Blob OCX Reference 15.0
Properties Results


__int3264 BinaryImage [get, set]
 Returns the binary image after executing the #ExecuteBinarization method. More...
double BlobAreaConvexAreaRatio [get]
 Returns the ratio of area to convex area. More...
double BlobAreaPerimeterRatio [get]
 Returns the ratio of area to perimeter. More...
double BlobBoundingBoxHeight [get]
 Returns the height of the bounding box of the Blob object. More...
double BlobBoundingBoxWidth [get]
 Returns the width of the bounding box of the Blob object. More...
double BlobBoundingBoxX0 [get]
 Returns the x-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box of the Blob object. More...
double BlobBoundingBoxX1 [get]
 Returns the x-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box of the Blob object. More...
double BlobBoundingBoxY0 [get]
 Returns the y-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box of the Blob object. More...
double BlobBoundingBoxY1 [get]
 Returns the y-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box of the Blob object. More...
double BlobCenterX [get]
 Returns the x-coordinate of the centre of gravity of the object in sub-pixels. More...
double BlobCenterY [get]
 Returns the y-coordinate of the centre of gravity of the object in sub-pixels. More...
double BlobConvexArea [get]
 Returns the convex area. More...
double BlobConvexPerimeter [get]
 Returns the convex perimeter. More...
long BlobConvexPointIndex [get, set]
 Specifies the index of the desired point forming the convex shape. More...
double BlobConvexPointX [get]
 Returns the x-coordinate of the specified convex point. More...
double BlobConvexPointY [get]
 Returns the y-coordinate of the specified convex point. More...
long BlobCount [get]
 Returns the number of found objects. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object. More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 [get]
 For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3). More...
long BlobIndex [get, set]
 Specifies the index of the desired Blob object. More...
double BlobMaxMoment [get]
 Returns the maximum moment of inertia. More...
double BlobMinMoment [get]
 Returns the minimum moment of inertia. More...
double BlobMinMomentAxisAngle [get]
 Returns the angle of the minimum moment of inertia. More...
double BlobMinMomentAxisX0 [get]
 X-position of start point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object. More...
double BlobMinMomentAxisX1 [get]
 X-position of end point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object. More...
double BlobMinMomentAxisY0 [get]
 Y-position of start point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object. More...
double BlobMinMomentAxisY1 [get]
 Y-position of end point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object. More...
double BlobMomentRatio [get]
 Returns the ratio of minimum and maximum moment of inertia for a given Blob object. More...
long BlobNumHoles [get]
 Returns the number of holes in the image. More...
double BlobPerimConvexPerimRatio [get]
 Returns the ratio of perimeter to convex perimeter. More...
double BlobPerimeter [get]
 Returns the perimeter of a found blob. More...
long BlobSize [get]
 Returns the size of a found blob in pixels. More...
long ConvexPointsRetrieved [get]
 Returns the number of convex points. More...
double ExecutionTime [get]
 Returns the time for the execution of Blob. More...
__int3264 ResultImage [get, set]
 Returns the result image which is generated in an eight-bit plane from the data pertaining to the objects (streaks). More...

Detailed Description


◆ BinaryImage

__int3264 BinaryImage

Returns the binary image after executing the #ExecuteBinarization method.

[out]BinaryImageHandle to the binary image.
Handle to the binary image.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BinaryImageUpdated Event

◆ BlobAreaConvexAreaRatio

double BlobAreaConvexAreaRatio

Returns the ratio of area to convex area.

Blob projects every object on to the x-axis at different angles. #ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections. 
The bounding box provides the projections for 0 degree and 90 degrees (projection on to y- and x-axes). Later, the projection diameter or calliper 
diameter is calculated from these projections for every angle. This supplies information on the orthogonal extent of the object in 
relation to the direction of projection.
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobAreaConvexAreaRatioRatio of area to convex area.
Ratio of area to convex area.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobConvexPointIndex Property, #BlobConvexPointX Property, and #BlobConvexPointY Property to to get the coordinates of the convex shape

#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property

◆ BlobAreaPerimeterRatio

double BlobAreaPerimeterRatio

Returns the ratio of area to perimeter.

Please set #BlobIndex property first.
[out]BlobPerimeterRatio of area to perimeter.
Ratio of area to perimeter.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobPerimeter Property

◆ BlobBoundingBoxHeight

double BlobBoundingBoxHeight

Returns the height of the bounding box of the Blob object.

