CVB.Net 14.1
ImageEditor Class Reference

A display control with support for drawing in the overlay bit-plane of an image. More...

Inherits Display.

Public Member Functions

 ImageEditor ()
 Creates the bit-overlay image editor.
void ApplyTool ()
 Applies the current Tool, if IApplicable.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Display
 Display ()
 Creates an empty display.
void RedrawImage ()
 Redraws the display based on the set IDisplay.Image. More...
Task RedrawImageAsync ()
 Redraws the display based on the set IDisplay.Image when the display is rendered the next time. More...
Task SetImageAsync (Image image)
 Sets a new image asynchronously. More...
override void OnApplyTemplate ()
 Invoked whenever application code or internal processes call FrameworkElement.ApplyTemplate.
Point TranslatePointToImage (Point point)
 Translates a point relative to this display to coordinates that are relative to the ImageSource content pixels. More...
Point TranslatePointToImage (Point point, CoordinateSystemType coordinateType)
 Translates a point relative to this display to coordinates that are relative to the ImageSource content pixels. More...
Point TranslatePointFromImage (Point point)
 Translates a point relative to the ImageSource content pixels to coordinates relative to this display. More...
Point TranslatePointFromImage (Point point, CoordinateSystemType coordinateType)
 Translates a point relative to the ImageSource content pixels to coordinates relative to this display. More...
WinRect TranslateRectToImage (WinRect rect)
 Translates a rect relative to this display to coordinates that are relative to the ImageSource content pixels. More...
WinRect TranslateRectFromImage (WinRect rect)
 Translates a rect relative to the ImageSource content pixels to coordinates relative to this display. More...
void RedrawImage ()
 Redraws the display based on the set Image. More...

Static Public Attributes

static readonly DependencyProperty DefaultToolTypeProperty
 Backing store of the DefaultToolType property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ToolProperty
 Backing store for the Tool property.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Display
static readonly RoutedEvent ActualZoomCenterChangedEvent
 Backing store for ActualZoomCenterChanged.
static readonly RoutedEvent ActualZoomFactorChangedEvent
 Backing store for ActualZoomFactorChanged.
static readonly RoutedEvent ImageDataUpdatedEvent
 Backing store for the ImageDataUpdated event.
static readonly RoutedEvent ImageSourceChangedEvent
 Backing store for the ImageSourceChanged event.
static readonly RoutedEvent ZoomCenterChangedEvent
 Backing store for ZoomCenterChanged.
static readonly RoutedEvent ZoomFactorChangedEvent
 Backing store for ZoomFactorChanged.
static readonly DependencyProperty ActualZoomCenterProperty
 Backing store for read-only ActualZoomCenter.
static readonly DependencyProperty ActualZoomFactorProperty
 Backing store for ActualZoomFactor.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageProperty
 Backing store for Image.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageObserverProperty
 Backing store for the read only ImageObserver dependency property.
static readonly DependencyProperty FrameTimeMinProperty
 Backing store of the FrameTimeMin property.
static readonly DependencyProperty HighBitScaleModeProperty
 Backing store for HighBitScaleMode.
static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalScrollBarHeightProperty
 Backing store of the HorizontalScrollBarHeight property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageSourceProperty
 Backing store for ImageSource.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageViewportHeightProperty
 Backing store of the ImageViewportHeight property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageViewportHorizontalOffsetProperty
 Backing store of the ImageViewportHorizontalOffset property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageViewportVerticalOffsetProperty
 Backing store of the ImageViewportVerticalOffset property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ImageViewportWidthProperty
 Backing store of the ImageViewportWidth property.
static DependencyProperty IsAnimatedProperty
 Backing store for the IsAnimated property.
static readonly DependencyProperty IsAnimationInProgressProperty
 Backing store for the read only IsAnimationInProgress property.
static readonly DependencyProperty IsInStretchModeProperty
 Backing store for read only IsInStretchMode.
static DependencyProperty IsMouseOverInfoEnabledProperty
 Backing store for the IsMouseOverInfoEnabled property. More...
static readonly DependencyProperty IsZoomActiveProperty
 Backing store for the IsZoomActive.
static readonly DependencyProperty IsZoomAdornerVisibleProperty
 Backing store for the IsZoomAdornerVisible property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MeasureLineAdornerProperty
 Backing store of the MeasureLineAdorner property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MouseOverImageInfoAnchorBottomProperty
 Backing store for the MouseOverImageInfoAnchorBottom property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MouseOverImageInfoAnchorRightProperty
 Backing store for the MouseOverImageInfoAnchorRight property.
static readonly DependencyProperty MouseOverInfoTypesProperty
 Backing store of the MouseOverInfoTypes property.
static readonly DependencyProperty OverlayCanvasProperty
 Backing store for OverlayCanvas.
static readonly DependencyProperty PixelRasterMinExtentProperty
 Backing store for the PixelRasterMinExtent property.
static readonly DependencyProperty PixelRasterVisibleProperty
 Backing store the PixelRasterVisible property.
static readonly DependencyProperty RedrawOnImageDataUpdatedProperty
 Backing store of the RedrawOnImageDataUpdated property.
static readonly DependencyProperty StretchZoomFactorProperty
 Backing store for read only StretchZoomFactor.
static readonly DependencyProperty VerticalScrollBarWidthProperty
 Backing store for the VerticalScrollBarWidth property.
static readonly DependencyProperty ZoomCenterProperty
 Backing store for ZoomCenter.
static readonly DependencyProperty ZoomFactorProperty
 Backing store for ZoomFactor.
const string PART_DisplayCanvas = "PART_DisplayCanvas"
 The name of the DisplayCanvas part.


