CVBpy 15.0
Symbology Class Reference

Enum class listing all supported barcode symbologies. More...

Inherits object.

Static Public Attributes

int DataMatrix = 101
 Data Matrix. More...
int Unknown = 0
 Unknown barcode symbology.

Detailed Description

Enum class listing all supported barcode symbologies.

This enum class defines all supported barcode symbologies. It is primarily used to specify the configuration class via the Decoder.config() function. Each enum entry includes a reference to its corresponding configuration class for all functionalities and settings.

After creating a decoder, you can configure it using the Decoder.config() member function with the desired symbology, as shown in the following example:

decoder.config(cvb.barcode.Symbology.DataMatrix).enable().polarity = \
cvb.barcode.Decoder create()
Creates and returns a new decoder object.

After decoding an image, the detected symbology type is returned as a value of this enum class via Result.symbology_type.

Member Data Documentation

◆ DataMatrix

int DataMatrix = 101

Data Matrix.

See configuration class cvb.barcode.DataMatrix for all functionalities and settings.