CVB++ 14.0
Common Vision Blox for C++

The CVB++ API (refer also the API guide chapter) is an object oriented wrapper for the CVB SDK. It has been designed as header-only library on top of the classic C-like API. Therefore its interface conveniently uses the C++14 standard library features. Be aware that you must use a compiler, that is fully C++14 compliant. For UI integration some optional headers based on Qt5 are provided.

In order to enable high performance cross platform rendering, the following paint engines can be used:

  • Software rasterizer
  • OpenGL (ES) 2
  • OpenGL (ES) 3

The first two are part of Qt and available on most platforms. The third option requires at least Qt 5.6 as it uses DMA transfer to the GPU. On incompatible hardware OpenGL (ES) 3 may disabled at compile time.

Find tutorials in the %cvb%Tutorial (Windows) and /opt/cvb/tutorial (Linux) directory.
