CVBpy 15.0
cvb Namespace Reference

Common Vision Blox Image Manager module for Python. More...


namespace  barcode
 Common Vision Blox Barcode module for Python.
namespace  dnc
 Common Vision Blox Match3D DNC module for Python (CAD-based 3D-object recognition).
namespace  foundation
 Common Vision Blox Foundation module for Python.
namespace  gevserver
 Common Vision Blox GevServer module for Python.
namespace  match_3d
 Common Vision Blox Match3D ICP module for Python (alignement of two point clouds).
namespace  minos
 Common Vision Blox Minos module for Python.
namespace  movie2
 Common Vision Blox Movie recording module for Python.
namespace  polimago
 Common Vision Blox Polimago module for Python.
namespace  sample_database
 Common Vision Blox SampleDatabase module for Python.
namespace  shapefinder2
 Common Vision Blox ShapeFinder module for Python.
namespace  spectral
 Common Vision Blox Spectral module for Python.
namespace  ui
 Common Vision Blox UI module for Python.
namespace  webstreaming
 Common Vision Blox WebStreaming module for Python.


class  AccessMode
 Access possibility of the node. More...
class  AcquisitionInterface
 Known acquisition CVB interfaces. More...
class  AcquisitionStack
 Defines the acquisition stack when opening the device. More...
class  AcquisitionState
 Specifies current status of the acquisition engine. More...
class  AffineMatrix2D
 Compacted affine matrix describing the Common Vision Blox coordinate system. More...
class  AffineMatrix3D
 Affine transformation for 3D containing a transformation matrix and a translation vector. More...
class  AffineTransformationParameters
 Parameters of a 3D affine transformation matrix correcting an inclined laser plane. More...
class  Angle
 Object for convenient and type-safe handling of angles. More...
class  AngleRange
 Container for angle range definitions. More...
class  Area2D
 Structure that represents an area of interest in the image. More...
class  AsyncWaitResult
 Represents an async wait result on a stream. More...
class  AsyncWaitResultCompositeTuple
 Represents an async wait result on a composite stream. More...
class  AsyncWaitResultImageTuple
 Represents an async wait result on a image stream. More...
class  AsyncWaitResultPointCloudTuple
 Represents an async wait result on a point cloud stream. More...
class  AtCalibrator3D
 Calibration object to apply 3D calibration of sensors provided by Automation Technology(AT) to point clouds. More...
class  BooleanNode
 Node representing a true / false value. More...
class  BufferLayout
 Defines the buffer layout to create cvb.WrappedImage from python buffers. More...
class  CacheMode
 Defines how the value is cached. More...
class  Calibrator3D
 Base calibration class to apply 3D calibration to point clouds. More...
class  CancellationToken
 A token to enable cancellation on wait operations. More...
class  CancellationTokenSource
 Provides tokens and signals tokens cancellation. More...
class  CategoryNode
 Node that logically groups other nodes. More...
class  Circle
 Class representing a circle. More...
class  ColorModel
 Color model that this image is using. More...
class  CommandNode
 A node that can be executed. More...
class  Composite
 The Common Vision Blox composite. More...
class  CompositePurpose
 Specifies the purpose of the composite container. More...
class  CompositeStream
 The composite stream class. More...
class  CompositeStreamBase
 Base class of all composite based streams. More...
class  CompositeStreamHandler
 Handler object for multiple synchronous streams. More...
class  ConnectionState
 Current connection state of the Device. More...
class  ConversionMode
 Mode used by conversion to dense point cloud. More...
class  CoordinateSystemType
 Enumeration of the different available coordinate systems that an Area of interest may be defined in. More...
class  CropDirection
 Indicates cropping direction. More...
class  CropRange
 Indicates cropping range. More...
class  Cuboid
 3D rectangle in the X, Y and Z domain. More...
class  DataType
 Data type description for an image plane. More...
class  DensePointCloud
 A dense Cartesian 3D point cloud object. More...
class  Device
 Generic CVB physical device. More...
class  DeviceControl
 Implementation of the device control interface. More...
class  DeviceControlCommand
 A specific command to send to the driver. More...
class  DeviceControlOperation
 Operation on driver specific parameter. More...
class  DeviceFactory
 Factory object for creating device objects. More...
class  DeviceImage
