Manto (Manto.dll) 15.0


bool AddImageListItem (SIL IL, IMG Image, cvbdim_t x, cvbdim_t y, const char *ClassID)
 This function adds a new sample image to a SIL object. More...
bool ChangeImageListClassID (SIL IL, const char *ClassID, const char *NewClassID)
 This function changes the class label of the specified class from ClassID to NewClassID. More...
bool ChangeImageListItemClassID (SIL IL, const char *ClassID, cvbval_t ItemIndex, const char *NewClassID)
 This function changes the class label of the specified item from ClassID to NewClassID. More...
bool CreateImageList (cvbdim_t Width, cvbdim_t Height, cvbdim_t X, cvbdim_t Y, cvbdim_t Dimension, cvbdim_t MaxDAlpha, cvbdim_t MaxDX, cvbdim_t MaxDY, SIL &IL)
 This function creates a new Sample Image List (SIL), using the specified parameters for the image format, the image origin and the maximum sample instance generation values. More...
bool DeleteImageListClass (SIL IL, const char *ClassID)
 This function deletes the specified class of the SIL object and all items within this class. More...
bool DeleteImageListItem (SIL IL, const char *ClassID, cvbval_t ItemIndex)
 This function removes a specific item from a SIL object. More...
cvbdim_t GetImageListDAlpha (SIL IL)
 This function returns the current setting for sample instance rotation. More...
void GetImageListDimensions (SIL IL, cvbdim_t &Width, cvbdim_t &Height, cvbdim_t &X, cvbdim_t &Y, cvbdim_t &Dimension)
 This function returns the sample image format and the sample origin of the SIL object. More...
void GetImageListDisplacements (SIL IL, cvbdim_t &MaxDX, cvbdim_t &MaxDY, cvbdim_t &MaxDAlpha)
 This function returns the maximum values for sample instance generation as they were specified during creation of the SIL object. More...
cvbdim_t GetImageListDX (SIL IL)
 This function returns the current setting for sample instance translation in x-direction. More...
cvbdim_t GetImageListDY (SIL IL)
 This function returns the current setting for sample instance translation in y-direction. More...
void GetImageListEnumeration (SIL IL, cvbdim_t &NShiftX, cvbdim_t &NShiftY, cvbval_t &NRotation)
 Retrieve the settings applied by SetImageListEnumeration. More...
const char * GetImageListExcludedClass (SIL IL)
 This function returns the ID (name) of class in the Image List, which is been used as the Excluded class, when creating a classifier out of the SIL, or an empty string if none has been defined. More...
IMG GetImageListItem (SIL IL, const char *ClassID, cvbval_t Index)
 This function gives access to a certain sample image contained in the SIL. More...
IMG GetImageListItemX (SIL IL, cvbval_t ClassIndex, cvbval_t Index)
 This function gives access to a certain sample image contained in the SIL. More...
IMG GetImageListMask (SIL IL)
 This function returns a pointer to the SIL's mask image. More...
bool GetImageListMaxSampleRect (SIL IL, IMG Image, cvbdim_t &MSL, cvbdim_t &MST, cvbdim_t &MSR, cvbdim_t &MSB)
 This function returns the maximum subframe dimensions in the specified image for which sample extraction is possible. More...
const char * GetImageListName (SIL IL)
 This function returns a pointer to the internal name of the SIL object. More...
cvbval_t GetImageListNumClasses (SIL IL)
 This function returns the number of classes contained in the SIL. More...
cvbval_t GetImageListNumSamples (SIL IL, PCHAR ClassID)
 This function returns the number of samples contained in the specified class. More...
cvbval_t GetImageListNumSamplesX (SIL IL, cvbval_t ClassIndex)
 This function returns the number of samples contained in the specified class. More...
cvbval_t GetImageListSamplesPerImage (SIL IL)
 This function returns the current setting for the number of sample instance generation. More...
void GetImageListSymmetries (SIL IL, bool &Id, bool &MirrorX, bool &MirrorY, bool &MirrorXY)
 This function returns the current symmetries selected for sample instance generation. More...
void GetSILVersion (SIL IL, cvbval_t &SILVersion, cvbval_t &CurrentVersion)
 This function retrieves the version number of a loaded SIL as well as the version number with which it will be saved to disk. More...
cvbval_t ImageListClassIDToClassIndex (SIL IL, const char *ClassID)
 This function returns the index of a specific class in the SIL. More...
const char * ImageListClassIndexToClassID (SIL IL, cvbval_t ClassIndex)
 This function returns the class label of the class specified by ClassIndex. More...
cvbval_t ImageListEnumerate (SIL IL, const char *ClassID, TOnImageEvent OnImage, void *OnImageData)
 This function starts enumeration of the sample images contained in the SIL object. More...
cvbval_t ImageListEnumerateSample (SIL IL, const char *ClassID, cvbval_t SampleIndex, TOnImageEvent OnImage, void *OnImageData)
 This function starts the enumeration of one certain sample image contained in the SIL object. More...
bool LoadImageList (const char *Filename, SIL &IL)
 This function creates a SIL object by loading it from disk. More...
BOOL MCFindCounterExamples (SIL IL, IMG Image, cvbdim_t L, cvbdim_t T, cvbdim_t R, cvbdim_t B, cvbval_t NCEPT, const char *MantoControlWord, TDecisionBoundary Boundary, TMantoNotify NotifyLearn, TMantoNotifyRec *NotifyDataLearn, TLrnFPNotify NotifyTrial, TLrnFPNotifyRec *NotifyDataTrial, TMantoNotify NotifySearch, TMantoNotifyRec *NotifySearchData, double SearchThreshold, long SearchGranularity, bool SearchVote, bool SearchPointSense, long SearchSeparation, MCF &MC)
 This function serves to automatically generate examples for the excluded class. More...
bool MergeImageLists (SIL IL1, SIL IL2)
 This function merges two image lists. More...
void ReleaseImageList (SIL IL)
 This function decrements the internal reference counter of the SIL object by one. More...
void SetImageListDAlpha (SIL IL, cvbdim_t DAlpha)
 This function specifies the maximum rotation angle during sample instance generation. More...
void SetImageListDX (SIL IL, cvbdim_t DX)
 This function specifies the maximum translation in x-direction during sample instance generation. More...
void SetImageListDY (SIL IL, cvbdim_t DY)
 This function specifies the maximum y-translation in pixels during sample instance generation.
void SetImageListEnumeration (SIL IL, cvbdim_t NShiftX, cvbdim_t NShiftY, cvbval_t NRotation)
 Since Manto Version (distributed with CVB 8.0.2), Manto is able to learn classifiers deterministically (as opposed to the non-deterministic approach in the random instance generation applied by SetImageListSamplesPerImage) with respect to the generation of additional samples from existing ones. More...
void SetImageListExcludedClass (SIL IL, const char *ClassID)
 This function defines the excluded class to be used, when creating a classifier from the Image List IL. More...
bool SetImageListMask (SIL IL, IMG MaskImage)
 This function assigns the specified mask image to the SIL. More...
void SetImageListName (SIL IL, const char *Name)
 This function specifies an internal name of the SIL object. More...
void SetImageListSamplesPerImage (SIL IL, cvbval_t SamplesPerImage)
 This function specifies the number of sample instances to generate for each image during the next call to one of the functions ImageListEnumerate, ImageListEnumerateSample, CreateMCFromImageList, and MCTestCLFWithImageList. More...
bool SetImageListSymmetries (SIL IL, bool Id, bool MirrorX, bool MirrorY, bool MirrorXY)
 This function specifies whether discrete symmetries are used to generate additional sample instances during sample instance generation. More...
void SetMCSearchCallback (MCF MC, TMantoNotifyRec *NotifyData, TMantoNotify Notify)
 Whenever the TMantoNotify callback function is executed, the current learning state can be obtained from the field FractionDone (0...1) in the TMantoNotifyRec structure of the functions parameter list. More...
void ShareImageList (SIL IL)
 This function increments the internal reference counter of the SIL object IL by one. More...
bool StoreImageList (const char *Filename, SIL IL)
 This function writes a SIL object to disk. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ AddImageListItem()

bool AddImageListItem ( SIL  IL,
IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  x,
cvbdim_t  y,
const char *  ClassID 

This function adds a new sample image to a SIL object.

