PointCloudExtensions Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The PointCloudExtensions type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCalculateBoundingBox
Calculates the minimum and maximum extent of the point cloud.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateCenterOfGravity
Calculates the center of gravity of the point cloud.
Public methodStatic memberCalculateCovarianceMatrix
Calculates the covariance matrix of the point cloud.
Public methodStatic memberCrop
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, which only consists of the points inside the given clipBox.
Public methodStatic memberDownsampleByFactor
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with every nth point removed (n being defined by the given factor).
Public methodStatic memberDownsampleRandomly
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with n random points removed (n being defined by the given amount).
Public methodStatic memberFitPlane(PointCloud)
Fits a plane in the points of the PointCloudpc.
Public methodStatic memberFitPlane(PointCloud, Cuboid)
Fits a plane in the points of the PointCloudpc restricted by the given aoi.
Public methodStatic memberSave
Saves this point cloud to the given fileName.
Public methodStatic memberScale
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with all points scaled by the given factors.
Public methodStatic memberToRangeMap(PointCloud, ValueRangeDouble, ValueRangeDouble, Size2D, Double)
Creates a new range map image via linear project in negative z direction.
Public methodStatic memberToRangeMap(PointCloud, ValueRangeDouble, ValueRangeDouble, Int32, Int32, Double)
Creates a new range map image via linear project in negative z direction.
See Also
