Classes | |
struct | AffineMatrix2D |
Compacted affine matrix for 2D operations. More... | |
struct | AffineMatrix3D |
Affine transformation for 3D containing a transformation matrix and a translation vector. More... | |
class | Analyze |
A collection functions available in the Common Vision Blox Image Manager for analyzing image content. More... | |
struct | Angle |
Object for convenient and type-safe handling of angles. More... | |
class | AngleMath |
Provides trigonometry functions that work with Angle objects. More... | |
struct | Area2D |
Structure that represents an area of interest in the image. More... | |
class | AtCalibrator3D |
Calibrator to create point clouds from Automation Technologies cameras. More... | |
class | Calibrator3D |
Object used to reconstruct point clouds. More... | |
class | ComponentsPointer3D |
Point components of a point cloud. More... | |
class | Composite |
Aggregates multiple CVB objects under a common Purpose. More... | |
class | ConnectionStateChangeEventArgs |
Event arguments of the Device.ConnectionStateChanged event. More... | |
class | Convert3D |
Conversion functions for 3D objects. More... | |
class | ConvertColorSpace |
Simple color space conversion routines that are covered by the CVB Image Manager license. More... | |
struct | Cuboid |
3-dimensional range construct. More... | |
class | CvbException |
Base exception for all Cvb exceptions. More... | |
struct | DataType |
Data type description for a Image plane. More... | |
class | DataTypes |
Contains common CVB DataTypes. More... | |
class | DenseComponentsPointer3D |
Generic point components of a DensePointCloud. More... | |
class | DensePointCloud |
Dense point cloud object. More... | |
class | Device |
Generic CVB physical device. More... | |
class | DeviceFactory |
Factory object for creating Device objects. More... | |
class | ErrorCodes |
Native CVB error codes. More... | |
struct | Factors3D |
3D factor struct. More... | |
class | FactorsCalibrator3D |
Calibrator that multiplies the created X, Y and Z components with predefined factors. More... | |
struct | FeatureExtent |
The rectangular extent of a feature relative to an anchor point. More... | |
class | FileImage |
An Image loaded from the file system. More... | |
struct | GapFillingOptions |
Options for gap filling with Process.FillGaps(ImagePlane, GapFillingOptions). More... | |
class | GeometryFit |
Fitting algorithms for geometric objects. More... | |
interface | IAreaOfInterest |
Base Interface for all areas of interest More... | |
class | Image |
The Common Vision Blox image. More... | |
class | ImageData |
Stores the access data for image access. More... | |
class | ImageDrawer |
Immediate mode drawing on a Image plane. More... | |
struct | ImagePlane |
Plane information container. More... | |
class | ImagePlaneCollection |
Collection of plane informations. More... | |
class | ImagePlaneExtensions |
Extension methods used on image planes. More... | |
interface | INamed |
Interface for anything that has a name. More... | |
interface | INativeHandle |
Base interface for Cvb objects that are accessible through a native handle. More... | |
interface | IPosition |
Interface for anything that denotes a position. More... | |
interface | IQualified |
Interface for anything that has a quality (e.g. search results). More... | |
interface | IRotated |
