Match3D (Match3D.dll) 15.0
CVM3DMatchExtendedParameters Struct Reference

Controls CVM3DMatchPointCloudsAdvanced. More...

Data Fields

double ConvergenceRadius
 Convergence radius to define when two points are considered as a converged match.
CVM3DCorrespondenceType CorrespondenceMethod
 Correspondence type used.
double CorrespondenceThreshold
 Parameter for shape sensitivity. More...
cvbint32_t major
 If 1, use PointCloudScene as reference (not used yet).
cvbval_t MaxIterations
 Maximum number of iterations to calculate.
double MinImprovement
 The mean distance between aligned point clouds has to differ more than this value from the results of the previous iteration. Otherwise iteration stops.
cvbint32_t minor
 If 1, use PointCloudModel as reference (not used yet).
cvbbool_t Prealign
 Set to true, if pre-alignement of point clouds should be done using the center of gravity.
double Tolerance
 Iteration stops if mean distance between aligned point clouds is equal/below this value.

Detailed Description

Field Documentation

◆ CorrespondenceThreshold


Parameter for shape sensitivity.

It is defined by a float value between 0 and 1. A higher value means higher sensitivity. A value of 0 corresponds to the classical ICP without any shape sensitivity. A value between 0.8 and 0.9 is recommended as default value when aligning point clouds.