int | NumParts () const noexcept |
| Number of parts in the multi part image. More...
CompositeVariant | GetPartAt (int index) const |
| Access to a multi part image element specified by its index. More...
virtual double | RawTimestamp () const noexcept |
| Gets the raw timestamp as reported by the driver. More...
| Image (Size2D< int > size, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) |
| Constructs an uninitialized image with the given parameters. More...
| Image (int width, int height, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) |
| Constructs an uninitialized image with the given parameters. More...
| Image (const String &fileName) |
| Loads an image with the given file name. More...
void * | Handle () const noexcept |
| Classic API image handle. More...
int | PlanesCount () const noexcept |
| Get the number of planes for this image. More...
bool | PlaneDataTypesIdentical () const noexcept |
| Check if all planes have the same data type. More...
ImagePlane | Plane (int plane) const |
| Indexed access to the individual plane information. More...
std::vector< ImagePlane > | Planes () const noexcept |
| Access all planes for this image. More...
std::vector< double > | GetPixel (Point2D< int > position) const |
| Gets the pixel values for all planes at a give position. More...
int | Height () const noexcept |
| Height of the image in pixels. More...
int | Width () const noexcept |
| Width of the image in pixels. More...
Cvb::ColorModel | ColorModel () const noexcept |
| Color model realized by this image. More...
void | Save (const String &fileName) const |
| Write the current content of the image into a file. More...
void | Save (const String &fileName, double quality) const |
| Write the current content of the image into a file. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | Map (Rect< int > rect) const |
| Creates a mapped image of the region of this image. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | Map (Rect< int > sourceRect, Size2D< int > targetSize) const |
| Creates a mapped image of the region of that image scaled to the size. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | Map (RotationMap rotation) const |
| Creates a mapped image of this whole image rotated by the given RotationMap. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | Clone () const |
| Creates a new image object, that is a copy of the current instance. More...
void | Copy (Image &targetImage, Rect< int > sourceRect, Point2D< int > targetPosition) const |
| Copies the image data from the source rectangle of this image to the target position inside the target image. More...
void | Copy (Image &targetImage) const |
| Copies the image data from this image to the target image. More...
Size2D< int > | Size () const noexcept |
| Size of the image in pixels. More...
Rect< int > | Bounds () const noexcept |
| Bounding rectangle of the image in pixels. More...
void | RaisePixelContentChanged () const |
| Inform clients listening to the pixel content changed event, that the image data has been completely updated (full area). More...
void | RaisePixelContentChanged (Rect< int > rect) const |
| Inform clients listening to the pixel content changed event, that the image data has been updated in the given rectangle. More...
EventCookie | RegisterEventPixelContentChanged (std::function< void(const Image &, Rect< int >)> handler) |
| Register a listener to the pixel content changed event. More...
void | UnregisterEventPixelContentChanged (EventCookie eventCookie) noexcept |
| Manually unregister a listener from the pixel content changed event. More...
Point2D< double > | ImageToPixelCoordinates (Point2D< double > point) const noexcept |
| Convert a point from image to pixel coordinates. More...
Area2D | ImageToPixelCoordinates (Area2D area) const noexcept |
| Convert an Area2D from image to pixel coordinates. More...
Point2D< double > | PixelToImageCoordinates (Point2D< double > point) const noexcept |
| Convert a point from pixel to image coordinates. More...
Area2D | PixelToImageCoordinates (Area2D area) const noexcept |
| Convert an Area2D from pixel to image coordinates. More...
AffineMatrix2D | CoordinateSystem () const noexcept |
| Get the coordinate system of the image. More...
void | SetCoordinateSystem (AffineMatrix2D affineMatrix) noexcept |
| Set the coordinate system of the image. More...
static MultiPartImagePtr | FromComposite (CompositePtr object) |
| Creates an image object from a composite. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Image > | Load (const String &fileName) |
| Loads an image with the given file name. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Image > | Create (Size2D< int > size, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) |
| Creates an uninitialized image with the given parameters. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Image > | Create (int width, int height, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) |
| Creates an uninitialized image with the given parameters. More...
template<class RANGE > |
static TypedRange< std::unique_ptr< Image >, ImagePtr, RANGE >::type | FromImages (MappingOption mapping, const RANGE &images) |
| Create an image that is the result of concatenating a series of input images. More...
template<class... IMAGES> |
static VarArgRange< std::unique_ptr< Image >, constImage &, IMAGES... >::type | FromImages (MappingOption mapping, const IMAGES &... images) |
| Create an image that is the result of concatenating a series of input images. More...
template<class RANGE > |
static TypedRange< std::unique_ptr< Image >, ImagePlane, RANGE >::type | FromPlanes (MappingOption mapping, const RANGE &planes) |
| Create an image that is the result of concatenating a series of input planes. More...
template<class... PLANES> |
static VarArgRange< std::unique_ptr< Image >, ImagePlane &&, PLANES... >::type | FromPlanes (MappingOption mapping, PLANES &&... planes) |
| Create an image that is the result of concatenating a series of input planes. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Image > | FromHandle (HandleGuard< Image > &&guard) |
| Creates an image from a classic API handle. More...
template<class T , class... ARGS> |
static std::unique_ptr< T > | FromHandle (HandleGuard< Image > &&guard, ARGS &&... args) |
| Creates an image from a classic API handle (typed). More...
static std::unique_ptr< Image > | FromPixelFormat (const Cvb::Size2D< int > &size, Cvb::PfncFormat format) |
| Creates an image from a specified pixel format. More...
static std::unique_ptr< Image > | FromPixelFormat (int width, int height, Cvb::PfncFormat format) |
| Creates an image from a specified pixel format. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | AffineTransform (const Image &image, AffineMatrix2D affineMatrix, Area2D area) |
| Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of an area of the given image. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | AffineTransform (const Image &image, AffineMatrix2D affineMatrix) |
| Creates an affine transformation (homogeneous matrix transformation) of the whole image. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | LinearTransform (const Image &image, Matrix2D matrix) |
| Creates a linear transformation (matrix transformation). More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | MapTo8Bit (const Image &image, PlaneNormalization planeNormalization=PlaneNormalization::Identical) |
| Take an input image and scale the pixel values to fit into the 8 bit value range. More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | NormalizeMinMax (const Image &image, double targetMin, double targetMax) |
| Normalize an input image using min/max normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched or compressed to fit the input target minimum and maximum values). More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | NormalizeMeanVariance (const Image &image, double targetMean, double targetVariance) |
| Normalize an input image using mean/variance normalization (the gray values of the image will be stretched modified to generate a histogram as close as possible to the input target mean and variance values). More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | PolarTransform (const Image &image, Point2D< double > center, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, Angle startAngle, Angle totalAngle) |
| Create a polar transformation (i.e. unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image). More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | PolarTransform (const Image &image, Point2D< double > center, double innerRadius, double outerRadius) |
| Create a polar transformation (i.e. unwrap a ring structure from inside source image into a rectangular image). More...
std::unique_ptr< Image > | InversePolarTransform (const Image &image, Angle startAngle, double innerRadius) |
void | InversePolarTransformToDst (const Image &imageSrc, Point2D< double > center, Angle startAngle, double innerRadius, Image &imageDst) |
| Create an inverse polar transformed image (i.e. transform an unwrapped image back into a ring structure). More...