CVB++ 14.0
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NCvbRoot namespace for the Image Manager interface
 NAsyncConvenience classes for asynchronous image acquisition
 CMultiStreamHandlerHandler object for multiple synchronous streams
 CSingleStreamHandlerHandler object for a single stream
 CStreamHandlerGuardHandler guard object to safely run and finish a stream handler
 NBarcodeNamespace for the Barcode package
 CBarcodeGradingConfiguration to access parameters of barcode grading
 CCodabarConfiguration to access parameters of Codabar
 CCode11Configuration to access parameters of Code11
 CCode128Configuration to access parameters of Code128
 CCode32Configuration to access parameters of Code32
 CCode39Configuration to access parameters of Code39
 CCode93Configuration to access parameters of Code93
 CDataMatrixConfiguration to access parameters of DataMatrix
 CDataMatrixGradingConfiguration to access parameters of DataMatrixGrading
 CDiscrete2of5Configuration to access parameters of Discrete2of5
 CEan13Configuration to access parameters of Ean13
 CEan8Configuration to access parameters of Ean8
 CFourStateAustralianConfiguration to access parameters of FourStateAustralian (4-State Australian)
 CFourStateKixConfiguration to access parameters of FourStateKix
 CFourStateRoyalMailConfiguration to access parameters of FourStateRoyalMail (4-State RoyalMail Postal Code)
 CFourStateUspsConfiguration to access parameters of FourStateUsps
 CGradeResult1DObject contains the barcode grading results for one dimensional barcodes
 CGradeResultDataMatrixObject contains the barcode grading results for DataMatrix and PharmaCode2D barcodes
 CGradeResultQrObject contains the barcode grading results for QR barcodes
 CInterleaved2of5Configuration to access parameters of Interleaved2of5
 CMicroPdf417Configuration to access parameters of MicroPdf417
 CMsiPlesseyConfiguration to access parameters of MsiPlessey
 CPdf417Configuration to access parameters of Pdf417
 CPharmaCodeConfiguration to access parameters of PharmaCode
 CPlanetConfiguration to access parameters of Planet
 CPostnetConfiguration to access parameters of Postnet
 CQrConfiguration to access parameters of Qr
 CQrGradingConfiguration to access parameters of QrGrading
 CReaderThe key class for reading barcodes
 CReaderConfigContains a map of configurations for all active barcode types
 CReadResultBase class for reading decoded barcode results
 CReadResult1DDerived from ReadResult and gives specific access to 1D results
 CReadResultCode128Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to Code128 results
 CReadResultCode39Code93Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to Code39 results
 CReadResultDataMatrixDerived from ReadResult and gives specific access to DataMatrix and PharmaCode2D results
 CReadResultPdf417Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to Pdf417 results
 CReadResultQrDerived from ReadResult2D and gives specific access to Qr results
 CReadResultSonyCodeDerived from ReadResult1D and gives specific access to SonyCode results
 CReadResultUpcEDerived from ReadResult1D and gives specific access to UpcE results
 CRssConfiguration to access parameters of Rss
 CSonyCodeConfiguration to access parameters of SonyCode
 CUpcAConfiguration to access parameters of UpcA
 CUpcEConfiguration to access parameters of UpcE
 NDncNamespace for Match3D DNC (CAD-based 3D-object recognition)
 CFinderDNC finder used to perform a search on a point cloud
 CSearchParametersDefinition of search parameters
 CSearchResultSingle result of a search operation
 CTeachParametersParameters for teaching a DNC finder
 NDriverNamespace for driver or device related operations
 CCompositeStreamStreams composites
 CCompositeStreamBaseBase class of all composite based streams
 CDeviceControlImplementation of the device control interface
 CDeviceControlCommandA specific command to send to the driver
 CDeviceImageSpecial device image
