CVB.Net 14.1
MatrixCalibrator3D Class Reference

Calibrator that multiplies the X, Y and Z components vector with a 4x4 matrix. More...

Inherits Calibrator3D.

Public Member Functions

 MatrixCalibrator3D (Matrix3DH matrix)
 Create a MatrixCalibrator3D using the given matrix . More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Calibrator3D
void Dispose ()
 IDisposable implementation.
PointCloud CreatePointCloud< T > (Image rangeMap)
 Creates a calibrated PointCloud with point type T from the given rangeMap . More...
PointCloud CreatePointCloud (Image rangeMap, PointCloudFlags flags)
 Creates a calibrated PointCloud using the given rangeMap and flags . More...
PointCloud CreatePointCloud (Image rangeMap, PointCloudFlags flags, SensorSettings settings, double encoderStep)
 Creates a calibrated PointCloud using the given rangeMap and flags . More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Calibrator3D
static Calibrator3D FromFile (string fileName)
 Loads a 3D calibration file (ASCII string version). More...
static T FromFile< T > (string fileName)
 Loads a 3D calibration file (ASCII string version). More...
static Calibrator3D FromHandle (IntPtr nativeHandle, ShareObject doShare)
 Create a Calibrator3D from a native handle and potentially increment the unmanaged reference count on the native handle. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Calibrator3D
 Calibrator3D (IntPtr handle)
 Constructor. More...
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
 IDisposable helper function. More...
- Properties inherited from Calibrator3D
IntPtr Handle [get]
 Native handle of the calibrator.
bool IsDisposed [get]
 Gets if the native handle has been disposed.
AffineMatrix3D ExtrinsicMatrix [get, set]
 Gets/sets the extrinsic transformation matrix of the calibrator. More...
double? RangeMapIgnoreValue [get, set]
 Gets/sets the ignore value for range maps. More...
- Properties inherited from INativeHandle
IntPtr Handle [get]
 The native handle of the object.
bool IsDisposed [get]
 Possibility to check whether the object has already been disposed of.
- Events inherited from Calibrator3D
NativeHandleEventDelegate ObjectDisposing
 Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the IDisposable.Dispose method. More...
- Events inherited from INativeHandle
NativeHandleEventDelegate ObjectDisposing
 Raised when this object is about to be disposed via the IDisposable.Dispose method.

Detailed Description

Calibrator that multiplies the X, Y and Z components vector with a 4x4 matrix.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MatrixCalibrator3D()

Create a MatrixCalibrator3D using the given matrix .

matrixMatrix to use.
CvbExceptionWhen the creation of the Calibrator3D failed.