Polimago (Polimago.dll) 15.0
TTrainParams Struct Reference

Contains the main training parameters of classifiers and numerical predictors. More...

Data Fields

TFeatureMap FeatureMap
double Lambda
 Ridge regression regularization constant used during training.
double Offset
 Intercept for weight vectors. Currently always set to zero.
TClassifierUsage Usage

Detailed Description

Contains the main training parameters of classifiers and numerical predictors.

Similar to the TFeatureMap structure, the values of the TTrainParams structure are defined at training time, i.e. when the classifier is generated, through the parameters passed to the function that generates the classifier (e.g. PMTrainClassifierFromSil, PMTrainClassifierFromMts, PMTrainSearchClassifierFromSil or PMTrainSearchClassifierFromMts). Therefore the TFeatureMap can only be extracted for an existing classifier (PMGetClfTrainParams or PMGetSearchClfTrainParams).

Field Documentation

◆ FeatureMap

TFeatureMap FeatureMap

Feature extraction parameters. See the description of TFeatureMap for details.

◆ Usage

Controls the way the classifier may be used. See the description of TClassifierUsage for details.