Barcode (CVCBarcode.dll) 14.1
CVC_BC_INFO Struct Reference

This structure returns information about a decoded barcode. More...

Data Fields

short angle_of_distortion
 This property contains the angle of distortion in degree multiplied with a factor of 10. More...
short axial_nonuniformity
 This property contains the axial nonuniformity multiplied with a factor of 100. More...
short bar1
 This property specifies if the bar 1 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar2
 This property specifies if the bar 2 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar3
 This property specifies if the bar 3 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar4
 This property specifies if the bar 4 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar5
 This property specifies if the bar 5 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar6
 This property specifies if the bar 6 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar7
 This property specifies if the bar 7 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short bar8
 This property specifies if the bar 8 is present, miss or don't care. More...
short char_read
 The char_read element contains the number of characters in
the read barcode. More...
short char_truncated
 The char_truncated element specifies the number of characters which could not be entered in the field specified by the user because it was too small. More...
short code_out_of_aoi
 This flag will be set if parts of the code are outside the area of interest while calculating the QR grading results. More...
short code_position_status
short code_position_x1
 X-coordinate of edge 1 of the code. More...
short code_position_x2
 X-coordinate of edge 2 of the code. More...
short code_position_x3
 X-coordinate of edge 3 of the code. More...
short code_position_x4
 X-coordinate of edge 4 of the code. More...
short code_position_xm
short code_position_y1
 Y-coordinate of edge 1 of the code. More...
short code_position_y2
 Y-coordinate of edge 2 of the code. More...
short code_position_y3
 Y-coordinate of edge 3 of the code. More...
short code_position_y4
 Y-coordinate of edge 4 of the code. More...
short code_position_ym
short code_quiet_zone_out_of_aoi
 This flag will be set if parts of the code's quiet zone are outside the area of interest while calculating the QR grading results. More...
short code_rotation
short contrast
 The contrast element contains the minimal contrast in the code. More...
short contrast1
 This property specifies the contrast of bar1. More...
short contrast2
 This property specifies the contrast of bar2. More...
short contrast3
 This property specifies the contrast of bar3. More...
short contrast4
 This property specifies the contrast of bar4. More...
short contrast5
 This property specifies the contrast of bar5. More...
short contrast6
 This property specifies the contrast of bar6. More...
short contrast7
 This property specifies the contrast of bar7. More...
short contrast8
 This property specifies the contrast of bar8. More...
short decoding_result
 Decoding result. More...
short decoding_time
 The decoding_time specifies the time consumed for decoding in units of ms.
short ecc_level
 Ecc level. More...
short error_reason
 Error reason. More...
short fnc1
 Special flag used with the Code 128. More...
short fnc2
 Special flag used with the Code 128. More...
short fnc3
 Special flag used with the Code 128. More...
short fnc4
 Special flag used with the Code 128. More...
short format
 Format parameter. More...
short full_ascii
 The full_ascii element specifies the use of a full ascii description of the code, only used with the Code 39 and the Code 93. More...
short global_threshold
 Global threshold found during grading. More...
short grade_axial_nonuniformity
 This property contains the grade of the axial nonuniformity (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_fixed_pattern_damage
 This property contains the fixed pattern damage grade (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_format_information
 This property contains the format information grade (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_grid_nonuniformity
 This property contains the grade of the grid nonuniformity (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_modulation
 This property contains the modulation grade (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_print_growth
 This property contains the grade of the print growth (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_reference_decode
 This property indicates if the decoding algorithm was able to decode the code. If it achieves a valid decode, the decode grade is 4, otherwise it is 0. More...
short grade_symbol_contrast
 This property contains the grade of the symbol contrast (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_unused_error_correction
 This property contains the grade of the unused error correction (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grade_version_information
 This property contains the version information grade (ranging from 0 to 4). More...
short grid_nonuniformity
 This property contains the grid nonuniformity multiplied with a factor of 100. More...
short high_level_codepage
short high_level_error
short high_level_fnc1
short high_level_macro_05
short high_level_macro_06
short high_level_reader_pro
short high_level_structured_append_file_id
short high_level_structured_append_position
short high_level_structured_append_total
short high_level_symbology_modifier_character
short num_columns
 The num_columns element specifies the num of columns of the code, only with Data Matrix and PDF 417. More...
short num_digits
 The num_digits element contains the number of code words composing the read barcode. More...
short num_rows
 The num_rows element specifies the num of rows of the code, only with Data Matrix and PDF 417. More...
short number_system
 Number system. More...
short p1_x
 The p1_x element describes the x-coordinate of the first edge point of the detected code. More...
short p1_y
 The p1_y element describes the y-coordinate of the first edge point of the detected code. More...
short p2_x
 The p2_x element describes the x-coordinate of the second edge point of the detected code. More...
short p2_y
 The p2_y element describes the y-coordinate of the second edge point of the detected code. More...
short p3_x
 The p3_x element describes the x-coordinate of the third edge point of the detected code. More...
short p3_y
 The p3_y element describes the y-coordinate of the third edge point of the detected code. More...
short p4_x
 The p4_x element describes the x-coordinate of the fourth edge point of the detected code. More...
short p4_y
 The p4_y element describes the y-coordinate of the fourth edge point of the detected code. More...
short print_growth
 This property contains the print growth multiplied with a factor of 100. More...
CVC_BC_QUALITY_INFO quality_info
 1D Code Grading Results. More...
short r_max
 Maximum contrast found during grading. More...
short r_min
 Minimum contrast found during grading. More...
short resolution
 The resolution specifies the smallest width unit in the code in multiples of a 10th of a pixel. More...
short scan_grade
 This property contains the "scan grade" which is the lowest of the parameter grades achieved above. More...
short search_direction
short search_radius
short start_position_x
short start_position_y
short subgrade_a1
 This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based. More...
short subgrade_a2
 This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based. More...
short subgrade_a3
 This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based. More...
short subgrade_b1
 This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based. More...
short subgrade_b2
 This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based. More...
short subgrade_c
 This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based. More...
short symbol_contrast
 This property contains the symbol contrast in %. More...
short type
 The type element contains one of the constants from CVC_BC_TYPE. This can also be CVC_BC_NOREAD if no barcode has been recognised. More...
short unused_error_correction
 This property contains the unused error correction in %. More...
short used_ecc
 The used_ecc element specifies the used ecc for the error correction in %. More...