 CDigitalIODigital I/O operations on a device
 CDiscoveryInformationStores information on a discovered device/node
 CEmuDeviceA device representing an image stream based on single image files
 CFlowStruct handling the size and buffer of a flow
 CFlowInfoStruct handling the size, alignment and number of flows per set
 CFlowSetPoolFlowSetPool class to set external buffers as set of flows
 CGenICamDeviceA device representing a GenICam compliant device
 CImageRectImage rectangle operations on a device
 CImageStreamStreams images
 CIndexedStreamA stream with a finite number of images, which can also be accessed via an index
 CMultiPartImageMultiPart image class
 CNotifyArgsEvent argument for notification events
 CNotifyObservableSingle notify event observable
 CPointCloudStreamStreams point clouds
 CRingBufferRing buffer operations on a device
 CRingBufferImageStream image that is returned, when the ring buffer interface is available on a device
 CSoftwareTriggerImplementation of the software trigger
 CStreamRepresents one acquisition stream of a device
 CStreamBaseBase class of all streams
 CStreamImageBase class of all stream related images
 CVideoDeviceA device representing a video stream from the hard disk
 CVinConnectionInformationContains the board and port information of a device or its access token
 CVinDeviceA device representing a video interface driver (vin)
 CWaitResultA combined result returned after waiting for a image
 NErrorCodesClassic API error codes
 NFoundationNamespace for the Foundation package
 NAddNoiseNamespace for collection of noise-generating functions from the Foundation package
 NAnalysisNamespace for collection of miscellaneous image analysis functions
 NArithmeticNamespace for collection of arithmetic functions from the Foundation package
 NBayerConversionNamespace for collection of functions converting images with a Bayer pattern
 NBitwiseNamespace for collection of bitwise image functions from the Foundation package
 NBlobBlob search methods
 CBlobFilterClass to build a filter for the blob search
 CBlobResultContainer for a blob analysis result
 NCalibrationLineScanNamespace for collection of calibration line-scan functions from the Foundation package
 CEdgeDetectionResultA set of parameters that stores the result from an edge detection
 CLineScanCalibrationConfigurationA set of parameters, which is used to configure line-scan calibration
 CLineScanCalibratorA set of parameters that is required by the following data transformation to get the final result
 NConvertVarious image conversion functions
 NConvertColorSpaceNamespace for collection of color space conversion functions from the Foundation package
 CColorTwistMatrixMatrix defining color transformations
 NCorrelationNamespace for collection of functions that calculate different kinds of correlation values
 NCurveNamespace for collection of 2D curve functions from the Foundation package
 CAlignmentConfigurationA set of parameters that configures an alignment operation
 CAlignmentResult2DA set of parameters that stores the result of alignment operation
 NEdgeCollection of functions for edge detection
 CEdgeResultEdge search result
 CEdgeResultPairA pair of found edges
 CProjectionProjection that the Edge analysis of Common Vision Blox is using
 CProjectionValueSingle projection value
 NFilterNamespace for collection of filter functions from the Foundation package
 NGaussianPyramidNamespace for functions implementing a Gaussian pyramid approach from the Common Vision Blox Foundation package
 NHistogramAnalyzerCollection of functions for analyzing the image histogram
 CHistogramA single histogram result
 NImageExtensionsNamespace for collection of image extension functions from the Foundation package
 NLutNamespace for collection of lookup table functions from the Foundation package
 CLutLevelStruct that combines a LUT (lookup table) level and the value assigned to this level