The sample is extracted from the specified image at position (\a x, \a y) 
and appended to the class with label \a ClassID. If no such class exists, it will be generated. 
[in,out]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ImageHandle of source image.
[in]xX coordinate where sample is extracted.
[in]yY coordinate where sample is extracted.
[in]ClassIDClass label of new sample.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ ChangeImageListClassID()

bool ChangeImageListClassID ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID,
const char *  NewClassID 

This function changes the class label of the specified class from ClassID to NewClassID.

If NewClassID already exists, the samples will be moved to the end of NewClassID.
[in,out]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDOld class label.
[in]NewClassIDNew class label.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ ChangeImageListItemClassID()

bool ChangeImageListItemClassID ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID,
cvbval_t  ItemIndex,
const char *  NewClassID 

This function changes the class label of the specified item from ClassID to NewClassID.

Such a class will be generated if it does not exist, otherwise the sample is appended to the class NewClassID. Note that ItemIndex starts at zero.
[in,out]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassID(Old) class label of sample.
[in]ItemIndexIndex of sample.
[in]NewClassID(New) class label of sample.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ CreateImageList()

bool CreateImageList ( cvbdim_t  Width,
cvbdim_t  Height,
cvbdim_t  X,
cvbdim_t  Y,
cvbdim_t  Dimension,
cvbdim_t  MaxDAlpha,
cvbdim_t  MaxDX,
cvbdim_t  MaxDY,

This function creates a new Sample Image List (SIL), using the specified parameters for the image format, the image origin and the maximum sample instance generation values.

For more information on SILs and automatic sample instance generation see section Image Lists and Sample Instance Generation.

[in]WidthWidth of the sample feature window in pixels.
[in]HeightHeight of the sample feature window in pixels.
[in]XX-coordinate of the Model Position in reference to the feature window.
[in]YY-coordinate of the Model Position in reference to the feature window.
[in]DimensionNumber of colour planes.
[in]MaxDAlphaMaximum rotation angle in degrees for future sample instance generation.
[in]MaxDXMaximum translation in pixels in x-direction for future sample instance generation.
[in]MaxDYMaximum translation in pixels in y-direction for future sample instance generation.
[out]ILPointer to generated SIL object.
TRUE if pointer to the newly generated SIL object is returned in IL, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ DeleteImageListClass()

bool DeleteImageListClass ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID 

This function deletes the specified class of the SIL object and all items within this class.

[in,out]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDClass label of sample.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ DeleteImageListItem()

bool DeleteImageListItem ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID,
cvbval_t  ItemIndex 

This function removes a specific item from a SIL object.

Note that the ItemIndex starts at zero.
[in,out]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDClass label of sample.
[in]ItemIndexIndex of sample.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListDAlpha()

cvbdim_t GetImageListDAlpha ( SIL  IL)

This function returns the current setting for sample instance rotation.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Current setting for sample instance rotation.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListDimensions()

void GetImageListDimensions ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t &  Width,
cvbdim_t &  Height,
cvbdim_t &  X,
cvbdim_t &  Y,
cvbdim_t &  Dimension 

This function returns the sample image format and the sample origin of the SIL object.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[out]WidthWidth of feature window in pixels.
[out]HeightHeight of feature window in pixels.
[out]XX-coordinate of sample origin in pixels.
[out]YY-coordinate of sample origin in pixels.
[out]DimensionNumber of colour planes.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListDisplacements()

void GetImageListDisplacements ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t &  MaxDX,
cvbdim_t &  MaxDY,
cvbdim_t &  MaxDAlpha 

This function returns the maximum values for sample instance generation as they were specified during creation of the SIL object.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[out]MaxDXMaximum translation in x-direction in pixels for sample instance generation.
[out]MaxDYMaximum translation in y-direction in pixels for sample instance generation.
[out]MaxDAlphaMaximum rotation in degrees for sample instance generation.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListDX()

cvbdim_t GetImageListDX ( SIL  IL)

