CVBpy 15.0
cvb.match_3d Namespace Reference

Common Vision Blox Match3D ICP module for Python (alignement of two point clouds). More...


class  CorrespondenceType
 Correspondence type used for algorithm in icp_match. More...
class  MatchingParameters
 A parameter set for ICP matching and down sampling point clouds. More...
class  MatchingResult
 Results of a ICP matching and down sampling operation. More...


float distance_rms (cvb.PointCloud scene, cvb.PointCloud model)
 Approximates the root mean square of distances between two point clouds. More...
cvb.match_3d.MatchingResult icp_match (Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloud] scene, Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloud] model, cvb.match_3d.MatchingParameters parameters)
 This function matches two point clouds. More...

Detailed Description

Common Vision Blox Match3D ICP module for Python (alignement of two point clouds).

Online Manual

Common Vision Blox-Tool Match3D ICP

Function Documentation

◆ distance_rms()

float distance_rms ( cvb.PointCloud  scene,
cvb.PointCloud  model 

Approximates the root mean square of distances between two point clouds.


scene : cvb.PointCloud First point cloud.

model : cvb.PointCloud Second point cloud.


float The distance.

◆ icp_match()

This function matches two point clouds.

This function matches two point clouds by the iterative closest point algorithm (ICP), see: The algorithm follows Arun KS, Huang TS, Blostein SD(1987) Least - squares fitting of two 3D point sets. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 9:698 - 700.


scene : Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloud] Scene point cloud.

model : Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloud] Model point cloud to be matched to scene.

parameters : cvb.match_3d.MatchingParameters Parameters that control the algorithm.


cvb.match_3d.MatchingResult Object containing all results.