 NMetricNamespace for metric calibration
 NAQS12Namespace specific to AQS12 calibration pieces
 CAQS12PieceObject to collect all input parameters for the AQS12 calibration piece
 CAQS12DensePointCloudSegmentorSegmentor object to configure face segmentation of AQS12 calibration piece on dense point clouds
 CAQS12RangeMapSegmentorSegmentor object to configure face segmentation of AQS12 calibration piece on range maps
 CCalibrationConfigurationCalibration configuration object
 CDensePointCloudSegmentorBase class for segmentor object to configure and compute segmentation on dense point clouds
 CRangeMapSegmentorBase class for segmentor object to configure and compute segmentation on range maps
 NMomentsNamespace for image moments related tools from the Foundation package
 CHuMomentsResults of Hu Moment calculation
 CImageMomentsState object for calculating various image moments
 NMorphologyNamespace for morphological filter operations available from the Common Vision Blox Foundation package
 NNormNamespace for collection of functions for calculating different norms over the gray values of an image
 NPolarizationFunctions and type definitions of the polarization library
 NRegressionVarious regression functions
 NScaleVarious image scaling functions
 NTestImagesNamespace for collection of test image generating functions from the Foundation package
 NThresholdNamespace for collection of thresholding functions from the Foundation package
 NTransform2DNamespace for collection of image 2D transformation functions from the Foundation package
 CNonLinearTransformationObject implementing the non linear polynomially approximated transform implemented in the CVB Foundation package
 CPerspectiveTransformationPerspective transformation coefficients
 NGenApiNamespace for GenApi based device configuration
 CBooleanNodeNode representing a true / false value
 CCategoryNodeNode that logically groups other nodes
 CCommandNodeA node that can be executed
 CEnumEntryNodeOne entry in an enumeration
 CEnumerationNodeA node that presents a choice of values
 CFloatNodeRepresents a floating point number
 CFloatRegNodeFloating point value register
 CIntegerNodeRepresents a integer number
 CIntRegNodeInteger value register
 CNodeBasic GenApi node for device feature access
 CNodeMapContains all nodes of a device or module
 CGenApiVersionVersion information for GenICam related objects
 CNodeMapEnumeratorLazy enumeration of node maps.
 CPortNodePort nodes are the connection to the remote device
 CRegisterNodeUntyped register access (only memory)
 CSelectorNodeGroups nodes, that are dependent on this one
 CStringNodeString value node
 CStringRegNodeString value register
 CValueNodeBase class for all nodes, that have a value
 NGevServerDescribes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer with possibly additional data.
 CBooleanNodeGenApi::BooleanNode that is configurable
 CCategoryNodeNode that logically groups other nodes
 CChunkImageBufferDescriptionDescribes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer with possibly additional data.
 CCommandNodeA node that can be executed
 CEnumEntryNodeOne entry in an enumeration
 CEnumerationNodeA GenApi::EnumerationNode that is configurable
 CFloat32RegNodeAn float32 FloatRegNode node.
 CFloat64RegNodeAn float64 FloatRegNode node.
 CFloatBaseNodeRepresents a floating point number
 CFloatNodeRepresents a floating point number
 CFloatRegNodeFloating point value register
 CImageBufferDescriptionDescribes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer.
 CInt32RegNodeAn Int32 IntRegNode node.
 CInt64RegNodeAn Int64 IntRegNode node.
 CIntegerBaseNodeRepresents an integer number
 CIntegerNodeRepresents a integer number
 CIntRegNodeInteger value register
 CIntSwissKnifeNodeRead only node to calculate formulas on the client side with integer arithmetic.
 CLogicalNetworkInterfaceAn IP network interface the GevServer can be bound to.