Interface for anything that has a rotation. More... | |
interface | IScaled |
Interface for anything that has a scale. More... | |
interface | ISized |
Interface for anything that has a size. More... | |
class | LaserPlaneCalibrator3D |
Calibrator for applying parameters for calibrating laser plane. More... | |
class | LaserPlaneHomographyCalibrator3D |
Calibrator that uses the Metric created X-Z matrix to rectify the laser line triangulated range map. More... | |
class | LaserPlaneZigZagCalibrator3D |
Calibrator that uses the ZigZag algorithm to rectify the laser line triangulated range map. More... | |
struct | LinearAccessData |
Linear Access properties. More... | |
struct | LinearPlaneAccess1D |
Linear access to a plane; More... | |
struct | LocalMaximum |
Result type returned by the FindLocalMaxima function More... | |
class | MappedImage |
A mapped Common Vision Blox image. More... | |
struct | Matrix2D |
Double precision 2x2 Matrix struct. More... | |
struct | Matrix3D |
Double precision 3x3 matrix struct. More... | |
struct | Matrix3DH |
Double precision 4x4 matrix struct. More... | |
class | MatrixCalibrator3D |
Calibrator that multiplies the X, Y and Z components vector with a 4x4 matrix. More... | |
class | Mesh |
3D mesh object consisting of polygons. More... | |
class | NamespaceDoc |
The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb holds all published definitions of the types that form Cvb.Net . More... | |
class | OverlayBitDrawer |
Immediate mode drawing on Image overlay plane(s). More... | |
class | PanoramicMappedImage |
Mapped image of two merged source images. More... | |
class | PfncFormatValue |
Helper methods for PfncFormat values. More... | |
class | PinholeCameraCalibrator3D |
Calibrator the calculates the X, Y and Z components via the pinhole camera model. More... | |
class | PixelFormatConverter |
Helper class that takes care of pixel format conversion. More... | |
class | Plane |
A single linear plane of component data. More... | |
struct | PlaneConfiguration |
Structure defining the plane order for painting Image objects. More... | |
class | PlaneEnumerator |
Container for a set of planes. More... | |
class | PlaneLinkCollection |
Collection of linked planes of a MappedImage. More... | |
struct | Point2D |
Multi-purpose 2D Point class More... | |
struct | Point2Dd |
Multi-purpose 2D Point class More... | |
struct | Point3Dcd |
Multi-purpose 3D float vector struct with confidence value. More... | |
struct | Point3Dcf |
Multi-purpose 3D float vector struct with confidence value. More... | |
struct | Point3Dd |
Multi-purpose 3D double vector struct. More... | |
struct | Point3Df |
Multi-purpose 3D float vector struct. More... | |
struct | Point3Dhd |
Multi-purpose homogeneous 3D double vector struct. More... | |
struct | Point3Dhf |
Multi-purpose homogeneous 3D float vector struct. More... | |
class | PointCloud |
Base class for point clouds. More... | |
class | PointCloudExtensions |
Extension methods for PointClouds. More... | |
struct | Polygon3D |
A polygon in 3D space. More... | |
class | Process |
Collection of functions available for image processing. More... | |
class | PropertyValueChangedEventArgs |
Generic event arguments for property value changes. More... | |
struct | Range |
Struct defining a range. More... | |
struct | Rect |
Cvb Rectangle structure. More... | |
struct | RectD |