The rectangle is described by the left top point (#BlobBoundingBoxX0/#BlobBoundingBoxY0) and the right bottom point 
(\a BlobBoundingBoxX1/#BlobBoundingBoxY1) of the bounding box. Furthermore, the width and height of the rectangle are given. 
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobBoundingBoxHeightHeight of the bounding box.
Height of the bounding box.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobBoundingBoxWidth Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY1 Property

◆ BlobBoundingBoxWidth

double BlobBoundingBoxWidth

Returns the width of the bounding box of the Blob object.

The rectangle is described by the left top point (#BlobBoundingBoxX0/#BlobBoundingBoxY0) and the right bottom point 
(\a BlobBoundingBoxX1/#BlobBoundingBoxY1) of the bounding box. Furthermore, the width and height of the rectangle are given. 
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobBoundingBoxWidthWidth of the bounding box.
Width of the bounding box.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobBoundingBoxHeight Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY1 Property

◆ BlobBoundingBoxX0

double BlobBoundingBoxX0

Returns the x-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box of the Blob object.

The rectangle is described by the left top point (\a BlobBoundingBoxX0/#BlobBoundingBoxY0) and the right bottom point 
(#BlobBoundingBoxX1/#BlobBoundingBoxY1) of the bounding box. Furthermore, the width and height of the rectangle are given. 
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobBoundingBoxX0X-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box.
X-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobBoundingBoxY0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxHeight Property
#BlobBoundingBoxWidth Property

◆ BlobBoundingBoxX1

double BlobBoundingBoxX1

Returns the x-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box of the Blob object.

The rectangle is described by the left top point (#BlobBoundingBoxX0/#BlobBoundingBoxY0) and the right bottom point 
(\a BlobBoundingBoxX1/#BlobBoundingBoxY1) of the bounding box. Furthermore, the width and height of the rectangle are given. 
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobBoundingBoxX1X-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box.
X-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobBoundingBoxX0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxHeight Property
#BlobBoundingBoxWidth Property

◆ BlobBoundingBoxY0

double BlobBoundingBoxY0

Returns the y-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box of the Blob object.

The rectangle is described by the left top point (#BlobBoundingBoxX0/\a BlobBoundingBoxY0) and the right bottom point 
(#BlobBoundingBoxX1/#BlobBoundingBoxY1) of the bounding box. Furthermore, the width and height of the rectangle are given. 
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobBoundingBoxY0Y-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box.
Y-coordinate of the left top point of the bounding box.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobBoundingBoxX0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxHeight Property
#BlobBoundingBoxWidth Property

◆ BlobBoundingBoxY1

double BlobBoundingBoxY1

Returns the y-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box of the Blob object.

The rectangle is described by the left top point (#BlobBoundingBoxX0/#BlobBoundingBoxY0) and the right bottom point 
(\a BlobBoundingBoxX1/#BlobBoundingBoxY1) of the bounding box. Furthermore, the width and height of the rectangle are given. 
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobBoundingBoxY1Y-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box.
Y-coordinate of the right bottom point of the bounding box.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobBoundingBoxX0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxY0 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxX1 Property
#BlobBoundingBoxHeight Property
#BlobBoundingBoxWidth Property

◆ BlobCenterX

double BlobCenterX

Returns the x-coordinate of the centre of gravity of the object in sub-pixels.

[out]BlobCenterXX-coordinate of the centre.
X-coordinate of the centre.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
See also the #BlobCenterY and #BlobIndex property.
#ExtractBlobCenterAndMoments Property

◆ BlobCenterY

double BlobCenterY

Returns the y-coordinate of the centre of gravity of the object in sub-pixels.

[out]BlobCenterYY-coordinate of the centre.
Y-coordinate of the centre.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
See also the #BlobCenterX and #BlobIndex property.
#ExtractBlobCenterAndMoments Property

◆ BlobConvexArea

double BlobConvexArea

Returns the convex area.

Blob projects every object on to the x-axis at different angles. #ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections. 
The bounding box provides the projections for 0 degree and 90 degrees (projection on to y- and x-axes). Later, the projection diameter or calliper 
diameter is calculated from these projections for every angle. This supplies information on the orthogonal extent of the object in 
relation to the direction of projection.
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobConvexAreaConvex area of the Blob object.
Convex area.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobSize Property

#BlobConvexPointIndex Property, #BlobConvexPointX Property, and #BlobConvexPointY Property to to get the coordinates of the convex shape

#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property

◆ BlobConvexPerimeter

double BlobConvexPerimeter

Returns the convex perimeter.

