6from result_model
import ResultModel
7from barcode_reader
import BarcodeReader
9if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
10 from PySide6.QtCore
import QObject, QUrl, QAbstractListModel, QModelIndex
11 from PySide6.QtQml
import QQmlApplicationEngine
12 from PySide6.QtGui
import QGuiApplication, QIcon
14 from PySide2.QtCore
import QObject, QUrl, QAbstractListModel, QModelIndex
15 from PySide2.QtQml
import QQmlApplicationEngine
16 from PySide2.QtGui
import QGuiApplication, QIcon
19if __name__ ==
21 app = QGuiApplication([])
22 app.setOrganizationName(
23 app.setOrganizationDomain(
24 app.setApplicationName(
'Barcode Python tutorial')
27 if sys.platform ==
29 myappid =
30 ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid)
32 app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(
37 cvb.AcquisitionStack.Vin)
41 result_model = ResultModel(image_controller)
47 barcode_reader = BarcodeReader(device, result_model)
53 engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()
54 context = engine.rootContext()
57 context.setContextProperty(
"mainImage", image_controller)
59 context.setContextProperty(
"resultModel", result_model)
61 context.setContextProperty(
"barcodeReader", barcode_reader)
64 engine.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
66 barcode_reader.snap_n_decode()
Union[cvb.GenICamDevice, cvb.VinDevice, cvb.EmuDevice, cvb.VideoDevice, cvb.NonStreamingDevice] open(str provider, int acquisition_stack=cvb.AcquisitionStack.PreferVin)
Opens a device with the given provider and acquisition stack.
Definition: __init__.py:1629
Multi-purpose 2D vector class.
Definition: __init__.py:4291
Controller object for the QML image view item.
Definition: __init__.py:16
None register(cls, str uri="CvbQuick", int version_major=1, int version_minor=0, str qml_name="ImageLabel")
Basically just calls qmlRegisterType(...).
Definition: __init__.py:126
None register(cls, str uri="CvbQuick", int version_major=1, int version_minor=0, str qml_name="ImageView")
Convenience method to register this type or a derived type in QML.
Definition: __init__.py:198
Common Vision Blox UI module for Python.
Definition: __init__.py:1
str install_path()
Directory Common Vision Blox has been installed to.
Definition: __init__.py:8318
6if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
7 from PySide6
import QtCore
8 from PySide6.QtCore
import QObject, Slot
10 from PySide2
import QtCore
11 from PySide2.QtCore
import QObject, Slot
13from result_model
import ResultModel
15class BarcodeReader(QtCore.QObject):
16 def __init__(self, device, result_model):
19 self._stream = device.stream()
20 self._model = result_model
21 self._barcode_config = cvb.barcode.ReaderConfig(cvb.barcode.ReaderInitialization.ReadAll)
24 def snap_n_decode(self):
29 image, wait_status = self._stream.get_timed_snapshot(1000)
30 if (wait_status != cvb.WaitStatus.Ok):
32 self._model.refresh(image)
35 result = cvb.barcode.decode(self._barcode_config, self._model.Image.planes[0], self._model.Image.bounds, cvb.barcode.ReadResultDataMatrix)
36 if result.type == cvb.barcode.Symbology.DataMatrix :
37 result.__class__ = cvb.barcode.ReadResultDataMatrix
38 self._model.update(result)
Common Vision Blox Barcode module for Python.
Definition: __init__.py:1
6if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
7 from PySide6.QtCore
import QObject, QAbstractListModel, Qt, QModelIndex, Property, Signal, Slot
9 from PySide2.QtCore
import QObject, QAbstractListModel, Qt, QModelIndex, Property, Signal, Slot
13class ResultModel(QAbstractListModel):
19 _location_role = Qt.UserRole
21 def __init__(self, image_controller, parent=None):
22 super(ResultModel, self).__init__(parent)
23 self._image_controller = image_controller
28 roles[ResultModel._location_role] = b
31 def data(self, index, role = Qt.DisplayRole):
32 if not index.isValid():
34 pos = self._Location[index.row()]
35 if role == ResultModel._location_role:
40 def rowCount(self, parent = QModelIndex()):
41 return len(self._Location)
43 def update(self, barcode_result):
44 self._result = barcode_result
45 self._Text = barcode_result.text
46 self._DecodeTime = barcode_result.decode_time
47 self._Location = barcode_result.location
49 self.layoutChanged.emit()
50 self.notify_text.emit()
51 self.notify_decode_time.emit()
54 def refresh(self, image):
56 self._image_controller.refresh(image)
62 return self._DecodeTime
64 notify_text = Signal()
65 notify_decode_time = Signal()
67 Text = Property(str, Text, notify=notify_text)
68 DecodeTime = Property(int, DecodeTime, notify=notify_decode_time)
Union[PySide2.QtCore.QPointF, PySide6.QtCore.QPointF] cvb_to_qt_point(cvb.Point2D point)
Convenience converter for points.
Definition: __init__.py:383
2import CvbQuick 1.0 as CvbQuick
3import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
4import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
5import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
11 property int margin: 11
19 anchors.margins: margin
27 Layout.fillWidth: true
28 Layout.fillHeight: true
33 delegate: CvbQuick.ImageLabel
56 onClicked: barcodeReader.snap_n_decode()
64 Layout.minimumWidth: parent.width * 0.3
65 text: resultModel.Text
72 text: "Processing time: " + resultModel.DecodeTime + " ms"