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►Ncvb | Common Vision Blox Image Manager module for Python |
►Nbarcode | Common Vision Blox Barcode module for Python |
CBarcodeGrading | Configuration to access parameters of PharmaCode |
CCodabar | Configuration to access parameters of Codabar |
CCode11 | Configuration to access parameters of Code11 |
CCode11CheckDigit | Available check digits for Code11 |
CCode128 | Configuration to access parameters of Code128 |
CCode128SubType | Possible sub types of Code128 |
CCode32 | Configuration to access parameters of Code32 |
CCode39 | Configuration to access parameters of Code39 |
CCode93 | Configuration to access parameters of Code93 |
CCodeOrientation | Directions that a four state code may have |
CConfigBase | Configuration base class to access parameters of ConfigBase |
CDataMatrix | Configuration to access parameters of DataMatrix |
CDataMatrixFormats | Formats of DataMatrix codes to recognize |
CDataMatrixGrading | Configuration to access parameters of DataMatrixGrading |
CDataMatrixLevels | Levels of DataMatrix codes to recognize |
CDataMatrixSubType | Sub types of data matrix codes to read |
CDecodeResult | Possible barcode reading results |
CDiscrete2of5 | Configuration to access parameters of Discrete2of5 |
CEan13 | Configuration to access parameters of Ean13 |
CEan8 | Configuration to access parameters of Ean8 |
CEccLevelQr | Possible barcode reading results |
CFourStateAustralian | Configuration to access parameters of FourStateAustralian |
CFourStateAustralianLevels | Available level flags Four State Australian codes |
CFourStateKix | Configuration to access parameters of FourStateKix |
CFourStateLsb | LSB settings for four state codes |
CFourStateRoyalMail | Configuration to access parameters of FourStateRoyalMail |
CFourStateUsps | Configuration to access parameters of FourStateUsps |
CGradeResult1DInfo | Additional information about 1D grading results |
CGradeResult2DBase | Base class for 2D grading results |
CGradeResultBase | Configuration to access parameters of GradeResultBase |
CGradeResultDataMatrix | Object contains the barcode grading results for DataMatrix and PharmaCode2D barcodes |
CGradeResultQr | Object contains the barcode grading results for QR barcodes |
CInterleaved2of5 | Configuration to access parameters of Interleaved2of5 |
CMicroPdf417 | Configuration to access parameters of Pdf417 |
CMsiPlessey | Configuration to access parameters of MsiPlessey |
CMsiPlesseyCheckDigit | Available check digits for MSI Plessey codes |
CPdf417 | Configuration to access parameters of Pdf417 |
CPdf417Levels | Available PDF417 levels |
CPharmaCode | Configuration to access parameters of PharmaCode |
CPharmaCode2DDisposition | Expectation setting for Pharma Code 2D elements |
CPharmaCodeRunDirection | Run direction of Pharma Codes |
CPharmaCodeSkew | Skew of the Pharma Code bars |
CPharmaCodeTolerance | Tolerance levels for Pharma Code reading acceptance checks |
CPlanet | Configuration to access parameters of Planet |
CPlanetLevels | Available level flags for Planet codes |
CPostnet | Configuration to access parameters of Postnet |
CPostnetLevels | Available level flags for Postnet codes |
CQr | Configuration to access parameters of Qr |
CQrGrading | Configuration to access parameters of QrGrading |
CReaderConfig | Contains a map of configurations for all active barcode types |
CReaderConfigBase | Configuration to access parameters of ReaderConfigBase |
CReaderInitialization | Possible ways to initialize a Barcode reader configuration |
CReadout | Available readout modes |
CReadResult | Base class for reading decoded barcode results |
CReadResult1D | Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to 1D results |
CReadResultCode128 | Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to Code128 results |
CReadResultCode39Code93 | Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to Code39 and Code93 results |
CReadResultDataMatrix | Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to DataMatrix and PharmaCode2D results |
CReadResultPdf417 | Derived from ReadResult and gives specific access to Pdf417 results |
CReadResultQr | Derived from ReadResult2D and gives specific access to Qr results |