This function returns the current setting for sample instance translation in x-direction.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Translation in x-direction for the current setting of sample instance.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListDY()

cvbdim_t GetImageListDY ( SIL  IL)

This function returns the current setting for sample instance translation in y-direction.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Translation in y-direction for the current setting of sample instance.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListEnumeration()

void GetImageListEnumeration ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t &  NShiftX,
cvbdim_t &  NShiftY,
cvbval_t &  NRotation 

Retrieve the settings applied by SetImageListEnumeration.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[out]NShiftXStep size to be applied for shifting the sample images in x-direction.
[out]NShiftYStep size to be applied for shifting the sample images in y-direction.
[out]NRotationStep size to be applied for rotation the sample images.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListExcludedClass()

const char * GetImageListExcludedClass ( SIL  IL)

This function returns the ID (name) of class in the Image List, which is been used as the Excluded class, when creating a classifier out of the SIL, or an empty string if none has been defined.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Class ID in the image list which is been used as Excluded class.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListItem()

IMG GetImageListItem ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID,
cvbval_t  Index 

This function gives access to a certain sample image contained in the SIL.

Note that the Index value starts at zero.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDClass label of sample.
[in]IndexIndex of sample.
If the return value is nonzero, it is a pointer to the image object.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListItemX()

IMG GetImageListItemX ( SIL  IL,
cvbval_t  ClassIndex,
cvbval_t  Index 

This function gives access to a certain sample image contained in the SIL.

Note that the Index value starts at zero.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIndexClass index of sample.
[in]IndexIndex of sample.
If the return value is nonzero, it is a pointer to the image object.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListMask()

IMG GetImageListMask ( SIL  IL)

This function returns a pointer to the SIL's mask image.

You must not release this image.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Pointer to the SIL's mask image.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListMaxSampleRect()

bool GetImageListMaxSampleRect ( SIL  IL,
IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t &  MSL,
cvbdim_t &  MST,
cvbdim_t &  MSR,
cvbdim_t &  MSB 

This function returns the maximum subframe dimensions in the specified image for which sample extraction is possible.

Note that this subframe dimensions depend on the model dimensions as well as on maximum sample instance generation values.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ImageHandle to source image.
[out]MSLLeft position of subframe.
[out]MSTTop position of subframe.
[out]MSRRight position of subframe.
[out]MSBBottom position of subframe.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListName()

const char * GetImageListName ( SIL  IL)

This function returns a pointer to the internal name of the SIL object.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Name of internal name of SIL object.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListNumClasses()

cvbval_t GetImageListNumClasses ( SIL  IL)

This function returns the number of classes contained in the SIL.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Number of classes contained in the SIL.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListNumSamples()

cvbval_t GetImageListNumSamples ( SIL  IL,

This function returns the number of samples contained in the specified class.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDClass label.
Number of samples contained in the specified class.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListNumSamplesX()

cvbval_t GetImageListNumSamplesX ( SIL  IL,
cvbval_t  ClassIndex 

This function returns the number of samples contained in the specified class.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIndexIndex of the class in the SIL.
Number of samples contained in the specified class.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListSamplesPerImage()

cvbval_t GetImageListSamplesPerImage ( SIL  IL)

This function returns the current setting for the number of sample instance generation.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
Setting for the number of sample instance generation.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetImageListSymmetries()

void GetImageListSymmetries ( SIL  IL,
bool &  Id,
bool &  MirrorX,
bool &  MirrorY,
bool &  MirrorXY 

This function returns the current symmetries selected for sample instance generation.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[out]IdCurrent state of Identity Transformation.
[out]MirrorXCurrent state of horizontal reflection.
[out]MirrorYCurrent state of vertical reflection.
[out]MirrorXYCurrent state of rotation about 180°.
Supported platforms:

◆ GetSILVersion()

void GetSILVersion ( SIL  IL,
cvbval_t &  SILVersion,
cvbval_t &  CurrentVersion 

This function retrieves the version number of a loaded SIL as well as the version number with which it will be saved to disk.

