CVB.Net 15.0
ContinuousCube Class Reference

Cube owning a continuous buffer. More...

Inherits Cube.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Cube
void Dispose ()
 IDisposable implementation.
Image Slice (int planeIndex, bool targetMapped)
 Gets an image handle on a certain plane of the image cube. If targetMapped is true, the image slice returned is a deep copy of the the actual image plane in the cube. The slice axis depends on the cube encoding: More...
Cube Crop (Cuboid spectralCuboid)
 Creates a cropped cube. More...
Cube Convert (CubeEncoding targetEncoding)
 Creates a converted cube. More...
void Save (string enviHeader, string enviBinary)
 Saves the cube header and data to the specified files. More...
T[] GetSpectralDensity< T > (int sampleIndex, int lineIndex)
 Retrieves the spectral density at the given pixel. More...
bool TryGetLinearAccess (out LinearAccessData linearAccess)
 Tries to get the linear access data for this cube. More...
LinearAccessData GetLinearAccess ()
 Gets the linear access data for this cube. More...
ContinuousCube Clone ()
 Copies this cubes memory to a new cube. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Cube
static ContinuousCube Create (int numSamples, int numLines, int numBands, DataType dataType, CubeEncoding bufferLayout)
 Creates a new continuous cube. More...
static ContinuousCube FromFile (string enviHeader, string enviBinary)
 Loads a cube from file. More...
static StackedCube FromImages (IEnumerable< Image > images, CubeEncoding bufferLayout)
 Creates a new stacked cube from the given images . More...
static Cube FromHandle (IntPtr handle)
 Creates a new cube object from the given handle . More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Cube
 Cube (IntPtr handle)
 Constructor. More...
 Cube (IntPtr handle, UseMemoryPressure useMemoryPressure)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
 IDisposable helper function. More...
- Properties inherited from Cube
IntPtr Handle [get]
 Native handle of the calibrator.
bool IsDisposed [get]
 Gets if the native handle has been disposed.
DataType DataType [get]
 Gets the data type of this cube. More...
Image BufferView [get]
 Gets the buffer view of this cube.
MetaData MetaData [get, set]
 Metadata of this cube.
- Properties inherited from INativeHandle
IntPtr Handle [get]
 The native handle of the object.
bool IsDisposed [get]
 Possibility to check whether the object has already been disposed of.
- Events inherited from Cube
NativeHandleEventDelegate ObjectDisposing
 Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the IDisposable.Dispose method.
- Events inherited from INativeHandle
NativeHandleEventDelegate ObjectDisposing
 Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the IDisposable.Dispose method.

Detailed Description

Cube owning a continuous buffer.