CReadResultSonyCode | Derived from ReadResult1D and gives specific access to SonyCode results |
CReadResultUpcE | Derived from ReadResult1D and gives specific access to UpcE results |
CRss | Configuration to access parameters of Rss |
CRssComposition | Composition flags for RSS codes |
CRssTypes | Types of RSS codes to read |
CSonyCode | Configuration to access parameters of SonyCode |
CSymbology | Supported barcode types |
CUpcA | Configuration to access parameters of UpcA |
CUpcE | Configuration to access parameters of UpcE |
►Ndnc | Common Vision Blox Match3D DNC module for Python (CAD-based 3D-object recognition) |
CFinder | Match3D DNC finder class is used to perform a search on a point cloud |
CSearchParameters | Definition of search parameters |
CSearchResult | Single result of a search operation |
CTeachParameters | Parameters for teaching a Match3D DNC finder |
►Nfoundation | Common Vision Blox Foundation module for Python |
CAlignmentConfiguration | A set of parameters that configures an alignment operation |
CAlignmentResult2D | A set of parameters that stores the result of alignment operation |
CAQS12DensePointCloudSegmentor | Segmentor object to configure face segmentation of AQS12 calibration piece on dense point clouds |
CAQS12Piece | Object to collect all input parameters for the AQS12 calibration piece |
CAQS12RangeMapSegmentor | Segmentor object to configure face segmentation of AQS12 calibration piece on range maps |
CAxis | Axis enumeration |
CBayerPattern | Bayer pattern of the sensor used to acquire the image to be converted |
CBlobBorderFilter | Enumeration for filtering blobs, that touch the boundaries of the AOI specified for blob extraction |
CBlobFilter | Class to build a filter for the blob search |
CBlobRangeFilter | Defines the attribute for a blob filter range |
CBlobResult | Container for a blob analysis result |
CCalibrationConfiguration | Calibration configuration object |
CCalibrationPatternContrast | Definition of the contrast of the pattern used for automatic calibration |
CCalibrationPatternFormat | Definition of the paper format used for printing calibration patterns |
CCalibrationPatternOrientation | Format orientation for the CalibrationPatternFormat |
CCalibrationPatternStyle | Definition of the calibration pattern style used for automatic calibration |
CCalibrationPiece | Defines the calibration piece to use for face segmentation |
CColorTwistMatrix | Matrix defining color transformations |
CCorrelationMethod | Correlation calculation methods |
CDensePointCloudSegmentor | Base class for segmentor object to configure and compute segmentation on dense point clouds |
CDistanceNorm | Norm for calculating distances |
CDynamicThresholdNorm | Norm calculation approaches for dynamic thresholding |
CEdgeDetectionResult | Result of the function cvb.foundation.detect_edges_of_stripe_target |
CEdgeFilter | Edge filter modes |
CEdgeResult | Edge search result |
CEdgeResultPair | A pair of found edges |
CEdgeSearchMode | Determines the algorithm for finding an edge |
CEdgeType | Type of the edges to be searched |
CFilterOrientation | Orientation options for edge filters |
CFIRFilter | Filter parameters |
CFixedFilterSize | Filter size values for filters using a fixed or discrete sized kernel |
CGammaCorrection | Gamma correction |
CHistogram | A single histogram result |
CHuMoments | Results of Hu moment calculation |
CImageMoments | State object for calculating various image moments |
CImageResolution | Possible up sampling modes for extracted polarization planes |
CInterpolation | Interpolation modes available inside the Foundation package |
CLineExtractionParameters | All necessary parameters for laser line extraction |
CLineScanCalibrationConfiguration | A set of parameters, which is used to configure linescan calibration calculated with function cvb.foundation.create_line_scan_calibration |
CLineScanCalibrator | Result of the linescan calibration executed by the cvb.foundation.create_line_scan_calibration function |
CLutInterpolation | Different approaches for interpolating between lookup table (LUT) values and levels |
CLutLevel | Combine a LUT (lookup table) level and the value assigned to this level |