This version number is issued by the Manto.dll and will change with different DLL versions. It is potentially a problem for older versions of Manto to read SILs written with newer version - therefore it makes sense to check the version number of a loaded SIL prior to saving it and issuing a warning, if the version of the loaded SIL has been smaller than the version with which it will be saved to disk.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[out]SILVersionReceives the version number of the SIL.
[out]CurrentVersionReceives the version number with which the SIL will/would be saved.
Supported platforms:

◆ ImageListClassIDToClassIndex()

cvbval_t ImageListClassIDToClassIndex ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID 

This function returns the index of a specific class in the SIL.

Note that class indices start at zero.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDClass label.
Index of a specific class in the SIL.
Supported platforms:

◆ ImageListClassIndexToClassID()

const char * ImageListClassIndexToClassID ( SIL  IL,
cvbval_t  ClassIndex 

This function returns the class label of the class specified by ClassIndex.

Note that class indices start at zero.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIndexClass label.
Class label of the class specified by ClassIndex.
Supported platforms:

◆ ImageListEnumerate()

cvbval_t ImageListEnumerate ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID,
TOnImageEvent  OnImage,
void *  OnImageData 

This function starts enumeration of the sample images contained in the SIL object.

For each generated sample (note that additional samples are generated depending on the settings 
for sample instance generation) the event \a OnImage is executed and gives access to the generated 
sample. If \a ClassID specifies a class label contained in the SIL, only samples of this class are 
enumerated. For more information on the event and its definition see #TOnImageEvent event. 
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDLimits enumeration to a specific class.
[in]OnImageEvent to trigger for each generated sample image.
[in]OnImageDataPointer to a window needed for event handling.
Number of generated sample images.
Supported platforms:

◆ ImageListEnumerateSample()

cvbval_t ImageListEnumerateSample ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID,
cvbval_t  SampleIndex,
TOnImageEvent  OnImage,
void *  OnImageData 

This function starts the enumeration of one certain sample image contained in the SIL object.

Depending on the settings for sample instance generation, additional samples may be generated from 
this image. The event \a OnImage is executed for each generated sample instance. For more 
information on the event and its definition see section #TOnImageEvent event. 
Note that SampleIndex starts at zero.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDClass label of sample to enumerate.
[in]SampleIndexIndex of sample to enumerate.
[in]OnImageEvent to trigger for each generated sample image.
[in]OnImageDataPointer to a window needed for event handling.
Number of generated sample images.
Supported platforms:

◆ LoadImageList()

bool LoadImageList ( const char *  Filename,

This function creates a SIL object by loading it from disk.

The internal reference counter is set to one. 
[in]FilenameName of SIL file.
[out]ILPointer to generated SIL object.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ MCFindCounterExamples()

BOOL MCFindCounterExamples ( SIL  IL,
IMG  Image,
cvbdim_t  L,
cvbdim_t  T,
cvbdim_t  R,
cvbdim_t  B,
cvbval_t  NCEPT,
const char *  MantoControlWord,
TDecisionBoundary  Boundary,
TMantoNotify  NotifyLearn,
TMantoNotifyRec NotifyDataLearn,
TLrnFPNotify  NotifyTrial,
TLrnFPNotifyRec NotifyDataTrial,
TMantoNotify  NotifySearch,
TMantoNotifyRec NotifySearchData,
double  SearchThreshold,
long  SearchGranularity,
bool  SearchVote,
bool  SearchPointSense,
long  SearchSeparation,

This function serves to automatically generate examples for the excluded class.