Type DefaultToolType [get, set]
 Gets/sets the default tool type. More...
ImageEditorToolBase Tool [get, set]
 Gets/sets the tool to draw on the image.
- Properties inherited from Display
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsActualZoomCenterChanged
 Bubbling routed event that is fired when the ActualZoomCenter changes.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsActualZoomFactorChanged
 Bubbling routed event that is fired when the ActualZoomFactor changes.
EventHandler< RoutedEventArgs > ImageDataUpdated
 Bubbling event that is fired when the display's image data is updated.
EventHandler< ImageSourceChangedEventArgsImageSourceChanged
 Bubbling event that is fired when the ImageSource changes.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsZoomCenterChanged
 Bubbling event that is fired when the ZoomCenter property is changed.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsZoomFactorChanged
 Bubbling event that is fired when the ZoomFactor property is changed.
Point ActualZoomCenter [get]
 Gets the rendered zoom center of this display. More...
double ActualZoomFactor [get]
 Gets the rendered zoom factor of this display. More...
Image Image [get, set]
 Gets/sets a Cvb.Image as the image source of this display. More...
IObserver< ImageImageObserver [get]
 Gets the observer to receive new Image pushes. More...
Duration FrameTimeMin [get, set]
 Gets or sets the minimal frame time for displaying new frames. More...
HighBitScaleMode HighBitScaleMode [get, set]
 Gets/sets the Cvb.HighBitScaleMode used by this display.
double HorizontalScrollBarHeight [get]
 Gets the height of the horizontal scroll bar. More...
BitmapSource ImageSource [get, set]
 Image source of this display.
double ImageViewportHeight [get]
 Gets the the displayed image region shown width. More...
double ImageViewportHorizontalOffset [get]
 Gets the horizontal offset to the displayed image. More...
double ImageViewportVerticalOffset [get]
 Gets the vertical offset to the displayed image. More...
double ImageViewportWidth [get]
 Gets the the displayed image region shown width. More...
bool IsAnimated [get, set]
 Gets/sets whether ZoomCenter or ZoomFactor changes are animated.
bool IsAnimationInProgress [get]
 Gets whether the default animation is currently active.
bool IsInStretchMode [get]
 Gets whether the stretch mode is active and not the zoom mode. More...
bool IsMouseOverInfoEnabled [get, set]
 Gets/sets whether the mouse over info adorners are active.
bool IsZoomActive [get]
 Gets whether this control is currently in zoom mode despite stretch mode. More...
bool IsZoomAdornerVisible [get, set]
 Gets/sets whether the zoom adorner is visible or not.
MeasureLineAdorner MeasureLineAdorner [get]
 Gets the MeasureLineAdorner object.
double MouseOverImageInfoAnchorBottom [get, set]
 Gets/sets the right anchor line for the image information adorner.
double MouseOverImageInfoAnchorRight [get, set]
 Gets/sets the right anchor line for the image information adorner.
MouseOverInformation MouseOverInfoTypes [get, set]
 Gets/sets the mouse-over adorner types.
DisplayCanvas OverlayCanvas [get]
 Gets the overlay canvas of this display.
double PixelRasterMinExtent [get, set]
 Gets/sets the minimum extent (width/height) of a pixel until the pixel raster is shown.