 Special device image. More...
class  DeviceState
 States the device can be in. More...
class  DeviceUpdateMode
 Defines how to treat the optional device image, when the device itself is updated. More...
class  DigitalIO
 Digital I/O operations on a device. More...
class  DiscoverFlags
 Flags controlling the discovery process. More...
class  DiscoveryInformation
 Stores information on a discovered device / node. More...
class  DiscoveryProperties
 Properties which can be queried from a DiscoveryInformation entry. More...
class  DownSampleMode
 Specifies how to remove points from a point cloud. More...
class  Ellipse
 Class representing an ellipse. More...
class  EmuDevice
 A device representing an image stream based on single image files. More...
class  EmuImage
 An image associated with an cvb.EmuDevice. More...
class  EnumEntryNode
 One entry in an enumeration. More...
class  EnumerationNode
 A node that presents a choice of values. More...
class  EventCookie
 Cookie used to unregister event handlers. More...
class  Factors3D
 Per component factors for 3D points. More...
class  FactorsCalibrator3D
 Calibration object to apply factors component wise. More...
class  FloatNode
 Represents a floating point number. More...
class  FloatRegNode
 Floating point value register. More...
class  GapFillingMethod
 Supported methods for gap filling. More...
class  GapFillingOptions
 Options for gap filling with function fill_gaps. More...
class  GenApiVersion
 Version information for GenICam related objects. More...
class  GenICamDevice
 A GenICam compliant device. More...
class  Image
 The Common Vision Blox image. More...
class  ImagePlane
 Plane of an image with a specific index. More...
class  ImageRect
 Image rectangle operations on a device. More...
class  ImageStream
 The image stream class. More...
class  ImageStreamHandler
 Handler object for multiple synchronous streams. More...
class  IndexedStream
 A stream with a finite number of images, which can also be accessed via an index. More...
class  IntegerNode
 Represents a integer number. More...
class  IntRegNode
 Integer value register. More...
class  LaserPlaneCalibrator3D
 Calibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras. More...
class  LaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3D
 Calibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras. More...
class  LaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3D
 Calibration object to apply zig zag algorithm to the range map of a laser triangulation cameras. More...
class  LicenseInfo
 Information about CVB licenses. More...
class  Line2D
 Object representing an infinite line in 2 dimensional space. More...
class  LocalMaximum
 Result type returned by the cvb.find_local_maxima() function. More...
class  MagicNumberEntry
 A single Magic Number entry. More...
class  MappingOption
 Mapping options when creating a (potentially) mapped image. More...
class  Matrix2D
 Double precision 2x2 matrix class. More...
class  Matrix3D
 Double precision 3x3 matrix class. More...
class  Matrix3DH
 Double precision row-major 4x4 matrix. More...
class  MatrixCalibrator3D
 Calibration object to apply 4x4 matrix to each point. More...
class  Mesh
 3D mesh object consisting of polygons. More...
class  ModuleLayer
 Level of an access token entry. More...
class  MultiPartImage
 MultiPart image class. More...
class  MultiStreamHandler
 Handler object for multiple synchronous streams. More...
class  Neighborhood
 Neighborhood to use in sub pixel calculation of local maxima. More...
class  NetworkConnection
 Basic network connection operations. More...
class  Node
 Basic GenApi node for device feature access. More...
class  NodeMap
 Contains all nodes of a device or module. More...
class  NodeMapEnumerator
 Lazy enumeration of node maps. More...
class  NodeMapID
 Contains all known node map names. More...
class  NonStreamingDevice
 A device without a stream. More...
class  NotifyArgs
 Event argument for notification events. More...
class  NotifyDataType
 Data type delivered by the event. More...
class  NotifyObservable
 Single notify event observable. More...
class  NumberRange
 Container for number range definitions. More...
class  NumberRepresentation
 Defines how a number is to be interpreted/displayed in a graphical user interface. More...
class  PanoramaDirection
 Defines the direction of the panoramic image. More...
class  PanoramicMappedImage
 Mapped image of two merged source images. More...
class  PFNCBuffer
 PFNC buffer class implementing the IPFNCBuffer interface. More...
