CDataType | Data type description for a Image plane. |
CDataTypes | Contains common CVB DataTypes. |
CDenseComponentsPointer3D | Generic point components of a DensePointCloud. |
CDensePointCloud | Dense point cloud object |
CDevice | Generic CVB physical device. |
CDeviceFactory | Factory object for creating Device objects. |
CErrorCodes | Native CVB error codes. |
CFactors3D | 3D factor struct. |
CFactorsCalibrator3D | Calibrator that multiplies the created X, Y and Z components with predefined factors. |
CFeatureExtent | The rectangular extent of a feature relative to an anchor point. |
CFileImage | An Image loaded from the file system. |
CGeometryFit | Fitting algorithms for geometric objects. |
CIAreaOfInterest | Base Interface for all areas of interest |
CImage | The Common Vision Blox image. |
CImageData | Stores the access data for image access. |
CImageDrawer | Immediate mode drawing on a Image plane. |
CImagePlane | Plane information container. |
CImagePlaneCollection | Collection of plane informations. |
CImagePlaneExtensions | Extension methods used on image planes. |
CINamed | Interface for anything that has a name. |
CINativeHandle | Base interface for Cvb objects that are accessible through a native handle. |
CIPosition | Interface for anything that denotes a position. |
CIQualified | Interface for anything that has a quality (e.g. search results). |
CIRotated | Interface for anything that has a rotation. |
CIScaled | Interface for anything that has a scale. |
CISized | Interface for anything that has a size. |
CLaserPlaneCalibrator3D | Calibrator for applying parameters for calibrating laser plane. |
CLaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3D | Calibrator that uses the Metric created X-Z matrix to rectify the laser line triangulated range map. |
CLaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3D | Calibrator that uses the ZigZag algorithm to rectify the laser line triangulated range map. |
CLinearAccessData | Linear Access properties. |
CLinearPlaneAccess1D | Linear access to a plane; |
CLocalMaximum | Result type returned by the FindLocalMaxima function |
CMappedImage | A mapped Common Vision Blox image. |
CMatrix2D | Double precision 2x2 Matrix struct. |
CMatrix3D | Double precision 3x3 matrix struct. |
CMatrix3DH | Double precision 4x4 matrix struct. |
CMatrixCalibrator3D | Calibrator that multiplies the X, Y and Z components vector with a 4x4 matrix. |
CMesh | 3D mesh object consisting of polygons. |
CNamespaceDoc | The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb holds all published definitions of the types that form Cvb.Net . |
COverlayBitDrawer | Immediate mode drawing on Image overlay plane(s). |
CPanoramicMappedImage | Mapped image of two merged source images. |
CPfncFormatValue | Helper methods for PfncFormat values. |
CPinholeCameraCalibrator3D | Calibrator the calculates the X, Y and Z components via the pinhole camera model. |
CPlane | A single linear plane of component data. |
CPlaneConfiguration | Structure defining the plane order for painting Image objects. |
CPlaneEnumerator | Container for a set of planes. |
CPlaneLinkCollection | Collection of linked planes of a MappedImage. |
CPoint2D | Multi-purpose 2D Point class |
CPoint2Dd | Multi-purpose 2D Point class |
CPoint3Dcd | Multi-purpose 3D float vector struct with confidence value. |
CPoint3Dcf | Multi-purpose 3D float vector struct with confidence value. |
CPoint3Dd | Multi-purpose 3D double vector struct. |
CPoint3Df | Multi-purpose 3D float vector struct. |
CPoint3Dhd | Multi-purpose homogeneous 3D double vector struct. |
CPoint3Dhf | Multi-purpose homogeneous 3D float vector struct. |
CPointCloud | Base class for point clouds. |
CPointCloudExtensions | Extension methods for PointClouds. |
CPolygon3D | A polygon in 3D space. |
CProcess | Collection of functions available for image processing. |
CPropertyValueChangedEventArgs | Generic event arguments for property value changes. |
CRange | Struct defining a range. |
CRect | Cvb Rectangle structure. |
CRectD | Corresponds in intention and use with the type RectD, although RectD is far more widely used. |
CRectEventArgs | Event arguments transporting a rectangular area. |
CRef | Class to store a reference to a value type in. |
CRgbColor | Color type resembling that of System.Drawing.Color but which can be used without the System.Drawing dependency. |
CRotationAngles3D | Roll-pitch-yaw rotation angle struct. |
CScopedState | Simple object for writing RAII-like scoped states (see example). |
CSensorSettings | Class to store camera sensor settings. |
CSize2D | Stores an ordered pair of integers, typical the width and height of a Rect. |
CSize2Dd | Stores an ordered pair of doubles, typical the width and height of a RectD. |
CSparseComponentsPointer3D | Generic point components of a SparsePointCloud. |
CSparsePointCloud | Sparse point cloud object |
CSystemExtensions | Extension methods for types located in the System name space. |
CTransform3D | Transformation functions for 3D objects. |
CTransformations | Container class for a selection of functions that perform a (non-geometric) transformation on the input image. |
CValueRange | Container for range definitions. |
►CVpat | Virtual Pixel Access Table. |
CEntry | One entry of the VPAT. |
CIndexerBase | Indexer object for X and Y VPAT access. |
CIntIndexer | Indexer that returns an Int32 offset. |
CIntPtrIndexer | Indexer that returns an IntPtr offset. |
CLongIndexer | Indexer that returns an Int64 offset. |
CVpatAccessData | Typed VPAT access properties with coordinate pixel access. |
CWhiteBalance | WhiteBalance functions inside the Image Manager. |
CWhiteBalanceFactors | Factors for white balance correction. |
►CWrappedImage | A wrapped image wraps another pixel buffer without owning it. |
CPixelFormatInfo | Information extracted from Bitmap pixel format. |