bool PixelRasterVisible [get, set]
 Gets/sets whether a pixel raster is shown in higher zoom levels.
bool RedrawOnImageDataUpdated [get, set]
 Gets/sets whether the display is to be redrawn as soon as the image data has been updated. More...
double StretchZoomFactor [get]
 Gets the zoom factor as if in the case as if this control would be in stretch mode. More...
double VerticalScrollBarWidth [get]
 Gets the width of the vertical scroll bar. More...
Point ZoomCenter [get, set]
 Gets/sets the zoom center. More...
double ZoomFactor [get, set]
 The current zoom factor of the image. More...
static RoutedCommand ActualSizeZoom [get]
 Gets the command that is used to set the zoom factor to 100%.
static RoutedCommand DecreaseZoom [get]
 Gets the command that is used to decrease the zoom factor one step. More...
static RoutedCommand IncreaseZoom [get]
 Gets the command that is used to increase the zoom factor one step. More...
static RoutedCommand StretchZoom [get]
 Gets the command that is used to switch to the stretch zoom mode.
- Properties inherited from IDisplay
Point ActualZoomCenter [get]
 Gets the rendered zoom center of this display. More...
double ActualZoomFactor [get]
 Gets the rendered zoom factor of this display. More...
Image Image [get, set]
 Gets/sets a Cvb.Image as the image source of this display. More...
HighBitScaleMode HighBitScaleMode [get, set]
 Gets/sets the Cvb.HighBitScaleMode used by this display.
BitmapSource ImageSource [get, set]
 Image source of this display. More...
bool IsAnimated [get, set]
 Gets/sets whether ZoomCenter or ZoomFactor changes are animated.
bool IsAnimationInProgress [get]
 Gets whether the control's internal animation is in progress.
bool IsInStretchMode [get]
 Gets whether the stretch mode is active and not the zoom mode. More...
bool IsZoomActive [get]
 Gets whether this control is currently in zoom mode and the zoom factor is greater than one. More...
double StretchZoomFactor [get]
 Gets the zoom factor as if in the case as if this control would be in stretch mode. More...
Point ZoomCenter [get, set]
 Gets/sets the zoom center. More...
double ZoomFactor [get, set]
 The current zoom factor of the image. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Display
override Size ArrangeOverride (Size arrangeBounds)
 Intercepted to arrange the adorners. More...
override Size MeasureOverride (Size constraint)
 Intercepted to measure the adorners. More...
- Events inherited from IDisplay
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsActualZoomCenterChanged
 Bubbling routed event that is fired when the ActualZoomCenter changes.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsActualZoomFactorChanged
 Bubbling routed event that is fired when the ActualZoomFactor changes.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsZoomCenterChanged
 Bubbling event that is fired when the ZoomCenter property is changed.
EventHandler< DisplayZoomEventArgsZoomFactorChanged
 Bubbling event that is fired when the ZoomFactor property is changed.

Detailed Description

A display control with support for drawing in the overlay bit-plane of an image.

Property Documentation

◆ DefaultToolType

Type DefaultToolType

Gets/sets the default tool type.

The default tool defines which tool is to be used if null is assigned to tool.