CVB.Net 15.0
Common Vision Blox for .NET

The CVB.Net API is an object oriented wrapper for the CVB SDK. It has been designed to harmoniously integrate into the .Net API and makes leveraging the abilities of CVB for complex applications written in one of the .Net/CLR languages easier than the classic C-like API. CVB.Net has been built versus the .Net 4.7.1 runtime and therefore requires Visual Studio 2015 or higher to work with. On platforms other than Windows, the CVB.Net API can be used with .NET Core 3 - provided that no Windows-specific elements have been used (like e. g. the registry or elements from Forms or WPF).

For GUI integration, Cvb.Net offers two options:

  • Windows Forms applications may use the component Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls.Display on their forms. This display component builds upon the CVCDisp.dll of Common Vision Blox and roughly resembles the CVDisplay.ocx. It provides access to the overlay plugins that are usable with the CVDisplay.ocx.
  • WPF applications can use the Stemmer.Cvb.Wpf.dll which provides an implementation of a Display written as a native WPF component. That way it gives access to all visual elements and capabilities of WPF. It is not compatible with the overlay plugins of the aforementioned Forms display, but as it has been designed as a Canvas all sort of WPF UI elements can be used with it.

Find tutorials in the %cvb%Tutorial (Windows) and /opt/cvb/tutorial (Linux) directory.

Recommendation: While in principle all Cvb.Net DLLs except one (Stemmer.Cvb.Aux.dll) have been implemented as IL DLLs, the fact that there is currently no hybrid CVB installer (i.e. an installer that simultaneously installs the 32 and the 64 bit build on a 64 bit operating system) makes it necessary to stick with the architecture that has been installed on your system.
This specifically means that with a 64 bit installation one cannot expect an x86 build to run and vice versa and that Any CPU builds should not be used when working with a 32 bit installation on a 64 bit operating system (It is, however, possible to build an AnyCPU IL *.exe and then deploy it to either a 64 bit OS with the 64 bit build installed or a 32 bit OS with the 32 bit build installed).

By the way: To make Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls.Display work in the Visual Studio Forms designer even if CVB has been installed for 64 bit, the 64 bit installer of the Cvb.Net preview installs a few additional DLLs into C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and the 32 bit build of Stemmer.Cvb.Aux.dll in the Global Assembly Cache that allow Visual Studio the instantiation of a 32 bit Stemmer.Cvb.Forms.Controls.Display in the designer.

A good resource to actually get started with CVB.Net is the Getting Started with CVB.Net guide in the CVB forum.