CVBpy 15.0
Interpolator Class Reference

Spectral Interpolator object. More...

Inherits object.


 std_illuminant = property
 int: Retrieves the standard illuminant from the interpolator object(see cvb.spectral.StdIlluminant).
 std_observer = property
 int: Retrieves the standard observer from the interpolator object(see cvb.spectral.StdObserver).
 wavelengths = property
 List[float]: Retrieves the wavelengths of the illuminant spectrum.

Detailed Description

Spectral Interpolator object.

Creates an interpolator.

The interpolator is used to fit the wavelengths of the standard observer and the standard illuminant to the wavelengths in the Cube. As reference wavelengths the values of CVSFI_Wavelength in the cube metadata are used. Internally the color matching functions are defined in the range:

  • 2006 2deg : [390 nm, 830 nm] in 0.1 nm steps
  • 2006 10deg : [390 nm, 830 nm] in 0.1 nm steps
  • 1964 10deg : [360 nm, 380 nm] in 5 nm steps
  • 1931 2deg : [380 nm, 825 nm] in 5 nm steps

The standard illuminant are defined in the range:

  • Standard A : [300 nm, 830 nm] in 1 nm steps
  • Standard D50 : [300 nm, 780 nm] in 5 nm steps
  • Standard D65 : [300 nm, 830 nm] in 1 nm steps
  • Standard E : [300 nm, 830 nm] in a 530 nm step (this spectrum is even for the whole spectrum).


cube : cvb.spectral.Cube Metadata needs to contain wavelength info.

std_observer : int Standard observer used to access predefined Color Matching functions for the Lab and XYZ conversion(see cvb.spectral.StdObserver).

std_illuminant : int Standard illuminant used to access the predefined relative spectral power distribution for the Lab and XYZ conversion (see cvb.spectral.StdIlluminant).

interpolation_method : Optional[int] Interpolation method used for the color matching function and illuminant spectrum (see cvb.spectral.InterpolationMethod). By default cvb.spectral.InterpolationMethod.linear.