Color model that this image is using.
Inherits object.
int | CieLUV = 6 |
| CIE LUV color model.
int | CieLab = 7 |
| CIE Lab color model.
int | CieXYZ = 11 |
| CIE XYZ color model.
int | HLS = 8 |
| HLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation) color model.
int | HSI = 4 |
| HSI color space.
int | HSV = 10 |
| HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color model.
int | Mono = 1 |
| Monochrome color space.
int | MonoGuess = -1 |
| Color space was not explicitly specified, but is likely to be monochrome.
int | RGB = 2 |
| RGB color space.
int | RGBGuess = -2 |
| Color space was not explicitly specified, but is likely to be RGB.
int | Unknown = 0 |
| Color space is not known.
int | YCC = 9 |
| YCC color model.
int | YCbCr = 5 |
| YCbCr color model.
int | YUV = 3 |
| YUV color space.
Color model that this image is using.