CMomentsCalculation | Choose between speed and accuracy during image moment calculation |
CMomentsNormalization | Available normalization modes for moments calculations |
CMomentsOrder | Enumerated order for x and y central or spatial moments |
CMorphologyMask | Available morphology masks |
CNonLinearTransformation | Object implementing the non linear polynomially approximated transform implemented in the CVB Foundation package |
CPattern | Possible patterns of raw polarization images |
CPeakLocalizationMethod | Peak location parameters |
CPerspectiveTransformation | Perspective transformation coefficients |
CPixelOverflow | Defines how arithmetic overflows and underflows are handled |
CPreAlignmentMode | Specifies if the pre-alignment is required |
CPreDefinedPixelSizeMode | Specifies if the predefined pixel resolution is used for the metric calibration |
CProjection | Projection that the Edge analysis of Common Vision Blox is using |
CProjectionMode | Options affecting the result of the projection |
CProjectionValue | Single projection value |
CPseudoColorMode | Available colorization modes to visualize polarization |
CRangeMapSegmentor | Base class for segmentor object to configure and compute segmentation on range maps |
CRGBConversion | Available conversion modes from Bayer patterns to RGB images |
CRobertsDirection | Directions of the Roberts edge filter |
CScanDirection | Specifies the scanning direction |
CSegmentationMethod | Defines the segmentation method for labeling the faces of the calibration piece |
CSqrtPixelScaling | Defines the post processing of the sqrt function |
CStartSelectionMode | Decides which start point should be used for the new curve |
CStaticThresholding | Comparisons for static thresholding |
CTestImageDataType | Data types usable for test image generation |
CValueNormalization | Available normalization modes for norm calculations |
►Ngevserver | Common Vision Blox GevServer module for Python |
CBooleanNode | Node representing a true / false value |
CCategoryNode | Node that logically groups other nodes |
CChunkImageBufferDescription | Describes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer with possibly additional data |
CCommandNode | A node that can be executed |
CDriverType | Driver type |
CEnumEntryNode | One entry in an enumeration |
CEnumerationNode | A cvb.EnumerationNode that is configurable |
CFloat32RegNode | A single-precision floating-point number register node |
CFloat64RegNode | A double-precision floating-point number register node |
CFloatBaseNode | Represents the floating-point number nodes' base class |
CFloatNode | Represents a floating-point number |
CFloatRegNode | Floating-point value register node |
CImageBufferDescription | Describes a GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) compatible image memory buffer |
CInfo | General version and acquisition information |
CInt32RegNode | A 32-bit integer register node |
CInt64RegNode | A 64-bit integer register node |
CIntegerBaseNode | Represents the integer nodes' base class |
CIntegerNode | Represents an integer number |
CIntRegNode | An integer value register node |
CIntSwissKnifeNode | Read only node to calculate formulas on the client side with integer arithmetic |
CLogicalNetworkInterface | An IP network interface the GevServer can be bound to |
CNameSpace | The possible name spaces a node can be in |
CNode | Basic GevServer node for device feature access |
CNodeEvent | Node event |
CNodeInfo | Node information |
CNodeList | Node access |
CNodeMap | Contains all nodes of a device or module |
CNodeType | Available node types |
CNumberSign | The signedness of the number |
CPayloadType | The type of the payload |
CSelectorNode | Groups other nodes that are dependent on this node |
CServer | Common Vision Blox GigE Vision Server implements a GigE Vision camera in software |
CServerEvent | Server status event |
CServerInitType | The possible types a server can be initiated |
CState | The possible states the GevServer can be in |
CStream | The stream to send Images or other data |
CStringNode | Node representing a string value |
CStringRegNode | String value register node |
CValueNode | Base class for all nodes, that have a value |
►Nmatch_3d | Common Vision Blox Match3D ICP module for Python (alignement of two point clouds) |