Detailed Description

This structure returns information about a decoded barcode.

When the function CvcBcDecodeBarcode is called, a pointer to this type of structure is passed. After the call this structure
contains information about the recognised barcode.

If a barcode cannot be read, it is possible to obtain more detailed information about the barcode evaluation via the elements decoding_result and error_reason. Only those elements of the info-structure will be filled for which informations were available at the moment the evaluation stopped.

This structure is used for different kind of barcodes. Thus, only some of these parameters are used for different kind of barcodes.
General information:
type, char_read, char_truncated, num_digits, decoding_time, ecc_level, format, num_rows, num_columns, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, used_ecc, fnc1, fnc2, fnc3, fnc4, full_ascii, number_system, bar1, bar2, bar3, bar4, bar5, bar6, bar7, bar8, contrast1, contrast2, contrast3, contrast4, contrast5, contrast6, contrast7, contrast8, code_position_x1,

code_position_y1, #code_position_x2, #code_position_y2,

code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, decoding_result, and error_reason.

These are the info-structure parameters regarding the SonyCode. Some elements of the info-structure are not used for decoding the SonyCode and therefore there will not be set.

num_digits, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, resolution, contrast, fnc1, and fnc2.

Code Grading (2D):
If the function "code grading" is active the following information will be determined:

grade_reference_decode, grade_symbol_contrast, grade_axial_nonuniformity, grade_unused_error_correction, grade_grid_nonuniformity, scan_grade, symbol_contrast, axial_nonuniformity, grid_nonuniformity, unused_error_correction, print_growth, and angle_of_distortion.
QR code:
After decoding of a QR Code the info structure contains meta information regarding the result:

type, char_read, ecc_level, format, num_rows, num_columns, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y, resolution, used_ecc, contrast, number_system, decoding_time, decoding_result, and error_reason.
Code Grading (QR):
QR code grading will produce the following results (if selected in the CvcBcSetQRCodeGrading call):

grade_reference_decode, scan_grade, grade_symbol_contrast, grade_axial_nonuniformity, grade_grid_nonuniformity, grade_unused_error_correction, angle_of_distortion, grade_modulation, grade_fixed_pattern_damage, grade_format_information, grade_version_information, r_min, r_max, global_threshold

Field Documentation

◆ angle_of_distortion

short angle_of_distortion

This property contains the angle of distortion in degree multiplied with a factor of 10.

