Image Control Reference 15.0


double AreaX0
 The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control. More...
double AreaX1
 The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control. More...
double AreaX2
 The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control. More...
double AreaY0
 The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control. More...
double AreaY1
 The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control. More...
double AreaY2
 The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control. More...
double CSA11
 The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control. More...
double CSA12
 The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control. More...
double CSA21
 The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control. More...
double CSA22
 The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control. More...
boolean Entire
 This property write-protects the AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties. More...
BSTR Filename
 Determines the file name of the image object. More...
boolean Grab
 Defines whether the image object is in grab mode. More...
__int3264 Image
 Determines the image object that is assigned to the Common Vision Image Control. More...
long ImageDimension
 Returns the dimension of the image.
long ImageHeight
 Returns the height of the image.
long ImageWidth
 Returns the width of the image.
boolean IsGrabber
 Specifies whether the image is an image from a hardware driver. More...
double OriginX
 The OriginX and OriginY properties modify the origin of the coordinate system of the image that is contained int the Image Control. More...
double OriginY
 The OriginX and OriginY properties modify the origin of the coordinate system of the image that is contained int the Image Control. More...
boolean PingPongEnabled
 Enables or disables the ping-pong or Grab2 mode of a hardware driver. More...
boolean ResetCS
 Specifies whether the coordinate system is reset or not. More...
double RotationX
 The coordinate system in the Image Control can be rotated independetly in the x and y directions. More...
double RotationY
 The coordinate system in the Image Control can be rotated independetly in the x and y directions. More...
double ScaleX
 The coordinate system in the Image Control can be scaled independently in the x and y directions. More...
double ScaleY
 The coordinate system in the Image Control can be scaled independently in the x and y directions. More...
long SerialNumber
 Returns the serial number of the Common Vision Blox protection device. More...

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

◆ AreaX0

double AreaX0

The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control.

The area of interest can be read out and transferred to other Common Vision Blox components at runtime. Each Image Control saves its own area of interest. In this way it is possible to implement several area of interests referring to the same image object. Add several Image Controls to the dialog, load an image into one Control (the master) and set all Image properties of the further Image Controls to the Image property value of the master.

This property does not change the image or any associated data.
If the Entire property value is TRUE, this property has read-only status.
[in,out]AreaX0X coordinate of point 0.
X coordinate of point 0.
Related Topics:
Entire, AreaX1, AreaX2, AreaY0, AreaY1, AreaY2

◆ AreaX1

double AreaX1

The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control.

The area of interest can be read out and transferred to other Common Vision Blox components at runtime. Each Image Control saves its own area of interest. In this way it is possible to implement several area of interests referring to the same image object. Add several Image Controls to the dialog, load an image into one Control (the master) and set all Image properties of the further Image Controls to the Image property value of the master.

This property does not change the image or any associated data.
If the Entire property value is TRUE, this property has read-only status.
[in,out]AreaX1X coordinate of point 1.
X coordinate of point 1.
Related Topics:
Entire, AreaX0, AreaX2, AreaY0, AreaY1, AreaY2

◆ AreaX2

double AreaX2

The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control.

The area of interest can be read out and transferred to other Common Vision Blox components at runtime. Each Image Control saves its own area of interest. In this way it is possible to implement several area of interests referring to the same image object. Add several Image Controls to the dialog, load an image into one Control (the master) and set all Image properties of the further Image Controls to the Image property value of the master.

This property does not change the image or any associated data.
If the Entire property value is TRUE, this property has read-only status.
[in,out]AreaX2X coordinate of point 2.
X coordinate of point 2.
Related Topics:
Entire, AreaX0, AreaX1, AreaY0, AreaY1, AreaY2

◆ AreaY0

double AreaY0

The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control.

The area of interest can be read out and transferred to other Common Vision Blox components at runtime. Each Image Control saves its own area of interest. In this way it is possible to implement several area of interests referring to the same image object. Add several Image Controls to the dialog, load an image into one Control (the master) and set all Image properties of the further Image Controls to the Image property value of the master.

This property does not change the image or any associated data.
If the Entire property value is TRUE, this property has read-only status.
[in,out]AreaY0Y coordinate of point 0.
Y coordinate of point 0.
Related Topics:
Entire, AreaX0, AreaX1, AreaX2, AreaY1, AreaY2

◆ AreaY1

double AreaY1

The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control.

The area of interest can be read out and transferred to other Common Vision Blox components at runtime. Each Image Control saves its own area of interest. In this way it is possible to implement several area of interests referring to the same image object. Add several Image Controls to the dialog, load an image into one Control (the master) and set all Image properties of the further Image Controls to the Image property value of the master.

This property does not change the image or any associated data.
If the Entire property value is TRUE, this property has read-only status.
[in,out]AreaY1Y coordinate of point 1.
Y coordinate of point 1.
Related Topics:
Entire, AreaX0, AreaX1, AreaX2, AreaY0, AreaY2

◆ AreaY2

double AreaY2

The AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties are storage locations for an area of interest that can be defined interactively at design time and saved with the Control.

The area of interest can be read out and transferred to other Common Vision Blox components at runtime. Each Image Control saves its own area of interest. In this way it is possible to implement several area of interests referring to the same image object. Add several Image Controls to the dialog, load an image into one Control (the master) and set all Image properties of the further Image Controls to the Image property value of the master.

This property does not change the image or any associated data.
If the Entire property value is TRUE, this property has read-only status.
[in,out]AreaY2Y coordinate of point 2.
Y coordinate of point 2.
Related Topics:
Entire, AreaX0, AreaX1, AreaX2, AreaY0, AreaY1

◆ CSA11

double CSA11

The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control.

It is easier to modify the coordinate system with the RotationX, RotationY, ScaleX, ScaleY.
[in,out]CSA11A11 value in the coordinate system.
A11 value in the coordinate system.
Related Topics:
CSA12, CSA21, CSA22

◆ CSA12

double CSA12

The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control.

It is easier to modify the coordinate system with the RotationX, RotationY, ScaleX, ScaleY.
[in,out]CSA12A12 value in the coordinate system.
A12 value in the coordinate system.
Related Topics:
CSA11, CSA21, CSA22

◆ CSA21

double CSA21

The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control.

It is easier to modify the coordinate system with the RotationX, RotationY, ScaleX, ScaleY.
[in,out]CSA21A21 value in the coordinate system.
A21 value in the coordinate system.
Related Topics:
CSA11, CSA12, CSA22

◆ CSA22

double CSA22

The CSA11 to CSA22 properties change the coordinate system of the image contained int the Image Control.

It is easier to modify the coordinate system with the RotationX, RotationY, ScaleX, ScaleY.
[in,out]CSA22CSA22 value in the coordinate system.
A22 value in the coordinate system.
Related Topics:
CSA11, CSA12, CSA21

◆ Entire

boolean Entire

This property write-protects the AreaX0 to AreaY2 properties.

If this property value is TRUE, the properties have read-only status.
[in,out]EntireEntire value.
TRUE specifies that the properties have read-only status, otherwise FALSE indicates read and write status.
Related Topics:
AreaX0, AreaX1, AreaX2, AreaY0, AreaY1, AreaY2

◆ Filename

BSTR Filename

Determines the file name of the image object.

When the property has changed the image is loaded from the hard disk. If you exit the program the image does not need to be unloaded explicitly. Supports also environment variables enclosed in % signs as they are used in the command prompt (cvb%\Tutorial\Clara.bmp).

[in,out]FilenameComplete path for the Filename.
Current filename as string.
Related Topics:

◆ Grab

boolean Grab

Defines whether the image object is in grab mode.

It has only an effect when the image object is coming from an image acquisition device. In this case images are acquired from the image acquisition device as long as this property is set to TRUE. The ImageSnaped event is triggered for every new image. The image is processed within this event.
[in,out]GrabSets grab status.
TRUE if grab is enabled, otherwise FALSE.
Related Topics:
ImageSnaped, GetGrab2Status, Snap
Delphi - nearly every Delphi example
Visual Basic - nearly every VB example
Visual C++ - nearly every VC example, VC Sizeable Display

◆ Image

__int3264 Image

Determines the image object that is assigned to the Common Vision Image Control.

The image object manages the image information, e.g. the images from hard disk or a image acquisition device driver.

[in,out]ImageHandle of the image object.
Image object handle.

◆ ImageDimension

long ImageDimension

Returns the dimension of the image.

1 indicates that this image is a gray scale image and 3 stands for a true color image.

[out]ImageDimensionDimension of the image.
Image dimension.
Delphi - Delphi Color Histogram Example, Delphi Display Example
Visual Basic - VB Display Example
Visual C++ - VC Display Example, VC Pixel Access Example

◆ ImageHeight

long ImageHeight

Returns the height of the image.

[out]ImageHeightHeight of the image.
Image height.

◆ ImageWidth

long ImageWidth

Returns the width of the image.

[out]ImageWidthWidth of the image.
Image width.

◆ IsGrabber

boolean IsGrabber

Specifies whether the image is an image from a hardware driver.

In this case, for example, the Grab property of the Display Control can be set to True in order to display a live image from the camera.

[out]IsGrabberIndicates, if the image is an image from a hardware driver.
TRUE if the image is from a hardware driver, otherwise FALSE.

◆ OriginX

double OriginX

The OriginX and OriginY properties modify the origin of the coordinate system of the image that is contained int the Image Control.

If no protection device is found, the value is 0.
[in,out]OriginXX origin of the coordinate system.
X origin of the coordinate system.
Related Topics:

◆ OriginY

double OriginY

The OriginX and OriginY properties modify the origin of the coordinate system of the image that is contained int the Image Control.

If no protection device is found, the value is 0.
[in,out]OriginXY origin of the coordinate system.
Y origin of the coordinate system.
Related Topics:

◆ PingPongEnabled

boolean PingPongEnabled

Enables or disables the ping-pong or Grab2 mode of a hardware driver.

In the ping-pong mode, the image is processed and the next image is acquired in parallel.
The first image in a ping-pong sequence contains invalid image data. In Grab2 mode the driver uses instead of two images a ringbuffer of images to acquire the data into. The acquistion into the next available buffer is also done in parallel.
With its parallel processing, ping-pong and Grab2 modes accelerates the application tremendously, but not all hardware supports one of the two interfaces. ///

This property is ignored if the image acquisition device does not support ping-pong or Grab2.
The value is only TRUE when the Global Ping Pong Enable flag in the registry is ENABLED (via the function SetGlobalPingPongEnabled). Otherwise FALSE means that the value of the PingPongEnabled property is ignored for all instances of the Image Control and PingPong or Grab2 will be deactivated.
If a driver supports both interfaces the Grab2 mode is used.
[in,out]PingPongEnabledSet the ping pong status.
TRUE if ping pong is enabled, otherwise FALSE.
Visual Basic - VB Driver Example
Visual C++ - VC Sizeable Display Example

◆ ResetCS

boolean ResetCS

Specifies whether the coordinate system is reset or not.

When a new image is assigned to the Image Control by the Image property and ResetCS is TRUE, the coordinate system of the Image Control will be set to the image's coordinate system. This means i.e. that the RotationX, RotationY, ScaleX, ScaleY, CSA11 to CSA22 properties of the Control will be set to the values of the image.
If ResetCS is FALSE the coordiante system of the image will be set to the values of the Control.
If the Control allready contains an image the operation is done immediatly on the current image.

[in,out]ResetCSReset coordinate system status.
TRUE specifies that the coordinate system is reset on a new Image, otherwise FALSE means that the coordinate system is NOT reset on a new Image.

◆ RotationX

double RotationX

The coordinate system in the Image Control can be rotated independetly in the x and y directions.

If RotationX and RotationY have the same value the axes are perpendicular to each other.
If the properties have different values the axes form a parallelogram. This can be useful for recognition of italic fonts, for example. In italic fonts only the y axis of the coordinate system is rotated.

[in,out]RotationXRotation in the x direction.
Rotation in the x direction.
Related Topics:

◆ RotationY

double RotationY

The coordinate system in the Image Control can be rotated independetly in the x and y directions.

If RotationX and RotationY have the same value the axes are perpendicular to each other.
If the properties have different values the axes form a parallelogram. This can be useful for recognition of italic fonts, for example. In italic fonts only the y axis of the coordinate system is rotated.

[in,out]RotationYRotation in the x direction.
Rotation in the x direction.
Related Topics:

◆ ScaleX

double ScaleX

The coordinate system in the Image Control can be scaled independently in the x and y directions.

If ScaleX and ScaleY have the same value the image will be enlarged or reduced equally.
If the properties have different values it is possible, for example, to level out non-square pixels of an image acquisition device.

[in,out]ScaleXX value for scaling.
X value for scaling
Related Topics:

◆ ScaleY

double ScaleY

The coordinate system in the Image Control can be scaled independently in the x and y directions.

If ScaleX and ScaleY have the same value the image will be enlarged or reduced equally.
If the properties have different values it is possible, for example, to level out non-square pixels of an image acquisition device.

[in,out]ScaleYY value for scaling.
Y value for scaling
Related Topics:

◆ SerialNumber

long SerialNumber

Returns the serial number of the Common Vision Blox protection device.

If no protection device is found, the value is 0.
[out]SerialNumberSerial number of the CVB protection device.
Serial number, or 0 if no protection device could be found.