CVB.Net 15.0
Stemmer.Cvb.Utilities Namespace Reference


struct  LicenseInfo
 Information about CVB licenses. More...
struct  MagicNumberEntry
 A single Magic Number entry. More...
class  NamespaceDoc
 The namespace Stemmer.Cvb.Utilities contains classes and definitions based on the functionality from the CVCUtilities.dll, namely high performance counters and system parameter queries. More...
class  RateCounter
 Frame Rate Measurement counter with selectable averaging window. More...
class  StopWatch
 Speed measurement object with selectable accuracy, based on the functions exported by the CVCUtilities.dll. More...
class  SystemInfo
 Provides information about the CVB installation on your System. More...
struct  UsTimeSpan
 Time span with micro second granularity. More...


enum  StopWatchMode { MultiCPU , SingleCPU }
 Mode at which the StopWatch should work. More...


delegate TObject LoadConstructor< TObject > (string fileName)
 Generic shape of a function that loads an object. More...
delegate void SaveFunction< TObject > (TObject obj, string fileName)
 Generic shape of a function that saves an object. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StopWatchMode

Mode at which the StopWatch should work.


The StopWatch works safe in multi-CPU environments. For that, some degree of accuracy is lost, because under Windows the timers, that are safe to use on a multi-CPU system, are limited to 1 ms granularity.


The StopWatch works with a granularity of less than 1 ms (basically with what the Windows SDK function QueryPerformanceFrequency returns). However, a time generated with this mode will not be safe to use in a multi-CPU (not multi-core!) environment, because a thread may travel between CPUs and the timers are not synchronized between CPUs.

Function Documentation

◆ LoadConstructor< TObject >()

delegate TObject LoadConstructor< TObject > ( string  fileName)

Generic shape of a function that loads an object.

Template Parameters
TObjectType of the object to be loaded.
fileNameName of the file to load the object from.
Loaded object (or null).

◆ SaveFunction< TObject >()

delegate void SaveFunction< TObject > ( TObject  obj,
string  fileName 

Generic shape of a function that saves an object.

Template Parameters
TObjectType of the object to be saved.
objObject to be saved.
fileNameFile name under which to save the object.