CCorrespondenceType | Correspondence type used for algorithm in icp_match |
CMatchingParameters | A parameter set for ICP matching and down sampling point clouds |
CMatchingResult | Results of a ICP matching and down sampling operation |
►Nminos | Common Vision Blox Minos module for Python |
CClassifier | Load a saved classifier from a file |
CClassifierFactory | Learner object that creates a classifier from an image list |
CClassifierModelInfo | Information about a Minos classifier model |
CFilterOrder | Order of the butterworth_low_pass() or butterworth_high_pass() filter to be applied |
CKernelSize | Available kernel sizes for the filter functions exported by the Minos library |
CLearnParameters | The set of parameters, which controls, how a classifier is being learned from a training set |
CReadMode | Options for the read functions |
CSearchMode | Different modes for the search calls, that return a single result |
CSearchResult | Search result returned by Minos |
CTrainingSet | Load a saved training set from a file or create an empty training set |
►Nmovie2 | Common Vision Blox Movie recording module for Python |
CDirectShowSettings | Settings for initializing a direct show engine recorder |
CRawVideoSettings | Settings for initializing a raw video engine recorder |
CRecorder | Recorder object writing video streams with the given pixel format and recording engine |
CRecorderPixelFormat | Defines whether the recorder object writes color or mono data |
CRecordingEngineType | Defines the recording engine that the recorder should use |
CRecordingSettings | Settings for initializing a Recorder |
►Npolimago | Common Vision Blox Polimago module for Python |
CClassificationPredictor | Predictor to classify patterns with |
CClassificationPredictorFactory | Factory class for classification predictors |
CClassificationResult | Polimago classification result container |
CClassificationTestResult | Classification test result object |
CClassificationType | Determine the classification type to be carried out |
CConfusionMatrix | Representation of a confusion matrix |
CHoldoutTestResultFactory | Factory object for holdout tests |
CInterpolationType | Interpolation to be used when extracting image data for classifier generation |
CInvarianceType | Invariance types that can be defined for training |
CPolimagoFactoryCreatedObject | Base class for Polimago predictors |
CPredictionResult | The information contained in each cell of the confusion matrix |
CPredictorBase | Base class for Polimago predictors |
CPredictorBaseEx | Base class for Polimago predictors |
CPredictorFactoryBase | Base class for classifier factory classes |
CPredictorFactoryBaseEx | Base class for classifier factory classes |
CRegressionPredictor | Polimago regression predictor |
CRegressionPredictorFactory | Factory class for regression predictors |
CRegressionTestResult | Regression test result object |
CSampleTestResultFactory | Factory object for running a sample test in which all the elements of a training database are classified with a given classifier |
CSearchPredictor | Predictor that may be used for searching objects |
CSearchPredictorFactory | Factory class for the generation of search predictors |
CSearchResult | Polimago search result |
CTestResultBase | Base class for all Polimago Test Results |
CTestResultFactory | Base class for test factory classes |
►Nsample_database | Common Vision Blox SampleDatabase module for Python |
CFringes | Object describing the fringes that are available around images in a sample image list |
CImageClassificationInfoCollection | Collection of class information inside a classification sample list |
CImageClassificationLabelInfo | Classification label information |
CImageCollection | Collection of image samples |
CImageRegressionInfoCollection | Collection of regression information inside a regression sample list |
CImageRegressionLabelInfo | Regression label information |
CSampleClassificationImageList | Classifier type that operates on images |
CSampleExtractionMode | Possible approaches to the sample extraction in the 'Add' methods of image list classes |
CSampleImageList | Classifier type that operates on images |