Corresponds in intention and use with the type RectD, although RectD is far more widely used. More... | |
class | RectEventArgs |
Event arguments transporting a rectangular area. More... | |
class | Ref |
Class to store a reference to a value type in. More... | |
struct | RgbColor |
Color type resembling that of System.Drawing.Color but which can be used without the System.Drawing dependency. More... | |
struct | RotationAngles3D |
Rotation angle struct. More... | |
class | ScopedState |
Simple object for writing RAII-like scoped states (see example). More... | |
struct | SensorSettings |
Class to store camera sensor settings. More... | |
struct | Size2D |
Stores an ordered pair of integers, typical the width and height of a Rect. More... | |
struct | Size2Dd |
Stores an ordered pair of doubles, typical the width and height of a RectD. More... | |
class | SparseComponentsPointer3D |
Generic point components of a SparsePointCloud. More... | |
class | SparsePointCloud |
Sparse point cloud object. More... | |
class | SystemExtensions |
Extension methods for types located in the System name space. More... | |
class | Transform3D |
Transformation functions for 3D objects. More... | |
class | Transformations |
Container class for a selection of functions that perform a (non-geometric) transformation on the input image. More... | |
struct | ValueRange |
Container for range definitions. More... | |
struct | Vpat |
Virtual Pixel Access Table. More... | |
struct | VpatAccessData |
Typed VPAT access properties with coordinate pixel access. More... | |
class | WhiteBalance |
WhiteBalance functions inside the Image Manager. More... | |
struct | WhiteBalanceFactors |
Factors for white balance correction. More... | |
class | WrappedImage |
A wrapped image wraps another pixel buffer without owning it. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | SubPixelMode { ParabolicFast = 1 , ParabolicAccurate = 2 , Gaussian = 3 } |
Method for determining sub pixel accuracy when working with the FindLocalMaxima functions. More... | |
enum | Neighborhood { Use3x3 = 1 , Use5x5 = 2 , Use7x7 = 3 , Use9x9 = 4 } |
Neighborhood to use in sub pixel calculation of local maxima. The bigger the neighborhood for calculation is, the longer the sub pixel fit will take. More... | |
enum | CoordinateSystemType { PixelCoordinates , ImageCoordinates } |
Enumeration of the different available coordinate systems that an Area of interest may be defined in. More... | |
enum | CompositePurpose { Custom = -1 , Image = 0 , ImageList , MultiAoi , RangeMap , PointCloud , ImageCube } |
Purpose of a Composite. More... | |
enum | MonochromeConversion { EqualWeights , PerceptiveWeights } |
Options for converting to monochrome. More... | |
enum | DeviceUpdateMode { UpdateDeviceImage , NewDeviceImage } |
Defines how to treat the optional device image, when the device itself is updated. More... | |
enum | TriggerState { NotSupported = -2 , Unknown = -1 , Off = 0 , On = 1 } |
The current state of the Device.TriggerMode property. More... | |
enum | ConnectionState { NotSupported , Connected , Disconnected } |
Current connection state of the Device. More... | |
enum | DiscoverFlags { FindAll = 0 , IncludeEmpty = 1 , IncludeInaccessible = 1 << 12 , IncludeMockTL = 1 << 13 , UpToLevelSystem = 1 << 1 , UpToLevelVin = 2 << 1 , UpToLevelTL = 3 << 1 , UpToLevelInterface = 4 << 1 , UpToLevelDevice = 5 << 1 , UpToLevelStream = 6 << 1 , IgnoreVins = 1 << 8 , IgnoreTLs = 1 << 9 , IgnoreGevSD = 1 << 10 , IgnoreGevFD = 1 << 11 } |
