CVB++ 14.0
1#pragma once
3#include "../../global.hpp"
5#include "../../_detail/block/block_helper_linear_value.hpp"
6#include "../../_detail/block/block_helper_ref_value.hpp"
7#include "../../_detail/block/detail_block_point_helper.hpp"
9#include "decl_block_base.hpp"
11namespace Cvb
22 template <class T, class ACCESSTRAIT>
23 class Block final : public BlockBase<ACCESSTRAIT>
24 {
25 template <class Ty, class OTHER_ACCESSTRAIT>
26 friend class Block;
28 public:
29 using ComponentType = ComponentOfT<T>; // Type of one pixel.
30 using AccessTrait = ACCESSTRAIT; // Type of the access trait.
31 using PixelType = T; // Actual type T given as template argument.
32 using ConstPixelType = const T; // Const version of PixelType.
35 static constexpr const bool IsPixelTypeMutable = true;
37 private:
38 static constexpr const size_t NumComponents = NumComponentsOfV<T>;
39 static_assert(NumComponents > 0, "Cvb: NumComponents must be at least 1");
42 template <class OTHER_ACCESSTRAIT>
43 explicit Block(const Block<T, OTHER_ACCESSTRAIT> &other, Cvb::Rect<int> aoi)
44 : BlockBase<ACCESSTRAIT>(other, aoi)
45 {
46 if (!IsAligned<PixelType>(other.Access()(0, 0))
47 || (aoi.Width() > 1 && !IsAligned<PixelType>(other.Access()(1, 0)))
48 || (aoi.Height() > 1 && !IsAligned<PixelType>(other.Access()(0, 1))))
49 throw std::runtime_error("Block-type and pointer must have the same alignment.");
50 }
52 public:
54 explicit Block(ACCESSTRAIT access, Cvb::Size2D<int> size)
55 : BlockBase<ACCESSTRAIT>(std::move(access), std::move(size))
56 {
57 if (!IsAligned<PixelType>(access(0, 0)) || (size.Width() > 1 && !IsAligned<PixelType>(access(1, 0)))
58 || (size.Height() > 1 && !IsAligned<PixelType>(access(0, 1))))
59 throw std::runtime_error("Block-type and pointer must have the same alignment.");
60 }
67 Block(const Block &other) noexcept = default;
75 Block &operator=(const Block &other) noexcept = default;
78 ~Block() = default;
92 auto SubBlock(Cvb::Rect<int> aoi) const -> Block<T, decltype(this->Access().NewMoved(Cvb::Rect<int>{}))>
93 {
94 return Block<T, decltype(this->Access().NewMoved(Cvb::Rect<int>{}))>{*this, aoi};
95 }
108 CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType &operator()(int x, int y) const noexcept
109 {
110 return *reinterpret_cast<const PixelType *>(this->Access()(x, y));
111 }
124 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType &operator()(int x, int y) noexcept
125 {
126 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->Access()(x, y))>::type>::value,
127 "The underlying access does not support mutable access. Make the Block const.");
128 return *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(this->Access()(x, y));
129 }
131 private:
132 template <class PTy, size_t... I>
133 CVB_FORCE_INLINE static void SetElements(PixelType &pt, const PTy &value, std::index_sequence<I...>) noexcept
134 {
135 using expander =
136 int[]; // fold expression support for pre C++17 standards.. explanation see FillPixelValueElements.
