Image Manager (CVGenApi.dll) 15.0
GenICam Nodes


typedef void * NODE
 Handle to object representing a node. More...
typedef void * NODECALLBACK
 Handle referencing a NODE specific registered callback function. More...
typedef void(__stdcall * TFNode) (NODE Node, void *pPrivate)
 Callback function which is called with node related events. More...


enum  TAccessMode {
  AM_NI = 0 , AM_NA , AM_RO , AM_WO ,
 Access mode of a node.
enum  TCachingMode { CM_NoCache = 0 , CM_WriteThrough , CM_WriteAround }
 Information on how the nodes cache their values.
enum  TNodeInfo {
  NI_Name = 0 , NI_DisplayName , NI_AccessMode , NI_Max ,
  NI_Min , NI_Increment , NI_NumEnumEntries , NI_Streamable ,
  NI_CachingMode , NI_Tooltip , NI_Description , NI_Visibility ,
  NI_PollingTime , NI_EventID , NI_RegisterAddress , NI_RegisterLength ,
  NI_Representation , NI_Unit , NI_AliasName , NI_Deprecated ,
  NI_Feature , NI_Last
 Defines commands to retrieve information about a node. More...
enum  TNodeList {
  NL_ChildNode = 0 , NL_Selected , NL_EnumEntry , NL_Selecting ,
 Definition for functions which list nodes to access.
enum  TNodeType {
  NT_Invalid = -1 , NT_Unknown = 0 , NT_Boolean , NT_Category ,
  NT_Command , NT_Enumeration , NT_EnumEntry , NT_Float ,
  NT_Integer , NT_String , NT_Port , NT_Node ,
 Type of a node handle object. More...
enum  TNumberRepresentation {
  NR_Undefined = -1 , NR_Linear , NR_Logarithmic , NR_Boolean ,
  NR_PureNumber , NR_HexNumber , NR_IPv4 , NR_MAC
 Defines possible representation of a number. More...
enum  TVerifyMode {
  VM_NO = 0 , VM_WO , VM_RO , VM_RW ,
 Sets the verification mode in a node for readand write access. More...
enum  TVisibility { NV_Beginner = 0 , NV_Expert , NV_Guru , NV_Invisible = -1 }
 This is the recommended visibility level. More...

Type Information

cvbbool_t IsNode (NODE Node)
 Checks whether the given Node handle is valid. More...
cvbres_t NType (NODE Node, TNodeType &Type)
 Gets the node type (implemented GenApi interface). More...

NODE Access

cvbres_t NGetAsBoolean (NODE Node, cvbbool_t &Value)
 Gets the given Node value as a Boolean value. More...
cvbres_t NGetAsFloat (NODE Node, double &Value)
 Gets the given Node value as a double. More...
cvbres_t NGetAsInteger (NODE Node, cvbint64_t &Value)
 Gets the given Node value as an int64. More...
cvbres_t NGetAsString (NODE Node, char *Value, size_t &ValueSize)
 Gets the given Node value as a C string. More...
cvbres_t NGetAsStringW (NODE Node, wchar_t *Value, size_t &ValueSize)
 Gets the given Node value as a wide C string. More...
cvbres_t NGetAsMemory (NODE PortNode, cvbint64_t Address, void *pBuffer, size_t BufferSize)
 Reads arbitrary data from a given Address. More...
cvbres_t NInvalidate (NODE Node)
 Invalidates the given Node. More...
cvbres_t NSetAsBoolean (NODE Node, cvbbool_t Value)
 Sets the given Node value as a Boolean. More...
cvbres_t NSetAsFloat (NODE Node, double Value)
 Sets the given Node value as a double. More...
cvbres_t NSetAsInteger (NODE Node, cvbint64_t Value)
 Sets the given Node value as an int64. More...
cvbres_t NSetAsString (NODE Node, const char *Value)
 Sets the given Node value as a C string. More...
cvbres_t NSetAsStringW (NODE Node, const wchar_t *Value)
 Sets the given Node value as a wide C string. More...
cvbres_t NSetAsMemory (NODE PortNode, cvbint64_t Address, const void *pBuffer, size_t BufferSize)
 Writes arbitrary data to a given Address. More...

NODE Information

cvbres_t NInfoAsBoolean (NODE Node, ::TNodeInfo Cmd, cvbbool_t &Info)
 Gets information about the given Node as a Boolean value. More...
cvbres_t NInfoAsFloat (NODE Node, ::TNodeInfo Cmd, double &Info)
 Gets information about the given Node as a double value. More...
cvbres_t NInfoAsInteger (NODE Node, ::TNodeInfo Cmd, cvbint64_t &Info)
 Gets information about the given Node as an int64 value. More...
cvbres_t NInfoAsString (NODE Node, ::TNodeInfo Cmd, char *Info, size_t &InfoSize)
 Gets information about the given Node as a C string value. More...
cvbres_t NInfoAsStringW (NODE Node, ::TNodeInfo Cmd, wchar_t *Info, size_t &InfoSize)
 Gets information about the given Node as a wide C string value. More...
cvbres_t NInfoEnum (NODE Node, cvbdim_t Index, cvbint64_t &IntegerValue, char *StringValue, size_t &StringValueSize)
 Gets the available entries for a GenApi::IEnumeration node. More...
cvbres_t NInfoEnumW (NODE Node, cvbdim_t Index, cvbint64_t &IntegerValue, wchar_t *StringValue, size_t &StringValueSize)
 Gets the available entries for a GenApi::IEnumeration node. More...
cvbres_t NListCount (NODE Node, TNodeList List, cvbdim_t &NodeCount)
 Gets the number of entries of the specified List of the given Node. More...
cvbres_t NList (NODE Node, TNodeList List, cvbdim_t Index, char *Entry, size_t &EntrySize)
 Gets the node Entry name at the given Index. More...
cvbres_t NListW (NODE Node, TNodeList List, cvbdim_t Index, wchar_t *Entry, size_t &EntrySize)
 Gets the node Entry name at the given Index. More...
cvbres_t NGetVerifyMode (NODE Node, TVerifyMode &Mode)
 Gets the current TVerifyMode of this node. More...
cvbres_t NSetVerifyMode (NODE Node, TVerifyMode Mode)
 Sets a new TVerifyMode for this node. More...

NODE Callback Handling

cvbres_t NRegisterUpdate (NODE Node, TFNode Callback, void *pPrivate, NODECALLBACK &Handle)
 Registers the node updated callback. More...
cvbres_t NDeregisterUpdate (NODE Node, NODECALLBACK Handle)
 Unregisters a formerly registered function. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation


Handle to object representing a node.

All types of nodes are referenced via this handle.

See also


Handle referencing a NODE specific registered callback function.

This handle identifies a registered callback function on a node. Use this handle to unregister the callback on the node it was registered on.

See also

◆ TFNode

void(* TFNode)(NODE Node, void *pPrivate)

Callback function which is called with node related events.

This function can be registered by the NRegisterUpdate function to get notifications on invalidated (and thus updated) nodes.

The call of this function does not necessarily mean that the given Node is currently accessible. Invalidations also occur when the Node access status changes (e.g. from AM_RO to AM_NA).
Node[in] Node object that was invalidated (changed).
pPrivate[in] Pointer to user data given in the register function.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ TAccessMode

Access mode of a node.


Node is not implemented in the device.


Node is currently not available.


Node is only readable.


Node is only writable.


Node is readable and writable.

◆ TCachingMode

Information on how the nodes cache their values.


No caching used.
Values are always read or written from/to device.


Write to cache and register.
Write to cache and device. Reading will be performed on cache.


Write to register, cache is updated on next read.
Write to device. Next read will write the cache. Ongoing reads read the cache (until next write).

◆ TNodeInfo

enum TNodeInfo

Defines commands to retrieve information about a node.


Gets the full name of the node.
The full name can be used to uniquely identify a certain node. It contains its namespace (Cust or Std) and its name seperated by a double colon (::).
This is a string value.


Gets the display name of the node. This is a human readable name of the node.
This is a string value.


Gets the TAccessMode of a node.
This is an integer value.


Gets the maximal possible value for the node.
This is an integer or float value depending on the TNodeType.


Gets the minimal possible value for the node.
This is an integer or float value depending on the TNodeType.


Gets the increment value of the node.
All values of the node must be multiples of this value.
This is an integer value for the NT_Integer.


Gets the number of currently available enumeration entries of the node.
Use the NInfoEnum function to query possible integer and string values for the enumeration.
This is an integer value.


Gets whether the node is streamable.
This feature can be used to save settings of a device and restore them later.
Streamable nodes support being written to the device unvalidated. If the device supports it the register map can be checked after the complete write process.
This is an integer value.


Gets the TCachingMode.
This is an integer value.


Gets the tooltip of the node.
The tooltip is a short descriptive text about the node and its function.
This is a string value.


Gets the description of the node.
The description is a descriptive text about the node and its function.
This is a string value.


Gets the TVisibility.
Recommended visibility level.
This is an integer value.


Gets the polling time in ms for uncached nodes (0 for no polling).
This is an integer value.

Gets the polling time in ms.
This is an integer value.


Gets the event ID if any is available (empty string).
This is a string value.


Gets the address of a register node.
This is an integer value.


Gets the length of a register node in bytes.
This is an integer value.


Gets the number representation if applicable.
This is an integer value.


Gets the unit of float nodes as a string.
This is an string value.


Gets the full name of an alias node (empty for none).
This is an string value.


Gets whether this node has been deprecated.
This is an integer value.


Gets whether this is a public feature node.
This is an integer value.

◆ TNodeList

enum TNodeList

Definition for functions which list nodes to access.


Access the child node list.
Child nodes are all nodes which are logical grouped in this feature node.


Access the selected node list.
Selected nodes are dependent on the current node, e.g. Indexers for arrays.


Access the enumeration entry list.
This list contains all enumeration entries for the enumeration node. Even those which are currently not available (check TAccessMode).


Access the list of nodes selecting this node.
Selecting nodes are nodes which select this node. e.g. a Selector.


Enumeration helper to identify the end of the enumeration list.

◆ TNodeType

enum TNodeType

Type of a node handle object.


Node is not a valid NODE object.


Node is of an unknown or unsupported type.


Node is a boolean feature.
Use NGetAsBoolean or NSetAsBoolean to access the node.


Node is a category feature.
Use NList function with NL_ChildNode to query child nodes.


Node is a command feature.
Use NGetAsBoolean or NSetAsBoolean to access the node.


Node is an enumeration feature.
Use NGetAsInteger and NSetAsInteger to access the numeric value of the enumeration.
Use NGetAsString and NSetAsString to access the symbolic value of the enumeration.
Use NInfoEnum to query available (and implemented) symbolics.


Node is an enumeration entry node.
Used in the NList function with NL_EnumEntry.


Node is a float feature.
Use NGetAsFloat or NSetAsFloat to access the node.


Node is a integer feature.
Use NGetAsInteger and NSetAsInteger to access the node.


Node is a string feature.
Use NGetAsString and NSetAsString to access the node.


Node is a port node.
No value get/set is possible, but generic memory reads/writes can be done via NGetAsMemory and NSetAsMemory.


Node is a generic node.
Value get/set is not possible. Just invalidation, information and events.

◆ TNumberRepresentation

Defines possible representation of a number.


Not set in XML (treated as linear).


Slider with linear behavior.


Slider with logarithmic behavior.


True/False representation.


Decimal number in an edit control.


Hex number in an edit control.


IPv4 address in an edit control.


MAC address in an edit control.

◆ TVerifyMode

Sets the verification mode in a node for readand write access.

If verification is enabledand the written / read value is invalid the get or set function returns an CVC access or parameter error.


Neither read nor writes are verified.


Only write access is verified. This is the default.


Only read access is verified.


Both read and write access are verified.

◆ TVisibility

This is the recommended visibility level.

UIs can decide whether or not to show certain feature nodes based on their visibility.


Visible for beginners.


Visible for experts.


Visible for gurus.


Not visible at all.

Function Documentation

◆ IsNode()

cvbbool_t IsNode ( NODE  Node)

Checks whether the given Node handle is valid.

[in]NodeHandle to be checked.
true if the given handle is valid; false otherwise.

◆ NDeregisterUpdate()

cvbres_t NDeregisterUpdate ( NODE  Node,

Unregisters a formerly registered function.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]HandleHandle of callback function to be unregistered.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetAsBoolean()

cvbres_t NGetAsBoolean ( NODE  Node,
cvbbool_t &  Value 

Gets the given Node value as a Boolean value.

If the value of the node is not readable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ValueReference to variable in which the current value of the node is written.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetAsFloat()

cvbres_t NGetAsFloat ( NODE  Node,
double &  Value 

Gets the given Node value as a double.

If the value of the node is not readable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ValueReference to variable in which the current value of the node is written.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetAsInteger()

cvbres_t NGetAsInteger ( NODE  Node,
cvbint64_t &  Value 

Gets the given Node value as an int64.

If the value of the node is not readable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ValueReference to variable in which the current value of the node is written.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetAsMemory()

cvbres_t NGetAsMemory ( NODE  PortNode,
cvbint64_t  Address,
void *  pBuffer,
size_t  BufferSize 

Reads arbitrary data from a given Address.

This function only works on NT_Port nodes.
[in]PortNodeThe port node to read data from.
[in]AddressAddress to read from.
[in]pBufferBuffer to write read data to.
[in]BufferSizeSize of the given pBuffer memory.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetAsString()

cvbres_t NGetAsString ( NODE  Node,
char *  Value,
size_t &  ValueSize 

Gets the given Node value as a C string.

If the value of the node is not readable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ValueC string to be filled with requested value; NULL for size inquiry (see ValueSize).
[in,out]ValueSizeGives the buffer size of Value or receives the minimal needed size (including the terminating zero in either case) if Value is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetAsStringW()

cvbres_t NGetAsStringW ( NODE  Node,
wchar_t *  Value,
size_t &  ValueSize 

Gets the given Node value as a wide C string.

If the value of the node is not readable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ValueWide C string to be filled with requested value; NULL for size inquiry (see ValueSize).
[in,out]ValueSizeGives the buffer size of Value or receives the minimal needed size if Value is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NGetVerifyMode()

cvbres_t NGetVerifyMode ( NODE  Node,
TVerifyMode Mode 

Gets the current TVerifyMode of this node.

The mode indicates whether value reads and/or writes are to be verified. If a value is out of range no value is set/returned and an appropriate error code is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ModeReference to variable to contain the current mode.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoAsBoolean()

cvbres_t NInfoAsBoolean ( NODE  Node,
::TNodeInfo  Cmd,
cvbbool_t &  Info 

Gets information about the given Node as a Boolean value.

If a requested information is not available as a Boolean the function returns an error.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]CmdCommand to identify the information to be retrieved.
[out]InfoRequested information.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoAsFloat()

cvbres_t NInfoAsFloat ( NODE  Node,
::TNodeInfo  Cmd,
double &  Info 

Gets information about the given Node as a double value.

If a requested information is not available as a double the function returns an error.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]CmdCommand to identify the information to be retrieved.
[out]InfoRequested information.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoAsInteger()

cvbres_t NInfoAsInteger ( NODE  Node,
::TNodeInfo  Cmd,
cvbint64_t &  Info 

Gets information about the given Node as an int64 value.

If a requested information is not available as an int64 the function returns an error.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]CmdCommand to identify the information to be retrieved.
[out]InfoRequested information.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoAsString()

cvbres_t NInfoAsString ( NODE  Node,
::TNodeInfo  Cmd,
char *  Info,
size_t &  InfoSize 

Gets information about the given Node as a C string value.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]CmdCommand to identify the information to be retrieved.
[out]InfoC string to be filled with requested information; NULL for size inquiry (see InfoSize).
[in,out]InfoSizeGives the buffer size of Info or receives the minimal needed size if Info is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoAsStringW()

cvbres_t NInfoAsStringW ( NODE  Node,
::TNodeInfo  Cmd,
wchar_t *  Info,
size_t &  InfoSize 

Gets information about the given Node as a wide C string value.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]CmdCommand to identify the information to be retrieved.
[out]InfoWide C string to be filled with requested information; NULL for size inquiry (see InfoSize).
[in,out]InfoSizeGives the buffer size of Info or receives the minimal needed size if Info is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoEnum()

cvbres_t NInfoEnum ( NODE  Node,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbint64_t &  IntegerValue,
char *  StringValue,
size_t &  StringValueSize 

Gets the available entries for a GenApi::IEnumeration node.

The number of available enumeration entries can be inquired with the NL_EnumEntry command of the NInfoAsInteger function.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]IndexIndex of entry to access [0 ... NListCount (NL_EnumEntry) - 1].
[out]IntegerValueInteger representation of enumeration entry.
[out]StringValueC string to be filled with string representation of the enumeration entry; NULL for size inquiry (see StringValueSize).
[out]StringValueSizeGives the buffer size of StringValue or receives the needed size if StringValue is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInfoEnumW()

cvbres_t NInfoEnumW ( NODE  Node,
cvbdim_t  Index,
cvbint64_t &  IntegerValue,
wchar_t *  StringValue,
size_t &  StringValueSize 

Gets the available entries for a GenApi::IEnumeration node.

The number of available enumeration entries can be inquired with the NL_EnumEntry command of the NInfoAsInteger function.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]IndexIndex of entry to access [0 ... NListCount (NL_EnumEntry) - 1].
[out]IntegerValueInteger representation of enumeration entry.
[out]StringValueWide C string to be filled with string representation of the enumeration entry; NULL for size inquiry (see StringValueSize).
[out]StringValueSizeGives the buffer size of StringValue or receives the needed size if StringValue is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NInvalidate()

cvbres_t NInvalidate ( NODE  Node)

Invalidates the given Node.

Resets the changed status of the given Node. If the value is cached the next time this node is accessed the actual value from the device is read. All features which depend on this one are also updated.

[in]NodeCVB Node to be invalidated.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NList()

cvbres_t NList ( NODE  Node,
TNodeList  List,
cvbdim_t  Index,
char *  Entry,
size_t &  EntrySize 

Gets the node Entry name at the given Index.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ListType of list of the Node to be accessed.
[in]IndexIndex of entry to access.
[out]EntryName of node entry at the given Index.
[in,out]EntrySizeSize of Entry buffer; inquiry of min number of bytes if Entry is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NListCount()

cvbres_t NListCount ( NODE  Node,
TNodeList  List,
cvbdim_t &  NodeCount 

Gets the number of entries of the specified List of the given Node.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ListType of list of the NODE to be accessed.
[out]NodeCountNumber of entries in the List.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NListW()

cvbres_t NListW ( NODE  Node,
TNodeList  List,
cvbdim_t  Index,
wchar_t *  Entry,
size_t &  EntrySize 

Gets the node Entry name at the given Index.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ListType of list of the Node to be accessed.
[in]IndexIndex of entry to access.
[out]EntryName of node entry at the given Index.
[in,out]EntrySizeSize of Entry buffer; inquiry of min number of bytes if Entry is NULL.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NRegisterUpdate()

cvbres_t NRegisterUpdate ( NODE  Node,
TFNode  Callback,
void *  pPrivate,

Registers the node updated callback.

This callback is called when a node is invalidated (changed).

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]CallbackCallback function pointer of function being called.
[in]pPrivateUser data pointer to be given in Callback function.
[out]HandleHandle identifying the registered function. Needed to unregister the callback.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetAsBoolean()

cvbres_t NSetAsBoolean ( NODE  Node,
cvbbool_t  Value 

Sets the given Node value as a Boolean.

If the value of the node is not writable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ValueNew value of the node.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetAsFloat()

cvbres_t NSetAsFloat ( NODE  Node,
double  Value 

Sets the given Node value as a double.

If the value of the node is not writable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ValueNew value of the node.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetAsInteger()

cvbres_t NSetAsInteger ( NODE  Node,
cvbint64_t  Value 

Sets the given Node value as an int64.

If the value of the node is not writable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ValueNew value of the node.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetAsMemory()

cvbres_t NSetAsMemory ( NODE  PortNode,
cvbint64_t  Address,
const void *  pBuffer,
size_t  BufferSize 

Writes arbitrary data to a given Address.

This function only works on NT_Port nodes.
[in]PortNodeThe port node to write data to.
[in]AddressAddress to write to.
[in]pBufferBuffer to write data from.
[in]BufferSizeSize of the given pBuffer memory.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetAsString()

cvbres_t NSetAsString ( NODE  Node,
const char *  Value 

Sets the given Node value as a C string.

If the value of the node is not writable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ValueNew value of the node. This string must be 0 terminated.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetAsStringW()

cvbres_t NSetAsStringW ( NODE  Node,
const wchar_t *  Value 

Sets the given Node value as a wide C string.

If the value of the node is not writable in this type an error is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[in]ValueNew value of the node. This string must be 0 terminated.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NSetVerifyMode()

cvbres_t NSetVerifyMode ( NODE  Node,
TVerifyMode  Mode 

Sets a new TVerifyMode for this node.

The mode indicates whether value reads and/or writes are to be verified. If a value is out of range no value is set/returned and an appropriate error code is returned.

[in]NodeCVB Node to access.
[out]ModeNew mode.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.

◆ NType()

cvbres_t NType ( NODE  Node,
TNodeType Type 

Gets the node type (implemented GenApi interface).

Only value types are supported (GenApi::IValue).

[in]NodeCVB Node to retrieve information about.
[out]TypeGenApi node type of node.
CVC error code: Smaller than zero on error.