This is the complete list of members for RingBufferImage, including all inherited members.
AffineTransform(const Image &image, AffineMatrix2D affineMatrix, Area2D area) | Image | related |
AffineTransform(const Image &image, AffineMatrix2D affineMatrix) | Image | related |
Bounds() const noexcept | Image | inline |
BufferIndex() const noexcept | RingBufferImage | inline |
Clone() const | Image | inline |
ColorModel() const noexcept | Image | inline |
CoordinateSystem() const noexcept | Image | inline |
Copy(Image &targetImage, Rect< int > sourceRect, Point2D< int > targetPosition) const | Image | inline |
Copy(Image &targetImage) const | Image | inline |
Create(Size2D< int > size, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) | Image | inlinestatic |
Create(int width, int height, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromHandle(HandleGuard< Image > &&guard) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromHandle(HandleGuard< Image > &&guard, ARGS &&... args) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromImages(MappingOption mapping, const RANGE &images) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromImages(MappingOption mapping, const IMAGES &... images) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromPixelFormat(const Cvb::Size2D< int > &size, Cvb::PfncFormat format) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromPixelFormat(int width, int height, Cvb::PfncFormat format) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromPlanes(MappingOption mapping, const RANGE &planes) | Image | inlinestatic |
FromPlanes(MappingOption mapping, PLANES &&... planes) | Image | inlinestatic |
GetPixel(Point2D< int > position) const | Image | inline |
Handle() const noexcept | Image | inline |
Height() const noexcept | Image | inline |
Cvb::Driver::StreamImage::Image(Size2D< int > size, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) | Image | inlineexplicit |
Cvb::Driver::StreamImage::Image(int width, int height, int numPlanes=1, DataType dataType=DataType::Int8BppUnsigned()) | Image | inline |
Cvb::Driver::StreamImage::Image(const String &fileName) | Image | inlineexplicit |
ImageToPixelCoordinates(Point2D< double > point) const noexcept | Image | inline |
ImageToPixelCoordinates(Area2D area) const noexcept | Image | inline |
InversePolarTransform(const Image &image, Angle startAngle, double innerRadius) | Image | related |
InversePolarTransformToDst(const Image &imageSrc, Point2D< double > center, Angle startAngle, double innerRadius, Image &imageDst) | Image | related |
LinearTransform(const Image &image, Matrix2D matrix) | Image | related |
Load(const String &fileName) | Image | inlinestatic |
Map(Rect< int > rect) const | Image | inline |
Map(Rect< int > sourceRect, Size2D< int > targetSize) const | Image | inline |
Map(RotationMap rotation) const | Image | inline |
MapTo8Bit(const Image &image, PlaneNormalization planeNormalization=PlaneNormalization::Identical) | Image | related |
NormalizeMeanVariance(const Image &image, double targetMean, double targetVariance) | Image | related |
NormalizeMinMax(const Image &image, double targetMin, double targetMax) | Image | related |
ParentDevice() const noexcept | RingBufferImage | inline |
PixelToImageCoordinates(Point2D< double > point) const noexcept | Image | inline |
PixelToImageCoordinates(Area2D area) const noexcept | Image | inline |
Plane(int plane) const | Image | inline |
PlaneDataTypesIdentical() const noexcept | Image | inline |
Planes() const noexcept | Image | inline |
PlanesCount() const noexcept | Image | inline |
PolarTransform(const Image &image, Point2D< double > center, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, Angle startAngle, Angle totalAngle) | Image | related |
PolarTransform(const Image &image, Point2D< double > center, double innerRadius, double outerRadius) | Image | related |
RaisePixelContentChanged() const | Image | inline |
RaisePixelContentChanged(Rect< int > rect) const | Image | inline |
RawTimestamp() const noexcept override | RingBufferImage | inlinevirtual |
RegisterEventPixelContentChanged(std::function< void(const Image &, Rect< int >)> handler) | Image | inline |
Save(const String &fileName) const | Image | inline |
Save(const String &fileName, double quality) const | Image | inline |
SetCoordinateSystem(AffineMatrix2D affineMatrix) noexcept | Image | inline |
Size() const noexcept | Image | inline |
Unlock() | RingBufferImage | inline |
UnregisterEventPixelContentChanged(EventCookie eventCookie) noexcept | Image | inline |
Width() const noexcept | Image | inline |
~RingBufferImage() | RingBufferImage | inlinevirtual |