Blob projects every object on to the x-axis at different angles. #ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections. 
The bounding box provides the projections for 0 degree and 90 degrees (projection on to y- and x-axes). Later, the projection 
diameter or calliper diameter is calculated from these projections for every angle. This supplies information on the orthogonal 
extent of the object in relation to the direction of projection.

The <b>convex perimeter</b> of the object can be calculated from the projections later. This is approximated by a polygon that consists of the 
individual projection parts. Calculation of the convex perimeter of an object is normally very compute-intensive.
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobConvexPerimeterConvex perimeter of the Blob object.
Convex perimeter.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobPerimeter and #BlobConvexPerimeter Property
#ExtractBlobConvexPerimeter Property

#BlobConvexPointIndex Property, #BlobConvexPointX Property, and #BlobConvexPointY Property to to get the coordinates of the convex shape

#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property

◆ BlobConvexPointIndex

long BlobConvexPointIndex

Specifies the index of the desired point forming the convex shape.

The coordinates for every point of the convex shape could be retrieved via the #BlobConvexPointX property and #BlobConvexPointY property.
The number of projections is set by #ConvexProjections.
[in,out]BlobConvexPointIndexIndex of desired point.
Index of the desired point forming the convex shape.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobConvexPointX Property and #BlobConvexPointY Property
#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property
#ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections

◆ BlobConvexPointX

double BlobConvexPointX

Returns the x-coordinate of the specified convex point.

The index of the point is specified by the #BlobConvexPointIndex Property. 
The number of projections is set by #ConvexProjections.
[out]BlobConvexPointXX-coordinate of convex point.
X-coordinate of convex point.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobConvexPointIndex Property and #BlobConvexPointY Property
#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property
#ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections

◆ BlobConvexPointY

double BlobConvexPointY

Returns the y-coordinate of the specified convex point.

The index of the point is specified by the #BlobConvexPointIndex Property. 
The number of projections is set by #ConvexProjections.
[out]BlobConvexPointYY-coordinate of convex point.
Y-coordinate of convex point.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobConvexPointIndex Property and #BlobConvexPointX Property
#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property
#ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections

◆ BlobCount

long BlobCount

Returns the number of found objects.

[out]BlobCountNumber of found Blobs.
Number of found Blobs.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobIndex Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0X-coordinate of point 0.
X-coordinate of point 0.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1X-coordinate of point 1.
X-coordinate of point 1.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2X-coordinate of point 2.
X-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3X-coordinate of point 3.
X-coordinate of point 3.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0Y-coordinate of point 0.
Y-coordinate of point 0.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1Y-coordinate of point 1.
Y-coordinate of point 1.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2Y-coordinate of point 2.
Y-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3

double BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the maximal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the maximal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3Y-coordinate of point 3.
Y-coordinate of point 3.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0X-coordinate of point 0.
X-coordinate of point 0.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1X-coordinate of point 1.
X-coordinate of point 1.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2X-coordinate of point 2.
X-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3X-coordinate of point 3.
X-coordinate of point 3.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0Y-coordinate of point 0.
Y-coordinate of point 0.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1Y-coordinate of point 1.
Y-coordinate of point 1.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2Y-coordinate of point 2.
Y-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3

double BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated with four points using the minimal distance of a projection and the 90 degrees line pair. The BBox describes the minimal surrounding rectangle. This BBox can also be used to determine the width an height of an rotation invariant object.

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3Y-coordinate of point 3.
Y-coordinate of point 3.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0X-coordinate of point 0.
X-coordinate of point 0.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1X-coordinate of point 1.
X-coordinate of point 1.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2X-coordinate of point 2.
X-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2X-coordinate of point 3.
X-coordinate of point 3.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0Y-coordinate of point 0.
Y-coordinate of point 0.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1Y-coordinate of point 1.
Y-coordinate of point 1.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2Y-coordinate of point 2.
Y-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3

double BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3

For every found blob is a bounding box calculated using the minimal and maximal distance between line pairs of a convex projection. The result is usually a parallelogram described by the 4 points (X0/Y0, X1/Y1, X2/Y2, and X3/Y3).

Please set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3Y-coordinate of point 2.
Y-coordinate of point 2.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY0 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY1 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY2 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxX3 Property
#BlobFeretDiamMinMaxBBoxY3 Property

Properties for BlobFeretDiamMinBBox Property
Properties for BlobFeretDiamMaxBBox Property

◆ BlobIndex

long BlobIndex

Specifies the index of the desired Blob object.

Maximal number is #BlobCount. 
[in,out]BlobIndexNumber of the Blob object.
Number of the Blob object.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobCount Property

◆ BlobMaxMoment

double BlobMaxMoment

Returns the maximum moment of inertia.

The minimum and maximum moments of inertia of the object are calculated 
from the second-order central moments:
<img class="ToDisplay" src="InertiaMax.png" align="left"  alt=" Maximum moment of inertia">\n\n
Please set #BlobIndex property for every Blob object.
[out]BlobMaxMomentMinimum moment of inertia.
Minimum moment of inertia.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#ExtractBlobCenterAndMoments Property

◆ BlobMinMoment

double BlobMinMoment

Returns the minimum moment of inertia.

The minimum and maximum moments of inertia of the object are calculated 
from the second-order central moments:
<img class="ToDisplay" src="InertiaMin.png" align="left"  alt=" Minimum moment of inertia">\n\n
Please set #BlobIndex property for every Blob object.
[out]BlobMinMomentMinimum moment of inertia.

Minimum moment of inertia.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMaxMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#ExtractBlobCenterAndMoments Property

◆ BlobMinMomentAxisAngle

double BlobMinMomentAxisAngle

Returns the angle of the minimum moment of inertia.

\a InertiaMinAngle is the angle in radians (-p...p) that the axis of the minimum moment of inertia encloses together 
with the x-axis. This parameter is frequently used as a measure for the orientation of an object. The axis always runs through 
the centre of gravity of the area.

There are objects - for example circles - which do not have any pronounced direction of this axis. However, Blob also returns an angle for these 
objects because sampling effects and the representation of objects in a digital raster also result in a certain angle for a circle. 
This value is only relevant if, for example, the \a InertiaRatio parameter shows a significant difference between the minimum and maximum moments of inertia. 
This angle depends very much on quantisation and noise effects.

Furthermore, there are objects which have multiple axes of inertia which are of equal weight (e.g., the letter M). Which angle is calculated here again depends 
on quantisation and noise effects. If several identical objects exist in an image, this angle may still assume different values.

\a IntertiaMinAngle is calculated from the central moments:
<img class="ToDisplay" src="InertiaMinAngle.PNG" align="left"  alt="Angle of the minimum moment of inertia">\n\n\n\n
Another way of interpreting this angle is to imagine every image point of an object as an independent point on the XY plane. 
If a straight line is fitted to this distribution of points by the least squares method, this line runs through the centre of gravity of 
the area (\a CogX, \a CogY), and has the angle \a InertiaMinAngle to the x-axis.
Please set #BlobIndex property for every Blob object.
[out]BlobMinMomentAxisAngleAngle of the minimum moment of inertia.
Angle of the minimum moment of inertia.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
Coordinates of the axis: #BlobMinMomentAxisX0 Property
BlobGetMinMomentPoints Property in the CVCBlob library

#BlobMaxMoment Property and #BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property
#ExtractBlobCenterAndMoments Property

◆ BlobMinMomentAxisX0

double BlobMinMomentAxisX0

X-position of start point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object.

These four properties define the coordinates of the start point and endpoint of this straight line: \n
\a BlobMinMomentAxisX0 and #BlobMinMomentAxisY0 \n
#BlobMinMomentAxisX1 and #BlobMinMomentAxisY1
This line is not meaningful for all objects, for instance circles. See #BlobMomentRatio Property.
[out]BlobMinMomentAxisX0X-position of start point.
X-position of start point.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#BlobMaxMoment Property and #BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property

◆ BlobMinMomentAxisX1

double BlobMinMomentAxisX1

X-position of end point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object.

These four properties define the coordinates of the start point and endpoint of this straight line: \n
#BlobMinMomentAxisX0 and #BlobMinMomentAxisY0 \n
\a BlobMinMomentAxisX1 and #BlobMinMomentAxisY1
This line is not meaningful for all objects, for instance circles. See #BlobMomentRatio Property.
[out]BlobMinMomentAxisX1X-position of end point.
X-position of end point.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#BlobMaxMoment Property and #BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property

◆ BlobMinMomentAxisY0

double BlobMinMomentAxisY0

Y-position of start point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object.

