Common Vision Blox 15.0
CVB Packages


.Net (C#, VB, F#)


There are two basic CVB packages available: the Image Manager and the Foundation Package. If you are a using a camera from Stemmer Imaging, you already got the CameraSuite license for the Image Manager. Advanced functionalities for image processing will be provided with an additional license for the Foundation Package. If you a looking for a special application, you can get a license for a specific CVB tool.

Image Manager


 Image Manager Libraries 

 .Net API (C#, VB, F#) 



 Image  Entry point when programming with CVB.  Cvb::Image    Stemmer.Cvb.Image   cvb.Image   CVCImg.dll  ImageManager
 Driver  Driver or device related operations.  Cvb::DeviceFactory 
 cvb.DeviceFactory   CVCDriver.dll  
 GenAPI  GenICam Api based device configuration.  Cvb::GenApi   Stemmer.Cvb.GenApi      CVGenApi.dll 
 Display  User interface components.  Cvb::UI    Stemmer.Cvb.Forms 
 Utility  Helpers and utilities, which are not directly related to image processing.  Cvb::Utilities   Stemmer.Cvb.Utilities      CVCUtilities.dll  
 Pixel Format Conversion  PFNC format conversion.  Cvb   Stemmer.Cvb   cvb   CVPixFmtCnv.dll 
 Codec Bridge  Encoding and decoding videos.  Cvb::CodecBridge         CVCodecBridge.dll 
 RTP Streaming  Streaming for real-time transmission.  Cvb::RTPStreaming         CVRTPStreaming.dll 
 Webstreaming  Image conversion, compression and transport.  Cvb::WebStreaming   Stemmer.Cvb.WebStreaming   cvb.webstreaming   CVWebstreaming.dll  
 3D  3D functionality.  Cvb::PointCloud 


 GenICamBrowser Easy to use application to detect devices in the network and to get a live view without programming.
 LogGUI Tool to collect and show diagnostic data from all CVB modules.
 License Manager Tool to manage your CVB license.
 Edit Bindings Console application to detect and edit bindings between GenApi xml file and device.


 Foundation Libraries 

 .Net API (C#, VB, F#) 



Foundation Package
(windows only)
Comprehensive collection of optimized algorithms.  Cvb::Foundation   Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation   CVCFoundation.dll   Foundation 

 Foundation Tools 

 .Net API (C#, VB, F#) 



 Arithmetic   Cvb::Foundation::Arithmetic   Arithmetic.dll    Arithmetic 
 BayerConversion   Cvb::Foundation::BayerConversion   Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.BayerConversion   etBayerToRGB.dll   BayerToRGB 
 Edge   Cvb::Foundation::Edge   Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.Edge   CVCEdge.dll   Edge 
 LightMeter      Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.HistogramAnalyzer   LightMeter.dll   LightMeter 
 Metric   Cvb::Foundation::Metric   Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.Metric   CVMetric.dll   Metric 
 Polarization    Cvb::Foundation::Polarization   Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation.Polarization   CVPolarization.dll   Polarization 
 TextOut            TextOut.dll   TextOut  

CVB Tools


 Software Tools 

 .Net API (C#, VB, F#) 



 Barcode  Decode common barcode symbologies.  Cvb::Barcode   Stemmer.Cvb.Barcode   cvb.barcode   CVCBarcode.dll    Barcode 
 Blob   Search for blobs (contiguous pixel).           CVCBlob.dll   Blob  
 GEV Server  Flexible image server for data transfer to multiple PCs via multicast, GigE Vision and GenICam compliant hardware simulation.  Cvb::GevServer   Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer   cvb.gevserver   CVGevServer.dll   GevServer 
 (32 bit only) 
Recognize organically varying features.     Stemmer.Cvb.Manto      Manto.dll    
 Match3D  Alignment of 3D objects.  Cvb::Match3D    Stemmer.Cvb.Match3D   cvb.match_3d   Match3D.dll   Match3D 
CAD-based 3D-object recognition.  Cvb::Dnc   Stemmer.Cvb.Dnc   cvb.dnc   CVDNCFind.dll 
 Minos  High-speed decision tree object recognition and OCR/OCV.  Cvb::Minos   Stemmer.Cvb.Minos   cvb.minos    MinosCVC.dll    Minos 
 Movie2  Sequence recording and image archiving.  Cvb::Movie2   Stemmer.Cvb.Movie2   cvb.movie2   Movie2.dll   Movie 
 Polimago   Search and classification.  Cvb::Polimago 
 Shape Finder  Object recognition using geometric information.  Cvb::ShapeFinder2   Stemmer.Cvb.ShapeFinder2   cvb.shapefinder2   SF.dll   Shape Finder 
 Spectral   Work with hyperspectral imaging data.  Cvb::Spectral   Stemmer.Cvb.Spectral   cvb.spectral   CVSpectral.dll   Spectral  


 TeachBench Training utility for various pattern recognition algorithms (Minos, Polimago, Match3D-DNC).