 CNodeBasic GevServer node for device feature access
 CNodeMapContains all nodes of the GevServer
 CSelectorNodeGroups other nodes that are dependent on this one
 CServerCommon Vision Blox GigE Vision Server implements a GigE Vision camera in software
 CStreamThe stream to send Images or other data
 CStringNodeString value node
 CStringRegNodeString value register
 CValueNodeBase class for all nodes that have a value
 NMatch3DNamespace for matching 3D components
 CMatchingParametersA parameter set for matching and down sampling point clouds
 CMatchingResultResults of a matching and down sampling operation
 NMinosNamespace for the Minos package
 CClassifierMinos classifier object
 CClassifierFactoryLearner object that creates a classifier from an image list
 CClassifierModelInfoInformation about a Minos classifier model
 CClassifierModelInfoCollectionCollection of model information
 CImageInfoImage that has been added to a training set
 CImageInfoCollectionClass that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set
 CImageInstanceInfoCollectionClass that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set
 CInstanceInfoInstance information that has been added to a training set
 CInstanceInfoCollectionClass that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set
 CInstanceInfoCollectionGenericClass that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos object
 CLearnParametersThe set of parameters, which controls, how a classifier is being learned from a training set
 CModelInfoModel that has been added to a training set
 CModelInfoCollectionClass that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set
 CModelInstanceInfoCollectionClass that maintains the collection of Training Images inside a Minos Training Set
 CSearchResultSearch result returned by Minos
 CTrainingSetA Minos Training Set from which a classifier can be generated
 NMovie2Record movies with classes from this tool
 CDirectShowSettingsSettings for initializing a direct show engine recorder
 CRawVideoSettingsSettings for initializing a raw video engine recorder
 CRecorderMovie recorder for writing video files to disk
 CRecordingSettingsSettings for initializing a recorder
 NOpcUaRoot namespace for the OpcUA tool
 CBaseNodeAn OPCUA BaseNode. This is the base for all other node classes. For instantiation of a specific node type use one of the specific subclasses. There is no public interface to create a BaseNode
 CBrowseFilterThe BrowseFilter serves to specify the parameter of a browse operation on an OPCUA node object
 CClientAn OPCUA Client object. This class handles the client side of the OPCUA client/server interaction
 CFloatNodeA FloatNode object provides an interface for storage and manipulation of floating point numbers
 CIntegerNodeA Node with integer values provides an interface for storage and manipulation of integer (default int representation) numbers.
 CMethodNodeAn OPCUA method node object to call remote procedures
 CMethodNodeArgumentAn OPCUAMethodNodeArgument is a helper class to manage arguments of a method node
 CNodeIDAn OPCUA NodeID object. NodeIDs provide a unique identifier for OPCUA nodes, i.e. they help with node creation, addition to servers, retrieving from servers etc.
 CObjectNodeAn OPCUA Object Node object. This is the "base" of many more complex node. However the defining feature is to create a ObjectNode from a OPCUA TypeDefinition. Example: A ObjectNode can be created with Namespace0NodeId of "FolderType", i.e. the creation for a folder
 COpcUaExceptionSpecial runtime exception to carry a native error code
 CServerAn OPCUA server object
 CStringNodeA node object with string values, provides an interface for storage and manipulation of strings (default std::string or std::wstring representation)
 CSubscriptionAn OPCUA Subscribe serves to monitor OPCUA variables (from a client) and provides a callback mechanism for changes
 CVariableNodeAn OPCUA VariableNode object. It handles the data modeling acording to the OPCUA specification
 NPfncGenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) related components
 CPfncFormatValueHelper methods for PfncFormat values. ///
 NPolimagoNamespace for the Polimago package
 NTestingNamespace for the Polimago package testing functionality
 CClassificationTestResultClassification test result object
 CConfusionMatrixRepresentation of a confusion matrix
 CHoldoutTestResultFactoryFactory object for holdout tests
 CPredictionResultThe information contained in each cell of the confusion matrix
 CRegressionTestResultRegression test result object
