CVBpy 14.1
SparsePointCloud Class Reference

A sparse Cartesian 3D point cloud object. More...

Inherits PointCloud.

Public Member Functions

cvb.SparsePointCloud crop (self, cvb.Cuboid clip_box)
 Creates a new point cloud which only consists of the points inside the clip box. More...
cvb.SparsePointCloud from_dense_point_cloud (cvb.DensePointCloud dense_point_cloud)
 Creates a sparse point cloud from a dense point cloud with confidence plane. More...
cvb.SparsePointCloud frustum_crop (self, cvb.Cuboid clip_box, cvb.Angle theta, cvb.Angle phi)
 Creates a new point cloud which only consists of the points inside the clip box. More...
cvb.SparsePointCloud plane_crop (self, cvb.Plane3D plane, cvb.NumberRange range, int crop_range)
 Creates a new point cloud where points within or outside a range parallel to given plane are cropped. More...
cvb.SparsePointCloud plane_crop (self, float threshold, Optional[int] crop_below_above)
 Creates a new point cloud which only consists of the points below or above given plane. More...
Tuple[cvb.DensePointCloud, int] to_dense_point_cloud (self, int conversion_mode=cvb.ConversionMode.Automatic)
 Creates a dense point cloud from a sparse point cloud. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PointCloud
cvb.Cuboid calculate_bounding_box (self)
 Calculates the minimum and maximum extent of the point cloud. More...
cvb.Point3D calculate_center_of_gravity (self)
 Gets the center of gravity of the point cloud. More...
cvb.Matrix3D calculate_covariance_matrix (self)
 Get the covariance matrix of the point cloud. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloudconvert (self, int flags)
 Creates a new point cloud, which is a copy from this point cloud, but with possibly different data type and number of components. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointClouddown_sample (self, int mode, int value)
 Creates a new point cloud which has several points being removed dependent on the down sample mode and value. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloudduplicate (self)
 Creates a new point cloud which is a copy from this point cloud. More...
cvb.Plane3D fit_plane (self, Optional[cvb.Cuboid] aoi)
 Fits a plane in the points of the point cloud. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloudfrom_composite (cvb.Composite composite)
 Creates a point cloud from a composite. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloudmatrix_transform (self, cvb.Matrix3DH matrix)
 Creates a new point cloud with all points being transformed by the given transformation. More...
cvb.Image range_map (self, cvb.NumberRange x_range, cvb.NumberRange y_range, cvb.Size2D size, float background)
 Creates a new range map image via linear projection in negative z-direction. More...
None save (self, str file_name, Optional[int] flags)
 Saves the given point cloud to the file with the given file_name. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloudscale (self, Union[cvb.Factors3D, List[float]] factors)
 Creates a new point cloud with all points being scaled by the given factors. More...
Union[cvb.DensePointCloud, cvb.SparsePointCloudtransform (self, cvb.AffineMatrix3D transformation)
 Creates a new point cloud with all points being transformed by the given transformation. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from PointCloud
 data_type = property
 cvb.DataType: Gets the DataType of the x, y, z(, w) components of the given PointCloud.
 layout = property
 int: Gets the layout of the available buffers / planes of the given point cloud (see cvb.PointCloudLayout).
 num_points = property
 int: Gets the number of x, y, z(, w) points in the given point cloud.
 plane_count = property
 int: Gets the number of planes enumerated by this object.
 planes = property
 List[cvb.Plane]: Gets all available planes enumerated by this object.

Detailed Description

A sparse Cartesian 3D point cloud object.

A sparse point cloud is logically seen an array of 3D points. There is no order or neighboring information between the single points. It has less memory than a dense point cloud. Conversion to a dense point cloud is difficult, as the grid thus neighbor information is missing.

Member Function Documentation

◆ crop()

cvb.SparsePointCloud crop (   self,
cvb.Cuboid  clip_box 

Creates a new point cloud which only consists of the points inside the clip box.


clip_box : cvb.Cuboid Cuboid defining the bounds for the points to be copied (min/max are inclusive).


cvb.SparsePointCloud The new point cloud.

◆ from_dense_point_cloud()

cvb.SparsePointCloud from_dense_point_cloud ( cvb.DensePointCloud  dense_point_cloud)

Creates a sparse point cloud from a dense point cloud with confidence plane.