class  PfncFormat
 GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) format values. More...
class  PinholeCameraCalibrator3D
 Calibration object to apply the pinhole camera model to the input range map. More...
class  PixelDataType
 Defines the numeric data type of one pixel. More...
class  PixelFormatConverter
 Helper class that takes care of pixel format conversion. More...
class  Plane
 Plane container. More...
class  Plane3D
 A plane in 3D space in Hessian normal form. More...
class  PlaneEnumerator
 A collection of planes. More...
class  PlaneNormalization
 Plane handling for normalization. More...
class  PlaneRole
 A plane role describes the components of the plane. More...
class  PlaybackMode
 Defines how frames are acquired by this video device. More...
class  Point2D
 Multi-purpose 2D vector class. More...
class  Point3D
 Multi-purpose 3D vector class. More...
class  Point3DC
 Multi-purpose 3D vector class with confidence. More...
class  Point3DH
 Multi-purpose 3D vector class (homogeneous). More...
class  PointCloud
 A point cloud object. More...
class  PointCloudFactory
 Factory object for creating point cloud objects. More...
class  PointCloudFlags
 Flags for creating point clouds. More...
class  PointCloudLayout
 Supported point cloud point layouts. More...
class  PointCloudStream
 The point cloud stream class. More...
class  PointCloudStreamHandler
 Handler object for multiple synchronous streams. More...
class  Polygon3D
 A polygon in 3D space. More...
class  PortNode
 Port nodes are the connection to the remote device. More...
class  RateCounter
 Frame rate measurement counter with selectable averaging window. More...
class  ReadWriteVerify
 Controls, how read/write operations are verified by the GenApi. More...
class  Rect
 Rectangle object. More...
class  RectLT
 Rectangle object. More...
class  RegisterNode
 Untyped register access (only memory). More...
class  RingBuffer
 Ring buffer operations on a device. More...
class  RingBufferImage
 Stream image that is returned, when the ring buffer interface is available on a device. More...
class  RingBufferLockMode
 Lock mode options for the ring buffer. More...
class  RotationMap
 Amount of rotation to apply when mapping an image. More...
class  SelectorNode
 Groups nodes, that are dependent on this one. More...
class  SensorPixelPosition
 Indicates pixel position on sensor. More...
class  SensorPixelsMirrored
 Indicates if sensor pixels are mirrored in rangemap. More...
class  SensorSettings
 Class to store camera sensor settings. More...
class  SingleStreamHandler
 Handler object for a single stream. More...
class  Size2D
 Stores a pair of numbers that represents the width and the height of a subject, typically a rectangle. More...
class  SoftwareTrigger
 Implementation of the software trigger. More...
class  SparsePointCloud
 A sparse Cartesian 3D point cloud object. More...
class  StopWatch
 Speed measurement object. More...
class  StopWatchMode
 Mode at which the StopWatch should work. More...
class  Stream
 Represents one acquisition stream of a device. More...
class  StreamBase
 The base class for all stream classes. More...
class  StreamImage
 Base class of all stream related images. More...
class  StreamInfo
 Queryable stream information. More...
class  StreamStatistics
 Access statistics on the stream. More...
class  StringNode
 String value node. More...
class  StringRegNode
 String value register. More...
class  SubPixelMode
 Method for determining sub pixel accuracy when working with the find_local_maxima functions. More...
class  ValueNode
 Base class for all nodes, that have a value. More...
class  Vector2D
 Multi-purpose 2D vector class. More...
class  Vector3D
 Multi-purpose 3D vector class. More...
class  Vector3DC
 Multi-purpose 3D vector class with confidence. More...
class  Vector3DH
 Multi-purpose 3D vector class (homogeneous). More...
class  VideoDevice
 A device representing a video stream from the hard disk. More...
class  VideoImage
 An image associated with an cvb.VideoDevice. More...
class  VinConnectionInformation
 Contains the board and port information of a device or its access token. More...
class  VinDevice
 A device representing a video interface driver (vin). More...
class  Visibility
 Feature complexity level. More...
class  WaitStatus
 Status after waiting for an image to be returned. More...
class  WhiteBalanceFactors
 Factors for white balance correction. More...
class  WrappedImage
 A wrapped image wraps another pixel buffer without owning it. More...


