CVB.Net 15.0
ModelRectOverlay Class Reference

Combined CrosshairOverlay for model anchor points in an LabeledRectOverlay. More...

Inherits LabeledRectOverlay.

Public Member Functions

 ModelRectOverlay ()
 Creates the model rect overlay.
override void OnApplyTemplate ()
 Connect to the class's style.
- Public Member Functions inherited from LabeledRectOverlay
 LabeledRectOverlay ()
 Creates the labeled rect overlay.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MovableImageOverlay
 MovableImageOverlay ()
 Creates the movable image overlay.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ImageOverlay
 ImageOverlay ()
 Creates an image overlay object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from OverlayBase
 OverlayBase ()
 Creates an overlay object.

Static Public Attributes

const string PART_Crosshair = "PART_Crosshair"
 The name of the crosshair part.
static readonly DependencyProperty AbsoluteAnchorXProperty
 AbsoluteAnchorX dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty AbsoluteAnchorYProperty
 AbsoluteAnchorY dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty AnchorMovableProperty
 AnchorMovable dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty AnchorXProperty
 AnchorX dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty AnchorYProperty
 AnchorY dependency property.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from LabeledRectOverlay
static readonly DependencyProperty CanCenterDragProperty
 Dependency property CanCenterDrag.
static readonly DependencyProperty StrokeProperty
 Dependency property object.
static readonly DependencyProperty StrokeThicknessProperty
 Dependency property object.
static readonly DependencyProperty TextProperty
 Dependency property for Text.
static readonly DependencyProperty TextMarginProperty
 Dependency property TextMargin.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from MovableImageOverlay
static readonly DependencyProperty IsDraggingProperty
 Read-only IsDragging dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty IsResizingProperty
 Read-only IsResizing dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MinOverlayWidthProperty
 MinOverlayWidth property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MinOverlayHeightProperty
 MinOverlayWidth property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MovableProperty
 Movable dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ResizableProperty
 Resizable dependency property.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ImageOverlay
static readonly DependencyProperty AutoScaleContentProperty
 Backing store for the AutoScaleContent property. More...
static readonly DependencyProperty CoordinatesProperty
 Dependency property object.
static readonly DependencyProperty NonScaledTransformProperty
 Backing store for the NonScaledTransform property. More...
static readonly DependencyProperty PixelCoordinateSystemProperty
 Backing store for the PixelCoordinateSystem property. More...
static readonly DependencyProperty ScaledTransformProperty
 Backing store for the ScaledTransform property. More...
static readonly DependencyProperty StandardLineWidthProperty
 Backing store.
static readonly DependencyProperty EffectiveLineWidthProperty = EffectiveLineWidthPropertyKey.DependencyProperty
 Backing store.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from OverlayBase
static readonly DependencyProperty ActualZoomFactorProperty = ActualZoomFactorKey.DependencyProperty
 Backing store for the ActualZoomFactor property.
static readonly DependencyProperty InverseActualZoomFactorProperty = InverseActualZoomFactorPropertyKey.DependencyProperty
 Backing store.
static readonly DependencyProperty OverlayHeightProperty
 Backing store for the OverlayHeight property
static readonly DependencyProperty OverlayWidthProperty
 Backing store for the OverlayWidth property.
static readonly DependencyProperty OverlayXProperty
 Backing store for the OverlayX property.
static readonly DependencyProperty OverlayYProperty
 Backing store for the OverlayY property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ParentDisplayCanvasProperty
 Backing store for the readonly ParentDisplayCanvas property.
static readonly DependencyProperty BottomProperty
 Backing store for the Bottom property.
static readonly DependencyProperty LeftProperty
 Backing store for the Left property.
static readonly DependencyProperty LengthUnitProperty
 Backing store for the LengthUnit property.
static readonly DependencyProperty RightProperty
 Backing store for the Right property.
static readonly DependencyProperty TopProperty
 Backing store for the Top property.