CSampleList | Base class for sample lists |
CSampleListImageDataType | Descriptor for image data to be digested by an image list |
CSampleRegressionImageList | Classifier type that operates on images |
►Nshapefinder2 | Common Vision Blox ShapeFinder module for Python |
CClassifier | ShapeFinder2 classifier object |
CClassifierFactory | Classifier factory holds methods for generating ShapeFinder classifier factory |
CContrastMode | Defines the contrast features |
CCudaStatus | ShapeFinder2 CUDA status enum |
CGradientType | Defines the gradient used for feature extraction |
CPrecisionMode | Defines the precision over accuracy for ShapeFinder type searches |
CSearchResult | Search result as returned by ShapeFinder |
►Nspectral | Common Vision Blox Spectral module for Python |
CCube | Spectral Cube object |
CCubeEncoding | Defines how the mapping between a typical x-y image and samples-lines-bands is done |
CCubeRange | 3D rectangle in the samples, lines and bands domain |
CCubeType | Defines the type of the cube |
CFieldID | Defines the field IDs to access fields in the metadata object |
CFieldType | Data type of a field |
CInterpolationMethod | Defines the interpolation method |
CInterpolator | Spectral Interpolator object |
CMetaData | Spectral MetaData object |
CNormalizationMethod | Defines the method used for normalizing the spectral cube with a white and a black reference |
CPixelOverflow | Defines how arithmetic overflows and underflows are handled |
CStdIlluminant | Defines Standard Illumination |
CStdObserver | Defines Standard Observer |
CWrappedCube | A wrapped cube (or linear non-owning cube) wraps another pixel buffer without owning it |
►Nui | Common Vision Blox UI module for Python |
CAutoRefresh | Allows to automatically refresh, if image content changes |
CImageController | Controller object for the QML image view item |
CImageLabelItem | Image label item for QML |
CImageViewItem | Image view item for QML |
CUploadMode | Defines the upload behavior |
CZoomID | Identifier for a zoom factor |
►Nwebstreaming | Common Vision Blox WebStreaming module for Python |
CConverter | A converter object |
CJPEGConverter | A JPEG converter object |
CRGBAConverter | A RGBA converter object |
CServer | A WebSocket server |
CAccessMode | Access possibility of the node |
CAcquisitionInterface | Known acquisition CVB interfaces |
CAcquisitionStack | Defines the acquisition stack when opening the device |
CAcquisitionState | Specifies current status of the acquisition engine |
CAffineMatrix2D | Compacted affine matrix describing the Common Vision Blox coordinate system |
CAffineMatrix3D | Affine transformation for 3D containing a transformation matrix and a translation vector |
CAngle | Object for convenient and type-safe handling of angles |
CAngleRange | Container for angle range definitions |
CArea2D | Structure that represents an area of interest in the image |
CAsyncWaitResult | Represents an async wait result on a stream |
CAsyncWaitResultCompositeTuple | Represents an async wait result on a composite stream |
CAsyncWaitResultImageTuple | Represents an async wait result on a image stream |
CAsyncWaitResultPointCloudTuple | Represents an async wait result on a point cloud stream |
CAtCalibrator3D | Calibration object to apply 3D calibration of sensors provided by Automation Technology(AT) to point clouds |
CBooleanNode | Node representing a true / false value |
CBufferLayout | Defines the buffer layout to create cvb.WrappedImage from python buffers |
CCacheMode | Defines how the value is cached |
CCalibrator3D | Base calibration class to apply 3D calibration to point clouds |
CCancellationToken | A token to enable cancellation on wait operations |
CCancellationTokenSource | Provides tokens and signals tokens cancellation |
CCategoryNode | Node that logically groups other nodes |
CCircle | Class representing a circle |
CColorModel | Color model that this image is using |
CCommandNode | A node that can be executed |
CComposite | The Common Vision Blox composite |
CCompositePurpose | Specifies the purpose of the composite container |
CCompositeStream | The composite stream class |
CCompositeStreamBase | Base class of all composite based streams |
CCompositeStreamHandler | Handler object for multiple synchronous streams |