cvb.Angle abs (cvb.Angle angle)
 Absolute value of an angle. More...
cvb.Angle acos (float d)
 Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number. More...
cvb.Image affine_transform (cvb.Image image, cvb.AffineMatrix2D affine_matrix, Optional[cvb.Area2D] area)
 Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of the whole image. More...
None apply_white_balance_factors (cvb.Image image, cvb.WhiteBalanceFactors factors)
 Applies the white balance factors to the given image. More...
numpy.array as_array (Any buffer, bool copy=False)
 Maps a cvb object to a numpy array. More...
cvb.Angle asin (float d)
 Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number. More...
cvb.Angle atan (float d)
 Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. More...
cvb.Angle atan2 (float y, float x)
 Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. More...
cvb.WhiteBalanceFactors calculate_white_balance_factors (cvb.Image image, cvb.Area2D aoi)
 Calculate the red, green and blue gain factor for white balancing. More...
float cos (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns the cosine of an angle. More...
float cosh (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle. More...
cvb.Stream data_path ()
 Directory where Common Vision Blox stores its settings. More...
cvb.Image difference_map (cvb.ImagePlane range_map1, cvb.ImagePlane range_map2)
 Subtracts the given range_map2 from range_map1. More...
str expand_path (str path)
 Expands a path containing an environment variable. More...
None fill_gaps (cvb.ImagePlane range_map, cvb.GapFillingOptions options)
 Fills gaps of the given range map. More...
List[cvb.LocalMaximumfind_local_maxima (cvb.ImagePlane plane, int locality, float threshold, Optional[cvb.Rect] aoi)
 Find local maxima in the input image. More...
List[cvb.LocalMaximumfind_local_maxima_sub (cvb.ImagePlane plane, int locality, float threshold, int mode, int radius, Optional[cvb.Rect] aoi)
 Find sub pixel accurate local maxima in the input image. More...
List[cvb.LicenseInfoget_license_info ()
 Get information about available licenses. More...
List[cvb.MagicNumberEntryget_magic_number_entries ()
 Query the set of currently available Magic Numbers. More...
List[int] histogram (cvb.ImagePlane plane, cvb.Area2D aoi, float density)
 Gather and return the histogram from an 8 bits per pixel unsigned image. More...
str install_path ()
 Directory Common Vision Blox has been installed to. More...
cvb.Image inverse_polar_transform (cvb.Image image, cvb.Angle start_angle, float inner_radius)
 Create a polar transformation (that is unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image). More...
None inverse_polar_transform_to_dst (cvb.Image image_src, cvb.Point2D center, cvb.Angle start_angle, float inner_radius, cvb.Image image_dst)
 Create a polar transformation (that is unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image). More...
cvb.Image linear_transform (cvb.Image image, cvb.Matrix2D matrix)
 Creates a linear transformation (matrix transformation). More...
cvb.Image map_to_8bit (cvb.Image image, int plane_normalization)
 Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range. More...
cvb.Angle max (cvb.Angle a, cvb.Angle b)
 Returns the bigger of two angles. More...
cvb.Angle min (cvb.Angle a, cvb.Angle b)
 Returns the smaller of two angles. More...
cvb.Image normalize_mean_variance (cvb.Image image, float target_mean, float target_variance)
 Normalize an input image using mean/variance normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched modified to generate a histogram as close as possible to the input target mean and variance values). More...
cvb.Image normalize_min_max (cvb.Image image, float target_min, float target_max)
 Normalize an input image using min/max normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched or compressed to fit the input target minimum and maximum values). More...
cvb.Image polar_transform (cvb.Image image, cvb.Point2D center, float inner_radius, float outer_radius, cvb.Angle start_angle, cvb.Angle total_angle)
 Create a polar transformation (that is unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image). More...
int sign (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns a value indicating the sign of an Angle. More...
float sin (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns the sine of an angle. More...
float sinh (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle. More...
float tan (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns the tangent of an angle. More...
float tanh (cvb.Angle angle)
 Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle. More...
numpy.array to_array (Any buffer)
 Copies buffer values of a cvb object to a newly created numpy array. More...
str version ()
 Full version of the currently installed CVB. More...
int wait_for_license (int time_span)
 Wait for a given time for a license to become available. More...
str wrapper_version ()
 Get the full version string for CVBpy and all its submodules. More...

