CVB.Net 15.0
Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer Namespace Reference


class  BooleanNode
 GenApi.BooleanNode that is configurable. More...
class  CategoryNode
 Node that groups other nodes. More...
class  ChunkImageBufferDescription
 Describes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer with possibly additional data. More...
class  CommandNode
 GenApi.CommandNode that is configurable. More...
class  EnumEntryNode
 An entry for an EnumerationNode. More...
class  EnumerationNode
 GenApi.EnumerationNode that is configurable. More...
class  Float32RegNode
 An float typed, configurable IRegisterNode. More...
class  Float64RegNode
 An double typed, configurable IRegisterNode. More...
class  FloatBaseNode
 Base class for all float based nodes. More...
class  FloatNode
 GenApi.FloatNode that is configurable. More...
class  FloatRegNode
 A floating point typed, configurable IRegisterNode. More...
class  GenApiEvent
 Identifies a GenApi event that can be sent via a GevServer's MessageChannel. More...
class  GevServer
 Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server implements a GigE Vision camera in software. More...
class  GevServerStateChangedEventArgs
 Event arguments for GevServer state changes. More...
interface  IConfigurableCategoryNode
 A ICategoryNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableCommandNode
 ICommandNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableEnumEntryNode
 IEnumEntryNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableEnumerationNode
 IEnumerationNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableFloatBaseNode
 Base interface for all configurable float nodes More...
interface  IConfigurableFloatNode
 IFloatNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableFloatRegNode
 IConfigurableRegisterNode for float registers. More...
interface  IConfigurableIntegerBaseNode
 Base class interface for all configurable integer nodes. More...
interface  IConfigurableIntegerNode
 IIntegerNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableIntRegNode
 IConfigurableRegisterNode for integer registers. More...
interface  IConfigurableNode
 Configurable INode. More...
interface  IConfigurableNodeMap
 An INodeMap that can be configured. More...
interface  IConfigurableRegisterNode
 IRegisterNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableSelectorNode
 ISelectorNode that is configurable. More...
interface  IConfigurableStringNode
 Base class interface for all configurable string nodes. More...
interface  IConfigurableValueNode
 Configurable IValueNode. More...
class  ImageBufferDescription
 Describes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer. More...
class  Int32RegNode
 An Int32 IntRegNode node. More...
class  Int64RegNode
 An Int64 IntRegNode node. More...
class  IntegerBaseNode
 Base class for all integer based nodes. More...
class  IntegerNode
 GenApi.IntegerNode that is configurable. More...
class  IntRegNode
 An int typed, configurable IRegisterNode. More...
class  IntSwissKnifeNode
 Read only node to calculate formulas on the client side with integer arithmetic. More...
interface  ISwissKnifeNode
 Interface for GenICam GenApi SwissKnife nodes of type TNode. More...
struct  LogicalNetworkInterface
 An IP network interface the GevServer can be bound to. More...
class  MessageChannel
 The message channel to create and send GenICam GenApi events. More...
class  NamespaceDoc
 The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.GevServer contains interfaces and classes for using the Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server in Cvb.Net. The Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server presents a CVB image source as a GigE Vision camera. For additional information see the GEV Server part in the Common Vision Blox Online Reference. More...
class  Node
 Base class of all server nodes. More...
class  NodeDictionary
 A dictionary holding dependent nodes of a Parent node. More...
class  NodeDictionaryBase
 Base class for all GevServer node dictionaries. More...
class  NodeMap
 GevServer NodeMap. More...
class  ReplyStatusEventArgs
 Notify the remote client about the success of the event operation. More...
class  SelectorNode
 GenApi.SelectorNode that is configurable. More...
class  Stream
 The stream to send Images or other data. More...
class  StringNode
 GenApi.StringNode that is configurable. More...
class  StringRegNode
 StringNode that is a register. More...
class  ValueNode
 Node having a value. More...
struct  ValueVariant
 A variant stores one value of either type T1 or T2. More...


enum  GevServerState { Configuration , Disconnected , Connected , AcquisitionEnabled }
 The possible states this GevServer can be in. More...
enum  DriverType { Auto = -1 , Socket = 0 , Filter }
 GigE Vision driver to use for communication and streaming. More...
enum  Namespace { Standard , Custom , Private }
 Possible name spaces of a Node. More...
enum  ReplyStatus {
  Success , AccessDenied , Busy , NotImplemented ,
  DataOverrun , InvalidParameter , WrongConfig , LocalProblem
 Status codes to be sent the remote client on ValueNode.Read and ValueNode.Written events. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DriverType

enum DriverType

GigE Vision driver to use for communication and streaming.


Checks whether Filter is available or else uses Socket.


Socket driver.

Used on non-Windows systems or for loop-back communication.


Filter driver.

Default driver for Windows (see Auto). High performance with low CPU load for remote client transfer.

◆ GevServerState

The possible states this GevServer can be in.


Not running.

In this state e.g. GenApi nodes can be added/removed/changed.


Running, but not connected to any remote client.


Running and connected to a remote client.


Running, connected and the remote client started acquisition.

◆ Namespace

enum Namespace

Possible name spaces of a Node.


Feature node is described in GenIcam Standard Features Naming Convention.


Node is a custom creation.


Node is not in the XML description.

◆ ReplyStatus

Status codes to be sent the remote client on ValueNode.Read and ValueNode.Written events.


Operation successfully performed.


Requested resource not accessible.


Device to busy to perform the operation.


Requested resource is actually not implemented.


Internal memory overrun.


Invalid parameter to resource.


Requested resource is not accessible in current configuration.


Something went wrong on server side.