CVB.Net 15.0
HistogramExtensions Member List

This is the complete list of members for HistogramExtensions, including all inherited members.

Filter(this IList< int > histogram, double[] kernel)HistogramExtensionsstatic
Filter(this IList< long > histogram, double[] kernel)HistogramExtensionsstatic
Filter(this IList< double > histogram, double[] kernel)HistogramExtensionsstatic
FindPeaks(this IList< int > histogram, int blurSize, int minDiff)HistogramExtensionsstatic
FindPeaks(this IList< long > histogram, int blurSize, int minDiff)HistogramExtensionsstatic
SumBetween(this IList< int > histogram, int lowerLimit, int upperLimit)HistogramExtensionsstatic
SumBetween(this IList< long > histogram, int lowerLimit, int upperLimit)HistogramExtensionsstatic