CVB++ 15.0
Cvb::Foundation::GaussianPyramid Namespace Reference

Namespace for functions implementing a Gaussian pyramid approach from the Common Vision Blox Foundation package. More...


std::unique_ptr< ImageGaussianPyramidDown (const Image &image)
 This function down samples an image in the sense of a Gaussian pyramid. More...
std::unique_ptr< ImageGaussianPyramidUp (const Image &image)
 This function up samples an image in the sense of a Gaussian pyramid. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for functions implementing a Gaussian pyramid approach from the Common Vision Blox Foundation package.

CMake users: Link to imported target CVB::CvbFoundationGaussianPyramid

Function Documentation

◆ GaussianPyramidDown()

std::unique_ptr< Image > GaussianPyramidDown ( const Image image)

This function down samples an image in the sense of a Gaussian pyramid.

[in]imageImage to be down sampled.
Down-sampled image.
Anyexception derived from std::exception including CvbException.

It applies a Gaussian Cvb::Foundation::FixedFilterSize::Kernel5x5 to the image, then down samples the image by omitting every odd row and column, producing an output image whose size is halved in each dimension.

◆ GaussianPyramidUp()

std::unique_ptr< Image > GaussianPyramidUp ( const Image image)

This function up samples an image in the sense of a Gaussian pyramid.

[in]imageImage to be up sampled.
Up-sampled image.
Anyexception derived from std::exception including CvbException.

It inserts odd columns and rows filled with 0, then applies a Gaussian Cvb::Foundation::FixedFilterSize::Kernel5x5 multiplied by 4 to the image.