Image Manager (CVCDriver.dll) 14.1
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 IDeviceControlInterface for controlling device related properties
 INodeMapHandleInterface for accessing module properties [Legacy API: 1st generation]
 INodeMapHandle2Interface for accessing module properties
 Data Acquisition
 IAcquisitionEngineInterface for controlling an image acquisition engine
 IBasicDigIOInterface for controlling a digital input/output device
 IGrab2Interface for grabbing images [Legacy API: 2nd generation]
 IGrabberInterface for grabbing images [Legacy API: 1st generation]
 ILineScanInterface for acquiring images from a line scan device (deprecated!)
 IPingPongInterface for asynchronous acquisition
 ISoftwareTriggerInterface for triggering a camera over software, not involving a hardware trigger signal
 IStreamControlInterface for controlling a data stream module
 IStreamEnumInterface for collecting information about data stream modules
 ITrigger InterfaceInterface for sending external trigger signals
 Device DiscoveryInterface for discovering devices
 Error Handlingcvbres_t error codes and helper macros
 Hardware Selection
 IBoardSelectInterface for selecting a board [Legacy API: 1st generation]
 IBoardSelect2Interface for selecting a board
 ICameraSelectInterface for selecting a camera [Legacy API: 1st generation]
 ICameraSelect2Interface for selecting a camera
 Memory Management
 IFlowSetInfoInterface for collecting information about data stream modules (specifically flows and flow sets)
 IFlowSetPoolInterface for collecting information about data stream modules (specifically flow sets)
 IFlowSetPoolOwnerInterface for setting up buffer memory for image data acquisition
 IRingBufferInterface for continuously acquiring images
 IImageRectInterface for changing resolution of an image
 INotifyInterface for being notified when a driver event happened
 IPropertyChangeInterface for being notified when a driver property is changed
 IRegPortInterface for accessing registers or device memory