If the angle of distortion is inactive angle_of_distortion will be 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ axial_nonuniformity

short axial_nonuniformity

This property contains the axial nonuniformity multiplied with a factor of 100.

If the axial nonuniformity is not active the axial_nonuniformity will be 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ bar1

short bar1

This property specifies if the bar 1 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar2

short bar2

This property specifies if the bar 2 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar3

short bar3

This property specifies if the bar 3 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar4

short bar4

This property specifies if the bar 4 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar5

short bar5

This property specifies if the bar 5 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar6

short bar6

This property specifies if the bar 6 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar7

short bar7

This property specifies if the bar 7 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ bar8

short bar8

This property specifies if the bar 8 is present, miss or don't care.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ char_read

short char_read

The char_read element contains the number of characters in
the read barcode.

This value is also returned by the CvcBcDecodeBarcode function as the function result.

In case of a QR code and using Kanji characters, these are counted as two characters.

◆ char_truncated

short char_truncated

The char_truncated element specifies the number of characters which could not be entered in the field specified by the user because it was too small.

This number should usually be zero, provided that you have specified a field large enough to accommodate all relevant barcodes.

◆ code_out_of_aoi

short code_out_of_aoi

This flag will be set if parts of the code are outside the area of interest while calculating the QR grading results.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ code_position_status

short code_position_status

◆ code_position_x1

short code_position_x1

X-coordinate of edge 1 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_x2

short code_position_x2

X-coordinate of edge 2 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_x3

short code_position_x3

X-coordinate of edge 3 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_x4

short code_position_x4

X-coordinate of edge 4 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_xm

short code_position_xm

◆ code_position_y1

short code_position_y1

Y-coordinate of edge 1 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_y2

short code_position_y2

Y-coordinate of edge 2 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_y3

short code_position_y3

Y-coordinate of edge 3 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_y4

short code_position_y4

Y-coordinate of edge 4 of the code.

The parameters code_position_x1, code_position_y1, code_position_x2, code_position_y2, code_position_x3, code_position_y3, code_position_x4, and code_position_y4 define all 4 edges of a code, but only when this feature is enabled.

This is independent from the type of code read. Furthermore, it provides the centre of gravity as well as the rotation of the code. The rotation is denoted clockwise in the general case. If the code is mirrored, the angle is given counterclockwise.

This parameters is not enabled by default.

◆ code_position_ym

short code_position_ym

◆ code_quiet_zone_out_of_aoi

short code_quiet_zone_out_of_aoi

This flag will be set if parts of the code's quiet zone are outside the area of interest while calculating the QR grading results.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ code_rotation

short code_rotation

◆ contrast

short contrast

The contrast element contains the minimal contrast in the code.

In case of a QR code this parameter is not calculated at the moment. Therefore the value is always 0.

◆ contrast1

short contrast1

This property specifies the contrast of bar1.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast2

short contrast2

This property specifies the contrast of bar2.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast3

short contrast3

This property specifies the contrast of bar3.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast4

short contrast4

This property specifies the contrast of bar4.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast5

short contrast5

This property specifies the contrast of bar5.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast6

short contrast6

This property specifies the contrast of bar6.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast7

short contrast7

This property specifies the contrast of bar7.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ contrast8

short contrast8

This property specifies the contrast of bar8.

This property is only used with the 2D Pharmacode.

◆ decoding_result

◆ decoding_time

short decoding_time

The decoding_time specifies the time consumed for decoding in units of ms.

◆ ecc_level

short ecc_level

Ecc level.

The ecc_level element specifies the encoding level of the code, only used with Data Matrix and PDF 417.

In case of a QR code ecc_level specifies the encoding level of the code. Following values are possible:

Not decodable = 0
None= 1
L= 2
M= 3
Q= 4
H= 5

◆ error_reason

◆ fnc1

short fnc1

Special flag used with the Code 128.

The fnc1 flag is used to show if it is a Code 128 or an EAN128. If the value is 0 it is an EAN 128, if the value is 1 it is a Code 128.

