A display control with support for drawing in the overlay bit-plane of an image.
static readonly DependencyProperty | DefaultToolTypeProperty |
| Backing store of the DefaultToolType property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ToolProperty |
| Backing store for the Tool property.
static readonly RoutedEvent | ActualZoomCenterChangedEvent |
| Backing store for ActualZoomCenterChanged.
static readonly RoutedEvent | ActualZoomFactorChangedEvent |
| Backing store for ActualZoomFactorChanged.
static readonly RoutedEvent | ImageDataUpdatedEvent |
| Backing store for the ImageDataUpdated event.
static readonly RoutedEvent | ImageSourceChangedEvent |
| Backing store for the ImageSourceChanged event.
static readonly RoutedEvent | ZoomCenterChangedEvent |
| Backing store for ZoomCenterChanged.
static readonly RoutedEvent | ZoomFactorChangedEvent |
| Backing store for ZoomFactorChanged.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ActualZoomCenterProperty |
| Backing store for read-only ActualZoomCenter.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ActualZoomFactorProperty |
| Backing store for ActualZoomFactor.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageProperty |
| Backing store for Image.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageObserverProperty |
| Backing store for the read only ImageObserver dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | FrameTimeMinProperty |
| Backing store of the FrameTimeMin property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | HighBitScaleModeProperty |
| Backing store for HighBitScaleMode.
static readonly DependencyProperty | HorizontalScrollBarHeightProperty |
| Backing store of the HorizontalScrollBarHeight property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageSourceProperty |
| Backing store for ImageSource.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageViewportHeightProperty |
| Backing store of the ImageViewportHeight property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageViewportHorizontalOffsetProperty |
| Backing store of the ImageViewportHorizontalOffset property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageViewportVerticalOffsetProperty |
| Backing store of the ImageViewportVerticalOffset property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ImageViewportWidthProperty |
| Backing store of the ImageViewportWidth property.
static DependencyProperty | IsAnimatedProperty |
| Backing store for the IsAnimated property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | IsAnimationInProgressProperty |
| Backing store for the read only IsAnimationInProgress property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | IsInStretchModeProperty |
| Backing store for read only IsInStretchMode.
static DependencyProperty | IsMouseOverInfoEnabledProperty |
| Backing store for the IsMouseOverInfoEnabled property. More...
static readonly DependencyProperty | IsZoomActiveProperty |
| Backing store for the IsZoomActive.
static readonly DependencyProperty | IsZoomAdornerVisibleProperty |
| Backing store for the IsZoomAdornerVisible property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | MeasureLineAdornerProperty |
| Backing store of the MeasureLineAdorner property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | MouseOverImageInfoAnchorBottomProperty |
| Backing store for the MouseOverImageInfoAnchorBottom property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | MouseOverImageInfoAnchorRightProperty |
| Backing store for the MouseOverImageInfoAnchorRight property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | MouseOverInfoTypesProperty |
| Backing store of the MouseOverInfoTypes property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | OverlayCanvasProperty |
| Backing store for OverlayCanvas.
static readonly DependencyProperty | PixelRasterMinExtentProperty |
| Backing store for the PixelRasterMinExtent property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | PixelRasterVisibleProperty |
| Backing store the PixelRasterVisible property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | RedrawOnImageDataUpdatedProperty |
| Backing store of the RedrawOnImageDataUpdated property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | StretchZoomFactorProperty |
| Backing store for read only StretchZoomFactor.
static readonly DependencyProperty | VerticalScrollBarWidthProperty |
| Backing store for the VerticalScrollBarWidth property.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ZoomCenterProperty |
| Backing store for ZoomCenter.
static readonly DependencyProperty | ZoomFactorProperty |
| Backing store for ZoomFactor.
const string | PART_DisplayCanvas = "PART_DisplayCanvas" |
| The name of the DisplayCanvas part.
Type | DefaultToolType [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the default tool type. More...
ImageEditorToolBase | Tool [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the tool to draw on the image.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgs > | ActualZoomCenterChanged |
| Bubbling routed event that is fired when the ActualZoomCenter changes.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgs > | ActualZoomFactorChanged |
| Bubbling routed event that is fired when the ActualZoomFactor changes.
EventHandler< RoutedEventArgs > | ImageDataUpdated |
| Bubbling event that is fired when the display's image data is updated.
EventHandler< ImageSourceChangedEventArgs > | ImageSourceChanged |
| Bubbling event that is fired when the ImageSource changes.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgs > | ZoomCenterChanged |
| Bubbling event that is fired when the ZoomCenter property is changed.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgs > | ZoomFactorChanged |
| Bubbling event that is fired when the ZoomFactor property is changed.
