CVBpy 15.0
MatchingParameters Class Reference

A parameter set for ICP matching and down sampling point clouds. More...

Inherits object.


 convergence_radius = property
 float: Gets or sets convergence radius to define when two points are considered as a converged match.
 correspondence_method = property
 int: Gets or sets correspondence type used (see cvb.match_3d.CorrespondenceType).
 correspondence_threshold = property
 float: Gets or sets parameter for shape sensitivity.
 max_iterations = property
 int: Gets or sets maximum number of iterations to execute.
 max_model_points = property
 int: Gets or sets maximum number of model points to use. More...
 max_scene_points = property
 int: Gets or sets maximum number of scene points to use. More...
 min_improvement = property
 float: Gets or sets threshold for minimum improvement for early stopping criteria.
 pre_align = property
 bool: Gets or sets pre-alignment configuration.
 tolerance = property
 float: Gets or sets tolerance for stopping criteria.

Detailed Description

A parameter set for ICP matching and down sampling point clouds.

Instantiates a MatchingParameters object.


max_scene_points : int Maximum number of scene points to use. Points are selected randomly. If zero, all points are used.

max_model_points : int Maximum number of model points to use. Points are selected randomly. If zero, all points are used.

max_iterations : int Maximum number of iterations to execute (optional, default value = 20).

tolerance : float Iteration stops if mean distance between aligned point clouds is equal/below this value (optional, default value = 1e-9).

min_improvement : float The mean distance between aligned point clouds has to differ more than this value from the results of the previous iteration. Otherwise iteration stops (optional, default value = 1e-5).

correspondence_threshold : float Parameter for shape sensitivity. It is defined by a value between 0 and 1. A higher value means higher sensitivity. A value of 0 corresponds to the classical ICP without any shape sensitivity. A value between 0.8 and 0.9 is recommended as default value when aligning point clouds (optional, default value = 0.8).

convergence_radius : float Convergence radius to define when two points are considered as a converged match (optional, default value = 1e-4).

pre_align : bool True, if pre-alignment of point clouds should be done using the center of gravity (optional, default value = False).

correspondence_method : int Correspondence type used (see cvb.match_3d.CorrespondenceType) (optional, default value = cvb.match_3d.CorrespondenceType.ConsensusICP).

Property Documentation

◆ max_model_points

max_model_points = property

int: Gets or sets maximum number of model points to use.

If zero, all points are used.

◆ max_scene_points

max_scene_points = property

int: Gets or sets maximum number of scene points to use.

If zero, all points are used.