For this reason it gets along with the SIL to which the counter samples are to be added, 
an image in which none of the actual objects trained in the provided SIL is visible 
(if there are items visible, you may use the Overlay information's to provide 'don't care points' 
in this image. When called, this function will then successively perform the following steps:
<ol> <li>Learn a new classifier from the SIL. This step is steered by the parameters 
\a MantoControlWord and \a Boundary as usual. You may also provide a callback (\a NotifyLearn) 
to get information about the learning process. See also the description of #CreateMCFromImageList 
for descriptions of these parameters.  </li> 
<li>With this classifier a search on the provided \a Image inside the rectangle defined by (\a L, \a T, \a R, \a B)
is carried out. As with #MCSearchAllEx, you can influence this search process with the 
parameters \a SearchThreshold, \a SearchGranularity, \a SearchVote, \a SearchPointSense and 
\a  SearchSeparation. A callback (\a NotifySearch) may be provided to monitor or interrupt the 
search in progress or the general counter sample extraction (\a NotifyTrial; each callback have 
their respective data structures provided along with them). The result of this step will be a 
(maybe empty) list of results, which is then further processed (only handled internally).   </li>
<li>If the list generated in step 2 is empty, the iteration stops, and you will receive the last 
classifier generated in MC. If there were search results, they are treated under the presumption 
that the image does not contain any object you want to train, consequently all found hits are 
judged to be false positives. They are sorted by decreasing result-quality and the first \a NCEPT 
of them will be added to the excluded class in the Image List \a IL.  </li>
<li>The next iteration starts at step 1.  </li></ol>
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ImageHandle to image in which the counter examples will be searched. This image should not contain any of the objects contained in IL, or they should be marked as 'don't care' regions.
[in]LLeft position of rectangular area in which the search from Step 2 (see above) will be carried out.
[in]TTop position of rectangular area in which the search from Step 2 (see above) will be carried out.
[in]RRight position of rectangular area in which the search from Step 2 (see above) will be carried out.
[in]BBottom position of rectangular area in which the search from Step 2 (see above) will be carried out.
[in]NCEPTMaximum number of found counter samples to be added to the Image List IL in one iteration step.
[in]MantoControlWordString defining the pre-processing code to be applied during classifier generation in Step 1 (see above).
[in]BoundaryDecision boundary hardness to be applied during classifier generation in Step 1 (see above). See TDecisionBoundary for possible values.
[in]NotifyLearnCallback function to tell about the progress of the learning in Step 1 (see above). See TMantoNotify for a further description.
[in]NotifyDataLearnPointer to the TMantoNotifyRec structure to be filled with information in the callback.
[in]NotifyTrialCallback function giving you the possibility to interrupt a pending search. See TLrnFPNotify for a further description.
[in]NotifyDataTrialPointer to the TLrnFPNotify structure to be filled with information in the callback.
[in]NotifySearchMaximum number of found counter samples to be added to the Image List IL in one iteration step.
[in]NotifySearchDataPointer to the TMantoNotifyRec structure to be used in the search progress callback.
[in]SearchThresholdMinimum quality for results being added to the list generated in Step 2 (see above).
[in]SearchGranularityGranularity to be applied during the search in Step 2 (see above).
[in]SearchVoteVoting setting to be applied during the search in Step 2 (see above).
[in]SearchPointSenseDot sensitivity setting to be applied during the search in Step 2 (see above).
[in]SearchSeparationSeparation to be applied to the results of the search in Step 2 (see above).
[out]MCLast classifier generated when the iteration ended or was interrupted will be stored in this variable.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ MergeImageLists()

bool MergeImageLists ( SIL  IL1,

This function merges two image lists.

This function first verifies that the two sample image lists IL1 and IL2 have the same essential properties (feature-window Width/Height, X/Y, dimension, MaxDAlpha/DX/DY).
[in,out]IL1Pointer to SIL object to be modified.
[out]IL2Pointer to SIL object to append onto IL1.
FALSE if the lists are not compatible, TRUE otherwise and append the contents of IL2 to IL1, thereby, introducing new class-id's in IL1 if necessary.
Supported platforms:

◆ ReleaseImageList()

void ReleaseImageList ( SIL  IL)

This function decrements the internal reference counter of the SIL object by one.

If the reference counter drops down to zero, the SIL object is destroyed.
[in]ILPointer to the SIL object.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListDAlpha()

void SetImageListDAlpha ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t  DAlpha 

This function specifies the maximum rotation angle during sample instance generation.

Note that rotated samples are generated with rotations from -DAlpha to +DAlpha.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]DAlphaRotation angle in degrees.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListDX()

void SetImageListDX ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t  DX 

This function specifies the maximum translation in x-direction during sample instance generation.