 CSampleTestResultFactoryFactory object for running a sample test in which all the elements of a training database are classified with a given classifier
 CTestResultBaseBase class for all Polimago Test Results
 CTestResultFactoryBase class for test factory classes
 NTrainingNamespace for the Polimago package training functionality
 CClassificationPredictorFactoryPredictor factory for classification predictor
 CPredictorFactoryBaseBase class for classifier factory classes
 CPredictorFactoryBaseExBase class for classifier factory classes
 CRegressionPredictorFactoryFactory class for regression predictors
 CSearchPredictorFactoryFactory class for the generation of search predictors
 CClassificationPredictorPredictor to classify patterns with
 CClassificationResultPolimago classification result container
 CPolimagoFactoryCreatedObjectBase class for Polimago objects created by one of the factory classes
 CPredictorBaseBase class for Polimago predictors
 CPredictorBaseExBase class for Polimago predictors
 CRegressionPredictorPolimago Regression predictor
 CSearchPredictorPredictor that may be used for searching objects
 CSearchResultSearch results as provided by a Search Classifier
 NSampleDatabaseNamespace for the SampleDatabase package
 CFringesObject describing the fringes that are available around images in a sample image list
 CImageClassificationInfoCollectionCollection of class information inside a classification sample list
 CImageClassificationLabelInfoClassification label information
 CImageCollectionCollection of image samples
 CImageRegressionInfoCollectionCollection of regression information inside a regression sample list
 CImageRegressionLabelInfoRegression label information
 CLabelInfoCollectionInformation collection for class labels
 CSampleClassificationImageListClassifier type that operates on images
 CSampleCollectionCollection of data samples
 CSampleImageListClassifier type that operates on images
 CSampleListBase class for sample lists
 CSampleListImageDataTypeDescriptor for image data to be digested by an image list
 CSampleRegressionImageListClassifier type that operates on images
 NShapeFinder2Namespace for the ShapeFinder2 package
 NFilterNamespace for collection of filter functions from the ShapeFinder2 package
 CClassifierShapeFinder2 classifier object
 CClassifierFactoryShapeFinder2 classifier factory object
 CSearchResultSearch result as returned by the classifier
 NShimsNamespace to for standard types that are not available in C++14
 Cbad_optional_accessError when accessing not set value
 Cbad_variant_accessError when accessing not set alternative
 Cin_place_tDisambiguation tags that can be passed to the constructors of optional() to indicate that the contained object should be constructed in-place
 CmonostateUnit type intended for use as a well-behaved empty alternative in variant
 Cnullopt_tIndicates optional() type with uninitialized state
 CoptionalThis class is a replacement for C++17 std::optional
 CvariantThis class is a replacement for C++17 std::variant
 Cvariant_alternativeCompile-time index access to the type of the alternatives at index I
 Cvariant_sizeGet the number of alternatives in a variant
 NSpectralNamespace for the Spectral package
 CCubeSpectral Cube object
 CCubeRange3D rectangle in the samples, lines and bands domain
 CInterpolatorSpectral Interpolator object
 CLinearAccessDataLinear access properties
 CMetaDataSpectral MetaData object
 CWrappedCubeSpectral Wrapped cube objects are linear non-owning cubes
 NUINamespace for user interface components
 NQuickNamespace for QML related classes
 CImageControllerController object for the QML image view item
 CImageLabelItemImage label item for QML
 CImageViewItemImage view item for QML
 CImageSceneScene to provide a convenient display for an image
 CImageViewView to display an image
 COpenGLBufferFormatBuffer format description for a texture to hold the pixel data
 COpenGLCoordOpenGL coordinate representing a texture corner
 COpenGLCoordArraySet of all coordinates required to render a texture
 COpenGLImageRendererBase class for OpenGL image renderer
 COpenGLImageRendererFactoryFactory to create an OpenGL based image renderer
 CPropertyGridView to display a device's nodemap
 CZoomDescriptorDescribes an zoom setting for the display
 NUtilitiesNamespace for helpers and utilities, which are not directly related to image processing
 NSystemInfoNamespace for helper functions related to system or CVB installation information
 CLicenseInfoInformation about CVB licenses
 CMagicNumberEntryA single Magic Number entry
 CRateCounterFrame rate measurement counter with selectable averaging window
 CStopWatchSpeed measurement object
 NWebStreamingNamespace for streaming images via web sockets
 CConverterA converter object
 CJPEGConverterA JPEG converter object
 CRGBAConverterA RGBA converter object
 CServerA WebSocket server
 CAffineMatrix2DCompacted affine matrix describing the Common Vision Blox coordinate system
 CAffineMatrix3DAffine transformation matrix for 3D
 CAngleObject for convenient and type - safe handling of angles
 CArea2DStructure that represents an area of interest in the image
 CArrayAccessAccess trait for contiguous linear CVB image planes
 CColumnA single column
 CRowA single row
 CAtCalibrator3DCalibration object to apply 3D calibration of sensor provided by Automation Technology (AT) to point clouds
 CBlockNon-owning view on a 2d-plane of data
 CColumnA single column
 CRowA single row
 CBlockBaseBase class for all typed Cvb::Block types
 CBufferBuffer class implementing a buffer
 CBufferBaseBase class of all buffers
 CCalibrator3DBase calibration class to apply 3D calibration to point clouds
 CCancellationTokenA token to enable cancellation on wait operations
 CCancellationTokenSourceProvides tokens and signals tokens cancellation
 CCircleClass representing a circle
 CComponentsPointers3DPoint components of the point cloud
 CCompositeComponent class is a container for CVB objects
 CConstRefValueThis class holds references to K values of type T
 CCuboid3D rectangle in the X, Y and Z domain
 CCvbExceptionSpecial runtime exception to carry a native error code
 CDataTypeData type description for an image plane
 CDenseComponentsPointers3DPoint components of a dense point cloud
 CDensePointCloudA dense Cartesian 3D point cloud object
 CDeviceGeneric CVB physical device
 CDeviceFactoryFactory object for creating device objects
 CEllipseClass representing an ellipse
 CEventCookieCookie used to unregister event handlers
 CFactors3DFactor components to be applied in the 3D domain
 CFactorsCalibrator3DCalibration object to apply factors component wise
 CHandleOnlyHandleOnly class is as it says a handle only
 CIArrayArray interface
 CImageThe Common Vision Blox image
 CImagePlaneImage plane information container
 CLaserPlaneCalibrator3DCalibration object to appling parameters calibrating laser plane
 CLaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3DCalibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras
 CLaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3DCalibration object to apply zig zag algorithm to the range map of a laser triangulation cameras
 CLine2DObject representing an infinite line in 2 dimensional space
 CLinearAccessDataLinear access properties
 CColumnA single column
 CRowA single row
 CLinearValueThis class is memory compatible to K values of type T
 CLocalMaximumResult type returned by the FindLocalMaxima function
 CMatrix2DDouble precision 2x2 matrix class
 CMatrix3DDouble precision 3x3 matrix class
 CMatrix3DHDouble precision row-major 4x4 matrix
 CMatrixCalibrator3DCalibration object to apply 4x4 matrix to each point
 CMesh3D mesh object consisting of polygons
 CNetworkConnectionBasic network connection operations
 CPanoramicMappedImageMapped image of two merged source images
 CPFNCBufferPFNC buffer class implementing a pfnc buffer
 CPinholeCameraCalibrator3DCalibration object to apply the pinhole camera model to the input range map
 CPlanePlane information container
 CPlane3DA plane in 3D space in Hessian normal form
 CPlaneEnumeratorLazy enumeration of planes.
 CPoint2DMulti-purpose 2D vector class
 CPoint3DMulti-purpose 3D vector class
 CPoint3DCMulti-purpose 3D vector class with confidence
 CPoint3DHMulti-purpose 3D vector class (homogeneous)
 CPointCloudA point cloud object
 CPointCloudFactoryFactory object for creating point cloud objects
 CPolygon3DA polygon in 3D space
 CRectRectangle object
 CRectLTRectangle object
 CRefValueThis class holds mutable references to K values of type T
 CScatterAccessAccess trait for multiple, possibly scattered planes
 CColumnA single column
 CRowA single row
 CSensorSettingsClass to store camera sensor settings
 CSize2DStores a pair of numbers that represents the width and the height of a subject, typically a rectangle
 CSparseComponentsPointers3DPoint components of a sparse point cloud
 CSparsePointCloudA sparse Cartesian 3D point cloud object
 CValueAccessBaseCommon base class for access traits, providing typed Value access to planes
 CValueRangeContainer for range definitions
 CVpatVirtual Pixel Access Table
 CColumnA single column
 CEntryOne entry of the VPAT
 CRowA single row
 CWhiteBalanceFactorsFactors for white balance correction
 CWrappedImageA wrapped image wraps another pixel buffer without owning it