138 expander{0, (set<I>(pt, get<I>(value)), 0)...};
139 }
141 public:
156 template <class FromPixelType>
157 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
158 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value, void>
159 {
160 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->Access()(x, y))>::type>::value,
161 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
162 static_assert(NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> >= NumComponents || NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> == -1,
163 "Incoming value must have at least as many components as current value.");
165 SetElements(*reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(this->Access()(x, y)), value,
166 std::make_index_sequence<NumComponents>{});
167 }
170 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
171 {
172 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->Access()(x, y))>::type>::value,
173 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
174 *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(this->Access()(x, y)) = value;
175 }
187 CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType &operator[](int idx) const noexcept
188 {
189 return *reinterpret_cast<const PixelType *>(this->Access()[idx]);
190 }
202 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType &operator[](int idx) noexcept
203 {
204 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->Access()[idx])>::type>::value,
205 "The underlying access does not support mutable access. Make the Block const.");
206 return *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(this->Access()[idx]);
207 }
222 template <class FromPixelType>
223 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int idx, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
224 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value, void>
225 {
226 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->Access()[idx])>::type>::value,
227 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
228 static_assert(NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> >= NumComponents || NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> == -1,
229 "Incoming value must have at least as many components as current value.");
231 SetElements(*reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(this->Access()[idx]), value,
232 std::make_index_sequence<NumComponents>{});
233 }
236 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int idx, const PixelType &value) noexcept
237 {
238 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->Access()[idx])>::type>::value,
239 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
240 *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(this->Access()[idx]) = value;
241 }
244 class Row
245 {
246 friend class Block;
248 using AccessRow = typename AccessTrait::Row;
250 AccessRow row_;
257 Row(AccessRow row) noexcept
258 : row_(row)
259 {
260 }
262 public:
264 Row() = default;
267 Row(const Row &) = default;
274 Row &operator=(const Row &) = default;
285 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType &operator[](int x) noexcept
286 {
287 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(row_[x])>::type>::value,
288 "The underlying access does not support mutable access. Make the Row const.");
289 return *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(row_[x]);
290 }
301 CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType &operator[](int x) const noexcept
302 {
303 return *reinterpret_cast<const PixelType *>(row_[x]);
304 }
318 template <class FromPixelType>
319 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
320 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value,
321 void>
322 {
323 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(row_[x])>::type>::value,
324 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
325 static_assert(NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> >= NumComponents || NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> == -1,
326 "Incoming value must have at least as many components as current value.");
328 SetElements(*reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(row_[x]), value, std::make_index_sequence<NumComponents>{});
329 }
332 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, const PixelType &value) noexcept
333 {
334 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(row_[0])>::type>::value,
335 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
336 *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(row_[x]) = value;
337 }
338 };
341 class Column
342 {
343 friend class Block;
345 using AccessColumn = typename AccessTrait::Column;
347 AccessColumn col_;
354 Column(AccessColumn col) noexcept
355 : col_(col)
356 {
357 }
359 public:
361 Column() = default;
364 Column(const Column &) = default;
371 Column &operator=(const Column &) = default;
382 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType &operator[](int y) noexcept
383 {
384 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(col_[y])>::type>::value,
385 "The underlying access does not support mutable access. Make the Column const.");
386 return *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(col_[y]);
387 }
398 CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType &operator[](int y) const noexcept
399 {
400 return *reinterpret_cast<const PixelType *>(col_[y]);
401 }
415 template <class FromPixelType>
416 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
417 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value,
418 void>
419 {
420 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(col_[y])>::type>::value,
421 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
422 static_assert(NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> >= NumComponents || NumComponentsOfV<FromPixelType> == -1,
423 "Incoming value must have at least as many components as current value.");
425 SetElements(*reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(col_[y]), value, std::make_index_sequence<NumComponents>{});
426 }
429 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
430 {
431 static_assert(!std::is_const<typename std::remove_pointer<decltype(this->row_[0])>::type>::value,
432 "The underlying access does not support mutable access.");
433 *reinterpret_cast<PixelType *>(col_[y]) = value;
434 }
435 };
446 Row RowAt(int y) const noexcept
447 {
448 return {this->Access().RowAt(y)};
449 }
460 Column ColumnAt(int x) const noexcept
461 {
462 return {this->Access().ColumnAt(x)};
463 }
464 };
466 // specialization for ScatterAccess
467 template <class T, int K>
468 class Block<T, ScatterAccess<K>> final : public BlockBase<ScatterAccess<K>>
469 {
470 template <class Ty, class OTHER_ACCESSTRAIT>
471 friend class Block;
473 public:
474 using ComponentType = ComponentOfT<T>;
475 using AccessTrait = ScatterAccess<K>;
476 using PixelType = T;
477 using ConstPixelType =
479 const ConstRefValue<ComponentType, K>,
480 const PixelType>::type;
482 static constexpr const bool IsPixelTypeMutable =
486 private:
488 explicit Block(const Block &other, Cvb::Rect<int> aoi)
489 : BlockBase<ScatterAccess<K>>(other, aoi)
490 {
491 }
493 public:
495 explicit Block(AccessTrait access, Cvb::Size2D<int> size)
496 : BlockBase<AccessTrait>(std::move(access), std::move(size))
497 {
498 }
505 Block(const Block &other) noexcept = default;
513 Block &operator=(const Block &other) noexcept = default;
516 ~Block() = default;
530 auto SubBlock(Cvb::Rect<int> aoi) const -> Block<T, decltype(this->Access().NewMoved(Cvb::Rect<int>{}))>
531 {
532 return Block<T, decltype(this->Access().NewMoved(Cvb::Rect<int>{}))>{*this, aoi};
533 }
535 private:
543 template <class PTy, class Ty, size_t... I>
544 static CVB_FORCE_INLINE PTy FillPixelValueElements(Ty addresses, std::index_sequence<I...>) noexcept
545 {
546 // JMe: as C++14 does not yet support fold expressions, which would make this a bit more straight forward I had to
547 // go with this weird version As `I` is a template parameter pack, it has to be expanded with the ... operator.
548 // But this is only possible in contexts, where a list of `xxx, yyy, zzz` is allowed, as the ... operator joins
549 // the expression before it with commas. One such context where it is possible to expand the parameter pack, is
550 // array initialization as used here. The array is unnamed, to make clear to the compiler, that the array can be
551 // optimized away. If `set` returned something it could be as short as: int[]{internal_set<I>(value,
552 // reinterpret_cast<const ComponentType*>(addresses[I]))...}; this just calls set<0>, set<1>, set<2>,... with the
553 // corresponding address and "stores" the return values in the array (which will be discarded anyway). As `set`
554 // returns void, we need to utilize the comma operator, which evaluates the expression left of the operator but
555 // discards its value and returns the value on the right of the comma (an int). E.g. after `int i = 200; int x =
556 // i++, 0;` i == 201 and x == 0. Therefore the expression down there just calls set<I> for all I in 0 to K - 1
557 // with the corresponding address.
559 using expander = int[]; // fold expression support for pre C++17 standards..
561 using CType = typename std::conditional<std::is_const<PTy>::value, const ComponentType, ComponentType>::type;
562 typename std::remove_const<PTy>::type value;
563 expander{0, ((void)internal_set<I>(value, reinterpret_cast<CType *>(addresses[I])), 0)...};
564 return value;
565 }
568 template <class PTy, class Ty>
569 static CVB_FORCE_INLINE PTy FillPixelValue(Ty addresses) noexcept
570 {
571 return FillPixelValueElements<PTy>(addresses, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
572 }
580 template <class Ty, class PTy, size_t... I>
581 CVB_FORCE_INLINE static void SetElements(Ty addresses, const PTy &value, std::index_sequence<I...>) noexcept
582 {
583 // fold expression support for pre C++17 standards.. explanation see FillPixelValueElements.
584 using expander = int[];
586 expander{0, (*reinterpret_cast<ComponentType *>(addresses[I]) = get<I>(value), 0)...};
587 }
589 public:
601 CVB_FORCE_INLINE ConstPixelType operator()(int x, int y) const noexcept
602 {
603 auto addresses = this->Access()(x, y);
604 return FillPixelValue<ConstPixelType>(addresses);
605 }
618 template <bool ENABLE = IsPixelTypeMutable, std::enable_if_t<ENABLE, int> = 0>
619 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType operator()(int x, int y) noexcept
620 {
621 auto addresses = this->Access()(x, y);
622 return FillPixelValue<PixelType>(addresses);
623 }
639 template <class FromPixelType>
640 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
641 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value, void>
642 {
643 auto addresses = this->Access()(x, y);
644 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
645 }
648 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
649 {
650 auto addresses = this->Access()(x, y);
651 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
652 }
664 CVB_FORCE_INLINE ConstPixelType operator[](int idx) const noexcept
665 {
666 auto addresses = this->Access()[idx];
667 return FillPixelValue<ConstPixelType>(addresses);
668 }
680 template <bool ENABLE = IsPixelTypeMutable, std::enable_if_t<ENABLE, int> = 0>
681 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType operator[](int idx) noexcept
682 {
683 auto addresses = this->Access()[idx];
684 return FillPixelValue<PixelType>(addresses);
685 }
700 template <class FromPixelType>
701 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int idx, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
702 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value, void>
703 {
704 auto addresses = this->Access()[idx];
705 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
706 }
709 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int idx, const PixelType &value) noexcept
710 {
711 auto addresses = this->Access()[idx];
712 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
713 }
716 class Row
717 {
718 friend class Block;
720 using AccessRow = typename AccessTrait::Row;
722 AccessRow row_;
729 Row(AccessRow row) noexcept
730 : row_(row)
731 {
732 }
734 public:
736 Row() = default;
739 Row(const Row &) = default;
746 Row &operator=(const Row &) = default;
757 template <bool ENABLE = IsPixelTypeMutable, std::enable_if_t<ENABLE, int> = 0>
758 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType operator[](int x) noexcept
759 {
760 auto addresses = row_[x];
761 return FillPixelValue<PixelType>(addresses);
762 }
773 CVB_FORCE_INLINE ConstPixelType operator[](int x) const noexcept
774 {
775 auto addresses = row_[x];
776 return FillPixelValue<ConstPixelType>(addresses);
777 }
791 template <class FromPixelType>
792 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
793 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value,
794 void>
795 {
796 auto addresses = row_[x];
797 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
798 }
801 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, const PixelType &value) noexcept
802 {
803 auto addresses = row_[x];
804 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
805 }
806 };
809 class Column
810 {
811 friend class Block;
813 using AccessColumn = typename AccessTrait::Column;
815 AccessColumn col_;
822 Column(AccessColumn col) noexcept
823 : col_(col)
824 {
825 }
827 public:
829 Column() = default;
832 Column(const Column &) = default;
839 Column &operator=(const Column &) = default;
850 template <bool ENABLE = IsPixelTypeMutable, std::enable_if_t<ENABLE, int> = 0>
851 CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType operator[](int y) noexcept
852 {
853 auto addresses = col_[y];
854 return FillPixelValue<PixelType>(addresses);
855 }
866 CVB_FORCE_INLINE ConstPixelType operator[](int y) const noexcept
867 {
868 auto addresses = col_[y];
869 return FillPixelValue<ConstPixelType>(addresses);
870 }
884 template <class FromPixelType>
885 CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept
886 -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<remove_cvref_t<FromPixelType>, remove_cvref_t<PixelType>>::value,
887 void>
888 {
889 auto addresses = col_[y];
890 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
891 }
894 CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
895 {
896 auto addresses = col_[y];
897 SetElements(addresses, value, std::make_index_sequence<K>());
898 }
899 };
910 Row RowAt(int y) const noexcept
911 {
912 return {this->Access().RowAt(y)};
913 }
924 Column ColumnAt(int x) const noexcept
925 {
926 return {this->Access().ColumnAt(x)};
927 }
928 };
936 template <class T>
945 template <class T>
954 template <class T>
963 template <class T, size_t K>
967} // namespace Cvb
A single column.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:342
Default ctor.
Column(const Column &)=default
Copy ctor.
CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType & operator[](int y) noexcept
Row access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:382
CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType & operator[](int y) const noexcept
Row access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:398
CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
Row setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:429
CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< remove_cvref_t< FromPixelType >, remove_cvref_t< PixelType > >::value, void >
Row setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:416
Column & operator=(const Column &)=default
Copy assignment.
A single row.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:245
CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType & operator[](int x) noexcept
Column access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:285
Row(const Row &)=default
Copy ctor.
Row & operator=(const Row &)=default
Copy assignment.
CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType & operator[](int x) const noexcept
Column access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:301
Default ctor.
CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, const PixelType &value) noexcept
Column setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:332
CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< remove_cvref_t< FromPixelType >, remove_cvref_t< PixelType > >::value, void >
Column setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:319
Column(const Column &)=default
Copy ctor.
CVB_FORCE_INLINE ConstPixelType operator[](int y) const noexcept
Row access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:866
CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
Row setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:894
CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< remove_cvref_t< FromPixelType >, remove_cvref_t< PixelType > >::value, void >
Row setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:885
Column & operator=(const Column &)=default
Copy assignment.
CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType operator[](int y) noexcept
Row access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:851
Row(const Row &)=default
Copy ctor.
Row & operator=(const Row &)=default
Copy assignment.
CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, const PixelType &value) noexcept
Column setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:801
CVB_FORCE_INLINE ConstPixelType operator[](int x) const noexcept
Column access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:773
CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType operator[](int x) noexcept
Column access.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:758
CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< remove_cvref_t< FromPixelType >, remove_cvref_t< PixelType > >::value, void >
Column setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:792
Base class for all typed Cvb::Block types.
Definition: decl_block_base.hpp:25
CVB_FORCE_INLINE const AccessTrait & Access() const noexcept
Gets the pixel access.
Definition: decl_block_base.hpp:101
Non-owning view on a 2d-plane of data.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:24
auto SubBlock(Cvb::Rect< int > aoi) const -> Block< T, decltype(this->Access().NewMoved(Cvb::Rect< int >{}))>
Creates a new sub Block from this block.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:92
Block(ACCESSTRAIT access, Cvb::Size2D< int > size)
Definition: decl_block.hpp:54
CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType & operator[](int idx) noexcept
Coordinate pixel access operator.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:202
CVB_FORCE_INLINE PixelType & operator()(int x, int y) noexcept
Coordinate pixel access operator.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:124
Block< T, ScatterAccess< K > > ScatterBlock
A Cvb::Block of variant planes.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:964
CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int idx, const PixelType &value) noexcept
Index setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:236
CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int x, int y, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< remove_cvref_t< FromPixelType >, remove_cvref_t< PixelType > >::value, void >
Coordinate setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:157
CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType & operator[](int idx) const noexcept
Index pixel access operator.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:187
CVB_FORCE_INLINE void Set(int x, int y, const PixelType &value) noexcept
Coordinate setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:170
Row RowAt(int y) const noexcept
Gets the Block::Row at y.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:446
CVB_FORCE_INLINE auto Set(int idx, const FromPixelType &value) noexcept -> std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible< remove_cvref_t< FromPixelType >, remove_cvref_t< PixelType > >::value, void >
Index setter.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:223
Block(const Block &other) noexcept=default
Copy ctor.
Column ColumnAt(int x) const noexcept
Gets the Block::Column at x.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:460
Default dtor.
Block & operator=(const Block &other) noexcept=default
Copy operator.
static constexpr const bool IsPixelTypeMutable
! Indicates whether the returned values of operator(x,y) or operator[idx] are mutable.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:35
CVB_FORCE_INLINE const PixelType & operator()(int x, int y) const noexcept
Coordinate pixel access operator.
Definition: decl_block.hpp:108
A single column.
Definition: decl_scatter_access.hpp:373
A single row.
Definition: decl_scatter_access.hpp:270
T Height() const noexcept
Gets the vertical component of the size.
Definition: size_2d.hpp:79
T Width() const noexcept
Gets the horizontal component of the size.
Definition: size_2d.hpp:59
T move(T... args)
Root namespace for the Image Manager interface.
Definition: c_barcode.h:24