Note that translated samples are generated with translations from -DX to +DX. The special value of -1 stands for arbitrary translations.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]DXTranslation in x-direction in pixels.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListDY()

void SetImageListDY ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t  DY 

This function specifies the maximum y-translation in pixels during sample instance generation.

Translated samples are generated with translations from -DY to +DY. The special value of -1 stands for arbitrary translations.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]DYTranslation in y-direction in pixels.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListEnumeration()

void SetImageListEnumeration ( SIL  IL,
cvbdim_t  NShiftX,
cvbdim_t  NShiftY,
cvbval_t  NRotation 

Since Manto Version (distributed with CVB 8.0.2), Manto is able to learn classifiers deterministically (as opposed to the non-deterministic approach in the random instance generation applied by SetImageListSamplesPerImage) with respect to the generation of additional samples from existing ones.

Upon calling SetImageListEnumeration, the random instance generation is switched to deterministic mode, and you may provide the steps for the shift in x- and y-direction and for rotation respectively. To return to the old random mode of additional sample image generation, call SetImageListSamplesPerImage.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]NShiftXStep size to be applied for shifting the sample images in x-direction.
[in]NShiftYStep size to be applied for shifting the sample images in y-direction.
[in]NRotationStep size to be applied for rotation the sample images.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListExcludedClass()

void SetImageListExcludedClass ( SIL  IL,
const char *  ClassID 

This function defines the excluded class to be used, when creating a classifier from the Image List IL.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]ClassIDName of the class which is to used as the excluded class.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListMask()

bool SetImageListMask ( SIL  IL,
IMG  MaskImage 

This function assigns the specified mask image to the SIL.

The dimensions of the mask image must be equal to the SIL's sample image dimensions, the number of planes must be one (greyscale image). Black pixels (0) have maximum masking quality, white pixels (255) are completely transparent. The current SIL's mask image is replaced by MaskImage, if MaskImage is NIL, the SIL's mask image is removed.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]MaskImageHandle to the mask image.
TRUE if MaskImage could be assigned to the SIL, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListName()

void SetImageListName ( SIL  IL,
const char *  Name 

This function specifies an internal name of the SIL object.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]NameInternal name of SIL object.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListSamplesPerImage()

void SetImageListSamplesPerImage ( SIL  IL,
cvbval_t  SamplesPerImage 

This function specifies the number of sample instances to generate for each image during the next call to one of the functions ImageListEnumerate, ImageListEnumerateSample, CreateMCFromImageList, and MCTestCLFWithImageList.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]SamplesPerImageNumber of samples to generate for each image.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetImageListSymmetries()

bool SetImageListSymmetries ( SIL  IL,
bool  Id,
bool  MirrorX,
bool  MirrorY,
bool  MirrorXY 

This function specifies whether discrete symmetries are used to generate additional sample instances during sample instance generation.

[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
[in]IdIdentity transformation. The generated sample is left unchanged.
[in]MirrorXAn additional sample is generated by horizontal reflection.
[in]MirrorYAn additional sample is generated by vertical reflection.
[in]MirrorXYAn additional sample is generated by rotation about 180°.
Supported platforms:

◆ SetMCSearchCallback()

void SetMCSearchCallback ( MCF  MC,
TMantoNotifyRec NotifyData,
TMantoNotify  Notify 

Whenever the TMantoNotify callback function is executed, the current learning state can be obtained from the field FractionDone (0...1) in the TMantoNotifyRec structure of the functions parameter list.

[in]MCPointer to the MCF object.
[in]NotifyDataThe contents of the NotifyData pointer is specified by the user which is filled in the CreateMCFromImageList parameter NotifyData. This is typically the address of a window used for graphical output of the learning progress monitor.
[in]NotifyCallback function. If the callback function returns FALSE, execution of CreateMCFromImageList will be stopped immediately.
Supported platforms:

◆ ShareImageList()

void ShareImageList ( SIL  IL)

This function increments the internal reference counter of the SIL object IL by one.

[in]ILPointer to the SIL object.
Supported platforms:

◆ StoreImageList()

bool StoreImageList ( const char *  Filename,

This function writes a SIL object to disk.

[in]FilenameName of SIL file.
[in]ILPointer to SIL object.
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Supported platforms: