CVBpy 14.1
LaserPlaneCalibrator3D Class Reference

Calibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras. More...

Inherits Calibrator3D.

Inherited by AtCalibrator3D, FactorsCalibrator3D, LaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3D, and LaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3D.


 correction_of_laser_plane_inclination = property
 Optional[cvb.AffineMatrix3D]: Gets and sets the correction of the laser plane inclination (affine transformation) of the calibrator - may be None.
 sensor_settings = property
 cvb.SensorSettings: Gets sensor settings.
 y_factor = property
 float: Gets the y factor (encoder step).
- Properties inherited from Calibrator3D
 extrinsic_matrix = property
 cvb.AffineMatrix3D: Gets and sets the extrinsic transformation matrix (rigid body transformation) of the calibrator.
 range_map_ignore_value = property
 Optional[float]: Gets or sets value to be ignored in range map - may be None.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Calibrator3D
Union[cvb.Calibrator3DAT, cvb.LaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3D, cvb.LaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3D, cvb.FactorsCalibrator3D, cvb.MatrixCalibrator3D, cvb.PinholeCameraCalibrator3Dload (str file_name)
 Loads a 3D calibration from file. More...
None save (self, str file_name)
 Write the current content calibrator to a file. More...

Detailed Description

Calibration object from CVB Metric to apply a x-z homography for laser triangulation cameras.