Non-confident points will be removed and the confidence plane is not kept. The new sparse point cloud has the same planes as the dense point cloud(except confidence).


dense_point_cloud : cvb.DensePointCloud Dense point cloud create sparse point cloud from.


cvb.SparsePointCloud Converted sparse point cloud.

◆ frustum_crop()

cvb.SparsePointCloud frustum_crop (   self,
cvb.Cuboid  clip_box,
cvb.Angle  theta,
cvb.Angle  phi 

Creates a new point cloud which only consists of the points inside the clip box.

The orientation of the two boundary planes Z=Zmin and Z=Zmax can be modified by angles theta and phi. For theta, phi = 0,0 the function will give the same result as crop(). Angle theta tilts the two Z - boundary planes towards the(positive) Y - axis. Additionally, phi rotates the tilted Z - boundary planes around the Z - axis(for theta = 0, phi will have no effect, because it is then just an inplane - rotation). The two Z - boundary planes will stay parallel, but no longer necessarily orthogonal to the lateral boundary planes. Note, that only the Z - boundaries are tilted and not the whole bounding box, i.e.X - and Y - boundaries will stay the same.


clip_box : cvb.Cuboid Cuboid defining the bounds for the points to be copied(min / max are inclusive).

theta : cvb.Angle Tilt angle of the two Z-boundary planes Z=Zmin and Z=Zmax towards the positive Y - axis.

phi : cvb.Angle Rotation angle of the tilted Z-boundary planes around the Z - axis.If Theta = 0, Phi will have no effect.



◆ plane_crop() [1/2]

cvb.SparsePointCloud plane_crop (   self,
cvb.Plane3D  plane,
cvb.NumberRange  range,
int  crop_range 

Creates a new point cloud where points within or outside a range parallel to given plane are cropped.

The plane is defined by the hessian normal form:

Points are cropped within or outside a range parallel to the given plane. The range is defined by range. Note, that Range.Max and Range.Min are applied along normal direction.

In order to define a range around the plane, maximum and minimum range have to be positive and negative respectively.


plane : cvb.Plane3D Points parallel to this plane will be cropped.

range : cvb.NumberRange Points within or outside this range will be cropped.

crop_range : int Indicates whether points should be cropped within or outside the range.


cvb.SparsePointCloud Cropped point cloud.

◆ plane_crop() [2/2]

cvb.SparsePointCloud plane_crop (   self,
float  threshold,
Optional[int]  crop_below_above 

Creates a new point cloud which only consists of the points below or above given plane.

The plane is defined by the hessian normal form:

Above plane means all points with z values greater than the plane are cropped. It makes no difference in which direction the given normal points. The normal is always converted, so that it points up (positive z value). Note, if Normal.Z equals 0, 'below' and 'above' is undefined and thus no cropping is done. Instead the input point cloud will be duplicated.


threshold : float Points below plane plus this value and points above plane minus this value are cropped respectively. This threshold should be set, if plane is calculated via fit_plane(). It ensures, that all points beyond this plane plus noise are cropped.

crop_below_above : Optional[int] Indicates if points should either be cropped below or above plane (optional, default value: cvb.CropDirection.Below).


cvb.SparsePointCloud Cropped point cloud.

◆ to_dense_point_cloud()

Tuple[cvb.DensePointCloud, int] to_dense_point_cloud (   self,
int   conversion_mode = cvb.ConversionMode.Automatic 

Creates a dense point cloud from a sparse point cloud.

This function maps the points of a sparse point cloud into a newly created dense point cloud. First, a resolution is determined that minimizes the points lost by the conversion.

If multiple points map onto the same x, y position in the dense cloud, the one with the larger z value is retained. The output cloud always has a confidence plane, which is set to 0 if no point of the sparse cloud matched the location. It is set to 1 if a point of the sparse cloud could be mapped to that location.

If the sparse cloud has a w component, it is replicated as well.


conversion_mode : int Mode used in conversion to dense point cloud. Currently Automatic is the only option (see cvb.ConversionMode).


Tuple[cvb.DensePointCloud, int] A tuple of the converted dense point cloud and the number of dropped points that overlapped in x and y and thus got dropped.