CConnectionState | Current connection state of the Device |
CConversionMode | Mode used by conversion to dense point cloud |
CCoordinateSystemType | Enumeration of the different available coordinate systems that an Area of interest may be defined in |
CCropDirection | Indicates cropping direction |
CCropRange | Indicates cropping range |
CCuboid | 3D rectangle in the X, Y and Z domain |
CDataType | Data type description for an image plane |
CDensePointCloud | A dense Cartesian 3D point cloud object |
CDevice | Generic CVB physical device |
CDeviceControl | Implementation of the device control interface |
CDeviceControlCommand | A specific command to send to the driver |
CDeviceControlOperation | Operation on driver specific parameter |
CDeviceFactory | Factory object for creating device objects |
CDeviceImage | Special device image |
CDeviceState | States the device can be in |
CDeviceUpdateMode | Defines how to treat the optional device image, when the device itself is updated |
CDigitalIO | Digital I/O operations on a device |
CDiscoverFlags | Flags controlling the discovery process |
CDiscoveryInformation | Stores information on a discovered device / node |
CDiscoveryProperties | Properties which can be queried from a DiscoveryInformation entry |
CDownSampleMode | Specifies how to remove points from a point cloud |
CEllipse | Class representing an ellipse |
CEmuDevice | A device representing an image stream based on single image files |
CEmuImage | An image associated with an cvb.EmuDevice |
CEnumEntryNode | One entry in an enumeration |
CEnumerationNode | A node that presents a choice of values |
CEventCookie | Cookie used to unregister event handlers |
CFactors3D | Per component factors for 3D points |
CFactorsCalibrator3D | Calibration object to apply factors component wise |
CFloatNode | Represents a floating point number |
CFloatRegNode | Floating point value register |
CGapFillingMethod | Supported methods for gap filling |
CGapFillingOptions | Options for gap filling with function fill_gaps |
CGenApiVersion | Version information for GenICam related objects |
CGenICamDevice | A GenICam compliant device |
CImage | The Common Vision Blox image |
CImagePlane | Plane of an image with a specific index |
CImageRect | Image rectangle operations on a device |
CImageStream | The image stream class |
CImageStreamHandler | Handler object for multiple synchronous streams |
CIndexedStream | A stream with a finite number of images, which can also be accessed via an index |
CIntegerNode | Represents a integer number |
CIntRegNode | Integer value register |
CLaserPlaneCalibrator3D | Calibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras |
CLaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3D | Calibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras |
CLaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3D | Calibration object to apply zig zag algorithm to the range map of a laser triangulation cameras |
CLicenseInfo | Information about CVB licenses |
CLine2D | Object representing an infinite line in 2 dimensional space |
CLocalMaximum | Result type returned by the cvb.find_local_maxima() function |
CMagicNumberEntry | A single Magic Number entry |
CMappingOption | Mapping options when creating a (potentially) mapped image |
CMatrix2D | Double precision 2x2 matrix class |
CMatrix3D | Double precision 3x3 matrix class |
CMatrix3DH | Double precision row-major 4x4 matrix |
CMatrixCalibrator3D | Calibration object to apply 4x4 matrix to each point |
CMesh | 3D mesh object consisting of polygons |
CModuleLayer | Level of an access token entry |
CMultiPartImage | MultiPart image class |
CMultiStreamHandler | Handler object for multiple synchronous streams |
CNeighborhood | Neighborhood to use in sub pixel calculation of local maxima |
CNetworkConnection | Basic network connection operations |
CNode | Basic GenApi node for device feature access |
CNodeMap | Contains all nodes of a device or module |
CNodeMapEnumerator | Lazy enumeration of node maps |
CNodeMapID | Contains all known node map names |
CNonStreamingDevice | A device without a stream |
CNotifyArgs | Event argument for notification events |
CNotifyDataType | Data type delivered by the event |