In case of a SonyCode this property contains the radius code. The element fnc1 contains the radius in 10th of a mm. The value is in the range from 190 to 588. The radius code is only calculated when the parameter code_interpretation (see CvcBcSetSonyCode) is active. If the parameter code_interpretation is active the info-structure element full_ascii will be set to 1.

◆ fnc2

short fnc2

Special flag used with the Code 128.

In case of a SonyCode this property contains the radius code. The element fnc2 contains the product ID, which ranges from 0 to 7. The radius code is only calculated when the parameter code_interpretation (see CvcBcSetSonyCode) is active. If the parameter code_interpretation is active the info-structure element full_ascii will be set to 1.

◆ fnc3

short fnc3

Special flag used with the Code 128.

◆ fnc4

short fnc4

Special flag used with the Code 128.

◆ format

short format

Format parameter.

The format element specifies the encoding scheme of the code, only used with Data Matrix ECC200.

In case of a QR code: the format property retrieves the version number. Following versions are possible:
Version 1 to 40: 1 ... 40
Version M1 to M4: 41 ... 44.

◆ full_ascii

short full_ascii

The full_ascii element specifies the use of a full ascii description of the code, only used with the Code 39 and the Code 93.

full_ascii is also used to issue information with the SonyCode.

◆ global_threshold

short global_threshold

Global threshold found during grading.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ grade_axial_nonuniformity

short grade_axial_nonuniformity

This property contains the grade of the axial nonuniformity (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the axial nonuniformity is not active the grading is -1.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ grade_fixed_pattern_damage

short grade_fixed_pattern_damage

This property contains the fixed pattern damage grade (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the fixed pattern damage grading is not active the grading result is -1. The fixed pattern damage grade is based on the results storedin subgrade_a1, subgrade_a2, subgrade_a3, subgrade_b1, subgrade_b2 and subgrade_c.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ grade_format_information

short grade_format_information

This property contains the format information grade (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the format information grading is not active the grading result is -1.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ grade_grid_nonuniformity

short grade_grid_nonuniformity

This property contains the grade of the grid nonuniformity (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the grid nonuniformity is not active the grading is -1.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ grade_modulation

short grade_modulation

This property contains the modulation grade (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the modulation grading is not active the grading result is -1.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ grade_print_growth

short grade_print_growth

This property contains the grade of the print growth (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the print growth is not active the grading is -1.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ grade_reference_decode

short grade_reference_decode

This property indicates if the decoding algorithm was able to decode the code. If it achieves a valid decode, the decode grade is 4, otherwise it is 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ grade_symbol_contrast

short grade_symbol_contrast

This property contains the grade of the symbol contrast (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the symbol contrast is not active the grade is -1.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ grade_unused_error_correction

short grade_unused_error_correction

This property contains the grade of the unused error correction (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the unused error correction is not active the grading is -1.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ grade_version_information

short grade_version_information

This property contains the version information grade (ranging from 0 to 4).

If the version information grading is not active the grading result is -1.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ grid_nonuniformity

short grid_nonuniformity

This property contains the grid nonuniformity multiplied with a factor of 100.

If the grid nonuniformity is not active the grid_nonuniformity will be 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ high_level_codepage

short high_level_codepage

◆ high_level_error

short high_level_error

◆ high_level_fnc1

short high_level_fnc1

◆ high_level_macro_05

short high_level_macro_05

◆ high_level_macro_06

short high_level_macro_06

◆ high_level_reader_pro

short high_level_reader_pro

◆ high_level_structured_append_file_id

short high_level_structured_append_file_id

◆ high_level_structured_append_position

short high_level_structured_append_position

◆ high_level_structured_append_total

short high_level_structured_append_total

◆ high_level_symbology_modifier_character

short high_level_symbology_modifier_character

◆ num_columns

short num_columns

The num_columns element specifies the num of columns of the code, only with Data Matrix and PDF 417.

In case of a QR code is number is always the same.

◆ num_digits

short num_digits

The num_digits element contains the number of code words composing the read barcode.

In general this number is a measure of the absolute size of the barcode and does not usually correspond to the number of characters read. The exact number of num_digits depends on the recognised barcode (see also the example for Code 39 in chapter Fundamentals of barcode acquisition). Start- and stop digits are not counted as code words.

In case of a QR code is number is always the same.

◆ num_rows

short num_rows

The num_rows element specifies the num of rows of the code, only with Data Matrix and PDF 417.

◆ number_system

short number_system

Number system.

The number_system element specifies the number system which is used with the UPC E code.

In case of a QR code number_system returns the used masking of the QR code. Following values are possible:
Masking unknown = 0
Masking 000 = 1
Masking 001 = 2
Masking 010 = 3
Masking 011 = 4
Masking 100 = 5
Masking 101 = 6
Masking 110 = 7
Masking 111 = 8

◆ p1_x

short p1_x

The p1_x element describes the x-coordinate of the first edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a SonyCode the properties p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, and p2_y define the image coordinates marking the position where the SonyCode has been read. p1 is located at the begin of the start sign (A) and p2 is always be located at the end of the stop sign (F).

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p1_y

short p1_y

The p1_y element describes the y-coordinate of the first edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a SonyCode the properties p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, and p2_y define the image coordinates marking the position where the SonyCode has been read. p1 is located at the begin of the start sign (A) and p2 is always be located at the end of the stop sign (F).

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p2_x

short p2_x

The p2_x element describes the x-coordinate of the second edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a SonyCode the properties p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, and p2_y define the image coordinates marking the position where the SonyCode has been read. p1 is located at the begin of the start sign (A) and p2 is always be located at the end of the stop sign (F).

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p2_y

short p2_y

The p2_y element describes the y-coordinate of the second edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a SonyCode the properties p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, and p2_y define the image coordinates marking the position where the SonyCode has been read. p1 is located at the begin of the start sign (A) and p2 is always be located at the end of the stop sign (F).

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p3_x

short p3_x

The p3_x element describes the x-coordinate of the third edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a SonyCode the properties p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, and p2_y define the image coordinates marking the position where the SonyCode has been read. p1 is located at the begin of the start sign (A) and p2 is always be located at the end of the stop sign (F).

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p3_y

short p3_y

The p3_y element describes the y-coordinate of the third edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p4_x

short p4_x

The p4_x element describes the x-coordinate of the fourth edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ p4_y

short p4_y

The p4_y element describes the y-coordinate of the fourth edge point of the detected code.

For the codes Data Matrix, PDF 417 and Pharmacode all four points are set. For normal 1D Barcodes only two points are set.

In case of a QR code the edge-points of the code are counterclockwise. If the code is not decoded the markers could be outside the code. If only one marker of the QR code is found, the coordinates are stored here.
Related Topics:
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y, p4_x, p4_y

◆ print_growth

short print_growth

This property contains the print growth multiplied with a factor of 100.

If the print growth is inactive print_growth will be 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ quality_info

CVC_BC_QUALITY_INFO quality_info

1D Code Grading Results.

◆ r_max

short r_max

Maximum contrast found during grading.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ r_min

short r_min

Minimum contrast found during grading.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ resolution

short resolution

The resolution specifies the smallest width unit in the code in multiples of a 10th of a pixel.

In case of a SonyCode this may either be the narrowest width of a line and/or of a gap.

◆ scan_grade

short scan_grade

This property contains the "scan grade" which is the lowest of the parameter grades achieved above.

Only active grades will not 

incur in the result of the scan grade.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ search_direction

short search_direction

◆ search_radius

short search_radius

◆ start_position_x

short start_position_x

◆ start_position_y

short start_position_y

◆ subgrade_a1

short subgrade_a1

This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ subgrade_a2

short subgrade_a2

This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ subgrade_a3

short subgrade_a3

This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ subgrade_b1

short subgrade_b1

This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ subgrade_b2

short subgrade_b2

This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ subgrade_c

short subgrade_c

This is one of the sub grades on which the calculation of the fixed_pattern_damage grade is based.

This property is only used with QR Code Grading.

◆ symbol_contrast

short symbol_contrast

This property contains the symbol contrast in %.

If the symbol contrast is not active the symbol_contrast will be 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ type

short type

The type element contains one of the constants from CVC_BC_TYPE. This can also be CVC_BC_NOREAD if no barcode has been recognised.

In case of a QR code the type contains one of the constants from CVC_BC_QR.

◆ unused_error_correction

short unused_error_correction

This property contains the unused error correction in %.

If the unused error correction is not active the unused_error_correction will be 0.

This property is only used with Code Grading.

◆ used_ecc

short used_ecc

The used_ecc element specifies the used ecc for the error correction in %.

This property is only used for Data Matrix and PDF 417.