Image Manager (CVCImg.dll) 15.0
Deprecated List
Global CVB::GetPixel (IMG Image, cvbval_t PlaneIndex, cvbval_t X, cvbval_t Y, cvbval_t &Value)
This function is deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.04.000 and has in fact been removed from the C header. Please use CVB::GetPixVal instead.
Global CVB::SetPixel (IMG img, cvbval_t index, cvbval_t x, cvbval_t y, cvbval_t &value)
This function is deprecated since Common Vision Blox 13.04.000 and has in fact been removed from the C header. Please use CVB::GetPixVal instead.
Global FindMaxima (IMG Image, cvbval_t PlaneIndex, cvbval_t Left, cvbval_t Top, cvbval_t Right, cvbval_t Bottom, cvbval_t Locality, cvbval_t Threshold, PIXELLIST &MaximaList)
This function will crash if you use Image objects one MPixel and up due to the recursive algorithm it uses. Please either use the FindMaximaEx or FindSubPixelMaxima directly.
Global GetLicenseInfo ()
Use UpdateLicenses, GetLicenseCount and GetLicenseInfoEx instead.
Global GetSerialNumber ()
Use UpdateLicenses, GetLicenseCount and GetLicenseInfoEx instead.
Global ImageToPixel (IMG Image, double ImageX, double ImageY, double &PixelX, double &PixelY)
Use ImageToPixelCoordinates instead which reports an error if Image is invalid.
Global InitializeImageArea (IMG Image, cvbval_t PlaneIndex, TArea Area, cvbval_t Value)
There are a newer version of the method. See InitializeImageAreaEx for additional information.
Global IsIUnknown (OBJ Unknown)
Since Common Vision Blox 2017 (13.00.000) there is no IUnknown type available anymore. Use the typed check functions like IsImage or IsGrabber.
Global IsOverlayImage (IMG Image)
Use HasOverlay instead.
Not used anymore.
Global LI_CVC
Not used anymore.
Not used anymore.
Not used anymore.
Not used anymore.
Not used anymore.
Global PixelToImage (IMG Image, double PixelX, double PixelY, double &ImageX, double &ImageY)
Use PixelToImageCoordinates instead which reports an error if Image is invalid.
Global PixVal (IMG Image, cvbdim_t PlaneIndex, cvbdim_t X, cvbdim_t Y)
If really needed use CVB::GetPixVal instead.
Global ReleaseImage (IMG Image)
Use ReleaseObject instead.
Global ReleaseIUnknown (OBJ Unknown)
Since Common Vision Blox 2017 (13.00.000) there is no IUnknown type available anymore. Use ReleaseObject instead.
Global ShareImage (IMG Image)
Use ShareObject instead.
Global ShowDriverDialog (OBJ Object)
This functionality is deprecated and in fact no longer supported by most of the current CVB Vin-drivers. Therefore it should no longer be used in an application.