Foundation (TextOut.dll) 15.0
Edge Detection Functions


cvbbool_t CFindAllEdges (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, size_t MaxEdges, PEdgeResult pResult, size_t &EdgeCount)
 Searches for all edges within an area using the contrast method. More...
cvbbool_t CFindEdgePair (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold1, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge1, TEdgeResult &Result1, double Threshold2, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge2, TEdgeResult &Result2)
 Searches for an edge pair within an area using the contrast method. More...
cvbbool_t CFindFirstEdge (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, TEdgeResult &Result)
 Finds the first edge within an Area using the contrast method. More...
cvbbool_t CSFindAllEdges (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, size_t MaxEdges, PEdgeResult pResult, size_t &EdgeCount)
 Searches for all edges within an area using the contrast method with sub-pixel accuracy. More...
cvbbool_t CSFindEdgePair (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold1, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge1, TEdgeResult &Result1, double Threshold2, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge2, TEdgeResult &Result2)
 Searches for an edge pair within an area using the contrast method with sub-pixel accuracy. More...
cvbbool_t CSFindFirstEdge (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, TEdgeResult &Result)
 Finds the first edge within an Area using the contrast method with sub-pixel accuracy. More...
cvbbool_t OSFindAllEdges (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, TEdgePolarity Polarity, EDGERESULTS &Results)
 Searches for all edges within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method. More...
cvbbool_t OSFindBestEdge (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, TEdgePolarity Polarity, TEdgeResult &Result)
 Finds the best edge within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method. More...
cvbbool_t OSFindEdgePair (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold1, TEdgePolarity Polarity1, TEdgeResult &Result1, double Threshold2, TEdgePolarity Polarity2, TEdgeResult &Result2)
 Searches for an edge pair within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method. More...
cvbbool_t OSFindFirstEdge (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, TEdgePolarity Polarity, TEdgeResult &Result)
 Finds the first edge within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method. More...
cvbbool_t TFindAllEdges (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, size_t MaxEdges, PEdgeResult Result, size_t &EdgeCount)
 Searches for all edges within an Area using the threshold method. More...
cvbbool_t TFindEdgePair (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold1, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge1, TEdgeResult &Result1, double Threshold2, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge2, TEdgeResult &Result2)
 Searches for an edge pair within the Area using the threshold method. More...
cvbbool_t TFindFirstEdge (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, TEdgeResult &Result)
 Finds the first edge within the Area using the threshold method. More...
cvbbool_t TSFindAllEdges (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, size_t MaxEdges, PEdgeResult Result, size_t &EdgeCount)
 Searches for all edges within an Area using the threshold method with sub-pixel accuracy. More...
cvbbool_t TSFindEdgePair (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold1, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge1, TEdgeResult &Result1, double Threshold2, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge2, TEdgeResult &Result2)
 Searches for an edge pair within the Area using the threshold method with sub-pixel accuracy. More...
cvbbool_t TSFindFirstEdge (IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, TEdgeResult &Result)
 Finds the first edge within the Area using the threshold method with sub-pixel accuracy. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ CFindAllEdges()

cvbbool_t CFindAllEdges ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
size_t  MaxEdges,
PEdgeResult  pResult,
size_t &  EdgeCount 

Searches for all edges within an area using the contrast method.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of all edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

The processing stops after MaxEdges number of edges and all others are ignored.

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexPlane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold for all edges (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE indicates a positive edge (gradient), FALSE a negative edge (gradient).
[in]MaxEdgesDefines the number of elements in the pResult array and thus the maximal number of edges to be found.
[out]pResultArray in which, after successful execution, the positions and qualities of the found edges are written (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[out]EdgeCountNumber of edges found, where EdgeCount <= MaxEdges.
TRUE if at least one edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
PEdgeResult datatype

◆ CFindEdgePair()

cvbbool_t CFindEdgePair ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold1,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge1,
TEdgeResult Result1,
double  Threshold2,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge2,
TEdgeResult Result2 

Searches for an edge pair within an area using the contrast method.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of the two outer edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]Threshold1Defines the threshold for the first edge (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge1TRUE for positive edge (gradient); FALSE for negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result1Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the first edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[in]Threshold2Defines the threshold for the second edge (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge2TRUE for positive edge (gradient); FALSE for negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result2Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the second edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge pair was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype, PEdgeResult datatype

◆ CFindFirstEdge()

cvbbool_t CFindFirstEdge ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
TEdgeResult Result 

Finds the first edge within an Area using the contrast method.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE for finding a positive edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]ResultContains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult data type, PEdgeResult data type

◆ CSFindAllEdges()

cvbbool_t CSFindAllEdges ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
size_t  MaxEdges,
PEdgeResult  pResult,
size_t &  EdgeCount 

Searches for all edges within an area using the contrast method with sub-pixel accuracy.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of all edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

The processing stops after MaxEdges number of edges and all others are ignored.

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexPlane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold for all edges (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE indicates a positive edge (gradient), FALSE a negative edge (gradient).
[in]MaxEdgesDefines the number of elements in the pResult array and thus the maximal number of edges to be found.
[out]pResultArray in which, after successful execution, the positions and qualities of the found edges are written (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[out]EdgeCountNumber of edges found, where EdgeCount <= MaxEdges.
TRUE if at least one edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
PEdgeResult datatype

◆ CSFindEdgePair()

cvbbool_t CSFindEdgePair ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold1,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge1,
TEdgeResult Result1,
double  Threshold2,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge2,
TEdgeResult Result2 

Searches for an edge pair within an area using the contrast method with sub-pixel accuracy.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of the two outer edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]Threshold1Defines the threshold for the first edge (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge1TRUE for positive edge (gradient); FALSE for negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result1Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the first edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[in]Threshold2Defines the threshold for the second edge (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge2TRUE for positive edge (gradient); FALSE for negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result2Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the second edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge pair was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype, PEdgeResult datatype

◆ CSFindFirstEdge()

cvbbool_t CSFindFirstEdge ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
TEdgeResult Result 

Finds the first edge within an Area using the contrast method with sub-pixel accuracy.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE for finding a positive edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]ResultContains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult data type, PEdgeResult data type

◆ OSFindAllEdges()

cvbbool_t OSFindAllEdges ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
TEdgePolarity  Polarity,

Searches for all edges within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of all edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

Release the Results via ReleaseEdgeResults if not needed anymore.
[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold for all edges (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]PolarityPOLARITY_POSITIVE for a positive edge (gradient), POLARITY_NEGATIVE for a negative edge (gradient) and POLARITY_DONT_CARE for both type of edges.
[out]ResultsNewly created EDGERESULTS object.
TRUE if all edges were detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
EdgeResult, ReleaseEdgeResults

◆ OSFindBestEdge()

cvbbool_t OSFindBestEdge ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
TEdgePolarity  Polarity,
TEdgeResult Result 

Finds the best edge within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method.

The best edge is, depending on the polarity, defined by the highest, lowest or highest absolute quality of all edges in the area.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]PolarityPOLARITY_POSITIVE for a positive edge (gradient), POLARITY_NEGATIVE for a negative edge (gradient) and POLARITY_DONT_CARE for both type of edges.
[out]ResultContains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype

◆ OSFindEdgePair()

cvbbool_t OSFindEdgePair ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold1,
TEdgePolarity  Polarity1,
TEdgeResult Result1,
double  Threshold2,
TEdgePolarity  Polarity2,
TEdgeResult Result2 

Searches for an edge pair within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of the two outmost edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]Threshold1Defines the threshold for the first edge (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]Polarity1First edge polarity: POLARITY_POSITIVE for a positive edge (gradient), POLARITY_NEGATIVE for a negative edge (gradient) and POLARITY_DONT_CARE for both type of edges.
[out]Result1Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the first edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[in]Threshold2Defines the threshold for the second edge (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]Polarity2Second edge polarity: POLARITY_POSITIVE for a positive edge (gradient), POLARITY_NEGATIVE for a negative edge (gradient) and POLARITY_DONT_CARE for both type of edges.
[out]Result2Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the second edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge pair was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype

◆ OSFindFirstEdge()

cvbbool_t OSFindFirstEdge ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
TEdgePolarity  Polarity,
TEdgeResult Result 

Finds the first edge within the Area with sub-pixel accuracy using the second derivation method.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]PolarityPOLARITY_POSITIVE for a positive edge (gradient), POLARITY_NEGATIVE for a negative edge (gradient) and POLARITY_DONT_CARE for both type of edges.
[out]ResultContains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype

◆ TFindAllEdges()

cvbbool_t TFindAllEdges ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
size_t  MaxEdges,
PEdgeResult  Result,
size_t &  EdgeCount 

Searches for all edges within an Area using the threshold method.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of all edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

The processing stops after MaxEdges number of edges and all others are ignored.

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexPlane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold for all edges (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE indicates a positive edge (gradient), FALSE a negative edge (gradient).
[in]MaxEdgesDefines the number of elements in the pResult array and thus the maximal number of edges to be found.
[out]ResultArray in which, after successful execution, the positions and qualities of the found edges are written (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[out]EdgeCountNumber of edges found, where EdgeCount <= MaxEdges.
TRUE if at least one edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
PEdgeResult data type
Sample Code in Visual C++:
#include \<cassert\>
#include \<iomanip\>
#include \<iostream\>
#include \<vector\>
#include \<iCVCEdge.h\>
template \<size_t ARRAYSIZE\>
size_t FindAllPositiveEdges(IMG image, cvbdim_t plane, const TArea area, double threshold, TEdgeResult (&edges)[ARRAYSIZE])
size_t numEdgesFound = 0;
if(TFindAllEdges(image, plane, 1000, area, threshold, TRUE, ARRAYSIZE, edges, numEdgesFound))
return numEdgesFound;
return size_t(-1);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
assert(argc > 1)
IMG image = nullptr;
if(!LoadImageFile(argv[1], image))
return -1;
TArea area =
10.0, 10.0, // p0
10.0, 15.0, // p1
30.0, 10.0 // p2
TEdgeResult edges[512];
size_t numEdgesFound = FindAllPositiveEdges(image, 0, area, 128.0, edges)
if(numEdgesFound == size_t(-1))
return -2;
std::cout << "Edges at:" << std::endl;
for(size_t edgeNum = 0; edgeNum < numEdgesFound; ++edgeNum)
const TEdgeResult &result = edges[edgeNum];
std::cout << '[' << result.x << ';' << result.y << ']' << std::endl;
return 0;
cvbbool_t TFindAllEdges(IMG Image, cvbdim_t Index, cvbdensity_t Density, TArea Area, double Threshold, cvbbool_t PositiveEdge, size_t MaxEdges, PEdgeResult Result, size_t &EdgeCount)
Searches for all edges within an Area using the threshold method.
Definition: EdgeThreshold.cpp:766
Defines an edge search result.
Definition: iCVCEdge.h:73
double y
Definition: iCVCEdge.h:79
double x
Definition: iCVCEdge.h:76

◆ TFindEdgePair()

cvbbool_t TFindEdgePair ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold1,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge1,
TEdgeResult Result1,
double  Threshold2,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge2,
TEdgeResult Result2 

Searches for an edge pair within the Area using the threshold method.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of the two outmost edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]Threshold1Defines the threshold for the first edge (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge1TRUE indicates a positive first edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result1Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the first edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[in]Threshold2Defines the threshold for the second edge (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge2TRUE indicates a positive second edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result2Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the second edge.
TRUE if an edge pair was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype

◆ TFindFirstEdge()

cvbbool_t TFindFirstEdge ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
TEdgeResult Result 

Finds the first edge within the Area using the threshold method.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold (Image pixel datatype dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE for a positive edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]ResultContains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype

◆ TSFindAllEdges()

cvbbool_t TSFindAllEdges ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
size_t  MaxEdges,
PEdgeResult  Result,
size_t &  EdgeCount 

Searches for all edges within an Area using the threshold method with sub-pixel accuracy.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of all edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

The processing stops after MaxEdges number of edges and all others are ignored.

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexPlane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold for all edges (pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE indicates a positive edge (gradient), FALSE a negative edge (gradient).
[in]MaxEdgesDefines the number of elements in the pResult array and thus the maximal number of edges to be found.
[out]ResultArray in which, after successful execution, the positions and qualities of the found edges are written (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[out]EdgeCountNumber of edges found, where EdgeCount <= MaxEdges.
TRUE if at least one edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
PEdgeResult data type

◆ TSFindEdgePair()

cvbbool_t TSFindEdgePair ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold1,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge1,
TEdgeResult Result1,
double  Threshold2,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge2,
TEdgeResult Result2 

Searches for an edge pair within the Area using the threshold method with sub-pixel accuracy.

If the image contains multiple edges, the positions of the two outmost edges are returned.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]Threshold1Defines the threshold for the first edge (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge1TRUE indicates a positive first edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result1Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the first edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
[in]Threshold2Defines the threshold for the second edge (image pixel data type dependent).
[in]PositiveEdge2TRUE indicates a positive second edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]Result2Contains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the second edge.
TRUE if an edge pair was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype

◆ TSFindFirstEdge()

cvbbool_t TSFindFirstEdge ( IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbdensity_t  Density,
TArea  Area,
double  Threshold,
cvbbool_t  PositiveEdge,
TEdgeResult Result 

Finds the first edge within the Area using the threshold method with sub-pixel accuracy.

The orientation of the Area defines the direction of edge detection. The coordinate system of the Image is used to transform the Area, but the resulting edge is returned in pixel coordinates (ignoring the coordinate system).

This function works with unsigned integer image planes (also with bit depths higher than eight).

This function is thread safe as long as the given Image is not changed while this function is running.

[in]ImageHandle of image object to be processed.
[in]IndexImage plane index to be used.
[in]DensityDefines the processing density (0 < density <= 1000).
[in]AreaArea in the image where an edge is to be searched for.
[in]ThresholdDefines the threshold (Image pixel datatype dependent).
[in]PositiveEdgeTRUE for a positive edge (gradient), FALSE for a negative edge (gradient).
[out]ResultContains, after successful execution, the position and quality of the edge (see TEdgeResult for more information).
TRUE if an edge was detected, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
TEdgeResult datatype