CNotifyObservable | Single notify event observable |
CNumberRange | Container for number range definitions |
CNumberRepresentation | Defines how a number is to be interpreted/displayed in a graphical user interface |
CPanoramaDirection | Defines the direction of the panoramic image |
CPanoramicMappedImage | Mapped image of two merged source images |
CPFNCBuffer | PFNC buffer class implementing the IPFNCBuffer interface |
CPfncFormat | GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) format values |
CPinholeCameraCalibrator3D | Calibration object to apply the pinhole camera model to the input range map |
CPixelDataType | Defines the numeric data type of one pixel |
CPixelFormatConverter | Helper class that takes care of pixel format conversion |
CPlane | Plane container |
CPlane3D | A plane in 3D space in Hessian normal form |
CPlaneEnumerator | A collection of planes |
CPlaneNormalization | Plane handling for normalization |
CPlaneRole | A plane role describes the components of the plane |
CPlaybackMode | Defines how frames are acquired by this video device |
CPoint2D | Multi-purpose 2D vector class |
CPoint3D | Multi-purpose 3D vector class |
CPoint3DC | Multi-purpose 3D vector class with confidence |
CPoint3DH | Multi-purpose 3D vector class (homogeneous) |
CPointCloud | A point cloud object |
CPointCloudFactory | Factory object for creating point cloud objects |
CPointCloudFlags | Flags for creating point clouds |
CPointCloudLayout | Supported point cloud point layouts |
CPointCloudStream | The point cloud stream class |
CPointCloudStreamHandler | Handler object for multiple synchronous streams |
CPolygon3D | A polygon in 3D space |
CPortNode | Port nodes are the connection to the remote device |
CRateCounter | Frame rate measurement counter with selectable averaging window |
CReadWriteVerify | Controls, how read/write operations are verified by the GenApi |
CRect | Rectangle object |
CRectLT | Rectangle object |
CRegisterNode | Untyped register access (only memory) |
CRingBuffer | Ring buffer operations on a device |
CRingBufferImage | Stream image that is returned, when the ring buffer interface is available on a device |
CRingBufferLockMode | Lock mode options for the ring buffer |
CRotationMap | Amount of rotation to apply when mapping an image |
CSelectorNode | Groups nodes, that are dependent on this one |
CSensorPixelPosition | Indicates pixel position on sensor |
CSensorPixelsMirrored | Indicates if sensor pixels are mirrored in rangemap |
CSensorSettings | Class to store camera sensor settings |
CSingleStreamHandler | Handler object for a single stream |
CSize2D | Stores a pair of numbers that represents the width and the height of a subject, typically a rectangle |
CSoftwareTrigger | Implementation of the software trigger |
CSparsePointCloud | A sparse Cartesian 3D point cloud object |
CStopWatch | Speed measurement object |
CStopWatchMode | Mode at which the StopWatch should work |
CStream | Represents one acquisition stream of a device |
CStreamBase | The base class for all stream classes |
CStreamImage | Base class of all stream related images |
CStreamInfo | Queryable stream information |
CStreamStatistics | Access statistics on the stream |
CStringNode | String value node |
CStringRegNode | String value register |
CSubPixelMode | Method for determining sub pixel accuracy when working with the find_local_maxima functions |
CValueNode | Base class for all nodes, that have a value |
CVector2D | Multi-purpose 2D vector class |
CVector3D | Multi-purpose 3D vector class |
CVector3DC | Multi-purpose 3D vector class with confidence |
CVector3DH | Multi-purpose 3D vector class (homogeneous) |
CVideoDevice | A device representing a video stream from the hard disk |
CVideoImage | An image associated with an cvb.VideoDevice |
CVinConnectionInformation | Contains the board and port information of a device or its access token |
CVinDevice | A device representing a video interface driver (vin) |
CVisibility | Feature complexity level |
CWaitStatus | Status after waiting for an image to be returned |
CWhiteBalanceFactors | Factors for white balance correction |
CWrappedImage | A wrapped image wraps another pixel buffer without owning it |