double AbsoluteAnchorX [get]
 Gets the x component of the model's anchor point in image coordinates relative to the image.
double AbsoluteAnchorY [get]
 Gets or sets the y component of the model's anchor point in image coordinates relative to the overlay.
bool AnchorMovable [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether the anchor is movable.
double AnchorX [get, set]
 Gets or sets the x component of the model's anchor point in image coordinates relative to the overlay.
double AnchorY [get, set]
 Gets or sets the y component of the model's anchor point in image coordinates relative to the image.
- Properties inherited from LabeledRectOverlay
bool CanCenterDrag [get, set]
 Gets or sets whether the rect inner area is used for drag operations.
Brush Stroke [get, set]
 Brush to use for painting
double StrokeThickness [get, set]
 Extent of the feature window relative to the position of the overlay.
string Text [get, set]
 Gets or sets the label text.
Thickness TextMargin [get, set]
 Gets or sets the margin around the label text.
override double BorderBreadth [get]
 Border width is the stroke thickness.
- Properties inherited from MovableImageOverlay
bool IsDragging [get]
 Gets whether the overlay is currently dragged. More...
bool IsResizing [get]
 Gets whether the overlay is currently resized. More...
double MinOverlayWidth [get, set]
 Gets or sets minimal width of the overlay.
double MinOverlayHeight [get, set]
 Gets or sets minimal width of the overlay.
bool Movable [get, set]
 Movable flag. More...
bool Resizable [get, set]
 Resizable flag. More...
abstract double BorderBreadth [get]
 Gets the width of the border line. More...
RectPos DefaultNonBorderOperation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default operation when the mouse is not over the border.
- Properties inherited from ImageOverlay
AutoScaleContent AutoScaleContent [get, set]
 Defines whether or not the overlays in the canvas are automatically scaled according to the zoom factor.
CoordinateMode Coordinates [get, set]
 Coordinate system usage (pixel or sub pixel).
Transform NonScaledTransform [get]
 Gets the the transform that is used to undo automatic scaling of content according to the OverlayBase.ActualZoomFactor. More...
PixelCoordinateSystem PixelCoordinateSystem [get, set]
 Defines the location of a point in a pixel. More...
Transform ScaledTransform [get]
 Gets the the transform that is used to scale content according to the OverlayBase.ActualZoomFactor. More...
double StandardLineWidth [get, set]
 The standard line width is the width at which "normal" lines should be painted in the overlay. It is mostly a vehicle for calculating the effective line width and for binding purposes.
double EffectiveLineWidth [get, protected set]
 The effective line width is the line width at which to paint in order to make lines with the width defined in the property StandardLineWidth appear as if they were not zoomed.
- Properties inherited from OverlayBase
double ActualZoomFactor [get]
 Gets the actual zoom factor of the display canvas this overlay is on.
double InverseActualZoomFactor [get, protected set]
 Gets the inverse value of the actual Zoom factor (useful for painting items that are the same size regardless of zoom factor).
double OverlayHeight [get, set]
 Gets/sets the height of the overlay in the current length unit.
double OverlayWidth [get, set]
 Gets/sets the width of the overlay in the current length unit.
double OverlayX [get, set]
 Gets/sets the overlay x coordinate in the current length unit.
double OverlayY [get, set]
 Gets/set the overlay Y in the current length unit.
DisplayCanvas ParentDisplayCanvas [get, set]
 The DisplayCanvas this overlay is child of. More...
double Bottom [get, set]
 Layouts a child from the bottom. More...
double Left [get, set]
 Layouts a child from the left. More...
LengthUnit LengthUnit [get]
 Defines whether the layout properties are measured in image pixels or in device independent pixels as displayed by the canvas.
double Right [get, set]
 Layouts a child from the right. More...
double Top [get, set]
 Layouts a child from the top. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from LabeledRectOverlay
override Size ArrangeOverride (Size arrangeBounds)
 Called when this overlay is to be placed on the canvas. More...
override void OnRender (DrawingContext drawingContext)
 Called every time this overlay needs to be repainted. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MovableImageOverlay
virtual RectPos TranslateBorderRectPos (Point pt, RectPos rectPos)
 Translates the detected rectPos bases on the given pt . More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OverlayBase
virtual void OnParentDisplayCanvasChanged (DisplayCanvas oldCanvas, DisplayCanvas newCanvas)
 Event raiser. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ImageOverlay
static new void OnActualZoomFactorChanged (DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
 React to changes in the zoom factor. More...
static object CoerceCoordinate (DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
 Ensures correct location handling for (sub)pixel coordinate mode. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from OverlayBase
static void OnActualZoomFactorChanged (DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
 React to property changes. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from LabeledRectOverlay
const double StrokeThicknessDefault = 1.0
 Default for the property.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from MovableImageOverlay
static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsDraggingKey
 Read-only IsDragging dependency property key.
static readonly DependencyPropertyKey IsResizingKey
 Read-only IsResizing dependency property key.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from ImageOverlay
const CoordinateMode CoordinatesDefault = CoordinateMode.Pixel
 Default for the property.
static readonly DependencyPropertyKey EffectiveLineWidthPropertyKey
 Backing store key.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from OverlayBase
static readonly DependencyPropertyKey ActualZoomFactorKey
 The Key for readonly ActualZoomFactor property.
static readonly DependencyPropertyKey InverseActualZoomFactorPropertyKey
 Backing store key.
- Events inherited from ImageOverlay
EventHandler< ImageSourceChangedEventArgsImageSourceChanged
 Event that is fired when the parent DisplayCanvas' actual zoom factor is changed.
- Events inherited from OverlayBase
EventHandler< PropertyValueChangedEventArgs< DisplayCanvas > > ParentDisplayCanvasChanged
 Event that is fired when the parent DisplayCanvas is changed.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsActualZoomFactorChanged
 Event that is fired when the parent DisplayCanvas' actual zoom factor is changed.

Detailed Description

Combined CrosshairOverlay for model anchor points in an LabeledRectOverlay.