CVBpy 15.0
Cube Class Reference

Spectral Cube object. More...

Inherits object.

Inherited by WrappedCube.

Public Member Functions

cvb.Image buffer_view (self)
 Retrieves the buffer view of the cube. More...
cvb.spectral.Cube clone (self)
 Copies the memory to a new instance of a cube. More...
cvb.spectral.Cube convert (self, int target_view_perspective)
 Converts cube to given cube encoding target view. More...
cvb.spectral.Cube from_images (List[cvb.Image] images, int cube_encoding)
 Create an image, that is the result of concatenating a series of input planes. More...
cvb.spectral.Cube map (self, cvb.spectral.CubeRange spectral_cubeoid)
 Creates a cropped cube. More...
cvb.spectral.MetaData meta_data (self)
 Retrieves the metadata object of the cube. More...
None save (self, str envi_header_filename, str envi_binary_filename)
 Writes this cube object to ENVI-format. More...
List[float] spectral_density (self, int line_index, int sample_index)
 Retrieves spectral density at given pixel. More...


 data_type = property
 cvb.DataType: Gets the data type of this cube object.
 type = property
 int: Gets the type of this cube object.

Detailed Description

Spectral Cube object.

Creates a cube.

To create an empty continuous cube you can provide the parameters (lines, samples, bands, data_type, view_perspective).Alternatively you can provide the file names of an ENVI-formatted cube (envi_header_filename, envi_binary_filename)


lines : int Number of lines.

samples : int Number of samples.

bands : int Number of bands.

data_type : cvb.DataType Pixel data type.

cube_encoding : int View perspective on the buffer (see cvb.spectral.CubeEncoding).


envi_header_filename : str Header file of the ENVI-format data (.hdr).

envi_binary_filename : str Binary file of the ENVI-format data (.bin).

Member Function Documentation

◆ buffer_view()

cvb.Image buffer_view (   self)

Retrieves the buffer view of the cube.

The buffer view is the shared pointer to object containing the image. This image encapsulates the buffer of the cube. This image is of size width * height * dimensions. These dimensions can be mapped to samples, lines and bands depending on the cvb.spectral.CubeEncoding of this cube.


cvb.Image The view on the buffer through an image.

◆ clone()

cvb.spectral.Cube clone (   self)

Copies the memory to a new instance of a cube.


cvb.spectral.Cube New cube of type CubeType.ContinuousCube.

◆ convert()

cvb.spectral.Cube convert (   self,
int  target_view_perspective 

Converts cube to given cube encoding target view.

Creates a continous image cube and copies data. The number of samples, lines and bands are equal, but the order in the buffer is different.


target_view_perspective : int View perspective of the returned cube (see cvb.spectral.CubeEncoding).


cvb.spectral.Cube The converted cube.

◆ from_images()

cvb.spectral.Cube from_images ( List[cvb.Image images,
int  cube_encoding 

Create an image, that is the result of concatenating a series of input planes.


images : List[cvb.Image] Selects the relationship between the result image and the input images.

cube_encoding : int View perspective on the buffer (see cvb.spectral.CubeEncoding).


cvb.spectral.Cube A stacked cube object.

◆ map()

cvb.spectral.Cube map (   self,
cvb.spectral.CubeRange  spectral_cubeoid 

Creates a cropped cube.

The returned cube type depends on the source cube type.


spectral_cubeoid : cvb.spectral.CubeRange Crop the source cube by this cuboid.


cvb.spectral.Cube The cropped cube.

◆ meta_data()

cvb.spectral.MetaData meta_data (   self)

Retrieves the metadata object of the cube.

This method returns a shared pointer to the metadata object.


cvb.spectral.MetaData The metadata of this cube.

◆ save()

None save (   self,
str  envi_header_filename,
str  envi_binary_filename 

Writes this cube object to ENVI-format.


envi_header_filename : str Header file of the ENVI-format data (.hdr).

envi_binary_filename : str Binary file of the ENVI-format data (.bin).

◆ spectral_density()

List[float] spectral_density (   self,
int  line_index,
int  sample_index 

Retrieves spectral density at given pixel.


line_index : int Index of the line to inspect.

sample_index : int Index of the sample to inspect.


List[float] The spectral density at given pixel.