CVB.Net 15.0
NamespaceDoc Class Reference

The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation holds all classes and definitions that expose functionality of the Common Vision Blox Foundation Package. The Foundation Package comprises the following DLLs:

Note that a valid Common Vision Blox Foundation Package license is required to use this functionality unrestricted. If no license is available, function-specific restrictions apply. More...

Detailed Description

The namespace and assembly Stemmer.Cvb.Foundation holds all classes and definitions that expose functionality of the Common Vision Blox Foundation Package. The Foundation Package comprises the following DLLs:

  • Arithmetic.dll
  • etBayerToRGB.dll
  • CVCEdge.dll
  • CVFoundation.dll
  • DrawGraph.dll (not covered here)
  • LightMeter.dll
  • TextOut.dll

Note that a valid Common Vision Blox Foundation Package license is required to use this functionality unrestricted. If no license is available, function-specific restrictions apply.