Point | ActualZoomCenter [get] |
| Gets the rendered zoom center of this display. More...
double | ActualZoomFactor [get] |
| Gets the rendered zoom factor of this display. More...
Image | Image [get, set] |
| Gets/sets a Cvb.Image as the image source of this display. More...
IObserver< Image > | ImageObserver [get] |
| Gets the observer to receive new Image pushes. More...
Duration | FrameTimeMin [get, set] |
| Gets or sets the minimal frame time for displaying new frames. More...
HighBitScaleMode | HighBitScaleMode [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the Cvb.HighBitScaleMode used by this display.
double | HorizontalScrollBarHeight [get] |
| Gets the height of the horizontal scroll bar. More...
BitmapSource | ImageSource [get, set] |
| Image source of this display.
double | ImageViewportHeight [get] |
| Gets the the displayed image region shown width. More...
double | ImageViewportHorizontalOffset [get] |
| Gets the horizontal offset to the displayed image. More...
double | ImageViewportVerticalOffset [get] |
| Gets the vertical offset to the displayed image. More...
double | ImageViewportWidth [get] |
| Gets the the displayed image region shown width. More...
bool | IsAnimated [get, set] |
| Gets/sets whether ZoomCenter or ZoomFactor changes are animated.
bool | IsAnimationInProgress [get] |
| Gets whether the default animation is currently active.
bool | IsInStretchMode [get] |
| Gets whether the stretch mode is active and not the zoom mode. More...
bool | IsMouseOverInfoEnabled [get, set] |
| Gets/sets whether the mouse over info adorners are active.
bool | IsZoomActive [get] |
| Gets whether this control is currently in zoom mode despite stretch mode. More...
bool | IsZoomAdornerVisible [get, set] |
| Gets/sets whether the zoom adorner is visible or not.
MeasureLineAdorner | MeasureLineAdorner [get] |
| Gets the MeasureLineAdorner object.
double | MouseOverImageInfoAnchorBottom [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the right anchor line for the image information adorner.
double | MouseOverImageInfoAnchorRight [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the right anchor line for the image information adorner.
MouseOverInformation | MouseOverInfoTypes [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the mouse-over adorner types.
DisplayCanvas | OverlayCanvas [get] |
| Gets the overlay canvas of this display.
double | PixelRasterMinExtent [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the minimum extent (width/height) of a pixel until the pixel raster is shown.
bool | PixelRasterVisible [get, set] |
| Gets/sets whether a pixel raster is shown in higher zoom levels.
bool | RedrawOnImageDataUpdated [get, set] |
| Gets/sets whether the display is to be redrawn as soon as the image data has been updated. More...
double | StretchZoomFactor [get] |
| Gets the zoom factor as if in the case as if this control would be in stretch mode. More...
double | VerticalScrollBarWidth [get] |
| Gets the width of the vertical scroll bar. More...
Point | ZoomCenter [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the zoom center. More...
double | ZoomFactor [get, set] |
| The current zoom factor of the image. More...
static RoutedCommand | ActualSizeZoom [get] |
| Gets the command that is used to set the zoom factor to 100%.
static RoutedCommand | DecreaseZoom [get] |
| Gets the command that is used to decrease the zoom factor one step. More...
static RoutedCommand | IncreaseZoom [get] |
| Gets the command that is used to increase the zoom factor one step. More...
static RoutedCommand | StretchZoom [get] |
| Gets the command that is used to switch to the stretch zoom mode.
Point | ActualZoomCenter [get] |
| Gets the rendered zoom center of this display. More...
double | ActualZoomFactor [get] |
| Gets the rendered zoom factor of this display. More...
Image | Image [get, set] |
| Gets/sets a Cvb.Image as the image source of this display. More...
HighBitScaleMode | HighBitScaleMode [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the Cvb.HighBitScaleMode used by this display.
BitmapSource | ImageSource [get, set] |
| Image source of this display. More...
bool | IsAnimated [get, set] |
| Gets/sets whether ZoomCenter or ZoomFactor changes are animated.
bool | IsAnimationInProgress [get] |
| Gets whether the control's internal animation is in progress.
bool | IsInStretchMode [get] |
| Gets whether the stretch mode is active and not the zoom mode. More...
bool | IsZoomActive [get] |
| Gets whether this control is currently in zoom mode and the zoom factor is greater than one. More...
double | StretchZoomFactor [get] |
| Gets the zoom factor as if in the case as if this control would be in stretch mode. More...
Point | ZoomCenter [get, set] |
| Gets/sets the zoom center. More...
double | ZoomFactor [get, set] |
| The current zoom factor of the image. More...
A display control with support for drawing in the overlay bit-plane of an image.