These four properties define the coordinates of the start point and endpoint of this straight line: \n
#BlobMinMomentAxisX0 and \a BlobMinMomentAxisY0 \n
#BlobMinMomentAxisX1 and #BlobMinMomentAxisY1
This line is not meaningful for all objects, for instance circles. See #BlobMomentRatio Property.
[out]BlobMinMomentAxisY0Y-position of start point.
Y-position of start point.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#BlobMaxMoment Property and #BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property

◆ BlobMinMomentAxisY1

double BlobMinMomentAxisY1

Y-position of end point of a straight line that describes the minimum moment of inertia and runs through the centre of the object.

These four properties define the coordinates of the start point and endpoint of this straight line: \n
#BlobMinMomentAxisX0 and #BlobMinMomentAxisY0 \n
#BlobMinMomentAxisX1 and \a BlobMinMomentAxisY1
This line is not meaningful for all objects, for instance circles. See #BlobMomentRatio Property.
[out]BlobMinMomentAxisY1Y-position of end point.
Y-position of end point.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#BlobMaxMoment Property and #BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMomentRatio Property

◆ BlobMomentRatio

double BlobMomentRatio

Returns the ratio of minimum and maximum moment of inertia for a given Blob object.

Please set #BlobIndex property for every Blob object.
[out]BlobMomentRatioRatio of #BlobMinMoment and #BlobMaxMoment.
Ratio of minimum and maximum moment of inertia.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobMaxMoment Property
#BlobMinMoment Property
#BlobMinMomentAxisAngle Property
#ExtractBlobCenterAndMoments Property

◆ BlobNumHoles

long BlobNumHoles

Returns the number of holes in the image.

[out]BlobNumHolesNumber of holes.
Number of holes.
Supported platforms:

◆ BlobPerimConvexPerimRatio

double BlobPerimConvexPerimRatio

Returns the ratio of perimeter to convex perimeter.

Blob projects every object on to the x-axis at different angles. #ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections. 
The bounding box provides the projections for 0 degree and 90 degrees (projection on to y- and x-axes). Later, the projection diameter or calliper 
diameter is calculated from these projections for every angle. This supplies information on the orthogonal extent of the object in 
relation to the direction of projection.

The <b>convex perimeter</b> of the object can be calculated from the projections later. This is approximated by a polygon that consists of the individual projection parts. 
Calculation of the convex perimeter of an object is normally very compute-intensive.
Please set #BlobIndex property.
[out]BlobPerimConvexPerimRatioRatio of perimeter to convex perimeter.
Ratio of perimeter to convex perimeter.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobPerimeter and #BlobConvexPerimeter Property
#BlobPerimeter Property
#BlobConvexPointIndex Property, #BlobConvexPointX Property, and #BlobConvexPointY Property to to get the coordinates of the convex shape

#ConvexPointsRetrieved Property

◆ BlobPerimeter

double BlobPerimeter

Returns the perimeter of a found blob.

The perimeter is obtained from X+Y+sqrt(2)*XY.
Please set #BlobIndex property first.
[out]BlobPerimeterPerimeter of a found blob.
Perimeter of a found blob.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobPerimeter and #BlobConvexPerimeter Property
#ExtractBlobPerimeter Property
#BlobConvexPerimeter property

◆ BlobSize

long BlobSize

Returns the size of a found blob in pixels.

Set #BlobIndex property before.
[out]BlobSizeSize of the found blob.
Size of the found blob.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:

◆ ConvexPointsRetrieved

long ConvexPointsRetrieved

Returns the number of convex points.

#ConvexProjections specifies the number of projections and \a ConvexPointsRetrieved returns the number of points 
on the perimeter. For example the number or projections is 4 returns 12 points on the convex perimeter shape.
[out]ConvexPointsRetrievedNumber of convex points.
Number of convex points.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#BlobConvexPointIndex Property, #BlobConvexPointX Property and #BlobConvexPointY Property to get the coordinates of the convex shape

◆ ExecutionTime

double ExecutionTime

Returns the time for the execution of Blob.

[out]ExecutionTimeExecution time in ms.
Execution time in ms.
Supported platforms:

◆ ResultImage

__int3264 ResultImage

Returns the result image which is generated in an eight-bit plane from the data pertaining to the objects (streaks).

All pixels that belong to an object are set to 255, whereas all pixels that do not belong to an object are set to 0 (see \ref PropertiesFilter "Filter" functions).
[out]ResultImageHandle to the result image.
Handle to the result image.
Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
#ResultImageUpdated Event
#ExtractBlobPixelData Property