PointCloud Methods

CVB.Net Documentation

The PointCloud type exposes the following members.


Public methodClone
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud.
Public methodDispose
IDisposable implementation.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
IDisposable helper function.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
(Overrides ObjectFinalize.)
Public methodStatic memberFromFile(String)
Loads a point cloud from the given fileName.
Public methodStatic memberFromFile(String, PointCloudFlags)
Loads a point cloud from the given fileName with the specified flags.
Public methodStatic memberFromHandle
Creates a point cloud from the given handle.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTryEnumeratePointsAsT
Tries to get the points of this point cloud.
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodCalculateBoundingBox
Calculates the minimum and maximum extent of the point cloud.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCalculateCenterOfGravity
Calculates the center of gravity of the point cloud.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCalculateCovarianceMatrix
Calculates the covariance matrix of the point cloud.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCrop
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, which only consists of the points inside the given clipBox.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDownsampleByFactor
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with every nth point removed (n being defined by the given factor).
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodDownsampleRandomly
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with n random points removed (n being defined by the given amount).
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFitPlaneOverloaded.
Fits a plane in the points of the PointCloudpc.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodFitPlane(Cuboid)Overloaded.
Fits a plane in the points of the PointCloudpc restricted by the given aoi.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSave
Saves this point cloud to the given fileName.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodScale
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with all points scaled by the given factors.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToRangeMap(ValueRangeDouble, ValueRangeDouble, Size2D, Double)Overloaded.
Creates a new range map image via linear project in negative z direction.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToRangeMap(ValueRangeDouble, ValueRangeDouble, Int32, Int32, Double)Overloaded.
Creates a new range map image via linear project in negative z direction.
(Defined by PointCloudExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTransform(AffineMatrix3D)Overloaded.
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with all points being transformed by the given affineTransformation.
(Defined by Transform3D.)
Public Extension MethodTransform(Matrix3DH)Overloaded.
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud, with all points being transformed by the given transformation.
(Defined by Transform3D.)
Public Extension MethodTransform(AffineMatrix3D, PointCloud)Overloaded.
Transforms all points of this point cloud with the given affineTransformation and stores them in the target.
(Defined by Transform3D.)
Public Extension MethodTransform(Matrix3DH, PointCloud)Overloaded.
Transforms all points of this point cloud with the given transformation and stores them in the target.
(Defined by Transform3D.)
Explicit Interface Implementations

Explicit interface implementationPrivate methodICloneableClone
Creates a new point cloud which is a copy of this point cloud.
See Also
