Inherits object.
int | AoiTooSmall = -4 |
| The area of interest specified is too small to contain a valid code.
int | BoundaryCheckFailed = -7 |
| A boundary check failed.
int | CodeHeightTooSmall = 3 |
| The Barcode's height is too small for grading. More...
int | CodeNotRectangular = 4 |
| The Barcode does not have a rectangular shape, making it unsuitable for grading.
int | CodePositionOutsideAoi = 2 |
| The Barcode is partly outside the AOI.
int | CodeTypeNotSupported = -1 |
| An unsupported code type was encountered.
int | DecodabilityCheckFailed = -5 |
| A code was found but considered to be undecodable. More...
int | ECMinFailed = -10 |
| ?.
int | ErrNoMaxFailed = -9 |
| ?.
int | GradingNotSupported = 5 |
| Barcode grading is not supported for the encountered symbology. More...
int | MeasuringOrificeNotSupported = -3 |
| Orifice measurement is currently not supported.
int | NoResult = 1 |
| Barcode could not be decoded, therefore no grading was calculated.
int | Ok = 0 |
| Grading was successful and did yield a result.
int | PixelOutsideAoi = -6 |
| Some pixels of the code are outside the specified area of interest.
int | Timeout = 6 |
| Time limit reached during grading.
int | TooManyCharacters = -2 |
| The code contained more characters than permitted for its symbology.
int | TrimmingToParallelFailed = -8 |
| Trimming failed.
Additional information about 1D grading results.