Detailed Description

Common Vision Blox Image Manager module for Python.

Function Documentation

◆ abs()

cvb.Angle abs ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Absolute value of an angle.

This is an extended description.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


cvb.Angle Absolute value.

◆ acos()

cvb.Angle acos ( float  d)

Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.


d : float Cosine.


cvb.Angle Result angle.

◆ affine_transform()

cvb.Image affine_transform ( cvb.Image  image,
cvb.AffineMatrix2D  affine_matrix,
Optional[cvb.Area2D area 

Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of the whole image.


image : cvb.Image Source image.

affine_matrix : cvb.AffineMatrix2D Matrix to transform the image.

area : Optional[cvb.Area2D] Area of the image to transform (defaults to complete image).


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ apply_white_balance_factors()

None apply_white_balance_factors ( cvb.Image  image,
cvb.WhiteBalanceFactors  factors 

Applies the white balance factors to the given image.


image : cvb.Image Image to apply white-balance factors to.

factors : cvb.WhiteBalanceFactors Gain factors to apply.

◆ as_array()

numpy.array as_array ( Any  buffer,
bool   copy = False 

Maps a cvb object to a numpy array.

Attention: If copy=False (which is the default value) make sure that your input buffer lives longer than the numpy array! If you cannot assure that, use copy=True or cvb.to_array(). However modifying values in the numpy array created with copy=True does not lead to a modifcation of the buffer values!


buffer : Union[cvb.Image, cvb.ImagePlane, cvb.PointCloud, cvb.Plane] CVB object containing buffer to be mapped.

copy : bool Force to copy, otherwise try to avoid a copy if possible.


numpy.array Newly created array.

◆ asin()

cvb.Angle asin ( float  d)

Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.


d : float Sine.


cvb.Angle Result angle.

◆ atan()

cvb.Angle atan ( float  d)

Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.


d : float Tangent.


cvb.Angle Result angle.

◆ atan2()

cvb.Angle atan2 ( float  y,
float  x 

Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.


y : float Y parameter.

x : float X parameter.


cvb.Angle Result angle.

◆ calculate_white_balance_factors()

cvb.WhiteBalanceFactors calculate_white_balance_factors ( cvb.Image  image,
cvb.Area2D  aoi 

Calculate the red, green and blue gain factor for white balancing.

Floating-point valued images must not have negative pixel values for this operation to yield useful output.


image : cvb.Image Image on which the gain factors are to be calculated.

aoi : cvb.Area2D Area of interest that is assumed to be the neutral color.


cvb.WhiteBalanceFactors Calculated white balance factors.

◆ cos()

float cos ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns the cosine of an angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


float The cosine.

◆ cosh()

float cosh ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


float The hyperbolic cosine.

◆ data_path()

cvb.Stream data_path ( )

Directory where Common Vision Blox stores its settings.


cvb.Stream A path as string.

◆ difference_map()

cvb.Image difference_map ( cvb.ImagePlane  range_map1,
cvb.ImagePlane  range_map2 

Subtracts the given range_map2 from range_map1.

Only range maps with floating point and unsigned integer DataType values are supported. For unsigned integer data types, the following DataType.bytes_per_pixel values are supported: 1, 2 and 4.

The output difference map will be double for double input images, for all other images it will be float.


range_map1 : cvb.ImagePlane Range map object to subtract from.

range_map2 : cvb.ImagePlane Range map object to subtract from range_map1.


cvb.Image The resulting difference map.

◆ expand_path()

str expand_path ( str  path)

Expands a path containing an environment variable.


path : str Path with environment variable in windows notation.


str Absolute path without environment variable.

◆ fill_gaps()

None fill_gaps ( cvb.ImagePlane  range_map,
cvb.GapFillingOptions  options 

Fills gaps of the given range map.

Gaps will be filled by interpolating values of pixels surrounding the gap. If larger gaps should be ignored, the maximum size of gaps to be filled has to be set via the options. Only planes with at least 3 columns are supported. The image attached to the plane should be a 1-plane image.

Only range maps with floating point and unsigned integer DataType values are supported. For unsigned integer data types, the following DataType.bytes_per_pixel values are supported: 1, 2 and 4.


range_map : cvb.ImagePlane Range map plane where gaps should be filled.

options : cvb.GapFillingOptions Options for gap filling.

◆ find_local_maxima()

List[cvb.LocalMaximum] find_local_maxima ( cvb.ImagePlane  plane,
int  locality,
float  threshold,
Optional[cvb.Rect aoi 

Find local maxima in the input image.


plane : cvb.ImagePlane Image plane in which to look for maxima.

locality : int Minimum distance between two valid maxima; if two maxima fall within this distance (measured using the L1 norm), the one with the lower gray value will be removed from the result.

threshold : float Minimum gray value a local maximum must have for being reported.

aoi : Optional[cvb.Rect] Region of interest in which to look for maxima (default entire image).


List[cvb.LocalMaximum] List of the local maxima that have been found.

◆ find_local_maxima_sub()

List[cvb.LocalMaximum] find_local_maxima_sub ( cvb.ImagePlane  plane,
int  locality,
float  threshold,
int  mode,
int  radius,
Optional[cvb.Rect aoi 

Find sub pixel accurate local maxima in the input image.


plane : cvb.ImagePlane Image plane in which to look for maxima.

locality : int Minimum distance between two valid maxima; if two maxima fall within this distance (measured using the L1 norm), the one with the lower gray value will be removed from the result.

threshold : float Minimum gray value a local maximum must have for being reported.

mode : int Mode to be used for determining sub pixel accuracy (see cvb.SubPixelMode).

radius : int Neighborhood to take account in the sub pixel calculation (see cvb.Neighborhood).

aoi : Optional[cvb.Rect] Region of interest in which to look for maxima (default entire image).


List[cvb.LocalMaximum] List of the local maxima that have been found.

◆ get_license_info()

List[cvb.LicenseInfo] get_license_info ( )

Get information about available licenses.

In theory, the collection of available licenses can change any time. However, it is fairly unlikely that during runtime someone unplugs a dongle or removes a Node Locked license, so Common Vision Blox does not implement a costly push / event model for notifying clients during runtime about the presence of new licenses or the loss of a license. Instead, the license information can and needs to be queried using this method.


List[cvb.LicenseInfo] A vector containing the currently available licenses.

◆ get_magic_number_entries()

List[cvb.MagicNumberEntry] get_magic_number_entries ( )

Query the set of currently available Magic Numbers.

In theory, the collection of available Magic Numbers can change any time. However, it is fairly unlikely that during runtime someone unplugs a dongle or removes a Node Locked license, so Common Vision Blox does not implement a costly push / event model for notifying clients during runtime about the presence of new Magic Numbers or the loss of a Magic Number. Instead, the Magic Number information can and needs to be queried using this method.


List[cvb.MagicNumberEntry] A list containing the currently available magic number entries.

◆ histogram()

List[int] histogram ( cvb.ImagePlane  plane,
cvb.Area2D  aoi,
float  density 

Gather and return the histogram from an 8 bits per pixel unsigned image.


plane : cvb.ImagePlane Plane to gather the histogram from.

aoi : cvb.Area2D Area in which to gather the histogram.

density : float Scan density to generate the histogram. It must be in the range [0...1]. Lower densities result in higher processing speed, but will also yield histograms, which are notably jagged due to the poor statistics.


List[int] Histogram as a list of 256 integer values.

◆ install_path()

str install_path ( )

Directory Common Vision Blox has been installed to.


str A path as string.

◆ inverse_polar_transform()

cvb.Image inverse_polar_transform ( cvb.Image  image,
cvb.Angle  start_angle,
float  inner_radius 

Create a polar transformation (that is unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).

Linear interpolation is being used for the transformation.


image : cvb.Image Source image.

start_angle : cvb.Angle Orientation of the start (the total azimuth will be determined from the input image).

inner_radius : float Inner radius of the ring (the outer radius will be determined from the input image).


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ inverse_polar_transform_to_dst()

None inverse_polar_transform_to_dst ( cvb.Image  image_src,
cvb.Point2D  center,
cvb.Angle  start_angle,
float  inner_radius,
cvb.Image  image_dst 

Create a polar transformation (that is unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).

Linear interpolation is being used for the transformation.


image_src : cvb.Image Source image.

center : cvb.Point2D Center for the inverse transformation (that is the point around which the ring will be constructed).

start_angle : cvb.Angle Orientation of the start (the total azimuth will be determined from the input image).

inner_radius : float Inner radius of the ring (the outer radius will be determined from the input image).

image_dst : cvb.Image Destination image into which the unwrap result will be painted.

◆ linear_transform()

cvb.Image linear_transform ( cvb.Image  image,
cvb.Matrix2D  matrix 

Creates a linear transformation (matrix transformation).

Linear interpolation is used for the transformation.


image : cvb.Image Source image.

matrix : cvb.Matrix2D Matrix to transform the image.


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ map_to_8bit()

cvb.Image map_to_8bit ( cvb.Image  image,
int  plane_normalization 

Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range.


image : cvb.Image Image to be mapped.

plane_normalization : int Plane normalization mode (see cvb.PlaneNormalization).


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ max()

cvb.Angle max ( cvb.Angle  a,
cvb.Angle  b 

Returns the bigger of two angles.


a : cvb.Angle First angle.

b : cvb.Angle Second angle.


cvb.Angle Biggest angle.

◆ min()

cvb.Angle min ( cvb.Angle  a,
cvb.Angle  b 

Returns the smaller of two angles.


a : cvb.Angle First angle.

b : cvb.Angle Second angle.


cvb.Angle Smallest angle.

◆ normalize_mean_variance()

cvb.Image normalize_mean_variance ( cvb.Image  image,
float  target_mean,
float  target_variance 

Normalize an input image using mean/variance normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched modified to generate a histogram as close as possible to the input target mean and variance values).


image : cvb.Image Image to be normalized.

target_mean : float Target mean value to achieve.

target_variance : float Target variance value to achieve.


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ normalize_min_max()

cvb.Image normalize_min_max ( cvb.Image  image,
float  target_min,
float  target_max 

Normalize an input image using min/max normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched or compressed to fit the input target minimum and maximum values).


image : cvb.Image Image to be normalized.

target_min : float Target minimum value to achieve.

target_max : float Target maximum value to achieve.


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ polar_transform()

cvb.Image polar_transform ( cvb.Image  image,
cvb.Point2D  center,
float  inner_radius,
float  outer_radius,
cvb.Angle  start_angle,
cvb.Angle  total_angle 

Create a polar transformation (that is unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image).

Linear interpolation is being used for the transformation.


image : cvb.Image Source image.

center : cvb.Point2D Center image for the polar transform.

inner_radius : float Inner radius of the ring.

outer_radius : float Outer radius of the ring.

start_angle : cvb.Angle Orientation of the start angle (default 0.0 degrees).

total_angle : cvb.Angle The total angle to cover (default 360.0 degrees).


cvb.Image The newly created image.

◆ sign()

int sign ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns a value indicating the sign of an Angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


int -1 if angle is less than zero, 0 if angle is zero, 1 if angle is greater than zero.

◆ sin()

float sin ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns the sine of an angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


float The sine.

◆ sinh()

float sinh ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


float The hyperbolic sine.

◆ tan()

float tan ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns the tangent of an angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


float The tangent.

◆ tanh()

float tanh ( cvb.Angle  angle)

Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.


angle : cvb.Angle The angle.


float The hyperbolic tangent.

◆ to_array()

numpy.array to_array ( Any  buffer)

Copies buffer values of a cvb object to a newly created numpy array.


buffer : Union[cvb.Image, cvb.ImagePlane, cvb.PointCloud, cvb.Plane] CVB object containing buffer to be copied.


numpy.array Newly created array.

◆ version()

str version ( )

Full version of the currently installed CVB.


str Version string.

◆ wait_for_license()

int wait_for_license ( int  time_span)

Wait for a given time for a license to become available.

This is useful if your application is automatically started after the operating system. For example the license service might not be up and running yet. So your application will start without a license. By calling this function you can make sure your application sees a valid license before actually requiring it.


time_span : int Time (in ms) to wait for a license.


int The status of the wait operation (see cvb.WaitStatus).

◆ wrapper_version()

str wrapper_version ( )

Get the full version string for CVBpy and all its submodules.


str: Complete version string.