CVBpy 15.0
SearchResult Class Reference

Single result of a search operation. More...

Inherits object.


 position = property
 cvb.Point3D: Coordinates of object's origin within point cloud. More...
 rotation_vector = property
 cvb.Point3D: Normalized rotation axis vector of object's orientation. More...
 score = property
 float: Detection confidence value (0..1). More...
 theta = property
 cvb.Angle: Rotation angle of object's orientation. More...

Detailed Description

Single result of a search operation.

Property Documentation

◆ position

position = property

cvb.Point3D: Coordinates of object's origin within point cloud.

The indicated position corresponds to the coordinate origin in the CAD file.

◆ rotation_vector

rotation_vector = property

cvb.Point3D: Normalized rotation axis vector of object's orientation.

The axis part of axis-angle representation of object's orientation. The rotation center is the given position position.

◆ score

score = property

float: Detection confidence value (0..1).

The score is an individual hash similarity score between point cloud and CAD object.It must be equal or above the threshold given by SearchParameters.min_score.

◆ theta

theta = property

cvb.Angle: Rotation angle of object's orientation.

The angle part of axis-angle representation of object's orientation.