Flags controlling the discovery process. More... | |
enum | AcquisitionStack { Vin , PreferVin , GenTL , PreferGenTL } |
The acquisition stack when opening the device. More... | |
enum | PixelDataType { Undefined , UInt , Int , Float , ComplexPackedFloat } |
Defines the numeric data type of one pixel. More... | |
enum | ColorModel { RGBGuess = -2 , MonoGuess = -1 , Unknown = 0 , Mono = 1 , RGB = 2 , YUV = 3 , HSI = 4 , YCbCr = 5 , CieLUV = 6 , CieLab = 7 , HLS = 8 , YCC = 9 , HSV = 10 , CieXYZ = 11 } |
Color model that this image is using. More... | |
enum | MappingOption { CopyPixels , LinkPixels } |
Mapping options when creating a (potentially) mapped image More... | |
enum | RotationMap { By90Degrees = 1 , By180Degrees = 2 , By270Degrees = 3 } |
Amount of rotation to apply when mapping an image. More... | |
enum | HighBitScaleMode { Default = -1 , Global = 0 , ViewPort = 1 , WrapAround = 2 } |
Defines the mode that is being used for scaling high bit images (more than 8 bits per pixel) to an 8 bit display. More... | |
enum | ImageDataLockMode { ReadOnly = 1 , WriteOnly = 2 , ReadWrite = 3 } |
Specifies flags passed to the ImagePlane.GetLockedAccess method. More... | |
enum | OverlayBitDrawMode { Set , Erase } |
Specifies whether overlay bits are set or erased in the draw operation. More... | |
enum | PanoramaDirection { Horizontal = 0 , Vertical = 1 } |
Defines the direction of the panoramic image. More... | |
enum | PfncFormat { Mono1p = 0x01010037 , Mono2p = 0x01020038 , Mono4p = 0x01040039 , Mono8 = 0x01080001 , Mono8s = 0x01080002 , Mono10 = 0x01100003 , Mono10p = 0x010A0046 , Mono12 = 0x01100005 , Mono12p = 0x010C0047 , Mono14 = 0x01100025 , Mono16 = 0x01100007 , BayerBG8 = 0x0108000B , BayerBG10 = 0x0110000F , BayerBG10p = 0x010A0052 , BayerBG12 = 0x01100013 , BayerBG12p = 0x010C0053 , BayerBG16 = 0x01100031 , BayerGB8 = 0x0108000A , BayerGB10 = 0x0110000E , BayerGB10p = 0x010A0054 , BayerGB12 = 0x01100012 , BayerGB12p = 0x010C0055 , BayerGB16 = 0x01100030 , BayerGR8 = 0x01080008 , BayerGR10 = 0x0110000C , BayerGR10p = 0x010A0056 , BayerGR12 = 0x01100010 , BayerGR12p = 0x010C0057 , BayerGR16 = 0x0110002E , BayerRG8 = 0x01080009 , BayerRG10 = 0x0110000D , BayerRG10p = 0x010A0058 , BayerRG12 = 0x01100011 , BayerRG12p = 0x010C0059 , BayerRG16 = 0x0110002F , RGBa8 = 0x02200016 , RGBa10 = 0x0240005F , RGBa10p = 0x02280060 , RGBa12 = 0x02400061 , RGBa12p = 0x02300062 , RGBa14 = 0x02400063 , RGBa16 = 0x02400064 , RGB8 = 0x02180014 , RGB8_Planar = 0x02180021 , RGB10 = 0x02300018 , RGB10_Planar = 0x02300022 , RGB10p = 0x021E005C , RGB10p32 = 0x0220001D , RGB12 = 0x0230001A , RGB12_Planar = 0x02300023 , RGB12p = 0x0224005D , RGB14 = 0x0230005E , RGB16 = 0x02300033 , RGB16_Planar = 0x02300024 , RGB565p = 0x02100035 , BGRa8 = 0x02200017 , BGRa10 = 0x0240004C , BGRa10p = 0x0228004D , BGRa12 = 0x0240004E , BGRa12p = 0x0230004F , BGRa14 = 0x02400050 , BGRa16 = 0x02400051 , BGR8 = 0x02180015 , BGR10 = 0x02300019 , BGR10p = 0x021E0048 , BGR12 = 0x0230001B , BGR12p = 0x02240049 , BGR14 = 0x0230004A , BGR16 = 0x0230004B , BGR565p = 0x02100036 , R8 = 0x010800C9 , R10 = 0x010A00CA , R12 = 0x010C00CB , R16 = 0x011000CC , G8 = 0x010800CD , G10 = 0x010A00CE , G12 = 0x010C00CF , G16 = 0x011000D0 , B8 = 0x010800D1 , B10 = 0x010A00D2 , B12 = 0x010C00D3 , B16 = 0x011000D4 , Coord3D_ABC8 = 0x021800B2 , Coord3D_ABC8_Planar = 0x021800B3 , Coord3D_ABC10p = 0x021E00DB , Coord3D_ABC10p_Planar = 0x021E00DC , Coord3D_ABC12p = 0x022400DE , Coord3D_ABC12p_Planar = 0x022400DF , Coord3D_ABC16 = 0x023000B9 , Coord3D_ABC16_Planar = 0x023000BA , Coord3D_ABC32f = 0x026000C0 , Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar = 0x026000C1 , Coord3D_AC8 = 0x021000B4 , Coord3D_AC8_Planar = 0x021000B5 , Coord3D_AC10p = 0x021400F0 , Coord3D_AC10p_Planar = 0x021400F1 , Coord3D_AC12p = 0x021800F2 , Coord3D_AC12p_Planar = 0x021800F3 , Coord3D_AC16 = 0x022000BB , Coord3D_AC16_Planar = 0x022000BC , Coord3D_AC32f = 0x024000C2 , Coord3D_AC32f_Planar = 0x024000C3 , Coord3D_A8 = 0x010800AF , Coord3D_A10p = 0x010A00D5 , Coord3D_A12p = 0x010C00D8 , Coord3D_A16 = 0x011000B6 , Coord3D_A32f = 0x012000BD , Coord3D_B8 = 0x010800B0 , Coord3D_B10p = 0x010A00D6 , Coord3D_B12p = 0x010C00D9 , Coord3D_B16 = 0x011000B7 , Coord3D_B32f = 0x012000BE , Coord3D_C8 = 0x010800B1 , Coord3D_C10p = 0x010A00D7 , Coord3D_C12p = 0x010C00DA , Coord3D_C16 = 0x011000B8 , Coord3D_C32f = 0x012000BF , Confidence1 = 0x010800C4 , Confidence1p = 0x010100C5 , Confidence8 = 0x010800C6 , Confidence16 = 0x011000C7 , Confidence32f = 0x012000C8 , BiColorBGRG8 = 0x021000A6 , BiColorBGRG10 = 0x022000A9 , BiColorBGRG10p = 0x021400AA , BiColorBGRG12 = 0x022000AD , BiColorBGRG12p = 0x021800AE , BiColorRGBG8 = 0x021000A5 , BiColorRGBG10 = 0x022000A7 , BiColorRGBG10p = 0x021400A8 , BiColorRGBG12 = 0x022000AB , BiColorRGBG12p = 0x021800AC , SCF1WBWG8 = 0x01080067 , SCF1WBWG10 = 0x01100068 , SCF1WBWG10p = 0x010A0069 , SCF1WBWG12 = 0x0110006A , SCF1WBWG12p = 0x010C006B , SCF1WBWG14 = 0x0110006C , SCF1WBWG16 = 0x0110006D , SCF1WGWB8 = 0x0108006E , SCF1WGWB10 = 0x0110006F , SCF1WGWB10p = 0x010A0070 , SCF1WGWB12 = 0x01100071 , SCF1WGWB12p = 0x010C0072 , SCF1WGWB14 = 0x01100073 , SCF1WGWB16 = 0x01100074 , SCF1WGWR8 = 0x01080075 , SCF1WGWR10 = 0x01100076 , SCF1WGWR10p = 0x010A0077 , SCF1WGWR12 = 0x01100078 , SCF1WGWR12p = 0x010C0079 , SCF1WGWR14 = 0x0110007A , SCF1WGWR16 = 0x0110007B , SCF1WRWG8 = 0x0108007C , SCF1WRWG10 = 0x0110007D , SCF1WRWG10p = 0x010A007E , SCF1WRWG12 = 0x0110007F , SCF1WRWG12p = 0x010C0080 , SCF1WRWG14 = 0x01100081 , SCF1WRWG16 = 0x01100082 , YCbCr8 = 0x0218005B , YCbCr8_CbYCr = 0x0218003A , YCbCr10_CbYCr = 0x02300083 , YCbCr10p_CbYCr = 0x021E0084 , YCbCr12_CbYCr = 0x02300085 , YCbCr12p_CbYCr = 0x02240086 , YCbCr411_8 = 0x020C005A , YCbCr411_8_CbYYCrYY = 0x020C003C , YCbCr422_8 = 0x0210003B , YCbCr422_8_CbYCrY = 0x02100043 , YCbCr422_10 = 0x02200065 , YCbCr422_10_CbYCrY = 0x02200099 , YCbCr422_10p = 0x02140087 , YCbCr422_10p_CbYCrY = 0x0214009A , YCbCr422_12 = 0x02200066 , YCbCr422_12_CbYCrY = 0x0220009B , YCbCr422_12p = 0x02180088 , YCbCr422_12p_CbYCrY = 0x0218009C , YCbCr601_8_CbYCr = 0x0218003D , YCbCr601_10_CbYCr = 0x02300089 , YCbCr601_10p_CbYCr = 0x021E008A , YCbCr601_12_CbYCr = 0x0230008B , YCbCr601_12p_CbYCr = 0x0224008C , YCbCr601_411_8_CbYYCrYY = 0x020C003F , YCbCr601_422_8 = 0x0210003E , YCbCr601_422_8_CbYCrY = 0x02100044 , YCbCr601_422_10 = 0x0220008D , YCbCr601_422_10_CbYCrY = 0x0220009D , YCbCr601_422_10p = 0x0214008E , YCbCr601_422_10p_CbYCrY = 0x0214009E , YCbCr601_422_12 = 0x0220008F , YCbCr601_422_12_CbYCrY = 0x0220009F , YCbCr601_422_12p = 0x02180090 , YCbCr601_422_12p_CbYCrY = 0x021800A0 , YCbCr709_8_CbYCr = 0x02180040 , YCbCr709_10_CbYCr = 0x02300091 , YCbCr709_10p_CbYCr = 0x021E0092 , YCbCr709_12_CbYCr = 0x02300093 , YCbCr709_12p_CbYCr = 0x02240094 , YCbCr709_411_8_CbYYCrYY = 0x020C0042 , YCbCr709_422_8 = 0x02100041 , YCbCr709_422_8_CbYCrY = 0x02100045 , YCbCr709_422_10 = 0x02200095 , YCbCr709_422_10_CbYCrY = 0x022000A1 , YCbCr709_422_10p = 0x02140096 , YCbCr709_422_10p_CbYCrY = 0x021400A2 , YCbCr709_422_12 = 0x02200097 , YCbCr709_422_12_CbYCrY = 0x022000A3 , YCbCr709_422_12p = 0x02180098 , YCbCr709_422_12p_CbYCrY = 0x021800A4 , YCbCr2020_8_CbYCr = 0x021800F4 , YCbCr2020_10_CbYCr = 0x023000F5 , YCbCr2020_10p_CbYCr = 0x021E00F6 , YCbCr2020_12_CbYCr = 0x023000F7 , YCbCr2020_12p_CbYCr = 0x022400F8 , YCbCr2020_411_8_CbYYCrYY = 0x020C00F9 , YCbCr2020_422_8 = 0x021000FA , YCbCr2020_422_8_CbYCrY = 0x021000FB , YCbCr2020_422_10 = 0x022000FC , YCbCr2020_422_10_CbYCrY = 0x022000FD , YCbCr2020_422_10p = 0x021400FE , YCbCr2020_422_10p_CbYCrY = 0x021400FF , YCbCr2020_422_12 = 0x02200100 , YCbCr2020_422_12_CbYCrY = 0x02200101 , YCbCr2020_422_12p = 0x02180102 , YCbCr2020_422_12p_CbYCrY = 0x02180103 , YUV8_UYV = 0x02180020 , YUV411_8_UYYVYY = 0x020C001E , YUV422_8 = 0x02100032 , YUV422_8_UYVY = 0x0210001F , Mono10Packed = 0x010C0004 , Mono12Packed = 0x010C0006 , BayerBG10Packed = 0x010C0029 , BayerBG12Packed = 0x010C002D , BayerGB10Packed = 0x010C0028 , BayerGB12Packed = 0x010C002C , BayerGR10Packed = 0x010C0026 , BayerGR12Packed = 0x010C002A , BayerRG10Packed = 0x010C0027 , BayerRG12Packed = 0x010C002B , RGB10V1Packed = 0x0220001C , RGB12V1Packed = 0x02240034 , Custom = -2147483648 , InvalidPixelFormat = 0 } |
GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) format values. More... | |
enum | PlaneRole { Undefined = -1 , PixMono = 0 , PixRGB_R , PixRGB_G , PixRGB_B , PixYUV_Y , PixYUV_U , PixYUV_V , PixHSV_H , PixHSV_S , PixHSV_V , PixLAB_L , PixLAB_A , PixLAB_B , PixConfidence , PixRGB_RGB , CoordCartesian_X = 0x1000 , CoordCartesian_Y , CoordCartesian_Z , CoordCartesian_W , CoordPolar_Rho , CoordPolar_Phi , CoordCylindrical_Rho , CoordCylindrical_Phi , CoordCylindrical_Z , CoordSpherical_Rho , CoordSpherical_Phi , CoordSpherical_Theta } |
Role of a plane. More... | |
enum | PointCloudFlags { Float = 0 << 0 , Double = 1 << 0 , XYZ = 0 << 0 , XYZW = 1 << 5 , XYZConfidence = 1 << 6 , WithConfidence = 1 << 12 , NoExtrinsinc = 1 << 24 , NoMeshIndices = 1 << 25 } |
Flags for creating PointClouds. More... | |
enum | PointCloudLayout { Invalid = 0 , Linear = 1 , SeparatePlanar = 2 , Planar = 3 , Interleaved = 4 } |
Supported point cloud layouts. More... | |
enum | FileFormat { Ascii , Ply , Stl , WavefrontObj , Tiff } |
File format to store a point cloud in. More... | |
enum | GapFillingMethod { LinearInterpolation = 0 } |
Supported methods for GapFillingOptions. More... | |
enum | SensorPixelPosition { Absolute = 0 , Relative = 1 } |
Indicates pixel position on sensor. More... | |
enum | SensorPixelsMirrored { None = 0 , X = 1 , Y = 2 , XY = 3 } |
Indicates if sensor pixels are mirrored in rangemap. More... | |
enum | ConversionMode { Automatic } |
Mode used by conversion to dense point cloud. More... | |
enum | VpatRotation { Unknown = -1 , Rotation0 = 0 , Rotation90 = 1 , Rotation180 = 2 , Rotation270 = 3 } |
Identifiers for discrete VPAT rotations More... | |
