CVB++ 15.0
Use cases Overview

The following list organizes the description of different aspects of Common Vision Blox according to the use cases that they are intended for.

Example Description Tags
3rd Generation Acquisition Interfaces An introduction into the use of the 3rd Generation image acquistion interfaces introduced with CVB 13.3 in 2020. These interface support acquisition of multiple streams from one device,acquisition of structured data streams that contain multiple logical parts and acquisitioninto user-specified destination buffers. MultiStream, MultiPart, User-allocated Memory, Composites
Efficiently write image and point cloud algorithms using Visit Using image and point cloud visitation to efficiently write algorithms. Algorithms, PointClouds, Images
Image acqusition with GPU memory (CUDA) A user guide for using CUDA and memory provided by the GPU for fast image acquisition and parallel processing algorithms. CUDA, GPU, User-allocated Memory