Foundation (CVMetric.dll) 14.1
CVMAQS12SEGMENTOR3DClustering Struct Reference

Parameters for clustering a point cloud to the 12 faces of the AQS12 piece. More...

Data Fields

size_t MinClusterSize
 Minimum cluster size (if it is zero, it will be calculated considering number of points in cloud).
size_t NumberNeighbors
 Number of neighbors used for the clustering (if it is zero, it will be calculated considering number of points in cloud).
size_t NumberNeighborsNormals
 Number of neighbors used for the calculation of normals (if it is below two, it will be calculated considering number of points in cloud).
cvbbool_t RemoveAqs12SideWalls
 Flag to remove existing side walls of the AQS12.
double ThresholdNormalDeviation
 Threshold of the normal deviation for condition region growing clustering (valid range is [0;1]).

Detailed Description

Parameters for clustering a point cloud to the 12 faces of the AQS12 piece.