enum | VpatLayout { Confuse , LinearWithDataType , Linear , ReverseLinear } |
Defines diagnostic information about the contents a VPAT. More... | |
Functions | |
delegate void | NativeHandleEventDelegate (INativeHandle sender) |
Delegate for the INativeHandle.ObjectDisposing event. More... | |
delegate void | Movie2Error (IntPtr recorder, int errorcode, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string errormessage, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string errorlocation, IntPtr userdata) |
Error callback for the Movie2.dll More... | |
delegate void | Movie2ImageSnapped (IntPtr recorder, IntPtr userdata) |
ImageSnapped callback for Movie2.dll More... | |
delegate void | Movie2ImageUpdated (IntPtr recorder, IntPtr userdata) |
ImageUpdated callback for Movie2.dll More... | |
delegate void | Movie2ProvideMetaData (IntPtr recorder, IntPtr stringbuffer, int buffersize, IntPtr userdata) |
Metadata callback for Movie2.dll More... | |
enum AcquisitionStack |
The acquisition stack when opening the device.
enum ColorModel |
Color model that this image is using.
enum CompositePurpose |
Purpose of a Composite.
enum ConnectionState |
enum ConversionMode |
enum CoordinateSystemType |
Enumeration of the different available coordinate systems that an Area of interest may be defined in.
Enumerator | |
PixelCoordinates | Pixel coordinates are defined as follows:
ImageCoordinates | The image coordinate system is defined by the Image.CoordinateSystem property of the image and specifies an affine linear transformation from the pixel coordinate system to the image coordinate system. It is a right handed coordinate system: the positive y axis points "down", the positive x axis points right. |
enum DeviceUpdateMode |
Defines how to treat the optional device image, when the device itself is updated.
A method containing this as a parameter indicates a Device.Handle change. This invalidates the old handle in a way that no IDeviceInterfaces are available anymore. The only thing remaining is the old ring buffer, but only with access to the last synchronized buffer.
If a method call containing this as a parameter succeeds it is necessary for the client application to update the Device.Handle in objects, that only use handle.
enum DiscoverFlags |
Flags controlling the discovery process.
enum FileFormat |
File format to store a point cloud in.
enum GapFillingMethod |
Supported methods for GapFillingOptions.
Enumerator | |
LinearInterpolation | Gaps in a range map are filled by linear interpolation. |
enum HighBitScaleMode |
Defines the mode that is being used for scaling high bit images (more than 8 bits per pixel) to an 8 bit display.
enum ImageDataLockMode |
Specifies flags passed to the ImagePlane.GetLockedAccess method.
Enumerator | |
ReadOnly | The image is locked for reading. |
WriteOnly | The image is locked for writing. |
ReadWrite | The image is locked for reading or writing. |
enum MappingOption |
enum MonochromeConversion |
enum Neighborhood |
Neighborhood to use in sub pixel calculation of local maxima. The bigger the neighborhood for calculation is, the longer the sub pixel fit will take.
enum OverlayBitDrawMode |
enum PanoramaDirection |
enum PfncFormat |
GenICam Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) format values.
enum PixelDataType |
Defines the numeric data type of one pixel.
enum PlaneRole |
Role of a plane.
