Barcode (CVCBarcode.dll) 15.0
CVC_BC_QUALITY_INFO Struct Reference

1D Code Grading functionality can be applied to the below listed 1D Codes which are activated and decoded by the Barcode Library in advance. The 1D Code Grading is based on Norm ICO/IEC 15416. More...

Data Fields

double grade_decodability
 The element grade_decodability is the decodability grade calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).

double grade_decode
 The element grade_decode is the decode grade calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A). If the barcode can be decoded in one of the Scan Reflectance Profiles but the quiet zone is not correct, the decode grade of this Scan Reflectance Profile is set to zero.
double grade_defects
 The element grade_defects is the defects grade calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).
double grade_edge_contrast_min
 The element grade_edge_contrast_min is the minimum edge contrast grade calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).
double grade_modulation
 The element grade_modulation is the modulation grade calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).
double grade_overall
 The element grade_overall is the overall symbol grade calculated under consideration of the worst grades of all Scan Reflectance Profile. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).
double grade_reflectance_min
 The element grade_reflectance_min is the minimum reflectance grade calculated under consideration of all scan reflectance profiles. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).
double grade_symbol_contrast
 The element grade_symbol_contrast is the symbol contrast grade calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profile. Possible values are in the range from 0.0 (F) to 4.0 (A).
int result
 Possible values for the element result of the CVC_BC_QUALITY_INFO are: More...
int scan_lines_used
 The element scan_lines_used is the number of used Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_decodability
 The element value_decodability is the decodability value calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_decode
 The element value_decode is the number of decoded Scan Reflectance Profiles in %.
double value_defects
 The element value_defects is the defects value calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles (ern_max/SC overall).
double value_edge_contrast_min
 The element value_edge_contrast_min is the minimum edge contrast value in % calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_gt
 The element value_gt is the global threshold in % calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_modulation
 The element value_modulation is the modulation (ec_min/SC) value calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_pcs
 The element value_pcs is the print contrast signal calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_reflectance_max
 The element value_reflectance_max is the maximum reflectance value in % calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_reflectance_min
 The element value_reflectance_min is the minimum reflectance value in % calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.
double value_symbol_contrast
 The element value_symbol_contrast is the symbol contrast in % calculated under consideration of all Scan Reflectance Profiles.

Detailed Description

1D Code Grading functionality can be applied to the below listed 1D Codes which are activated and decoded by the Barcode Library in advance. The 1D Code Grading is based on Norm ICO/IEC 15416.

Following 1D code types are supported:

Code TypeSupported
CVC_BC_RSSOnly RSS14, RSS Limited and RSS Truncated (without 2D Composite)

If possible, 10 different Scan Reflectance Profiles are evaluated for code grading. The overall grading results (grades and measured values) are calculated on basis of individual results from the Scan Reflectance Profiles. The overall grading results, which are listed in the following, are summarised in structure CVC_BC_QUALITY_INFO and provided as additional information via the standard info structure CVC_BC_INFO.

The element result in structure CVC_BC_QUALITY_INFO contains status information about the recent grading process:

If grading was successful result is set to CVC_BC_GRADING_OK and all grades and measuring results are set accordingly. If result contains a value different from CVC_BC_GRADING_OK all grades and measuring values are set to zero.

If result is in the range from CVC_BC_GRADING_NO_RESULT to CVC_BC_GRADING_GRADING_NOT_SUPPORTED the grading was not successful and all grades and measuring values are set to zero.

If result is set to CVC_BC_GRADING_TIMELIMIT the time limit was reached during grading and all grades and measuring values are set to zero.

Additionally the CVC_BC_INFO element decoding_result has the value CVC_BC_BREAK_BY_ERROR and the element error_reason is set to CVC_BC_TIMELIMIT_REACHED.

If result is in the range from CVC_BC_GRADING_CODE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED to CVC_BC_GRADING_EC_MIN_FAILED an the grading was aborted and all grades and measuring results are set to zero.

The standard Barcode Decoding results will be available. In this case the CVC_BC_INFO element decoding_result contains CVC_BC_SUCCESS and the element error_reason is set to CVC_BC_NO_ERROR.

Supported platforms:
Related Topics:
CVC_BC_INFO Structure for 1D Code Grading

Field Documentation

◆ result