Enumerator |
CVC_E_OK | No Error occurred.
CVC_E_ERROR | An unspecified error occurred for which no further information is available.
CVC_E_PARAMETER | A function was called with an invalid parameter value for one of the function's arguments.
CVC_E_FILEIO | An error occurred during a File I/O operation (e.g. while loading/saving data from/to a file).
CVC_E_TIMEOUT | A timeout occurred in an asynchronous function call.
CVC_E_MEMORY | The allocation of a block of memory failed, typically because the amount of memory available to the application was insufficient for the operation at hand.
CVC_E_INVALIDPLANE | A plane index was specified that was either negative or bigger than or equal to the number of planes in the image.
CVC_E_UNSUPPORTEDDATATYPE | The data type of the input image is not supported by the function that has been called.
CVC_E_INVALIDCAMERAPORT | An attempt to switch to an invalid/unavailable camera port was made.
CVC_E_BOARDSELECT | An attempt to switch to an invalid/unavailable board was made.
CVC_E_INVALIDTRIGGERMODE | An attempt to select and invalid/unsupported trigger mode was made.
CVC_E_PROPERTYREAD | An attempt to read a property was unsuccessful, either because the property does not exist or because the device or property is in a state that prevents the property from being read.
CVC_E_PROPERTYWRITE | An attempt to write a property was unsuccessful, either because the property does not exist or because the device or property is in a state that prevents the property from being written.
CVC_E_INVALIDPORT | An invalid/unavailable port was selected.
CVC_E_PORTREAD | A port read operation failed.
CVC_E_PORTWRITE | A port write operation failed.
CVC_E_NOIMAGE | The handle to at least one of the input images does not point to a valid image.
CVC_E_NOINTERFACE | The input image object does not support the interface required for this operation.
CVC_E_BUSY | The operation failed because the hardware is not in a state where it can handle that operation.
CVC_E_NOTSUPPORTED | The requested feature is not supported.
CVC_E_GRABABORTED | The current grab operation was aborted.
CVC_E_NOPIXELLIST | At least one of the input handles does not point to a valid pixel list.
CVC_E_NOTENOUGHDATA | The amount of input data is insufficient for the requested operation.
CVC_E_NOTRANSFORMATION | The object handle that was passed to the function does not point to a valid non linear transformation object.
CVC_E_LINEAR_ONLY | The function only works on images with a linear VPAT layout.
CVC_E_DIVISIONBYZERO | A division by zero was attempted.
CVC_E_INVALIDDIMENSION | An invalid number of planes was specified.
CVC_E_INVALIDCOLORMODEL | An invalid/undefined color model mode has been passed to the function.
CVC_E_INVALIDDATATYPE | An invalid data type descriptor has been passed to the function.
CVC_E_WRONGOBJECT | At least one of the input handles points to the wrong type of object.
CVC_E_NOTREADY | The device or object is not ready to handle the requested operation.
CVC_E_NOANGLE | The input handle does not point to a valid angle object.
CVC_E_NOVECTOR2D | The input handle does not point to a valid 2D vector object.
CVC_E_NOLINE2D | The input handle does not point to a valid 2D line object.
CVC_E_VECTOR2D_ZERO_LENGTH | The operation failed because the vector passed to this function has length zero.
CVC_E_VECTORS_IDENTICAL | The function call failed because the input vectors to this operation are identical.
CVC_E_LINE2D_VERTICAL | The operation failed because the line object passed to it is vertical.
CVC_E_LINE2D_HORIZONTAL | The operation failed because the line object passed to it is horizontal.
CVC_E_NOARGUMENT | The argument cannot be calculated for a vector of length zero.
CVC_E_LINE2D_UNDEFINED | The operation failed because the input line 2D object has not yet been defined
CVC_E_NOINTERSECTION | The operation failed because the the line objects provided to the function do not intersect
CVC_E_NOCLIPPING | No clipping points available.
CVC_E_NOTENOUGHLINES | Not enough lines available to calculate the intersection reliably.
CVC_E_OVERFLOW | An input value was too big or did lead to a too big result.
CVC_E_NOCIRCLE | The input handle does not point to a valid 2D circle object.
CVC_E_ACCESS | A feature access failed.
CVC_E_NOTPRESENT | The requested operation failed because the selected feature is not present.
CVC_E_UNSUPPORTEDFEATURE | The requested feature is not supported (may happen if a specific interface implementation does not implement all functionality).
CVC_E_INVALIDINDEX | An index value in an indexed access exceeded its limits.
CVC_E_NOOVERLAY | An image object that is expected to have overlay bits does not have overlay bits (see DT_Overlay).
CVC_E_INVALIDSTATE | A state which does not allow to call a function.
CVC_E_EMPTYRESULT | The function returned an empty result, e.g. nullptr for an empty point cloud.