Common Vision Blox 15.0
Common Vision Blox Logging GUI

What is the LogGUI?

CVB Logging GUI (LogGUI)  is an application which has been added to Common Vision Blox for easy collection of diagnostic data from all Common Vision Blox modules that provide such information. It contains powerful log watching capabilities and therefore gives additional information on the image acquisition and also error messages.

The LogGUI always starts with module default, containing all supported CVB modules and offers following Log Level values:

User Guide

Location of LogGUI

OS Location
Windows CVBApplications > LogGUI.exe
Linux /opt/cvb/bin > LogGUI

Use Cases

For simply logging with default settings and saving the log file follow the chapters:


Save, Copy and Clear Logs

For logging with a special configuration file or selection of special modules and levels follow the chapters:

Configure Logging


Save, Copy and Clear Logs

For logging and analyzing the log follow the chapters:

Configure Logging


Expert Settings

Search and Find

Save, Copy and Clear Logs


Button Overview Logging

Start Logging

Stop Logging

Save the log window entries to file

Copy the log window entries to clipboard

Clear the log window


Start Logging by

  • pressing the button and
  • starting the application (e.g. GenICam Browser).

Stop Logging by pressing the button.
Enabled Auto Scroll in View automatically scrolls while logging and keeps the latest log message on top.

Log Messages

Log and error messages are shown in the Logging window.

Save the log window content

Save the Log window content as *.log file by pressing the button.

The Logfile can be opened using any editor:

Configure Logging

To customize the Logging the configuration offers selection options for modules and levels to be logged. For configuring the log levels and the modules, open the Configuration (Configuration Mode = User Mode):

Within the Configuration window:

Please do not forget to save the new settings with the save button:

A configuration file (.json) can be loaded or reset (File > Open config…, Reset config file).
Stop and restart the logging.

Modify Parameters

Modify the parameters (trace level) for an configure module.


Insert a special module with a defined trace level.


Delete a special module with a defined trace level.

Detached Configuration windows

Save, Copy and Clear Logs

Save Log Window content

To save the log window entries to a file, use the Save button.

Save the log window entries to file

Copy Log Window content

To copy the log window entries to the clipboard, use the Copy button.

Copy the log window entries to clipboard

Clear Log Window content

You can clear the log window to get an empty window with the Clear button.

Clear the log window

Save complete Log as JSON

To save the complete log entries to a JSON file, use the Save log as JSON button in 'File'.

Save the complete log entries to JSON file

Load Log from JSON

To load a JSON file with log entries, use the Load log from JSON button in 'File'

Load a JSON file with log entries

Search and Find

Use Search   Find… to find an expression:

Expert Settings

This chapter describes the filter and sorting options for experts Log customization:

 Filter Options

 View Options

Expert Mode

Filter Options

Use the Filter function to include or exclude expressions (multiple expressions can be added):

Switch on/off the Filter Option:

It is also possible to go to a specific line:

View Options

Your current view options are automatically stored, when exiting the application.

It is possible to reset the original view with View > Reset view to default.

Sort columns

Configure own View

Change time display format

Time references


Sort columns

You can sort the columns to get the LogLevel or the Modules grouped simply by clicking on the column name:

Configure own View

Another possibility to configure your own view is to select individual columns and sort them as you like:

The number of maximum log messages defines the number of log messages, which are stored.
If more than the maximum are logged, the older log messages will be overwritten.

Change time display format

Changing the time display format** either shows the time stamp as date and time or as seconds:

Or use the right click :

Time references

With right click on the logging a specific line can be set as time reference (or unset).

Multiple time references can be set.


With Edit > Preferences... the number of lines to prerecord can be defined:

Expert Mode

With Expert Mode Log Levels and destinations can be configured.
Default setting is as follows: