Match3D (Match3D.dll) 15.0

Match3D ICP (alignment of two point clouds). More...

Data Structures

struct  CVM3DMatchExtendedParameters
 Controls CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced. More...
struct  CVM3DMatchParameters
 Controls CVM3DMatchDownsampledPointClouds. More...


enum  CVM3DCorrespondenceType { CVM3DCT_ClassicICP , CVM3DCT_ConsensICP , CVM3DCT_ConsensusICP }
 Correspondence type used for algorithm in CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced. More...


cvbres_t CVM3DMatchDownsampledPointClouds (CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudScene, cvbint64_t MaxScenePoints, CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudModel, cvbint64_t MaxModelPoints, const CVM3DMatchParameters &MatchParameter, double &FinalRmsDistance, cvbval_t &NumIterationsNeeded, CVC3DTransformation &Transformation)
 This function matches PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene. More...
cvbres_t CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced (CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudScene, cvbint64_t MaxScenePoints, CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudModel, cvbint64_t MaxModelPoints, const CVM3DMatchExtendedParameters &MatchParameters, double &FinalNorm, cvbval_t &NumIterationsNeeded, CVC3DTransformation &Transformation)
 This function matches PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene. More...
cvbres_t CVM3DRmsDistanceOfPointClouds (CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudScene, CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudModel, double &RmsDistance)
 This function approximates the root mean square of distances between PointCloudModel and PointCloudScene. More...

Detailed Description

Match3D ICP (alignment of two point clouds).

This library allows the alignment of two 3D point clouds. The alignment is based on the iterative closest point(ICP) algorithm.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CVM3DCorrespondenceType

Correspondence type used for algorithm in CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced.


Classic ICP following Arun, 1987.


Extended ICP taking shape correspondence into consideration.

Function Documentation

◆ CVM3DMatchDownsampledPointClouds()

cvbres_t CVM3DMatchDownsampledPointClouds ( CVCOMPOSITE  PointCloudScene,
cvbint64_t  MaxScenePoints,
CVCOMPOSITE  PointCloudModel,
cvbint64_t  MaxModelPoints,
const CVM3DMatchParameters MatchParameter,
double &  FinalRmsDistance,
cvbval_t &  NumIterationsNeeded,
CVC3DTransformation Transformation 

This function matches PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene.

If MaxModelPoints and/or MaxScenePoints points are lower than the actual number of points in the model/scene point cloud, the point clouds are downsampled by randomly removing points.

This function matches two point clouds by the iterative closest point algorithm (ICP), see: The algorithm follows Arun KS, Huang TS, Blostein SD(1987) Least-squares fitting of two 3D point sets. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Machine Intell 9:698–700.
[in]PointCloudSceneScene point cloud.
[in]MaxScenePointsMaximum number of scene points to use. If zero, all points will be used.
[in]PointCloudModelModel point cloud to be matched to scene.
[in]MaxModelPointsMaximum number of model points to use. If zero, all points will be used.
[in]MatchParameterParameters that control the algorithm.
[out]FinalRmsDistanceFinal root mean square of distances between model and scene.
[out]NumIterationsNeededNumber of iterations needed.
[out]TransformationAffine transformation (rotation matrix and translation vector) which maps the model to the scene.
See also
CVM3DRmsDistanceOfPointClouds, CVC3DCreateTransformedPointCloud (CVCore3D library).
Example to align a model to a scene:
// load point cloud from ply-file
CVCOMPOSITE hModel = nullptr;
CVC3DLoadFile("Model.ply", CVC3DPCF_DTFloat | CVC3DPCF_XYZ, hModel);
CVCOMPOSITE hScene = nullptr;
CVC3DLoadFile("Scene.ply", CVC3DPCF_DTFloat | CVC3DPCF_XYZ, hScene);
// input parameter
CVM3DMatchParameters matchParameter = CVM3DDefaultParameters;
matchParameter.MaxIterations = 20;
matchParameter.DeltaRmsThreshold = 1e-4;
matchParameter.MaxDistanceStdDev = 1;
// output parameter
double finalRmsDistance = 0.0;
cvbval_t numIterationsNeeded = -1;
CVC3DTransformation transformation = { 0 };
// match point clouds
hScene, 1000,
hModel, 500,
finalRmsDistance, numIterationsNeeded, transformation
// test if result is ok and finalRmsDistance is close enough
CVCOMPOSITE hTransformedModel = nullptr;
CVC3DCreateTransformedPointCloud(hModel, transformation, hTransformedModel);
// now hScene and hTransformedModel are aligned
// free memory
cvbres_t CVM3DMatchDownsampledPointClouds(CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudScene, cvbint64_t MaxScenePoints, CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudModel, cvbint64_t MaxModelPoints, const CVM3DMatchParameters &MatchParameter, double &FinalRmsDistance, cvbval_t &NumIterationsNeeded, CVC3DTransformation &Transformation)
This function matches PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene.
Definition: Exports.cpp:210
cvbbool_t ReleaseObject(OBJ &Object)
cvbres_t CVC3DLoadFile(const char *FileName, cvbval_t Flags, CVCOMPOSITE &PointCloud)
cvbres_t CVC3DCreateTransformedPointCloud(CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudIn, const CVC3DTransformation &AffineTransformation, CVCOMPOSITE &PointCloudOut)
Controls CVM3DMatchDownsampledPointClouds.
Definition: iCVMatch3D.h:47
double MaxDistanceStdDev
Defines how far points are to be considered corresponding to a point.
Definition: iCVMatch3D.h:50
double DeltaRmsThreshold
Iteration stops, if deviation of RMS distance of former iteration is below this threshold.
Definition: iCVMatch3D.h:49
cvbval_t MaxIterations
Maximum number of iterations to execute.
Definition: iCVMatch3D.h:48

◆ CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced()

cvbres_t CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced ( CVCOMPOSITE  PointCloudScene,
cvbint64_t  MaxScenePoints,
CVCOMPOSITE  PointCloudModel,
cvbint64_t  MaxModelPoints,
const CVM3DMatchExtendedParameters MatchParameters,
double &  FinalNorm,
cvbval_t &  NumIterationsNeeded,
CVC3DTransformation Transformation 

This function matches PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene.

If MaxModelPoints and/or MaxScenePoints points are lower than the actual number of points in the model/scene point cloud, the point clouds are downsampled by randomly removing points.

This function matches two point clouds by an extended iterative closest point algorithm (ICP). This method does take shape correspondence into consideration. The parameter CorrespondenceThreshold in MatchParameters controls this behaviour. A value of 0 will result in the classical ICP method.
[in]PointCloudSceneScene point cloud.
[in]MaxScenePointsMaximum number of scene points to use. If zero, all points will be used.
[in]PointCloudModelModel point cloud to be matched to scene.
[in]MaxModelPointsMaximum number of model points to use. If zero, all points will be used.
[in]MatchParametersParameters that control the algorithm.
[out]FinalNormNormed distance when the matching ended
[out]NumIterationsNeededNumber of iterations needed.
[out]TransformationAffine transformation (rotation matrix and translation vector) which maps the model to the scene.
See also
CVM3DRmsDistanceOfPointClouds, CVC3DCreateTransformedPointCloud (CVCore3D library).
Example to align a model to a scene:
// load point cloud from ply-file
CVCOMPOSITE hModel = nullptr;
CVC3DLoadFile("Model.ply", CVC3DPCF_DTFloat | CVC3DPCF_XYZ, hModel);
CVCOMPOSITE hScene = nullptr;
CVC3DLoadFile("Scene.ply", CVC3DPCF_DTFloat | CVC3DPCF_XYZ, hScene);
// input parameter
CVM3DMatchParameters matchParameter = CVM3DExtendedDefaultParameters;
matchParameter.MaxIterations = 20;
matchParameter.Tolerance = 1e-9;
matchParameter.MinImprovement = 1e-5;
matchParameter.CorrespondenceThreshold = .8;
matchParameter.ConvergenceRadius = 1e-4;
// output parameter
double finalRmsDistance = 0.0;
cvbval_t numIterationsNeeded = -1;
CVC3DTransformation transformation = { 0 };
// match point clouds
hScene, 1000,
hModel, 500,
finalRmsDistance, numIterationsNeeded, transformation
// test if result is ok and finalRmsDistance is close enough
CVCOMPOSITE hTransformedModel = nullptr;
CVC3DCreateTransformedPointCloud(hModel, transformation, hTransformedModel);
// now hScene and hTransformedModel are aligned
// free memory
cvbres_t CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced(CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudScene, cvbint64_t MaxScenePoints, CVCOMPOSITE PointCloudModel, cvbint64_t MaxModelPoints, const CVM3DMatchExtendedParameters &MatchParameter, double &FinalNorm, cvbval_t &NumIterationsNeeded, CVC3DTransformation &Transformation)
This function matches PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene.
Definition: Exports.cpp:525

◆ CVM3DRmsDistanceOfPointClouds()

cvbres_t CVM3DRmsDistanceOfPointClouds ( CVCOMPOSITE  PointCloudScene,
CVCOMPOSITE  PointCloudModel,
double &  RmsDistance 

This function approximates the root mean square of distances between PointCloudModel and PointCloudScene.

Matches the points from PointCloudModel to PointCloudScene via nearest neighbor search using the __L__2 norm.

The resulting RmsDistance becomes more unreliable the further the PointCloudModel is transformed from the PointCloudScene (rotation- and translation-wise).
[in]PointCloudSceneFirst point cloud.
[in]PointCloudModelSecond point cloud.
[out]RmsDistanceVariable to receive the RMS of distances.