Roles describe the component role a plane aggregates.
enum PointCloudFlags |
Flags for creating PointClouds.
Enumerator | |
Float | Create the point cloud with float components. |
Double | Create the point cloud with double components. |
XYZ | Create the point cloud with three Cartesian components (x, y, z). |
XYZW | Create the point cloud with four Cartesian, homogeneous components (x, y, z, w). |
XYZConfidence | Create point cloud with three Cartesian components (x, y, z) and a confidence plane. |
WithConfidence | Create the point cloud with an additional confidence plane. |
NoExtrinsinc | Only apply intrinsic calibration in Calibrator3D.CreatePointCloud(Image, PointCloudFlags). |
NoMeshIndices | Do not use directly: use PointCloud.FromFile(string) to not load mesh information. |
enum PointCloudLayout |
Supported point cloud layouts.
Enumerator | |
Invalid | No known / supported point cloud format. |
Linear | No known buffer layout. For this layout only the plane roles X, Y and Z are known with their increments. Thus the PointCloud composite either has no buffer or no buffer that can be mapped via a PFNC value. |
SeparatePlanar | Each plane is in its own, contiguous buffer. For each plane role X, Y and Z exists one distinct buffer. Increment to the next element is element sized as in a simple array. If the component data types are float, the composite has at least three buffers with PFNC values Coord3D_A32f, Coord3D_B32f and Coord3D_C32f. |
Planar | All planes are in one planar, contiguous buffer. All plane roles X, Y and Z lay component wise one after the other. First all x, then all y and finally all z components. If the component data type is float, the composite has at least one buffer with a PFNC value of Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar. |
Interleaved | All points are stored x,y,z interleaved as in Point3D. All plane roles X, Y and Z lay point wise one after the other. If the component data type is float, the composite has at least one buffer with a PFNC value of Coord3D_ABC32f. |
enum RotationMap |
enum SensorPixelPosition |
enum SensorPixelsMirrored |
Indicates if sensor pixels are mirrored in rangemap.
enum SubPixelMode |
Method for determining sub pixel accuracy when working with the FindLocalMaxima functions.
enum TriggerState |
The current state of the Device.TriggerMode property.
enum VpatLayout |
Defines diagnostic information about the contents a VPAT.
enum VpatRotation |
Identifiers for discrete VPAT rotations
VPAT rotation may be switched on or off for many drivers in their ini-file.
delegate void Movie2Error | ( | IntPtr | recorder, |
int | errorcode, | ||
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string | errormessage, | ||
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string | errorlocation, | ||
IntPtr | userdata | ||
) |
Error callback for the Movie2.dll
recorder | recorder object for which the callback has been invoked |
errorcode | error that occurred |
errormessage | error message |
errorlocation | additional error information |
userdata | private data pointer |
delegate void Movie2ImageSnapped | ( | IntPtr | recorder, |
IntPtr | userdata | ||
) |
ImageSnapped callback for Movie2.dll
recorder | recorder on which an image has been snapped |
userdata | private data pointer |
delegate void Movie2ImageUpdated | ( | IntPtr | recorder, |
IntPtr | userdata | ||
) |
ImageUpdated callback for Movie2.dll
recorder | recorder on which an image has been updated |
userdata | private data pointer |
delegate void Movie2ProvideMetaData | ( | IntPtr | recorder, |
IntPtr | stringbuffer, | ||
int | buffersize, | ||
IntPtr | userdata | ||
) |
Metadata callback for Movie2.dll
recorder | recorder on which meta data are required |
stringbuffer | string buffer to be filled with the meta data |
buffersize | size of the string buffer |
userdata | private data pointer |
delegate void NativeHandleEventDelegate | ( | INativeHandle | sender | ) |
Delegate for the INativeHandle.ObjectDisposing event.
sender | Object which raised the event. |