CVB++ 15.0

The following lists give an overview of existing examples in CVB.

Image Acquistion and Streaming

Example Description
Cvb/CppCameraIPConfig CppCameraIPConfig example shows how to set the IP of the camera to match with your NIC.
Cvb/CppConnectionState The CppConnectionState example shows how to get the state of a device connection.
Cvb/CppStreamConsole The CppStreamConsole example shows how to stream from a GenICam device. The console output gives the image's timestamp.
CppSingleStreamComposite The CppSingleStreamComposite example demonstrates an image acquisition application that uses one single stream to acquire from.
CppMultiPartComposite The CppMultiPartComposite example shows how to access multi-part components.
CppMultiStream The CppMultiStream example demonstrates an image acquisition application that uses multiple streams to acquire from. This is a modification of the SingleDataStream tutorial.
Cvb/CppPointCloudAcquisition The CppPointCloudAcquisition example shows how to acquire point cloud data and write it to a file.
CppUserAllocatedMemory The CppUserAllocatedMemory example shows the registration of user defined memory for acquisition.
GevServer/QmlGevServer The QmlGevServer example starts a QML GevServer which can load a device and stream the device image.
Cvb/CppStreamGenDCContainer Demonstrates how GenDC container-based image acquisition can be accomplished by using a mock GenTL Producer, so called CVMockTL.
Cvb/CppStreamConsoleWithMock Demonstrates how image acquisition can be accomplished by using a mock GenTL Producer, so called CVMockTL.
Cvb/CppCompositeStreamHandler Demonstrates how image acquisition can be achieved by using a stream handler designed for the CVB composite stream.
Cvb/CppCudaMemory Demonstrates how to pass user-allocated memory as the target buffer(s) for image acquisition from a camera. In this particular example, the allocated memory is either CUDA managed memory or host mapped memory, enabling automatic page migration or "zero-copy" access to the acquired images respectively and thus reducing manual copy overhead.
RTPStreaming/CppRTPStreaming Shows how to stream images to ffmpegs ffplay using the CVRTPStreaming library.
WebStreaming/CppWebStreamingServer The CppWebstreamingServer example shows how to send JPEG compressed images via WebSockets. On the client side you may a HTML/JS client (see HtmlWebStreamingClient).
Cvb/CppRdma The CppRdma example shows how to stream from a GigE Vision Camera using RDMA for GEV. This enables high data rates with without CPU load.
Movie2/QtMovie2 The QtMovie2 example shows the recording with CVB.
Cvb/CppPixelFormatConversion Demonstrates how an arbitrary image can be converted to another pixel format.
Cvb/QmlFirmwareUpdater The QmlFirmwareUpdater example starts a QML FirmwareUpdater which can load a device and stream the device image.

Display Image and Properties

Example Description
Cvb/QmlImageDisplay The QmlImageDisplay example shows an image in a Qt display. With mouse over the pixel data are shown.
Cvb/QmlStreamDisplay The QmlStreamDisplay example shows an image in a Qt display. With mouse over the pixel data are shown.
Cvb/QtImageDisplay The QtImageDisplay example shows an image in a Qt display. With mouse over the pixel data are shown.
Cvb/QtDisplayAdvanced The QtDisplayAdvanced example shows a display with an image. With a context menu (right click), options can be set, as well as the output of a performance test.
Cvb/QtStreamDisplay The QtStreamDisplay example shows a display with a stream from a GenICam device with Qt.
Cvb/QtStreamDisplayPair The QtStreamDisplayPair example shows two displays from a GenICam device with Qt. One display shows the device's output, the other display one of the planes.
Cvb/QtPropertyGrid The QtPropertyGrid example shows a Qt property grid of the device showing different features of the property grid.
Cvb/QtStatisticsDisplay The QtStatisticsDisplay example shows a statistics display with a stream from a GenICam device with Qt.

3D Point Cloud Processing

Example Description
Cvb/CppPointCloudCreateAndHandle The CppPointCloudCreateAndHandle example shows how to create a point cloud and set values.
Cvb/CppPointCloudCreateCalibrated The CppPointCloudCreateCalibrated example shows how to create a calibrated point cloud from a range map and calibrator.
DNC/CppDncConsole The CppDncConsole shows how to use search a pattern in point cloud.

3D Camera Calibration

Example Description
Foundation/CppMetricCalibration The CppMetricCalibration example shows how to calibrate a laser triangulation system using the AQS12 pattern. The result is a calibrator containing homography (intrinsic) and an affine transformation. With the calibrator the rangemap can be transformed to a calibrated point cloud with metric values.
Foundation/CppMetricCalibrationInclinationLaserPlane The CppMetricCalibrationInclinationLaserPlane exmample show how to estimate a correction for errors induced by a laser plane not perpendicular to the direction of movement. For this example an intrinsic calibration (at least homography) has to be given.
Foundation/CppMetricCalibrationRigidBodyTrafo The CppMetricCalibrationRigidBodyTrafo examples how to estimate a rigid body transformation on a metric point cloud using the AQS12 pattern.

2D Object Detection

Example Description
Foundation/QmlBlobSearch The QmlBlobSearch example shows the blob search of CVB Foundation package.
Minos/QmlMinos The QmlMinos example shows OCR reading in QML environment.
Polimago/QmlCookieClassification The Cookie Classification example shows Polimago search in QML environment.
ShapeFinder2/QtShapeFinder2 The QtShapeFinder2 example.
ShapeFinder2/QtShapeFinder2Cuda A shape finder example using CUDA.

Hyperspectral Imaging

Example Description
Spectral/ColorConvert The ColorConvert example loads an ENVI-cube and its black- and white reference. It then normalizes the cube (using the references) and calculates the Lab and sRGB images. These images are stored in the tmp folder.
Spectral/CubeAcquisition The CubeAcquisition tutorial grabs 100 images from the GenICam VIN-driver. Using these images a Cube is created and saved to the tmp folder.